AmpliFi HD Unboxing and Setup

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welcome to crosstalk Solutions my name is Chris and today is October 7th 2016 and today is my 40th birthday and I'm out here in the rain in the middle of my backyard forest and just in time for my 40th birthday I received my amplifi HD so today we're going to go ahead and test this thing out we're going to check the Wi-Fi speeds we're going to see how it compares to my existing solution and we're going to have a little bit of fun along the way since it's my birthday I'm kind of taking the day off basically just to set this up and make some home improvements and I'm really looking forward to it all right so without further ado let's get to the unboxing ok so here we go this is the amplifi HD and actually make amplify in three different models and by the way I apologize in advance if there's any background noise I'm having my deck replaced right now and they are hammering on the wall that's just next to me here so there may be a little bit of interruption of course I'll try to cut out as much of that as I can but noise is noise and they got to do their job so there's three different amplify models there's the standard amplify which has a range of 10,000 square feet speed of two point three five gigabits per second and it's got four radios inside of it then you've got the amplify LR which is basically the same except it has a 20,000 square foot range I guess it's just a stronger antenna or something in there I mean all the other specs are the same and then finally we've got this version which is the amplifi HD and the amplifi HD is also for 20,000 square feet but it has a throughput of 5.2 five gigabits per second and it has six radios inside or six radios total I should say okay so let's pop it open and see what's inside here very nice packaging you can tell that amplify or ubiquity Labs is really sort of targeting the higher-end home market like the Apple look at that beautiful ooh you ABB's gold very beautiful okay so here we have almost like a briefcase type of thing let's see how this opens is it slide is it slide out of here ah oh I found it alright here we go the big reveal there we go alright so there is the amplifi HD let's take a look at what we have inside here here is the main unit the main antenna and on this device we've got the front LED screen this is for the main display of your throughput and all the statistics and whatnot on the back we've got a wham port for switch ports which is great except that does cause me a problem which I'll talk about in a second and then we've got power and one USB plug now let's see if it says what the USB is for it ubiquity always put USB stuff into there they always put USB ports into their devices and then they're not actually used so yeah look the documentation doesn't even mention the USB port it points to every other port so my guess is that it's not used if I find out that the USB port is used for something I will let you know throughout the course of this video sometime okay then we have our satellite mesh access points and these are meant to go into different rooms and they connect up to the main unit and form a mesh wireless network so when I was first investigating this device I said that these were repeaters these are actually not repeaters they are a mesh wireless network and there's a big difference they're basically being that repeaters are dumb and a mesh wireless network allows the main unit to control devices as they move from satellite to the main unit to another satellite to this satellite to the main unit to the satellite so it controls that communication for devices and make sure that they're always on the strongest signal and it keeps track of your devices as you're for instance walking around the house with your iPhone so that's the difference there now this plugs into the wall and gets its power and then this antenna is on a magnetic base it comes right off so it's got this little magnetic ball thing here signal strength indicator and you plug this into the wall and then you stick the magnet on there and the the notion is that when this is plugged in you could sort of move it around in a bunch of different directions and you know pick up the strongest Wi-Fi signal it's also made for like if it's in the wall and you run past it you can just knock it off it's not going to damage the whole unit pull it out of the wall or anything like that it's made to be disconnected so let's take that aside of course you've got two of those that you can put a different sides of your house and what else do we have here we've got a little box this is nice oh I need my opener okay so inside here is just an ethernet cable is there something special about this Ethernet cable Ethernet cable and the Quick Start Guide that's weird why would they put a whole separate box for the Ethernet cable very strange all right besides that we have the power cable so this is the power cable for the main access point right here and other than that doesn't look like there's anything else in this box nice big thick brick of foam that you can throw at someone that's pretty nice all right I'm going to pack all this back up and I do have a slight problem with the way that my house is currently configured so this is going to take a little bit more work on my part to get properly implemented but as they say if it's worth doing it's worth doing right so let's make sure that we do this right on our installation and then we're also going to do a little bit of testing of my current environment before we install this thing so that when I test afterwards we'll have something to compare against okay let's get started okay so here's the problem that I'm going to have so as you can see here I've got my UAP ac-lite and this is Kurt the only Wi-Fi that I have in the entire house now this has been sitting here this is in my entryway and the reason that I put this here is that this is very central to the house so it can reach upstairs Downstairs all throughout my mid-level I've got a split-level home so as you can see I took the time a long time ago or a while back to wire that in to the wall so I've got a fo net Jack that I ran from my office downstairs up to this area so that I could hardwire an access point and if you guys recall my frisbee disc video with the access point this is where the old LR access point fell off the wall so it was actually all the way up here let's make it focusing on that so it was all the way up here and I have since painted this wall so after I painted I knew that I didn't want to put an access point back up on the wall because I knew I was getting this amplifi HD pretty soon so it came from here and then it fell down her plots onto this hardwood floor multiple times and that's why that's why it didn't work anymore actually it kind of still works but just not very well so okay so the problem that I have though is that this is not a great location for the amplifi HD so it's a good central location for the house but now that I'm going to have the mesh Wireless extenders as part of the package I actually want to bring it over to here so here's my entertainment center you can see the shelf that is that is usually actually right up here so I'd like it to go on that shelf and again I've been painting so that's why the shelves off the wall right now but this weekend I'm going to be putting it all back together so before I put it back together I want to get the amplifi HD right underneath this television here and the reason that I want it right here is because unlike the you APA CLR or the UAP ac-lite that I've got over here this amplifi HD has that four port switch on the back so I want to run it here so that I can use the switch to power up my devices right so my my TiVo can be hardwired smart television can be hardwired this isn't a smart television but you know eventually I'll probably get another television and then it can be hard wired directly into the network as opposed to having to go through Wi-Fi so for Netflix and Hulu streaming things of that nature it's going to be much much better to have my amplifi HD here than it will be to leave it over here now the thing is though this wire I don't want to move because there's no reason to moving it I may use that spot for something at some point who knows right so what I need to do is run a brand new wire over to this television and I will show you what that looks like outside but in addition to that there's actually one more problem so let's go outside and I'll show you what I'm talking about okay so it's raining out here so I want to be kind of quick but here's my problem so here is my existing you can see right here here's my existing cat5 that's the one that goes over to my entryway so it comes up under here underneath my back deck and runs all the way up there so it goes down here up the wall and then right into the wall right there where I want to run a cable it's right over here so no big deal I could probably move that one I think there's enough slack to do it but I said I don't want to do I want to do this right and I'm just going to rat since out someone's already there and it's already complete I'm just going to leave it I'm going to run a second cable over however there's another problem so right here where this comes out this is my office so you guys can see there's the the shot that you're used to used to sing right high so that's what you're used to seeing that's where I sit there's the back of my monitors all that sort of good stuff now my office is in disarray because I am actually planning on moving from my office here to this room over here I've got another room behind me and this is where I do a lot of my test setups I do a lot of stuff basically this is just a bedroom that we use and it's much bigger than my current office and my office there's my dog George my office is just getting cramped right so I want to move everything into here now to do that I'm gonna have to move my internet connection I'm gonna have to move a whole bunch of stuff so instead of running the wire from there over to where I need it I'm actually going to run it from the new office location so kind of where this coax cable comes out I'm going to run it from here and then all the way over around the house and then up to that part portion of the deck where it's supposed to be that being the case though I also have to run a second cable from my current office location around over to here because I need to extend my internet over right so as long as I'm going to be rewiring I might as well do it all at once and so it's going to be a little bit of a bigger job than than I'd like but who knows like said it should maybe it won't be too bad the only problem is that it's actually raining right now up you can see the newts are out look at this guy these newts are one of the most poisonous creatures in Oregon only if you eat them though so if you ever see a I forget what they're called think it's called a rough skin it's a rough skin Newt if you ever see a rough skin Newt in Oregon don't eat it all right let's get started with the wiring it okay so we're just about to get started setting up the amplifi for the first time but before we do that I wanted to get some baseline speed tests and some you know just different tests with different devices that we can use to have a baseline and then see if anything improves or changes once we switch over to the amplifies so my first test is basically a wired to Wi-Fi test where I've got my main computer this one that I'm showing the desktop on right now running iperf 3 in server mode and then I've got a computer upstairs that runs a it's just a computer I built for my kids it's got a one of those tiny little Netgear 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi adapters and it's actually the only reason I'm using that is because I don't have a hard wired connection up there it's like upstairs in a loft area and it was the only thing I had around at the time and and after seeing the results of this speed test I think I'm gonna need to replace that thing I'm very doubtful that the amplify is going to be able to increase the speeds of this connection that was 2.6 2 megabits per second up to that computer I was kind of wondered why it seemed a little sluggish and now I know why I just put that computer in about two weeks ago and I really didn't put a lot of time into testing it or anything like that so wired to Wi-Fi iperf test number one my computer to a computer I've got upstairs in my loft this computer is probably about maybe about 60 feet away from the UAP AC light I think the problem though is this Netgear USB dongle thing just is probably just a piece of junk the way that I ran these tests is I basically took three I'd ran the test three times in a row and I took the average of the three tests so that's what you're seeing here okay let's move on to the next test and this was the iperf test number two now this is from my laptop computer which is a Dell XPS 15 running iperf and client mode over to this computer running iperf in server mode and what I receive here I took in two different locations I took it down to my basement which is actually the next room back here where I did the unboxing and where I'm moving my whole office and from that location I got 24 point 2 megabits per second now that location is one of the locations where I'm going to be putting one of the satellite mesh wireless access points from amplify so I'm hoping that it will increase this speed you know pretty significantly I also did took a test from my upstairs bedroom I have a split-level home where I've got a main level that's like kitchen living room and then a couple of bedrooms and then upstairs I've got the loft and my master bedroom and downstairs I have this room which is actually a bedroom and then the basement next door which is what I'm going to turn into my office so split-level home I've got the UAP AC light basically dead center in my split-level home so downstairs in the basement I get 24 point 2 megabits per second upstairs in the bedroom from the laptop to the computer I get 41 megabits per second and let's look at test number three so test number three is an iphone connecting out to and just running a speed test and i don't think i'm going to see any improvement here my internet connection is Charter Cable it's a sixty by six cable connection and from my basement I was getting sixty three point seven three megabits down five point seven six megabits up which is basically max for my internet connection from the upstairs and this is on the five gigahertz wireless by the way on the upstairs bedroom location I got sixty four point four seven megabits and five point five seven up again pretty much maxed out however I did one more test where I walked all the way out to my garage and the garage isn't too far away from the access point but there's a lot of walls and doors and things in between the access point in the garage and from the garage location I got 16 megabits down and 5 megabits up so there we have it those are the three different tests that I'm going to be running and now without further ado it's time to go install amplify and then we are going to set it up with the iPhone app and and go from there all right let's get to it ok so here we go I've got the amplify out of the box and we are ready to rock and roll here's the power plugging it in now actually I guess I got to take the plastic off first and go I will be on the bottom amplify okay so it's powered on let me plug in a network cable as well tap for another option amplify so this is a touchscreen download on the app store download on Google Play or tap for another option I've already downloaded the application in this case I'm just going to plug the cable into the land port if you were using this as a router you want to start off in the wind port but I am not using it as a router so I'm going to start off in the land port to get that straightened up there we go and I'll spring up the application so here we go you can see on my iPhone I've got the application up and running we're just going to say continue congratulations on your amplify purchase set up amplify power off modem you have brainĂ­s and once we'll see what the next step is connect ethernet cable alright we've got our ethernet cable again this is telling you how to do it if you're utilizing it as a router which I am NOT so let's switch over connect power to your amplify okay power on power on the Internet service provider modem and amplify alright continue continue in order to set up a new device you need to enable bluetooth alright let's enable bluetooth ok bluetooth is on there we go amplify router HD setup required alright let's click that connecting mmm look at that configuring name your wireless network we'll just call this Sherwood and amplify create your wireless password I better do that off screen okay setting up loading checking Internet connectivity no internet access please connect the ethernet cable to the way in port alright so even though I'm just using this as a Lam device it still needs it connected to the LAN port let's go ahead and do that unplugging here plugging in here loading checking internet connectivity setup complete your new Wi-Fi access point is up and running open Wi-Fi settings and connect to Sherwood amplify alright let's do that now alright click I clicked connect it says unload a label locate device let's connect to to try it again well you know what I probably have to connect it in my Wi-Fi settings first let me flip over to that okay so there it is it does show up I'm going to put in the password there we go so we can see total Kb already showing up let's go back over to amplify everything is great I put that there everything is great alright so it shows my Sherwood amplify and then it shows my two satellite mesh access points as offline one client let's see what else we see here performance start test test is completed alright so download it's showing fifty eight point eight megabits per second upload is five point five which is interesting because that's actually a little bit less than I was getting on average when testing with this phone using the AC Lite all right so let's check out in fact you know what before I go any further I'm going to turn off the AC light and then we're going to run this test again I just want to make sure there's no interference of my exist access point yeah look at that that's interesting it actually did go up a little bit higher this is sixty six point three you can't really see that but it got sixty six point three this time sixty two point one was the average five point seven on the upload for this time does it show history of test it does look at that so here's the old one it jumped up about four megabits and about point two megabits on the upload okay guest sure what amplified guest is inactive zero guests connected max guest count five for two hours and start oh look at that so now I can have guests connected up to five guests for the next two hours or you can say indefinitely guests mode is activated without time limit let's share okay so share just shares it over social media okay settings SSID name should amplify password data tile here's the guest so SSID name sure would amplify guest security none and it's not a hidden SSID band steering is turned on by default that's interesting router steering separate WF separate Wi-Fi SSID that's interesting what's that huh I'm gonna have to look up with that setting does let's look at advanced so channels here we can set our channels and our channel bandwidth so five gigahertz as an 80 megahertz bandwidth 2.4 gigahertz has a 20 megahertz bandwidth and I'm just going to leave the channels to auto I think that's perfectly fine for a for a home environment ok let's go back to the front what else do we have let me turn this off of indefinitely alright so sure what amplify guess is inactive right let's look at controls one client connected pause internet on all devices that's interesting look at that Wow pause internet on all devices unbelievable let's turn that back on huh that's pretty cool let's look at our overview okay so everything is great diagnosed when link IP address gateway address DNS address internet connection yes mesh points online zero of two okay so let's go back to our overview the next thing we're going to do is plug in our two mesh points so I'm going to go do that and then we will come back to the main unit here okay so I plugged in both of the mesh access points and they are in different locations one upstairs in the bedroom one downstairs in the basement and neither of them has come online so believe it or not even though I only have a twenty nine hundred square foot house and this thing is supposed to cover twenty thousand square feet I've got one ten there are a little bit over one tenth of the size that this thing is supposed to cover it is not detecting those mesh access points now perhaps it's the placement of this device I read in the QuickStart guide I mean they're supposed to just connect up automatically but I did read in the QuickStart guide that it says if the mesh access points are not connecting try moving them closer to the main access point which you know seems a little odd considering previously I had you know full bars pretty much all through the house so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to give this one reboot just to see if that makes any difference and if it doesn't connect up those mesh access points after a reboot I'm going to relocate it to where it's actually going to sit which is up off of this and a little bit a little bit closer not that much closer but a little bit closer to those other mesh access points and if that doesn't work I'm gonna have to try a third location and see if it works in that third location but so far not that impressed with the fact that the mesh access points didn't connect right off the bat I let them sit for probably about five minutes and nothing okay so I rebooted the amplifi HD and still those satellite mesh access points did not connect so I relocated it to underneath the television the area that I said it was going to live which is right there which is not far I had it set up right there and now I've got it set up right here so after I put it here the access point I still didn't connect now you'll notice that I have one connected now oops if you look at the screen we can see right here whoops connect there we go we can see one is connected right here and that's because I took it out of the bedroom area and I plugged it in right there okay so when I plugged it in right there what do you know it connects and it's got full signal strength so one thing I did notice is that there is if you look up here and update available so when you click on that it recommends that all of the devices be online both the mesh access points and the main unit in order to run the firmware update so I'm going to get the second mesh access point connected right next to them next to this one I'm going to run the firmware update and we're going to see if that makes any difference whatsoever as far as where this stuff is actually connecting or not so let's go do that next okay so here we go we can see that I've got both of these connected see if I can zoom in on that a little bit so both of these are connected and now I'm going to go ahead and run the updates click and it says it's got updates from version 1.2 - to version 1.3 oh so we're going to update all yes okay looks like it's finished updating let me turn the iPhone app back on here we go connecting some issues detected diagnosed Oh everything is great so whatever that was okay so we've got both of our access points connected we should be on the latest firmware available all right let me let me just go try to plug those separate mesh access points in and see if they connect now that we are on the latest firmware okay so as you can see that did not work both of these mesh satellite mesh access points are still offline and I want to show you guys something I'm not crazy I'm not I don't have a humongous house I'm not trying to put these super far away from this amplify device let me actually show you where I'm putting them so here is the main base unit and then we're going to walk over I'm going to count the steps okay so 30 steps away from the base unit is where I have this yes it's downstairs but the construction of my house is basically just regular wood and drywall there's no like steel frame construction or anything weird going on this is literally right downstairs from where the device is the main devices now I put this device here hoping that it would connect and it didn't originally I was trying it here which is about 40 steps away from the base unit so it didn't work at 40 steps away but oddly enough if I stand in this area and I run a speed test with my iPhone connected to the amplifi main unit only I get 20 megabits down here right so with the device with the main device where it's sitting my iPhone has no problem getting 20 megabits to the Internet but the satellite mesh access point does not connect at all and it doesn't even connect over here again 30 steps away from the base unit similar story upstairs I've got this plugged into my bedroom upstairs same thing just not connecting not connecting at all if I plug these into the same room as the main amplifier access point they connect just fine so go figure I mean I'm kind of at a loss I'm pretty disappointed about that certainly I could keep the main base amplify unit just running upstairs and that would work because it seems to cover the house but it's a lot slower than the UAP AC light I used to have so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to move the amplify base unit over to where I have my u AP AC light and see if that makes any difference as far as these satellite mesh access points connecting alright that's the next step okay so I moved it here where my u AP AC light used to sit it was letter sitting right there and now both of the mesh access points are connecting even the basement one which I moved back to the further location against the outside wall so everything's connecting fine now so I guess it's time to run speed test but I'm actually pretty disappointed about that because this is three hundred and fifty something dollar device and you know this USB AC light is 89 bucks and you know it's this isn't providing any benefit right now the reason that I wanted to use this over in the other location was so that I could take advantage of the switch ports for my devices right plug in cable plug in cable the network's plugged in anyway so let me show you the difference as far as where this thing's actually located right so I moved it here I had it three four look right here okay so it was here literally ten steps away I had it there I moved it one two three four six seven eight nine ten steps away to right here and now everything connects just fine so go figure I'm going to go run the speed test so that I can just get an idea of any sort of speed increase with the mesh access points the satellite access points but honestly like right now I'm not gonna use this device I'm going to rip it out and I'm going to put my AP AC light back in place because that thing worked fine all throughout the house with decent speeds without costing $349 and then I'll just buy like a cheapie you know $30 switch for over by where my components are I guess the good thing is that I this project gave me the excuse to run the cables that I needed to run but yeah I'm not happy not happy with this device okay so before I get to the final test results I did find where the extra settings are in here and they're not that obvious honestly so if you get to this main page you've got all these options down here at the bottom but if you're on this main page here you just have to tap the actual unify itself and now you get all of the actual settings so here you can see general and under general we've got the device name timezone volume of the device you can locate it which I'm shin just you know makes it blink or something change the password reboot and factory reset go back here we've got internet settings Network type DHCP here's the IP address that it gets externally FYI internally by default this gives a an IP address in the 192 168 1 o 5.0 / 24 Network so that's sort of the default network settings so you universal plug and play enabled clone MAC address so I guess you can type in a MAC address yes you can clone a MAC address here I'm sure that's needed for some you know ISP settings and stuff and then there's also a bridge mode so I turn on bridge mode and nothing I guess that just passes through to a to another router behind it okay let's go back here we'll discard our changes there's some additional settings down here le LED and LCD brightness so LED being the light on the bottom of the unit and LCD being the circular port on the front of the unit night mode so night mode basically means that between this time and this time we turn off the the LED and the LCD then we've got our DHCP server here's our range when I to 168 105 and it goes from 100 to 1250 and then by default the least time is 12 hours you can add some static leases here if you want port forwarding settings so if I do port forwarding add we get name IP address - forward - source port destination port and then protocol pretty standard stuff so that's about it if you click on the wireless the satellite access points you also get some information signal quality mesh point band and then the device name you can turn the LED on and off which is actually kind of nice because if you've got it in your room or your bedroom you might not want the LED to be on and of course you can do locate reboot and there's also support info so that you can do for each of these satellite devices ok so let's get to the test results and let's get to the final verdict on the amplifi HD but before I do that a couple of caveats um you know you saw me have some trouble with the mesh access points and you know the range that ubiquity claims is seemed a lot smaller than what it actually is so you know I don't expect that you're going to get 10,000 or 20,000 square feet worth of coverage unless you're in basically a wide open area I mean the situation would have to be perfect to hit that number you know implementing Wi-Fi is more of an art than a science you saw when I was configuring it that all of the difference in the world was literally taking the access point and moving it around one corner about you know 10 steps away from where it was and that made all the difference everything started working you know miraculously as soon as I just moved it a little bit so yeah it's more of an art than a science and as far as my testing methods for the bandwidth and you know the test results that you're about to see of course my methods aren't that scientific right I'm just doing I'm doing a you know iperf between computers there's a lot of variables and a lot of difference all I'm doing is taking one point here and one point here and I'm comparing the two okay so I mean I can already hear the comments oh you should have toast what if this were Chris you should have done it goes right Brian yeah okay yes I know I should have done it a million different ways but you know this video has already taken me quite a long time to produce so the test results are what they are and here are the test results okay so when we went to the wired to Wi-Fi iperf test where I've got my upstairs computer in the loft connecting to this computer right here my main computer I saw a pretty significant bump now keep in mind that remember that upstairs computer had that little tiny Netgear USB dongle I actually made a mistake in the previous slide I said it was like two point something megabits it was actually six point four megabits I don't know where I you know fat-fingered that one in the first slide so it was six point four megabits in my initial testing with amplifi HD that jumped up to an average of 20 point one three megabits and again I ran three tests and I took the average of the three test so 300 15% faster on the 2.4 gigahertz Network okay so let's move on to test number two and this was the test where I had my laptop in a couple different locations connected on the 2.4 gigahertz wireless over to this main PC here and so from my basement I saw 337 percent increase in speeds and from my bedroom I saw a two hundred and seventy five percent increase in speeds now the basement in the bedroom are the two locations where I had the satellite mesh access point so that actually doesn't surprise me that much I was right next to those mesh satellite mesh access points when I took the second speed test so I'm assuming that's why it was a lot faster the connection between the mesh you know connecting directly the mesh access point and then over to the main amplify antenna seem to have done wonders for the speed that's actually really great okay here's where things get a little bit interesting though let's take a look at test number three and this was my iphone connecting out on five gigahertz from the basement from the upstairs bedroom and then also from the garage just doing a speed test so now if you remember from previously the basement and upstairs bedroom I got basically maximum speed I got maximum speed of my internet when I did the speed test net now when I did it with amplifi HD I did not get maximum speed so from my basement I got 40 102 megabits which was 49% slower from my basement that's where the mesh access point is a satellite mesh access point from my bedroom I got it about 37% slower and let's see do I have those numbers backwards I have those numbers backwards sorry this one is 37% slower and the upstairs bedroom was 49% slower okay so again not spectacular results but from the garage it was a hundred and fifty four percent faster so it went from 16 megabits up to 25 megabits so you know go figure and again this is what I'm talking about when I say that Wireless is more of an art than a science you know this is uh if you guys have an explanation for you know what what's your theory behind why this was slower when I'm connecting to the speed test net on the five gigahertz from my iPhone I really couldn't tell you I don't know you know I ran three tests this was the average and the tests were actually they varied pretty greatly so for instance the basement test the the average was forty 1.02 but it was fifty three point seven five twenty eight point four seven and forty point eight five so you see it kind of bounced all over the place and that one low one the twenty eight megabit test actually brought down the average quite significantly so it just seemed to be not quite as solid a stable connection as I have with the u AP AC light okay so let's talk about real quickly the pros and cons of this device and then I'm going to give you my recommendation on the amplify so the pros of this device number one it's great for a home Wi-Fi deployment right very very easy to install no muss no fuss you plug it in it kind of just does everything for you and you've got an amazing you know Wi-Fi network in your home especially if you know you know for someone who knows little to nothing about networking this is a great solution right because it's going to be heads and tails better than any you know piece of crap Best Buy Soho Netgear slash Linksys type router that you're going to get you know from the store and the price point is okay I have no problem actually with the price point of this device I think if you go to Best Buy and you look for a router the price of routers are going to vary between you know one hundred to three hundred dollars they're going to be in that range or higher right so I think it's in that same range and that's fine and what you get for the money in that same range yet I feel like you get a lot more with the amplifi HD it also looks great the looks are amazing and it has a decent feature set for a home user there's if I were just a home user now I didn't know anything about Wi-Fi and VLANs and you know all the stuff that I know about networking lies this would have the features that I need rights got port forwarding I can have a guest network if I want it right I don't need much more than that I just as a home user I just want Wi-Fi to work and I want it to work consistently and reliably the cons of this device it's definitely not going to cover 10,000 square feet okay or 20,000 square feet in case of the HD unless you were in a literally a perfect environment if you had a 20,000 square foot warehouse and you had the amplifi right in the center and you know your mesh access point I don't know it would maybe be in a perfect environment cover that large space but it's going to be very rare that draining it even a fraction of that and deployment success is going to depend greatly on the individual situation like said in my case where I had it originally didn't work right so I had to move the access point and put it somewhere else where it did work now unfortunately in my case I don't want it to be right there right I don't want the device sitting where my old the access point was because I wanted to be able to utilize the switch ports that was the point of buying the thing in the first place so for me it doesn't really work it's not you know I like it but it's not going to really work in my case I'm going to switch back to unify other cons about this device there's no option for running it as Wi-Fi only if you already have a firewall in place at least it didn't seem like there was I guess you could use the bridge mode and then just use it for Wi-Fi but then bridge into your firewall but then of course if you have devices on Wi-Fi now you have you can't get into your LAN right so if I wanted like print from my iPhone I couldn't do it um and I think they should have better guest network options so for instance I'd like to see them be able to separate the guest network onto its own VLAN as part of the base configuration I think that would be great bottom line though is you know would I recommend this product and the answer to that question is yes absolutely I would recommend this product in the correct sir you know in the appropriate situation and the appropriate situation would be a home user that does a lot of streaming you know you like like I think about like my parents right my my dad has three or you know three TVs scattered throughout the house he doesn't really have cable he's got Netflix and Hulu and you know that he's a cord cutter right so he's got all that sort of stuff so they've got a lot of streaming services they've got tablets they've got phones all sorts of devices and this would be great for for his environment because you can get it set up you don't have to know anything about networking you plug it in you click Next Next Next a few times on the wizard and you're up and running and then you just plug in your mesh access points and hopefully they connect first try you might have to move things around a little bit but it's not too much of a hassle right so in that situation for a home user I think it's a great product I really do for me personally I'm a tech guy right I know about network and I know about Wi-Fi know about VLANs I know about all this other stuff and I like to utilize that other stuff so for me it's not a good fit but again for a home user I think it's a good good product okay so that basically wraps it up for the amplifi HD unboxing and setup video I put a lot of effort into this one so I really really hope you guys enjoyed it if you did enjoy this video please give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this make sure you hit that subscribe button down below I put out videos on you know Wi-Fi networking phone systems all that sort of good stuff on a very regular basis and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it for you so thanks so much for watching my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions and we'll see you next time okay then we have our mesh access points okay then we have our mesh access points or the sort of ear look and things and these okay
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 102,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amplifi, amplifi lr, amplifi hd, ubiquiti, ubiquiti amplifi, ubnt, amplifi wireless, ubiquiti wireless, u labs, ubiquiti labs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2016
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