Among Us Funny Moments - 3 Person Imposter Game!

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all right well [ __ ] who died puffer what do you mean who died are you stupid i had to figure out who the [ __ ] was dead there's only four of us in total now there's three because you killed him this isn't good because evan thinks it's me i still think it's yummy all right so it's it's definitely brian did you vote for brian yummy yeah oh okay i haven't stopped doing that thing with your brain i i'm not gonna lie i stopped recording look back at the footage brian definitely killed him boom [Laughter] all right what have you blessed us with this time oh yeah okay guys yeah you know i'm bringing you the best the cream of the crop okay what's the mod what's the mod this might pretty simple dude what's the matter hold on hold on oh i forgot to make it three imposters i'll be right back oh my god oh my god okay if i'm guessing right there's three imposters but we don't know we don't know who each other are yeah they can kill each other they can't kill each other they can't kill each other ooh what's this map oh yeah this is a new map real observant of e evan oh someone killed legion he was afk he was not afk he was next to [ __ ] delirious he was afk okay okay let's chill out first simmer down who's that nav delirious in legion who's encountering that's [ __ ] that i am i yeah okay so this is between freezer and delirious and since no it couldn't it's [ __ ] delirious what are you talking about i wasn't even there with that i think we need to shoot as as crew we need to shoot here folks all right well i am shooting four there's three we have four three imposters guys okay if we shoot the wrong person should shoot bank banks if we don't shoot they just gotta get three kills on crew and they win okay i don't know really that's uh yes if there's nine and they kill three that's three imposters and three crews stupid you should like how you guys listen to noble nokia doesn't know [ __ ] i don't know where everyone was yet trying to give me [ __ ] i got it i got [Music] [Music] okay i could tell you right now brian vanoss invented you're not like you're not killing me you're not a killer oh that was weird nobody die anybody die anybody die anybody died my teammate are you my teammate [Laughter] from left to right and electrical that's some cycle [ __ ] i do them every time from left to right left to right you weirdos you do the last ones first one there guys can we have one session where you don't break down every single movement a person does it's so unenjoyable like it's well i think seeing you guys the vent is fine but i literally have no glove following around following her on the whole time just boring bro all i know is just get me off it's just super boring when you go around and analyzing everyone's movement it's just annoying i think nobody's got his two impostor teammates voted out because he doesn't know who they are i don't know well [Music] you don't have to whisper anymore what are you saying oh i was just saying we could just vote him either way next meeting up everybody everybody i am the best crew ever so good that he needs to move two imposters are mad at me yeah i didn't think it's yeah he was asking me questions it's kind of weird he doesn't like me so yeah yeah i'm gonna stick with that and there's a body over here i'll see what happens let's see someone call a button here yeah no [ __ ] i did congratulations there was a there was a body so [ __ ] report it then well paul is trying to but you call the bone you see the body's on admin table he's doing it i think everyone just voted with their hands don't say a word ever involved with the heart the crew's been on fire today and i trust the crew great job great job how come [Music] you noticed when brock came up behind us he came out of [ __ ] nowhere [Music] he's dead in front of electrical i just now passed him like he literally probably tripped over my shoelace and died it's not brian once a head's not me he's you're on asteroids most of the time well i kind of think it's you because why are you running away from lights when the lights are and you're going up towards nav you probably felt bad for me because i'm not getting no footage and you didn't kill me no i'm just going on a nice old jog just remember this it's nogla i was next to puffer when he was an admin didn't we pass each other puffer and admin uh i'm not gonna lie i didn't see you but i saw yummy i know he wasn't remember i didn't say a word i was just running i'm not going to throw sus but i'm going to throw sus legion just now passed me huffer found the body like the second he died and also uh mu was there as well i was i was in front of electrical how he literally just passed me singing i don't know he was there i did gas and i got off and he's there he's dead in front of electrical no way that way he literally walked through the hallway he was sinking and he passed him what was he singing what song [ __ ] up i didn't know but it was it was at the show you wouldn't know the song we were at the shields what key was the song in some no glitters what the [ __ ] are you talking about terrorizer this game is a [ __ ] show roommate's already what i'm saying is they're lying to where his body was i'm not lying it's right there two votes man that's rough okay that's tough boys it's you i mean dude i'm back on my jog now going back in my jaw guys i'm just going to go and adm and stay in here staying right here vanna so i'm not leaving ever again why'd you come with me i'm doing my cards first swipe yeah are you are you are you killing i'm just going to stay here i'm not the killer well you're going to stay here huh tired of playing yeah well why are you still in the game then huh i'll leave i'll leave right now i don't care you won't you won't do it you won't do it i didn't see you kill me you won't stab me right in front of that ass yeah you scared [ __ ] you [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] oh wow jesus yeah you're the one not killing people pretending to be here when you're watching over there just waiting for a moment to kill me because they're impossible i would have already killed you i would have already killed you i would have never just hmm [Music] i'm gonna test something hmm all right cool watch out for no glue he's trying to pretend to be a physical trainer but i think he's a physical murderer i don't know what did i do brian venn wait brian he's bob ryan ryan did you accidentally uh when you walked into electrical did brian leave electrical i never saw him yeah no i never i never saw him i just saw you walk out and say this no no no so i went i went down to the normal door went bottom left reactor and then up and i was saying to myself if i find evan's dead body it's delirious because the two of them were following me and then i found delirious dead body and reactor so then i when i was running to do electrical scene and vice versa which meant if delirious is dead then it could be evan so that is true evan they didn't go they didn't follow me too electrical i don't think um i did my one to ten reactor and i came back i don't know then what'd you do when the lights went out didn't go towards the lights yeah i did i didn't go into lights but i went down density i only saw brock and tyler at lights i don't know where does it happen i haven't been paying attention where was that nice awesome and yeah it says reactor simon says reactor that's getting i don't remember what i did this whole round i don't know i don't know what potentially i only need two kills yeah whatever dude [ __ ] let him go dude dude get him still onto nogla i didn't know dogo was alive dude i'm um roommates for life who made it for live you know what i'm saying 4-0 roommates for life oh gosh oh oh oh yeah we did it delirious [Music] i don't want to be the imposter anymore i don't want to kill them riser i'm gonna kill you riser i'm gonna kill what you're gonna what oh he's dead i'm gonna kill him oh the killers are killing oh i was thinking i'm gonna yeah i think wildcat is 100 clear nah i don't know about that one [ __ ] all right well where's this one scotty it was worth a shot uh right outside admin i believe and all i heard was terrorizer i'm going to kill you and then yeah i was thinking i was i wasn't going to kill terrorize the whole like from the very beginning yeah my brain hurts it's i don't [ __ ] know who it is i just know i'm going to kill terrorizer by the way i'm going to kill him again when he comes back what did you say does that mean you killed him the first time no it's not mean it just means i was thinking about killing him [ __ ] you puffer i'll remember i might die this round brock good luck [ __ ] you pop gonna die the game is probably hopeful oh no salty [ __ ] on twitter my stats are better and he's sad about it clearly i'm a virgin oh no i got him i'm gonna kill terrorizer [ __ ] lights i'm gonna kill you still actually hilarious hey look guys i'm doing left first [ __ ] kill all right dude who's my teammate who's my who's my two teammates man i'm your teammate man i'm also crewmate we're on team crewmate yeah we're on the crew [ __ ] i don't like coming through oh my god oh it's too well cat i'm not on team crew i knew it was delirious because i i ran past weapons and it was it was literally singing a song about killing terrorizing yeah it was you right yeah it was the other one let's sing a song about killing terrorizer and then let him get away with it i killed it [Music] making sure
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 1,660,607
Rating: 4.9733419 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: 8xQM8_4BAQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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