Among Us Logic Full Series(Episode 1-10)

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listen stoner you gotta believe me here vote off the gentleman right now i've been telling you and everybody else in this horrible game meeting after meeting but no one believes me he's never done a single task he's been caught next to the scene of the crime and he's wearing two top hats only an insane person would do that vote him off now and we can win the game whoa really seems like you're grasping at straws there compadre you got like any further evidence or whatever okay okay okay let me just start from the beginning [Music] huh so this is the humongous game everybody's talking about yes yes indeed good sir oh hello there allow me to introduce myself my name is the gentleman this here is my associate mr cheese my name mr cheese speak what you spoken to mr cheese [Music] my apologies it appears mr cheese has yet to learn his manners owie uh okay and it looks like your name is player how charmingly quaid well actually my name is mr player everyone goes by their usernames in here oh okay got it let me introduce you to the rest of the ensemble that right there is sheriff he is a bit of a loose cannon very accusatory then there's his counterpart angel a perfect role model for any crewmate next we got stoner he's a rather peculiar individual followed up by rose and bday they're the resident couple of our fancy little dinner party that white clad chap over there goes by the title captain several see him as an authority figure of sorts though his leadership skills are questionable and finally there is ninja he's the most ruthless assassin i have ever met a true natural-born killer may god have mercy on ourselves if he has chosen to be the imposter [Music] [Music] did ninja just get kicked darn tootin servers must be acting up again all those in favor of starting without him say i i [Music] [Applause] hm cool map everyone scatter come along mr cheese hey do you mind if i tag along it might be safer if we all stick together good idea whoa what's going on [Music] owie oh my god you killed him poppycock i did no such thing yes you did you sliced mr cheese in half oh my dear boy you must be confused a gentle old bean such as myself would never perform such a ludicrous display of violence yeah well try telling that to the others oh my god mr cheese is dead geez you must be so broken up the gentleman i know you two were close indeed we were bday it's been a troubling 12 seconds since i found out he was dead but there is no time for grieving when we have two impostors on the loose well i'm going to skip this vote because i didn't see anything i guess that seems fair here's what i would say if i didn't follow my gut at all times no evidence needed here baby let's vote someone out well i reckon it's angel no actually it's me but i'm never an impostor i was just doing my crewmate tasks yeah she was rose and i saw in the reactor isn't that right babe sure is you know the fact that you accused angel at all makes me think it was you sheriff yeah bro sheriff's always like killing and stuff i think probably guys it's not sheriff it's well that's all the information i need to cast my vote all those in favor of flinging sheriff into the cold infinite abyss of space say aye no listen to me it's the gentle i then the vote passes i'm sorry sheriff but it looks like these boots ain't big enough for the two of us wait no please dang looks like we really screwed the booch on that one if only someone here had more evidence we might have been able to save an innocent life i've been trying to tell you this whole time that it's everyone's scatter huh all alone guess i better do some tasks all right let's clean the so2 filter well that was simple enough the gentleman sends his regards what the wow we're dropping like flies people we really need someone to step up to the plate and give us a lead i know who the imposters are stoner you got anything dude like it's gotta be one of us right you're darn right it's one of us stoner good observation say why do they call you stoner anyways i'm a geology major you feel me i sure do stoner rocks are dope will you guys just listen to me i know who both the killers are one is angel and the other is hey like captain bro i just had this totally righteous thought that maybe it's angel i just said that it is me guys i swear quiet space witch you care to expand on that theory stoner well like sheriff said angel was it last time say no more i already cast my vote it seems we have reached a consensus what traitor did you guys hear that it's clear the other imposter is my god you did it you gorgeous green goofball looks like there's only one imposter left looks like the reactor's down bro major buzzkill follow me everyone okay now two of us need to place our hands on the scanner at the same time someone go to the left side watch that ready captain i'm ready as well good sir initiate reactor meltdown containment protocol oh my the horror whoa he's like all dead and murdery dude and that's the whole story so it should be pretty obvious by now that it's the gentleman vote them out now and we win my dear boy you are woefully befuddled i in fact believe you to be the impostor dudes let's all chill i have like made my final verdict time to cast her votes well i'm voting for the gentleman i can't help but feel the train mr player you leave me no choice but to vote for you you sad gullible little noob i was the imposter wait what [Music] oh my god [Music] i knew i should have just stuck to fall guys come on almost there as soon as they clear all the asteroids the crewmates win [Music] this is it one more to go victory is [Music] much ugh i'm sick of being a boring crewmate all the time dude stop whining just cause i beat you so bad what are you talking about bro you got voted out before you haven't killed anyone ninja did all the work hey wow sore loser much why don't you just leave game and cry about it just wait until i get to be the imposter then you'll see yeah okay whatever dork come on ninja let's gloat over all the other people we beat anatom you know what just let me do the talking huh maybe he's right there's something bothering you mr pair oh hey the gentleman i don't know i'm just so sick of losing and bros teasing is starting to get to me ah yes bullying it's quite an ugly affair my name mr cheese shut up mr cheese [Music] i'm sorry mr player this simple tip made me lose my train of thought [Music] you were talking about bullying oh yes nasty stuff truly despicable right well why don't you introduce me to all these people i haven't played with yet bloody good idea well you've already played with stoner and captain yeah i remember them from the first episode nothing never mind the next on our list is mother she takes the role-playing aspect of this game a bit too seriously don't talk to me or my son ever again followed up of course by poopyfarts96 who never ceases to tickle me silly and lastly there is goober goober is well goober seems like quite the cast yes indeed lock and load everybody time to start the game okay player just play it cool play what cool mr player oh uh nothing just doing my crewmate tasks this key card is so hard to swipe yes indeed it is my mr cheese for the last time quiet you buffoon you stupid smileless good for nothing incompetent mr cheese okay okay enough you got him mr cheese you good boss wow that happened fast anybody see anything jesus sorry belle i don't speak the mexicano but i'm going to assume you said i have no idea who the killer is you're awesome captain keep being awesome please everyone i need you to speak up if you have a lady you don't know what it's like to raise a family in a world with two impostors well like dudes it's not me yeah stoner and i were together doing non-murder related things hmm well then that rules you two out but it's gotta be someone think people you know player is being suspiciously quiet this whole meeting uh hey how do you like going to the events like ninja did uh it's the ninja kill him loving the enthusiasm goober but this is a civilized society first we vote without any hard evidence then we kill him all those in favor of flinging ninja into the dark limitless void of space say aye aye well normally i would call you out for suspicious activity but i'm just going to chalk that one up to classic mr cheese tomfoolery yeah mr cheese is too stupid to be a good imposter he's not like a super big brain boy like the three of us he's an absolute [Music] mr cheese dumb ah no stop okay it seems like we may have underestimated mr cheese okay there's only a few people left time to get my first kill yes all alone the perfect opportunity to strike oh hey player uh hey can you believe mr cheese back there murdering someone in broad daylight like that yeah crazy and in front of the children no less i mean what kind of horrible despicable rotten no-good scumbag would do something like that oh well when you put it like that timmy here is the captain of his peewee softball team you want to see a picture uh maybe some other time look at him isn't he adorable yeah he's cute all right that's because he takes after his mother here hold franklin while i finish this task [Music] yeah i don't think i can do this do what dudes like captain has been following me around everywhere and it's totally harshing my mellow wow stoner and here i thought we were having a nice evening together you better have a good excuse bro amigo that sounds seriously sus i was following stoner because i'm finished with all my tasks and it's safer to travel as a pack i call it the buddy system though now it's more like the betrayal stab me in the backy system yeah everyone voting for captain say i i so it's a mutiny then okay so like i may have been a little paranoid there but that's just a totally normal side effect of playing among us too long okay i've been seriously lucky so far but it's time i take matters into my own hands i'm sorry poopyfarts96 you're always my favorite what's so funny dude oh uh nothing just remembering something poopyfarts said yeah that dude's hilarious anyways better do my task in here wait wait uh but before you do that let's uh go across the hall to the security office why well we gotta make sure no one's doing anything suspicious out there right on brother gotta hide oh my god where i found two bodies both in the reactor you see anything no but i thought i heard someone go into the vents well it's gotta be bro what i was on the other side of the map why do you think it's bro well i uh see he's lying it's clearly him no wait mother if i was the imposter why didn't i kill you in navigation before that's true you know what i believe you player let's vote bro out wait just hold on a second oh hey player did we win the game as the imposters yet [Music] um uh this game sucks my name is the cheese shut up mr cheese where is she where is she [Music] no no no this is my nightmare don't worry i think you're safe in here wait uh why are you yelling aren't you the imposter oh yeah [Music] all right that's it let's go back to playing fall guys what no just give this game a chance i just think this game would be a lot better if i knew the killers were from the start it was more about running away from the imposters than about solving a mystery there could be obstacles and booby traps to stop the runners oh and when you cross the finish line you're safe forever and you move on to the next round actually you could probably just get rid of the imposters altogether and make it more like a series of challenges that eliminate more and more people until there's one ultimate victor okay you literally just described fall guys exactly now what's a charming specimen who you calling a specimen pal hey the gentleman who's your new friend this here is my associate mr egg hello there fellas mr egg here so nice to meet any acquaintances of the gentleman okay are we seriously gonna glance over the fact that he called me a specimen what happened to mr cheese uh wow cheese and i came to a mutual agreement to terminate our partnership i'm sorry to hear that the gentleman yeah sounds like you got dumped not surprised you have horrible fashion sense why i never what could possibly lead you to make such a preposterous accusation dude you're wearing two top hats that's insane it is a little weird the gentleman but double the top hat double the fancy hey show some respect to the gentleman he's an among us legend he is i've literally never seen him win yeah me neither veteran you've only played one game yeah and the gentleman didn't win it why are we arguing about this good sirs i'll have you know that i am an excellent among us competitor and i take insult to your quips about my skill top-notch comeback sir prove it then and beat veteran and i in the next round perhaps i shall or perhaps you shall not are you crewmate or imposter crewmate but even if i was the imposter i wouldn't tell you that then i suppose i have no choice but to believe you wait how do i know that you're not the imposter i swear on all that is fall guys i am a true blue american crewmate all right you're clean where's your first task med bay me too wait hang on veteran there's people inside quiet mr egg we don't want to be seen by any crewmates and what do i do with the bodies the gentlemen well nothing technically the game doesn't allow you to move them in any way oh brilliant observations there oh my god the gentleman and mr egg are the two imposters what's our plan their cooldown counters can't possibly be used up already i'm just gonna run in there and report them yeah we're literally eyewitnesses they gotta believe you sorry player i don't believe you what but veteran and i saw him we know that they're the impostors yeah and nothing on earth will convince me otherwise but i didn't do it oh really oh sorry man i could have sworn i saw you in there with the dead bodies veteran he's lying dang he's good i can vouch for the gentleman he's definitely a crew mate hmm i'm not sure who i can trust what do you think about all this poindexter it's a engineer and according to my calculations there's a 12.5 probability it's the gentleman thanks nerdman how you liking those odds poopyfarts wise input as always poopyfarts i move that we skipped this vote i suppose that sounds reasonable all those in favor of skipping the vote say aye aye aye oh wait no i got confused again so you have a task in here right sure do all right go finish it while i keep watch hang on this rock's got a leaf pattern on it oh boy this is turning out to be a real doozy hurry up veteran the coast is still clear but the gentleman of mr a could be anywhere veteran veteran is no longer with us i'm afraid what the gentleman how did you the van's dear boy an impostor's greatest asset you're gonna pay for this the gentleman i'm gonna convince everyone i'm still not convinced everyone i mean on one hand it could be the gentleman but on the other hand it could not be the gentleman i think you see my dilemma well now that there's only six of us voting someone else makes a lot of sense mathematically for the crewmates whoa he's up on the science mumbo jumbo albert brainstein i think he'll beat einstein yeah i'm pretty sure they didn't name the smartest man in the world after his eins guys listen to me the gentleman is working with mr egg if we don't vote him out now his reign of terror will continue i say we vote out mr player excellent idea the gentleman will be fights what say you nice a little outside the box maybe but i like your style booby farts proposes we vote out the geek are you talking about me why boby farts got a gut feeling and he's not just talking about the extra spicy burrito grande he had for lunch all those in favor say aye aye then the vote passes sorry engineer looks like your chances of survival are now 0.0000 percent all right player there may be something to your theory after all [Music] okay i just have to finish a couple more tasks same brother oh yeah i know right i'm totally a ghost now pretty sweet makes it way easier to do tasks when you don't have the looming fear of getting murdered hanging over you speaking of tasks let's do the measure weather one together it's real simple you just click the begin button ah i don't follow run for a player i'll hold him off he got past me player [Music] mr a it's mr egg i was running for my life from him no it wasn't i was running away from player hmm well players shouted first so i'm more inclined to believe him what are you thinking poopyfarts i don't think so i highly doubt they'd have access to that kind of technology really in the next 20 years you say that's going to dramatically affect my lifestyle when that comes out what are you guys even talking about can we focus on the game here i've been telling you every round that it's the gentleman of mr egg and if we don't vote one of them out now we'll lose how do you figure the game ends when there's as many imposters as there are crewmates if you vote me out now and i'm not an imposter it becomes 2v2 and the imposters win really sounds like we shouldn't vote you out then yes but the same situation applies if you vote for mr egg and he turns out not to be the impostor dratz back to square one okay listen captain poopyfarts i know i don't have any hard evidence but i want you all to look into your hearts hear the sincerity in my voice nobody wants to win this game more badly than me but this is bigger than that this is about justice this is about holding those imposters who eliminated our friends responsible for their crimes this is for all the crewmates that have fallen in the line of duty so please please believe me [Music] that was beautiful playing [Music] no i'm not crying you're crying your speech has moved me too let's do the right thing together really yes really all those in favor are voting out mr player say aye aye oh wait dang he tricked us so long mr player all right tommy switched to another lobby okay the fuse box to turn the lights back on should be over here i just have to flip all these switches on and there wait what the heck hey uh can you hold up a second and let me finish this hey no need wow impressive guess it would be to a square such as yourself cool cats like me are always doing bus stuff daddy-o anyways you better goose it before the imposter comes around word from the bird is that betty is cruising for a bruising you dig uh what oh come on why am i always the one getting killed as a crewmate come on greaser run away report my death do something wow seriously greaser that's how you're gonna go out crying in a don't want to corner i don't wanna die hey player over here hey veteran player have you met greaser this guy's awesome yeah we've met before and he most certainly is not awesome you're bugging put an egg in your shoe and beat it pal yeah put bugs in your eggshells and eat it pal that's not the saying veteran whatever dude close enough this is nonsense absolute nonsense it's nonsense he says it'd be worse than mere nonsense boy give me back my color the gentleman or should i say the scoundrel scoundrel watch your tongue captain i only switched to white because my usual color was plundered away by this this rapscarion excellent point sir yar a rep scallion am i now themsbe fighting words laddie i gotchy ash color fair and square this scallywag and purple be the one who stole my own name your own name ha i've gone by captain since i graduated from 14 years of flight school isn't that a six-month program not for me enough let's handle this with a bit of stability shall we i will give up this spiffing white outfit in return for my usual charcoal garb cappin will switch to a different shade a nice cyan perhaps light blue just like the clear caribbean seas yeah that does sound nice but what do i get your name back of course can't be a commander of pirates without the title of captain uh you ain't wrong matey wait but i'm captain not anymore now you go by the name leader fine i seriously need to find a new group to play with [Music] [Applause] everyone scatter hey veteran oh my god player it's greaser is he looking over at me do i look cool how's my hair you don't have any hair veteran oh my god you're right i just got this stupid crown i look like an idiot hey what's buzzing cousin oh so cool okay i'm ending this now hey sir no why why player you want to win don't you not like this [Music] you'll get over it come on let's get out of here before someone finds us with a body let's go veteran i want to stay with greaser i want to stay with grazer great neptune's beard this is hard [Music] all right stand watch don't let anyone see me got it don't let anyone see you wink wink why are you saying it like that i think we're on the same page okay whatever just stay here this is actually impossible oh hey player hey leader blair is it possible for you to call me captain when the real captain and the gentleman aren't around i know i agreed to the name change but deep down i really didn't want to and it makes me sad uh sure i guess i knew you would you're my best friend what's that now yep you're my best friend all right really my only friend that's why i wrote a song about us celebrating our bromance wanna hear it player uh he's my best friend best friend best friend best friend player blair blair he's my best friend best friend best friend best friend player captain player captain best friend's best friend's best best friends oh my god yeah i know right pretty pitchy lyrically though it's got some real potential what why are you covered in blood oh don't worry it's not my blood it's from these crewmates i killed how did you do this like with the murders well with the gentleman that did the old needle tongue that always gets him and mr egg i just bashed in the face with a crowbar i don't even think that's an animation in game not quite sure how that happened no i mean how did this all happen in the 10 seconds i was gone oh tons more than that happened captain storm spotted me from down the hall and threatened to report the body still i said if you guys get even an inch closer you'll join the gentleman of mr egg in ghost sound usa that's what i call when you dine among us pretty cool right hoping it catches on veteran oh sorry anyways they're all like you're going down for this you might be a god to your imposter but we're going to call an emergency meeting and vote you out don't worry though i gave you all your props and i was like hey it's not me guys player was the real mastermind of the whole situation i was just following his orders if anyone should get call the gods here imposter and get voted out it should be him what you're going to pay for this one veteran oh you're going to pay [Music] come on vet rabbit you're up just just give me a minute all right veteran you only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime [Music] [Music] pick it up veteran i'm awake i'm like let me guess the eight mile dream again yeah how'd the gorillas react oh no that's the weird part this time the crowd was just full of normal people well there's no more time for napping captain says he's going to make an important announcement soon ty salutations my good sirs what's up my homies hey the gentleman and mr egg what do you think captain's announcement is going to be what do you think captain's announcement's going to be that's how stupid you sound all the time mr egg you idiot you dumb dork mr player you forget yourself yeah dude you're giving off a really weird energy right now he started it all right pay attention everyone i thought maybe we could try something a little bit different this round what do you think about adding a third imbuster a third imposter that's ludacy it's lunacy he says yeah two impostors are bad enough think of the children dude like it just seems like it might mess with the whole vibe you know technically speaking it would make it exponentially more difficult to win as a crewmate i agree with engineer he's so smart and handsome dude how the heck did engineer pull such a smoking hottie herba hoba everyone looks exactly the same here veteran okay yeah just keep telling yourself that pal enough everyone i hear you're loud and clear you don't want to add a third imposter but since we all know that these informal bow wow sessions are largely ceremonial i'm gonna go ahead with the changes anyway yeah that seems about right dudes why'd we stop let's go finish our tasks together i'm probably gonna need help with at least all of them hey you going ahead veteran i'm just gonna hang out with captain for a bit wait why well uh because because he's best friends with me now and you're crap in our style claire is this true uh yeah i'm best friends with the captain now get lost loser i'm in and you're out fine then i guess i won't be needing this anymore i know that you were trying to get rid of them so we could work together as imposters but that was a little harsh don't you think oh yeah we are both imposters aren't we i totally forgot about that whole thing oh howdy gang i am really loving being on the impostor team for once so how many people have you killed uh zero how many of you killed ah just the one so far but timmy here did most of the stabbing oh they grow up so fast jays louise i am totally surprised to find out that a murder just happened it probably wasn't mother or anything yeah like i wasn't thinking it was her at all cool cool cool it sounds like we're on the same page i for one believe the killer was none other than veteran what but i'm the guy who reported the body when i ran past it in admin i was like oh my god no way someone should totally report this then i realized that that someone should probably be me if i might interject there's a reasonable probability that it's stoler dude unchill i'm sorry stoner but i did see you near admin not too long before veteran reported i love it when you use that big big brain of yours babe you know so many facts quit the most important fact being that i love you times infinity oh barf can we please get on with the voting yeah i'll gladly vote myself out so i don't have to hear any of that gooey romantic crap oh those in favor of casting stoner into the cruel fiery lava pit of torment say aye aye well gang we may not have found the killer this time but something tells me that we're about to crack this case wide open [Music] all right so who's going to kill who i want to kill veteran player only has enough room in his life for one bff you probably want him dead too don't you player you know revenge for him betraying you in the last round and all yeah yeah yeah we'll get to veteran but our primary target is mr egg he's the biggest threat really mr egg the lackey who follows the gentleman's every command that's our biggest threat yes now come on let's get out of hey fellow crewmates any cool tasks in here mother he's on to us sikkam [Music] oh my god that was franklin's first word holy cow what another murder that's crazy it was mother what player why are you i was in the room when it all went down i saw everything it was definitely her and why should we believe you exquisite question sir please just vote out mother i know it's her if she's not an imposter vote me out next round i suppose that makes sense folks folks it's not me we can work this out it's save it for the swap me grandma all those in favor of voting up mother say i i but my children ah looks like you were telling the truth mr player yes and there are only a few tasks left to complete hardwood crewmates let's go babe hey uh player you did know that mother was one of us imposters right yes captain obviously i knew that but we were so close to my first win i couldn't take any chances i needed everyone to trust me if you and me could pull off a double kill right now the imposters are victorious you're going to take the gentleman mr egg is mine he needs to suffer why are you so obsessed with mr egg all of a sudden don't worry about that let's go quick now's our chance oh good evening captain nice of you too hey player i did it i snapped the gentleman's neck oh my god you monsters this is it mr h any last words before i slice you into a million pieces i don't understand player what did i do to you oh you didn't do anything to player but my name is not player what no it can't be my name guys guys huh i guess they must have started without me [Music] this is it veteran we'll finally have the power to bring back people from the dead i know this helps the crewmates win and all but at what cost shut up veteran you don't know what it's like to lose game after game after game i'll do anything to win pull the lever yes dr flankstein look veteran it's alive it's all live it's alive it's alive you must have so many questions yeah actually now that you mention it how is there lightning in space why are we operating on mr poopy farts while he's still in the spacesuit also are we even sure he was a crewmate couldn't he have also been an imposter don't be ridiculous veteran poopyfarts is definitely a crew member see i totally called that hey player check out my storm steam uh it's short for costume try to keep up boomer veteran you're not even wearing a costume uh do you not see the sick banana on my head i mean this is pinnacle halloween am i right whatever you say man at least you're wearing something new you didn't want to dress up at all the gentlemen even i changed into these cool devil horns nah but i am dressed up my good sir today i am wearing only one top hat instead of two as if i was some filthy street commodore right my name mr pumpkin shut up mister i'm sorry mr pumpkin i didn't mean to yell at you i just don't enjoy you constantly repeating what your name is all the time thank you for vocalizing your frustrations i both hear your concerns and i will actively try to work on them thank you no problem i love you bye-bye i said i love you i love you too oh okay can someone please tell me what's going on oh yeah you missed the last game the gentleman of mr cheese are work associates again um my name mr pumpkin oh sorry the gentleman and mr pumpkin are work associates again oh well i guess that's nice you know what else is nice all these new costumes everyone looks so dashing compared to their normal drab selves it's quite the shindig why don't you give me the rundown certainly first we have captain who is now rocking a paper boat on his head for some reason my friend bill made me this hat and next is poopy farts forgoing his usual toiletries to adorn a giant fake knife it's not a fake knife interesting the next on our list is bro he's even more into himself than usual you have the right to remain gorgeous cause you're handsome as balls mirror bro and of course that leaves us with mother i'm not a mother tonight i dropped the kids off with their dad for halloween this year and i'm ready to cut loose i like the sound of that careful the gentleman i can cast a love spell on you i am a witch after all boo oh my i mean i'm sorry mother i currently find myself involved in a much more pumpkin-shaped agreement at this time okay i'm just gonna go ahead and start the game myself my hat no bill's going to kill me hi there captain what a nice boat do you want it back yep sure do you look like a nice boy i bet you got lots of friends well i definitely have two flair is my bestie best but i recently made a new friend named bill and boy does he sure love boats billy the boatman is what i call him well i could be a fight captain yeah take your boat back take it sure thing friendo hello hello yes who is this well who are you trying to reach i don't know ah well i think you got the wrong number do i tell me mother have you checked the children wait what hello officer bro here hey bro i'm in communication communications right now and i just had a really scary call from a stranger all right if he calls back i can trace where it's coming from okay [Music] hello it's me you know you're really scaring me is that what you want no then what do you want i want to win as the imposter [Music] mother this is officer bro i traced the call it's coming from inside the ship [Music] since when did this room get a wooden [Music] door all work and no play makes mr pumpkin a dull boy [Music] oh my god [Music] yes mr pumpkin okay so i just found captain's body looked like he got dragged down into the vents your voice your player wait what was i um nothing my name is the pumpkin yes yes it is but let's get serious people there's still two impostors on the loose yes indeed and if we vote the wrong person out then the impostors win it's a real conundrum i tells you what do you think about all this poopy fats [Music] but seriously does anyone understand this guy sorry i don't speak farts either i speak farts you do oh i mean ah of course you speak fart yeah yeah oh okay yeah poopyfat said he did it wait really [Music] he says that he killed captain mother and veteran and they don't do it again if you let him survive this round of voting wow a full confessional during my first shift on the job i must be the best cop of all time hey guys are we just going to believe everything mr pumpkin says blindly you know not wanting to vote out a confessed imposter makes you rather suss mr player yeah we should vote him out instead wait no bye player this is what i get for choosing among us over trick-or-treating please you guys are making a horrible mistake it's not me be silent keep your forked tongue behind your teeth wait that kind of sounds like a line from lord of the rings and why are you dressed like that you were the chosen one it was said you would destroy the ambassadors not join them okay that one was clearly revenge of the sith they may take our crewmates but they'll never take our victory all right why is happening right now toto you have a feeling we're not on kansas anymore that doesn't even make sense in this context this is madness madness this is so you're probably wondering how i found myself in this situation well let me show you the person who's responsible for ruining my life his name is blue don't be fooled by that folksy viking look he's got going on this guy is trouble don't believe me let's go all the way back to the beginning hey guys i'm new to this lobby just wanted to say hey before the game starts oh hello my name's player you can call my best friend here veteran finally we won't be the biggest noobs here anymore no i'm not a noob i played among us even before it got super popular so why aren't you playing in a lobby with all of your friends i mean sometimes i do but most of the time i hop into random lobbies and play with new people i don't understand you mean you don't just play with the same core group game after game after game what no wait do you yeah pretty much so what's your character kid i'm sorry character you know your character like everyone calls me veteran because i got a gruff voice and have lots of video game experience and my name is player cause i'm sort of the everyman that other people can relate to well plus you forgot to change your name in the game menus shut up veteran oh well i don't really have a character in all the other matches i play we usually go by our colors just makes things easier are you literally insane i don't know how to respond to that so we're just supposed to call you blue uh yeah is that a problem anyways you think you can introduce me to the rest of the players here what do i look like the gentleman sick burn player thanks i am so confused [Music] oh nice the align telescope task wow space is totally dope it really makes you feel small in comparison doesn't it what do you mean it makes me feel like a giant because i'm so big and stars are so small what see they're like little heads between my fingertips no but they're actually big you understand that right if they're so big why do we need a giant magnifying glass to see them cause they're really far away you just can't keep your story straight can you oh my god is everyone on the server an idiot wow you're so lucky my best friend blair isn't around he'd be furious if he heard you say that player said his best friend was veteran what all right talk to me people what's the 4-1-1 engineer and gnome are dead i saw their bodies over near weapons did you see anyone else nope i was all alone well mr cheese and i were on the complete other side of the map i believe mother can vouch for us you betcha i saw them both in the specimen room bf here says he was in the office you mean the place on the map or the television series obviously he means the place in game veteran shut up you don't know maybe he was like an extra or something [Music] listen guys this seems like a classic case of self-reporting to me what why would i do that same reason everybody does to shrug off suspicion listen here pal there's two things you need to know about this lobby one player would never ever win because he sucks and he's a giant noob hey and two my name is the cheese all right fine let's just skip this vote for now but keep an eye on red he's suss uh red yeah who's red yeah player i mean player all right time to catch this guy in the act mr cheese stop licking the cameras what the you pitiful mindless imbecile can't you just be normal for two minutes em the gentleman that's not how we communicate with one another what is wrong with these people the gentleman of mr cheese yeah they have a very troubled partnership they're constantly fighting but in a weird way that kind of makes me think that they're gonna figure it out you know like i'd be more worried about them if they stop fighting cause then you'd know that there'd be nothing left fighting for real relationships aren't perfect and perfect relationships aren't real what are you even talking about right now i'm just trying to figure out who the imposter is oh well i don't think it's those two obviously [Music] ha i knew it ah guess you're right it was player after all now flip it back to the gentleman of mr cheese i'm missing all the juicy drama shut up idiot let's go report it well you may have been right but i'm really not vibing your energy bro all right everybody it's player how dare you accuse my bff and without any proof no less no i have video evidence i was in security when i saw everything veteran can confirm go ahead tell them what you saw well the gentlemen and mr cheese were really tearing into each other but i think they eventually patched things up sure did we find out that a healthy partnership is one based on honesty and mutual respect ain't that right to gentlemen sure whatever no i'm not talking about some weird relationship drama tell him what you saw player do oh yeah he totally murdered poopy farts oh gasp no it's not me i swear sorry bestie but it sounds like they caught you red-handed granted your hands are always red but the point still stands fine vote me out then you'll see i was innocent the whole time yep that was a lie i was definitely guilty i had imposter written all over me so now we're here and i bet you're thinking to yourself how's player gonna get out of this situation surely player will be able to get revenge on blue and finally come out victorious long story short i'm not see i told you guys he was the imposter i'm the best among us player ever nothing's gonna stop me from go back to your game [Music] i was looking out the door always [Music] didn't know it [Music] goodbye wish i could go back to where we [Music] started [Music] i was [Music] what are you watching the gentlemen oh nothing it's nothing [Music] hey what's up homeslice yeah oh you bestie dude we talked about this i'm his best friend not you you said we all could be best friends together that was obviously just a lie to make you feel better guys if you're gonna argue can you do it somewhere else i'm feeling kind of down today but i want to be around you at all times wow creep alert don't worry i'll leave you alone player a real best friend can tell when their buddy needs some space i'll give him so much space you'll basically feel completely abandoned see now you're going too far in the other direction dang it yeah i know that feeling mr egg is that you i barely recognized you in the pink well me and mr cheese couldn't both be orange so yeah here i am you feeling a little down there buddy yeah i'm just kind of bummed that i never get to win i hear ya love is a tricky game sometimes it feels like you are always on the losing side what love i'm talking about among us yeah but if you really think about it at its core isn't among us all about love uh not really ah good evening player nice to see you with oh mr egg i i didn't expect to see you around here anymore you are look good thanks wow really the gentleman ah i mean you're ugly you disgusting pig person wow ouch yeah oh my god [Music] this is excellent now we can hang out the entire game come on let's go kill mr cheese wait hold on i get why you want to kill him but we got to be smart about this everybody knows about your weird little beef with mr cheese if he dies first it might bring on a lot of unwanted suspicion no we need to go for a target that's easy prey someone gullible and stupid yeah but who could that be watering the plants all day long watering the plants while i sing this song gotta do my tasks cause tests are good gotta do my tasks like a crewmate should man that's another hit song right there bullseye oh come on [Music] someone's coming hide [Music] hey captain just wanted to say to watch out for player when he doesn't hang out with me mid-game it's usually because he's the impost oh yep he's done all right captain's dead everybody no not a fearless leader where'd you fight veteran the greenhouse although now it's more like the red house you know from all the blood and stuff yuck well like it wasn't me dudes and dudette i was chilling in the lab doing tasks alone i don't know guys that seems pretty sus it sure does mr egg i'm casting my vote for stoner dudes i don't know guys i think it might be player nah it's donor let's send him flying dude all those in favor of launching stoner off the balcony to his inevitable doom say aye well well well what do we have here a couple of imposters scheming uh no i don't know what you're talking about veteran yeah sure you don't you may have all the others fooled but not me i finished 12th in my class at devry online learning i'm basically a mental level genius and i'm on to you pal i'm not leaving your site every move you make every step you take i'll be watching you oh i don't think you will veteran yeah why is that because there's something your genius brain didn't put together i find that hard to believe but go on correct me if i'm wrong mr egg but don't you have to be alive in order to spy on someone you sure do sir yeah but how does that relate to oh no you're gonna kill me how did i not see this coming [Music] any last words veteran yes tell my family that i not i got him sad dang it mr egg stop stealing all my sweet kills sorry sir won't happen again no it most certainly will not uh isn't what it looks like i am saddened to report that our dear dear friend veteran is dead no she's like a brother to us wait really i didn't know you guys were so close we go frothing together on the weekends for all thing short for frisbee golf oh my god no one calls it that can we please get back to the point gentlemen veteran is dead and i know who did it it's mr cheese how dare you say my name mr cheese and the gentleman did the murders and they're trying to blame it on player oh my god is that true the gentleman no of course not gee whiz babe i don't know who to believe i think mr egg is right let's vote out the gentleman yeah see now i think it's player what why i don't know you just seem kind of i don't know suss yes that's the word i was totally on board when mr egg said it but with you it just seems way fishier way to go player wow you too mr egg you guys all suck thanks for watching the video all right bub we're the last three players remaining and we're on to you you better start talking you're gonna sing like a little canary two three listen you got the wrong guy where am i what's going on i'll be asking all the questions around here pal all right first question what's your favorite color uh yellow wrong answer pal ow dude hey mr cheese uh quick sidebar oh yeah sure okay first off mr cheese you're doing great yeah thanks i definitely thought so just got a couple notes for you as all uh-huh okay first your questions need to be about the murders because we're trying to figure out who the killer is oh yeah bye bye bye good night good night and second before we went into this we kind of agreed that you would be the good cop and i would be the bad cop yeah but i wouldn't be the bad cop i'm sort of a loose cannon that plays by his own rules okay fine i was really looking forward to it but i will switch and be the good cop and you can be the bad cop great idea bruh sorry about that veteran it's been a stressful game for everyone i think we just want to ask you a couple questions in order to get to the bottom of this can i get you anything a water coffee perhaps uh no thanks how about i bring you a nice warm glass of goat's milk hmm delicious ew why would you warm up goat's milk well i didn't intentionally it's been sitting in my car all day we're gonna need another sidebar what's up partner mr cheese the whole good cop bad cop routine only works when there's one good cup and one bad cop right makes sense so which one do you want to be i would be the silly cop what yeah i want to be the real youngster of the precinct i can solve crimes with laughter no there is no silly cop you guys know i can hear everything you're saying right all right just tell us what the heck happened back there or else you're gonna get voted off spill that beat punk okay no problem the game started out just like any other until i got into electrical [Music] good evening my dear sir what's up general dude manny mr cheese why are you like this the gentleman i didn't mean to don't okay why don't i just do my task in here and then i'll give you guys some space all right that was easy and oh my god i'm happy in peace sweet prince the gentleman is dead everyone oh i know right it's crazy well what did you see honestly nothing i was just doing my task it was the calibration one did it first try let's not make a big deal out of it who else was in there with you veteran just mr cheese let's kill him wait everyone it wasn't me it was mother me i would never she vented killed the gentleman invented again while veteran was distracted she was trying to frame me oh that's ridiculous is it mother i'll tell you what's ridiculous imagining this little guy is an imposter i mean just look at him [Music] i'm still not so sure guys he could be telling the truth but he's also the most likely suspect maybe we should vote him off just to be safe guys if mother is not imposter then my name not mr cheese oh but your name mr cheese everyone vote out mother killer [Music] nice work everyone only one imposter left to go sorry veteran cut the crap i know all this stuff already you're the second imposter aren't you you'll be seriously messed up if you were admit it what no i'm not i swear it has to be you because we know it's not mr cheese and we know it's not me wait a sec do we know it's not you yeah okay before you do whatever you're thinking just i can't understand him can you understand him that's a big nope circle for me veteran [Music] wow why would you put the duct tape on if you were just gonna rip it off right away i don't know it looks cool in the movies yeah let's duct tape them again wait wait wait wait just hear my side of the story first okay after the meeting i went to med bay [Music] oh hey player are you wanting to use the scanner too yep it's my last task don't worry i'm almost done here it's all yours thanks well i got you here player i couldn't help but notice you didn't show up to our daily best friend picnic i waited for hours we don't have daily best friend picnics captain i know cause you never come to them that's what i'm saying you know sometimes i get the feeling that i like being your friend a lot more than you like being mine which is obviously ridiculous you're pretty much obsessed with me but when you don't come to our daily picnics or saturday bingo or my birthday party i can't help but get the feeling that you don't like me very much captain what did you do oh well now these make me look very suspicious everybody vote out captain he's guilty no please what makes you think it was him i saw him kill poopy farts in goober wait so you actually witnessed him committing these vicious acts of violence well no not technically i was in the middle of the scanner when it must have happened but he was the only other person in there it was definitely him wow player you know it hurts when your best friends don't show up to support you this is like my birthday party all over again all those in favor of voting out captain say aye my name is wait before you kick me out you all did get my birthday invitations right i mean my mailman has held a grudge against me since my pet snake charlie bit him so maybe they got lost in the mail or we all got the invitations captain to ask me oh i see [Music] we really should have gone to his birthday party it was out of cece's pizza player gross and that brings us to the present well that story didn't help at all it doesn't help because i'm not the imposter well neither am i guys guys guys we're running out of time and i have no idea which one of you should live two rock paper scissors fine yeah that seems fair enough [Music] all right you ready ready rock paper scissors shoot yes i won no congratulations player looks like you live and get to watch veteran die dang it captain shoot him he's the fake player no fellow crewmate this non-humanoid should be your primary target eliminate eliminate god it could be either of you really i feel like it's pretty obvious affirmative this replicant is clearly the robot initiate termination procedure captain it's just too hard to tell guess i'm gonna have to shoot one of you at random wait hold on a sec yes maybe we can formulate another plan well i could ask a series of questions that only the real player would know yes yes let's do that great idea captain uh on second thought maybe let's just shoot one of us at random preferably the real player i mean the fake player here not a chance pal and question numero 1 0 is for you what is my favorite color oh uh calculating i'm going to guess white yep that's the right answer you nailed it buddy nice work seriously all right player if that's even your real name this next one should be a cakewalk what is euler's formula for calculating polyhedra what i don't know that how do you know that actually i'm not sure seems pretty off-brand for me to be honest oh i know i know go ahead real player [Music] you could solve for chi with the number of vertices minus the number of edges plus the number of faces equals two bingo correct again that strike two for you player looks like you're out no wait there's three strikes in baseball well sorry mr robot i don't know the rules i never played as a kid because running at pants made me chafe a real player would have known that so that's strike three okay just just stop okay let me tell my side of the story and you'll see that this very obvious robot next to me is not the real player [Music] go on okay it all started about 10 minutes ago [Music] nice i love it when we get a bm postures together keep your voice down there are eyes everywhere dude don't be so paranoid there aren't any cameras in here yeah but i was reading online now that there's bots in this game that help you cheat they have supersonic hearing and can see through walls with their special heat vision not to mention they're practically invincible they only have one weakness and what's that bullets pretty sure that's everyone's weakness veteran come on let's go kill somebody shh dude they can hear you the gentlebot report targets are on the move good good all according to plan [Music] okay there are two of them and two of us i think our plan is pretty obvious right totally but uh just for fun can you say it out loud we're gonna kill them at the same time veteran oh yeah yeah for serious i was thinking the exact same thing okay you go kill mother and i'll go take care of bro dude i don't want to kill mother of those many crewmates freaked me out ah fine you go kill bro and i'll go kill mother deal i'll give you the signal [Music] what's that now yeah what the he double hockey sticks are you talking about broseph player now that was a close one oh dude we should have killed him with our knives now we don't know if they were bots or not pretty sure they weren't bots veteran the imposters have eliminated bro and mother then it's time everybody voted out better with the player they're the imposters i saw them kill bro and mother my god say it's not so player it's not so now thank goodness yeah player and i didn't kill anyone but i saw them the gentleman here could confirm gentlebot activate live confirmation mode activated mr cheese is telling the truth i saw them commit the murders with my own two human eyes that i made a flesh i also have two human eyes that are made of flesh compelling argument as always the gentleman also might i add that mr cheese is looking really nice today the gentleman please we're in public doesn't anyone think it's a little sus that the gentleman is complimenting mr cheese he never does that i don't know mr cheese does look pretty nice today all right people it's time to vote and right now it's a he said he said he said he said so i'm going to suggest we vote out booby farts instead i'm sorry poopy farts it's nothing personal you've just been so quiet this whole time release us i think we could do without the vulgarity poopy farts you kiss your mother with that mouth oh my god i'm so sorry i i had no idea but i'm still voting you out emotions don't matter only logic can reason alright let's get this over with all those in favor of voting out poopyfarts say i dude vince are great for getting around the map but it's not exactly an ideal place for a conversation i know i know this might be the only place that's safe i think you're right about the bots veteran something is definitely going on with the gentleman on mr cheese yes oh so let's go hunt them down together we can stay out of their sight by traveling through the vents once we find him it's an easy double kill for the win cool just remember to use your gun player it's their only weakness that doesn't make any sense veteran freeze robot scum the gentlepot how did you get past your defenses they must have used the fence i am sorry mr cheese i hate to disappoint you especially when you look so nice today ah gentlebot veteran attack yes i did it wait what you should have listened to your friend player what the dude i told you now you will pay for killing mr cheese who even in death is looking really nice today initiate termination sequence [Music] what crewmates can't kill imposters i'm a bot i can do whatever i want here watch this no this isn't possible look at me i'm such a loser i never get to win this game wine wine wine wine all right now that's just uncalled for bibs sweet a gun wait a minute what the heck is going on here so that's the whole story please captain i know it's crazy and it doesn't make any sense but i swear in my life that it's the truth don't worry player i believe you really oh thank god yeah there's just one thing what is it if all that's true then that means you're an imposter and i'm a crewmate oh uh yeah i guess nice one player loses yet again [Music] wait but if i can shoot a gun doesn't that mean i'm also a butt yes it does captain butt captain but what is uber's formula for calculating poly heat emotions don't matter only logic can reason zero one one zero zero zero one zero zero one one zero one one one one zero one one one zero one zero zero zero zero oh okay yeah the bad thing checks out [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: P!NK Anims
Views: 128,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xV8UK4AeTtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 1sec (5161 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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