The Disturbing Thing Ghosts Could Be

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Hey there! Welcome to Life Noggin! Spooky Edition! Psst, down here! We have to be really quiet. I think he’s right outside. Oh no! Uh...I’ll explain more soon! Phew! I think we’re all clear... at least for now. Okay, you're probably all wondering what’s going on. Well, in honor of the spookiest time of the year, the gang and I thought that we’d visit one of the scariest places in the Life Noggin universe: the Haunted House of Harold the Hacker! He created this corrupted section of my world way before i was made, and my animator can’t seem to get rid of it. Legend says his pixelated ghost still roams this house. Scary glitch monsters are one thing, but a ghost? Naturally, we have to investigate. I also thought this would also be a great time to see if ghosts are real out there in /your/ world. Never a bad time to learn! Right, guys? Guys? Right? First off, let’s see how many people out there believe in ghosts. According to the 2017 Chapman University Survey of American Fears, the majority of Americans have some sort of belief in the paranormal. 52.3% of the people that were surveyed reported that they agreed or strongly agreed with the belief that places could be haunted by spirits. In fact, only 25.3% of the people surveyed shared none of the seven paranormal beliefs listed, which include believing in bigfoot and telekinesis, to name a few. It certainly looks like a good amount of people believe in ghosts and other spooky stuff, but is there any tangible proof that they’re real? Unfortunately, not really. There’s certainly a bunch of stories and tales of weird things happening — like items going missing, doors seeming to close on their own, or people feeling a cold presence — but it’s nothing that we’ve been able to prove scientifically as being paranormal or “ghostly”. C’mon, Harold. Not again! So if we don’t have any proof that ghosts are real, why do so many people believe in ghosts and claim to have had paranormal experiences? Alice Gregory, Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, believes that these ideas and perceived experiences might actually have something to do with the way that people sleep. Take sleep paralysis, for instance. People that experience sleep paralysis might have dream-like hallucinations while they’re awake and paralyzed, or struggling to move. Basically, certain aspects of your dreams can make their way into your conscious life, which could account for many of the paranormal experiences that we hear about. Researchers are also looking to other sleep-time phenomenons for possible ghostly explanations, such as exploding head syndrome. I mean, hey, if I heard a loud bang while I was trying to go to sleep, I’d probably blame it on the paranormal too. Oh come on Harold, it’s been a long day! Okay, bad idea. Shouldn’t have yelled at the ghost. Everybody run! And beyond everything else, scientists are continuously finding more and more evidence that point to what might be the actual scientific reasoning behind a bunch of your paranormal experiences. For instance, preliminary research indicates that exposure to certain types of mold might have some pretty scary side effects that you’d normally attribute to the paranormal. This could include pain syndromes, delirium, dementia, and even balance and coordination disorders. Oh no! Well, I guess this is it. Circlea, I’ve … I’ve always...Lov- Phew! I guess it was all just a dream. No more late-night scary stories for me. So do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one? Let us know what you think down below, or share any paranormal stories that you might have for us! Enjoyed this video? Check out our brand new channel Friends With Answers, where we covered our scariest nightmares. Things get pretty weird. I squint my eyes in the dream, and then i'll pop them open and then i'll be awake! It happened because of this one specific nightmare. as always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 1,329,193
Rating: 4.9049268 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, life noggin youtube, youtube life noggin, life noggin channel, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, blocko, blocko life noggin, seeing ghosts, caught on camera, ufo, real ghosts, ghost hunting, ghost storie, What are ghosts, spooky, scary, ghost stories, ghost
Id: uuNbfEF-UEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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