Among Us Logic | Cartoon Animation

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listen stoner you got to believe me here vote off the gentleman right now i've been telling you and everybody else in this horrible game meeting after meeting but no one believes me he's never done a single task he's been caught next to the scene of the crime and he's wearing two top hats only an insane person would do that vote him off now and we can win the game whoa really seems like you're grasping at straws there compadre you got like any further evidence or whatever okay okay okay let me just start from the beginning huh so this is the humongous game everybody's talking about yes yes indeed good sir oh hello there allow me to introduce myself my name is the gentleman this here is my associate mr cheese my name mr cheese speak quite spooky too mr cheese [Music] my apologies it appears mr cheese has yet to learn his manners owie uh okay and it looks like your name is player how charmingly quaid well actually my name is mr player everyone goes by their usernames in here oh okay got it let me introduce you to the rest of the ensemble that right there is sheriff he is a bit of a loose cannon very accusatory then there's his counterpart angel a perfect role model for any crewmate next we got stoner he's a rather peculiar individual followed up by rose and bday they're the resident couple of our fancy little dinner party that white-clad chap over there goes by the title captain several see him as an authority figure of sorts though his leadership skills are questionable and finally there is ninja he is the most ruthless assassin i have ever met a true natural-born killer may god have mercy on ourselves if he has chosen to be the imposter source did ninja just get kicked darn tootin servers must be acting up again all those in favor of starting without him say i i [Music] hm cool map everyone scatter [Music] come along mr cheese hey do you mind if i tag along it might be safer if we all stick together good idea whoa what's going on owie oh my god you killed him poppycock i did no such thing yes you did you sliced mr cheese in half oh my dear boy you must be confused a gentle old bean such as myself would never perform such a ludicrous display of violence yeah well try telling that to the others oh my god mr cheese is dead geez you must be so broken up the gentleman i know you two were close indeed we were bday it's been a troubling 12 seconds since i found out he was dead but there is no time for grieving when we have two impostors on the loose well i'm going to skip this vote because i didn't see anything i guess that seems fair here's what i would say if i didn't follow my gut at all times no evidence needed here baby let's vote someone out well i reckon it's angel no actually it's me but i'm never an impostor i was just doing my crewmate tasks yeah she was rose and i saw her in the reactor isn't that right babe sure is you know the fact that you accused angel at all makes me think it was you sheriff yeah bro sheriff's always like killing and stuff i think probably guys it's not sheriff it's well that's all the information i need to cast my vote all those in favor of thinking sheriff into the cold infinite abyss of space say aye no listen to me it's the gentle eye then the vote passes i'm sorry sheriff but it looks like these boots ain't big enough for the two of us wait no please dang looks like we really screwed the booch on that one if only someone here had more evidence we might have been able to save an innocent life i've been trying to tell you this whole time that it's everyone's scatter huh all alone guess i better do some tasks [Music] all right let's clean the so2 filter well that was simple enough the gentleman sends his regards what the wow we're dropping like flies people we really need someone to step up to the plate and give us a lead i know who the imposters are stoner you got anything dude like it's gotta be one of us right you're darn right it's one of us stoner good observation say why do they call you stoner anyways i'm a geology major you feel me i sure do stoner rocks are dope will you guys just listen to me i know who both the killers are one is angel and the other is hey like captain bro i just had this totally righteous thought that maybe it's angel i just said that it is me guys i swear quiet space witch you care to expand on that theory stoner well like sheriff said angel was it last time say no more i already cast my vote it seems we have reached a consensus what traitor did you guys hear that it's clear the other imposter is my god you did it you gorgeous green goofball looks like there's only one imposter left looks like the reactor's down bro major buzzkill follow me everyone [Music] okay now two of us need to place our hands on the scanner at the same time someone go to the left side watch with that ready captain i'm ready as well good sir initiate reactor meltdown containment protocol oh my the horror whoa he's like all dead and murdery dude and that's the whole story so it should be pretty obvious by now that it's the gentleman vote him out now and we win my dear boy you are woefully befuddled i in fact believe you to be the impostor dudes let's all chill i have like made my final verdict time to cast her votes well i'm voting for the gentleman i can't help but feel betrayed mr player you leave me no choice but to vote for you you sad gullible little noob i was the imposter wait what [Music] oh my god [Music] i knew i should have just stuck to fall guys [Music] it [Music] you
Channel: GameToons
Views: 17,032,644
Rating: 4.9295235 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us logic, animation, funny animation, cartoon animation, game toons, gametoons, cartoon, animated, among us animation, among us hacks, among us funny, kid friendly, family friendly, gt
Id: qfGqxaY6k_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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