Among Us Funny Moments - Nogla Gets Help From Siri! (Proximity Chat)

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[Music] so all right i know how to figure this one out okay enable siri oh yeah i don't have siri enabled already nah they go i don't want the government listening to me okay we're all gonna be a number i'm number one moose two puffers three fusers four and smitty's five hey siri pick a number between one to five baby hold on let me just do the wires right here yeah the wires okay [ __ ] here this wires right here oh the big two big red wires yes yeah oh my god someone's gonna die someone's gonna die someone's gonna die back there i wonder who's gonna die i'm gonna die someone's gonna die i'm going dead please don't kill me not gonna be me stabbing this guy who's missing who's missing smitty [Music] oh my god who was missing where was the body it was uh outside there literally could have been anyone who just ran up no not me i got their first and fixed lights so all you guys who you learned from no zombie [ __ ] smitty why smitty because he wasn't there oh he wasn't i didn't see him well i i ran down and now he was running down and then went into his little hallway spot where he likes talking to all the people and now what happened no it's what happened it's just i don't like you talking about my spots like that wait puffer what do you think good mm-hmm that's a good vote a vote for me is a vote for you oh this is the only time smitty didn't vote for himself as well so maybe he was imposter you're gonna be shocked when this game keeps going oh look at that look at that sound we were wrong i'm telling your ass is probably puffer now what makes you think that because you're the last one into lights i i think i think i think it is who which are you thinking yes with your stupid throw what the [ __ ] you say about why why did four zero four zero leave let's hide from him [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] let's hide from him let's hide let's hide okay okay come over here come here come just down here right here right here down here this is a okay i'll all here here here all i'll just stand here you be the bait hello can you hear me okay i can hear you through the [ __ ] wall so shut the [ __ ] up that's perfect oh guys i am doing oh sorry i'm going back i'm going back ah she's in the spot no big deal there's in the spot don't know all right okay i was looking i was i was looking for for a nice book in the in the uh on the shelf there and i stepped on a dead body yeah where you killed nogla oh yeah uh-huh listen for this this is what happened this is what happened we were gonna hide from you because we thought you were the imposter so we hid behind the shelf i was gonna be the bait and then after being the babe for like three seconds i walked back to where they were hiding and one of them was dead so processed that entire oh yeah yes good one [ __ ] i was hoping you would just stay out there man like why did you come out i don't know i didn't want to know where you went holy [ __ ] your voice that's a fake antenna dude look at that look at mu's antenna fake ass and take care what you got cables it's not even attached dude it's definitely real i gotta fluff the pillows here very important all right oh i can hear him through the wall gotta get my clothes yeah do a very important task because evan come over here about him going on a recon mission yeah let's go let's go do our task in here hello excuse me evan this is a test of our friendship all right what do you mean that is a test of our friendship so what do you expect me to do we're gonna go over here come over follow me then what hey fix the [ __ ] lights hey hey are you talking thanks for fixing the lights i think oh some people sometimes they might be able to hear us if they go to the bottom corner hey you stay here and i'll go talk to you through the wall go into the corner go into the corner we just had hey hey you hey how hey you you [ __ ] come over this [ __ ] wall i dare you i'm over this wall i dare you no glare are you alive still hello no peace oh hi this is all right sorry i've got to kill you now yeah i want them to come they need to come into this room i have something to show you come with me come with me what's something to show you quickly you know what happened quickly i see you see now did you murder us i didn't even see an animation yeah i [ __ ] had a hacks hey guys i'm doing leaves i'm totally actually i'm totally doing leaves all right looking good looking good wait where's where where's nogla where are you why are you wondering cuz you're about to kill somebody oh no i could hear him but i couldn't see him all right i'm gonna leave and then you can kill vanna hey no okay no are you guys conspiring with it confining us no more is acting real suspicious yeah they were conspiring dude what's up what the [ __ ] hey smitty you're over there hello wait no hi are you an electrical i'm not sure i am dude where are you oh we're in med bay oh oh someone died well i pulled a noble and ruined it so what's that siri again yeah yeah yeah yeah all right yeah let's get something out of here if she gets me voted off she's getting set off all right hey siri pick a number between one and six [Music] hey what's up what's up what's up what's up wouldn't this be considered a threesome someone's in bed being someone's in their life i'll go to med bay we can have a threesome yeah let's go do it come to my room heaven i can't why because someone's standing on the vet i can't open it sorry does anyone want to come to my room hey hey i got snacks in here hey i'm going to stay here if you don't hear me that means i died okay that's my download i got interrupted where's scotty oh he's right behind me he's about to get mr van ross i'm inside of him i think evan did hey hey whoever's the imposter can you cop an event come to my room i'm lonely wait is everyone dead i'm alive well well well [Music] do you think i was dead you thought i was dead i got you caught you for saying you got you for a second i got you for a second what's going on what's going on over here [ __ ] going on in here look i can see look i can see puffers is that puffer's ass right there on the top left that's his course oh yeah oh wait you guys sure are you sure about that yeah can you can you ain't no no glove uh-huh you killed him a little too low we could see uh see his body oh you can see that yeah hey no i know what to do hey siri pick a number between one and three one bite please hey how do you make new friends here's an answer from me thank you siri you saw your bones sticking through the wall oh i just don't even see that what the hell i'm too thick for my own [ __ ] ever [Music] i'm gonna do this over here in the secluded corner all by myself where no one would find no one would find me over here hey do your task i did do it again what's going on here puff puffer what's going on shout out your channel tell us your channel hey my channel is yeah he walked away didn't he yeah he did hey hey wait wait been us puffer shout out your channel hey my channel is gonna happen hey siri pick a number between one and five random number between one and five oh my god wait wait is that me or something i'm too i'm trying to make it that's pretty success dude yeah yeah this is a real scissors you know what to be fair she does have a 20 chance to be right here which is good odds [ __ ] but not good enough uh hey hey moo you want to tell us what code we're supposed to use no no no no no glad you can't get away from me it's code move that you're supposed to use no god damn it god damn it that's the only reason i called the meeting hey siri oh my it's it guys it's 4-0 it's 4-0 what what's your proof yeah what's your proof because i have footage i have footage i got footage of him killing the blue guy the light blue guy all right i'm you calling me racist i you know i kind of have to vote for you now he said he's kind of implying you're racist so yeah yeah okay you know if it's [Music] is very very good i want to keep talking just in case something happens when i'm [Laughter] [Music] i demand who knows who knows who did this wait no way hi oh that's a dead body right there it is no way oh i feel like i know what move is doing it's not me i promise you okay tell me what happened tell me what happened tell me what happened what happened to this body i fixed lights i don't think moo would hit lights while he was explaining this okay back to the dead body okay so i fixed lights i ran up here and i was like oh whose man's is this whose man's is that because i was looking around to see who did it right then emmy comes running down so you didn't kill him and then go who did that who did this you didn't do that right yeah that concluded it's probably this [ __ ] creepy ass guy who's not talking about he could be you know i think cameras right oh is he here does somebody cash out on cameras yeah i think smitty's on 4k right now did you do it oh it really wasn't me i promise all right that's probably 4-0 i mean now's a good chance to kill me if you are die oh my gosh did i scare you okay all right i have some critical information yeah what i saw that on cams it was nogla oh oh all right i never swore so [ __ ] you smitty hold on let's listen to siri hey siri pick a number between one and five four [ __ ] siri dude you a [ __ ] siri you a [ __ ] oh god damn it i mean i did see you on cams running away from that body by the way i just want to point that out all right so it was true i trusted you it's fine i'm gonna go back to my job though hmm interesting not even in uniform well i gotta submit a scan so brb man all right i'll i'll i'll check you out i'm bloop five by the way i am bloop five and my blood type is eight [Music] i just heard i'm watching the cams and i see bruh just leave medbay and just how did you leave me twice all right why don't you just kill me smitty why don't you just i want you why don't you just why don't you stop this stupid act and just [ __ ] right let's both hit the kill button let's both hit the kill button on three okay all right one two three uh-oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] one two three [Music] one one okay well what the [ __ ] okay it was 4-0 but what the [ __ ] was smitty talking about this entire time he saw you leave med bay twice meaning you vented in to to leave a second time brock don't don't mess this up please please say that a lot of pressure don't screw up it's 4-0 you know what i believe you god damn it god damn it dude i was so close to winning i was so close to winning why did you have to do that crap that means we lost no no [ __ ] way i don't oh yeah i'm just i'm blaming random [ __ ] out i thought what the worst security guard ever yeah i'm just you're lying and you got me voted out yeah it was funny [Music] okay let's see let's see if we can find anybody's let's see anybody dead anybody there anybody there maybe then what's going on over here hello hey oh what's going on where are you going hey follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me [Music] where are we going what the [ __ ] hello where are you guys follow me follow me follow me follow me i'm following you god damn it where the hell [Music] um oh no nobody is dead i am so sad dead body and electrical hey siri [Music] never mind i was just joking funny moment all right so i have no idea because i just been running around this entire time so i haven't been running around i've been sitting on cams what have you seen people running by really fast speed all right thank you for that information all right so i have no idea that's no good we could just skip yeah i think no glove was impostor that's a good bit it's like nothing happened go back on our merry old i'm going back to my security cams i'll see you guys later [Music] haha me when i'm really excited to go to my job in the morning [Music] oh yeah it's only when they're close it's only when they're like in med bay or in the security wing what are you watching can i not watch the cam while you're on them oh there we go is minnie still alive yeah where is he hey he was just an electrical wait what the crap just appeared out of nowhere you popped up yeah i popped out of the vent right here no it wasn't very cool oh is smitty still alive ready i need my security partner security partner okay back to security doing my cams and my job i was so scared i thought you died and then i came back and you're here yeah i wonder how he got here so fast what do you mean look how fast i can fight oh yeah that's true he's got a point i feel like you could run here faster than you could vent why don't we test that hold on puffer you run too electrical okay okay now you bent okay all right well it's smitty let's see oh yo look at that see it worked just fine you know he's going to say a lot when this game ends and say he beat me here but he totally didn't i totally beat him okay keep your eyes peeled all right we got it we got to hit we got to hit report before we like as soon as we see as soon as we see yep yep he's probably listening to us right oh i saw that man oh no no no no no dude it happened so fast oh my god dude i told you i get the [ __ ] imposter on the stupid round of course it would be really unfortunate if you had no idea start over all right guys get ready for the lobby bug everyone yell some outlandish [ __ ] [Applause] holy [ __ ] here we go baby here we go [Applause] it's like a [ __ ] machine gun my ears [Music] [Music] now i can't get it
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 3,050,545
Rating: 4.9644389 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Vanossgaming, Among Us, TTT, Imposter, fast, proximity, chat, voice, merch, black friday, silly, funny, rage, vent, Nogla, Smii7y, Fourzeroseven, Puffer, Moo Snuckel
Id: -kU4inxM4xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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