Among Us Imposter Apocalypse

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breaking news a new virus has been breaking out they call it the imposter virus imposter apocalypse the virus is spread when another imposter bites you please remain calm and indoors the military is trying their best to contain them [Applause] not looking good [Music] [Music] oh well i'd better start doing my tasks [Music] how did they find me relax just relax poop they're not gonna get in here you're fine perfectly fine [Music] [Applause] segways are 50 off what a steal [Music] guys you're alive yeah but i thought you all died in the imposter apocalypse nope we managed to hide underground for a while have you heard anything from the others is mr grits okay i don't know your mom i'm sorry oh man poor mr grits how i miss him as far as i was concerned i thought i was the only one from our group left alive i thought it was only me banana and your mom left there's still hope yet what are you guys doing we heard the impostor zombie so we tried to hide out here what are you doing my bunker got overrun i saw this abandoned mall so i thought i could hide in here but i think the impostor zombies are close we need to figure out a way to defend ourselves well now that we have you added to the team i'm sure we could defeat them let's check it out never mind we're so totally gonna die see ya wait i think i may have an idea if we can't fight our way through maybe we can speed our way through huh [Applause] don't forget to like the video subscribe to the channel hit that notification bell and share this awesome video to a friend [Music] so where were you guys the night the imposter apocalypse began ah i was out in my garden tending to my babies you have children no my garden ugh anyway i was out tending to my babies when suddenly i heard a sound to my right it sounded like a growl like maybe a cross between a chihuahua and a grizzly bear what an oddly specific description and then this person just jumped out of the bush and ran straight for me but you know me i have amazing reflexes so i grabbed my shovel and i hit that lunatic on the head he passed out but i noticed he looked different he had this long tongue sticking out pointed teeth all that jazz an imposter you got it after that i ran over to your mom's house next door and then well your mom you want to continue sure i was at home watching tv i was watching impasta with gordon ram sussy when i heard a crash outside i guess that was mr pepperoni man being attacked by the imposter then suddenly the show on tv was interrupted by some news guy saying an imposter apocalypse had just broken out thing was my darling mr gritz was out visiting family in the countryside i tried calling him but he wasn't answering so when mr pepperoni man came over to my house explaining what had just happened we both decided to get in the car and head out to try and find mr grizz and that's when i come in i was out walking in the street at night you know like you do munching on some boiled eggs when suddenly i got run over by a car it hurt oh god was it a crazy imposter nope uh yeah sorry again banana it's fine i only got mild internal bleeding anyway we picked banana up and headed off to the cabin where mr grits should be right now that's our main destination but as you can tell we got on a bit of a detour i also sort of crashed my car before so we've been kind of slow going yeah you're actually pretty bad at driving shut up well i guess i'll tag along with you guys then i i hope mr gritz is all right yeah me too what about you poop where were you the night the imposter apocalypse broke out i was sitting on the toilet can you believe it and then i heard a crash and boom and my apartment suddenly had all these people inside and like come on during my pooping time no so i killed them but then my whole building was swarming with imposters by then so i got myself out of there escaped to the woods built a bunker then here i am now with you guys wow crazy times yeah well we better get some sleep i can do first watch good morning mr pepperoni man uh hello huh what what happened mr pepperoni man is an imposter more mr pepperoni man what do we do now which way to mr gritz's cabin follow me [Music] is this it yeah i hope my baby is okay come on let's hurry we'll take shelter in here for now mr grits mr grinch oh god he's not here mr grits relax your mom he's right here guys what are you doing here mr grits like the heavens you're all right of course i'm all right why wouldn't i be uh cause there's an imposter apocalypse right now there is how can you not know that i don't really remember uh hmm it doesn't matter so long as my honeymoon is alive oh shucks we should board up that other door too we don't want to quick huh mr grits we need to help them white huh what your mom what hey guys banana look out what what what panama [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jump [Music] you guys saved me how are you feeling are you okay yeah but banana and your mom and mr grits and mr pepperoni man they didn't make it what about you guys how did you manage to survive and get this airship it wasn't easy we were just very lucky when the embossed apocalypse broke out i was actually at the airport about to head off on my holiday when i heard the news and the imposter zombies all started popping up i made a run for it and hijacked this airship and i've been flying around retrieving my friends ever since i'm sorry it took so long to find you wow but what do we do now we don't know we'll find a cure a cure but how we've got an airship surely there's something on this ship that could help us it's a pity there's no med bay on this ship we could have tried to make our own cure perhaps not but there is a records room hey you're right we could search through our data and files there surely something would help us find a cure let's do it [Music] guys i think i found something [Music] it says there are healing properties in the gem at the vault maybe that'll heal everyone and bring them back to normal it's worth a shot but what now how do we get the healing properties from the gym i think i have an idea [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 2,579,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DH4Yau9ZCmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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