Amtrak Roomette VS Bedroom | Which Sleeper Car Should You Get?

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hey guys today we are comparing a roommate to a bedroom [Music] okay guys so we're going to start with an overview of what each of those sleeper car accommodations are um the room at is ideally for two people and um you've got an upper birth and a lower berth in that and uh that's pretty much it it's basically just a small room yeah it's about half the size of a bedroom and although the same number of people can sleep in it and the space is severely limited so uh if you're looking for something if you're okay with tight spaces the room that's going to be perfect if you're not you're going to be looking more towards the bedroom right yes um so a little quick overview of a bedroom is is like you said it's for two people but you're looking at a lot more room and it does have a few things that the room at does not have yeah you'll have some space to spread out and also a few minor uh differences that we'll get into here and the differences and it can make your trip more enjoyable if you want to spend a little bit extra money for that bedroom uh so some of the differences are the first big one is the bathroom situation yes so a room at in a super liner room at you do not have a bathroom in your room literally you just have your seats and you know you can turn those seats into the bed so there's no bathroom there is in each sleeper car uh that has the roommates you have a bath you have access to at least a couple bathrooms and um you'll also have access to a shower downstairs in in a super liner in a view liner if you're looking at the room that's in the view liners you have uh depending on if you get the viewliner one or the viewliner too if you get the viewliner one you'll have a toilet and a sink in your room in your room at with you if you have a view line or two you'll only have a sink in your room at but you'll have access to the bathrooms at the end of the hall similar to in a super liner but the bathrooms will be a little bit bigger right and i do want to mention that on the viewliner if you do get the the bathroom in your room it is not a bathroom it's just a toilet right and it is right out of the open right next to the bed so it's not really like a separate uh bathroom situation now on the bedrooms the great part about them is you do get a bathroom it is a bathroom toilet and shower combo and they are both in an enclosed separate space so right it is a private bathroom that's probably the biggest perk of having the bedroom is that you do not share a shower or a toilet with anyone else on the train and it is enclosed privacy right and the bedroom also does have its own sink and it's actually in the room itself it's not in with the shower and the toilet so shower toilet is all in one but the sink is outside in the room so that's nice to have that too yeah also the sink is much deeper and it's a regular sink so in the bedroom you're getting a regular sink regular faucet it's going to be easier than even in the the hallway bathrooms to to brush your teeth and stuff like that in a view liner if you get a viewing room at the sink is very small and it's kind of the fold down fold back up can only hold so much water at a time right so it's nice to have for our convenience but not as nice as the bedroom sink which is a full-blown you know with a drain and everything that's the difference with the sinks is in the room that's like you mentioned rather you have the viewliner room at one or two you'll have the sink in your room but it doesn't have a drain so as you mentioned you can only use a little bit of water at a time before it gets too full and you have to flip it up for it to drain um behind yeah the second second uh difference that you're going to have in these is the space and like i said right the the space is about double mm-hmm and uh in a bedroom versus a room and that doesn't sound like a ton but when you really consider the fact that in a round all the space is taken up basically by the beds there's nowhere to walk around you you're not standing up and walking you're not getting any steps in you're just uh sitting so if you like to kind of get up and stretch and walk around and don't want to go out in the hallway to do that a bedroom is going to be the way to go because you can actually walk around in a bedroom a little bit it's not huge but you can walk around and feel like you're actually moving about yes the train that is when the beds are not made when the battery gets much tighter when they're it does get tighter when the beds are down but it gets considerably tighter yeah hopefully you're not doing that too much at night another thing about the bedroom is you do have a couch for the daytime and the thing i like about this is that if one person wants to be sitting uh they can sit and the other person could just lay down take a nap on the couch you don't have to have the beds all made up for someone lay down and they don't have to go up to the top bunk now you could take a nap in a room at while the other person is sitting but the problem you're gonna have is the the lower bunk mattress is stored up top where the other person sleeps during the day so there's really no place to sort of store that other mattress now you could kind of put two mattresses down and make a bigger uh bigger mattress but you know that that's something that you'll definitely have to deal with uh as as that happens mm-hmm yes it can be a little bit uh it could be a little bit challenging to do that another thing is uh the storage is different uh on the uh the two train at the two rooms so give us a little rundown of what the different storage options are for yes so in a room at um for storage you'll have space underneath the um two seats down on the ground level you've got some storage down there you have very minimal i would put it in quote storage in the top bunk there's a little kind of mesh basket that goes about half of the length or a little less of the bed up there not a ton as i said i put that in air quotes as far as storage you would say right but pretty much your main storage is just going to be whatever you can fit underneath those two seats on the main level so not a lot of storage now in the bedroom you get a lot more storage right it's almost like having like having an entire couch to store stuff under because you can use the entire bed of the lower berth basically to store things under because it's all open down there so that's nice now in a view liner bedroom you also have storage up above as you do with the room as well there is some storage above there's luggage racks but in super liners you will not have that yeah the the worst storage situation is going to be the super liner room right but they do have good luggage racks yes down below on those correct cars for you so another thing that uh that people don't really take into account is which direction of travel you want to sleep in so if you're in a room at your head and and your feet are going to be facing the direction of travel so you'll be sleeping with the train as it goes if you're in a bedroom the room goes width wise so you're going to be sleeping uh perpendicular to the way the train is traveling so if if you were you know rolling when the train came to stop you'd be rolling backwards and forwards instead of uh you know with your head the other way so they the two types of rooms do you do face different directions as you're sleeping not a big deal for us but some people may not like to sleep a certain way so take that into account when you're when you're doing that yes that's true it does also i think the differences too as far as how you sleep on the train um also comes into account um with being able to switch sides as well so in a round it's you're not you don't really have an opportunity really to switch sides just the lower berth you could switch where you want to sleep for your head but if you're in the upper you can't really switch uh several reasons if you're in a super liner one of the main reasons why is there's no space you can't flip around you'd have to be really really i mean it'd have to be like a child to be able to flip around up there because there's so little clearance to the ceiling once you have the bed set up um and in order to get down your feet have to be by the stairs are only on one end so your feet have to be on that end right because you can't flip around so that you can take that into account as well in a bedroom you can put sleep on either side yeah you can put your head on whichever side you want yeah exactly so that's nice take that into account another thing you have to take into account is the bedrooms are all on the upper level and a super liner now in a view liner all the rooms are on one level so that won't matter but on a super liner the bedrooms are on the upper level which is a little bit better view and it's closer to the dining car observation car the roomettes can be on the upper level or the lower level so you may get put up or you may get put lower if you want to make sure you're in one call ahead and make sure you get the level that you want to be on although they can't always accommodate you if it's full so right only the bedroom guarantees you an upper level uh room absolutely now the biggest difference between them of course is the price pricing so we're going to give you the the base level pricing and then the prices go up from there we see roomettes uh routinely in the 500 range for an overnight trip and the bedrooms generally i like to think of them as being in the 900 to a thousand dollar range for overnight trips nearly double nearly double and the prices do go up as the the train gets more full so you're gonna see that happen too uh people will say i looked for a bedroom and it was seventeen hundred dollars that's because it's one of the last rooms left on that train then if you're getting one of the first rooms it's gonna be a lot cheaper because the price goes up as the train does fill yeah so uh you can also get them on the buy one get one free sale which can make it cheaper right but it's still going to always be that bedroom is always going to be considerably more expensive than the room at so you'll have to decide right if that is worth it for yes uh so final assessment here on the uh the which one you should be picking if you're not claustrophobic and you want to save a little bit of money then the room at is probably the way to go if you don't need that bathroom um if any of those things are true though if you just either don't care about the cost if this is like a once in a lifetime bucket list trip for you or you are claustrophobic and need to kind of have a little more space then definitely the bedroom would be the way to go right but they do all share a lot of the same amenities you'll all get your meals you all are in the same exact car it's just different parts of the car so yeah it's a good choice for both and i think you can't really go wrong either way and honestly we've we've done both numerous times um so we really go back and forth and honestly for us it comes down to whatever the cost is if we can get a good deal then we try to get a bedroom if not a roommate is totally fine too it's just nice that you're in the sleeper car because you get uh you know so many more amenities all of your meals included and your beverages so that's always nice just to be in the sleepy sleeper car it's really just a matter of pricing exactly yeah so i hope this has been helpful for you to decide if you want to do a roommate or a bedroom if it was leave us a comment if you have any questions do the same give us a like on the video and we will see you on the next video
Channel: Grounded Life Travel
Views: 84,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak roomette vs bedroom, amtrak, amtrak roomette, amtrak bedroom, superliner, viewliner, superliner i, superliner ii, viewliner i, viewliner ii, amtrak sleeper car, amtrak sleeper, amtrak trains, amtrak room, amtrak sleeper car tour, train travel, superliner roomette, amtrak bedroom suite, amtrak train, amtrak superliner roomette, amtrak viewliner roomette, amtrak viewliner bedroom, viewliner roomette, viewliner bedrooom, superliner bedroom
Id: hQNJhnAfylQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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