Among Us Cartoon Mods That Will Bring Back Memories

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what a beautiful day i'm so excited hey captain how long will we arrive in the caribbean oh i can't wait all right i'd say about five more hours oh we don't have is everything all right cap um uh what's that but we are safe right captain there's nothing to worry about every man [Music] ah not again why do we always end up stranded on islands look the writers are doing what they can anyway that doesn't matter right now what matters is that you guys subscribe to the channel smash that notification bell and give this video a mega big thumbs up who is it talking to i have no idea maybe he's gone crazy anyway how are we gonna get off this island we need a boat we need food and water okay well food hmm your mom do you think you could sort that out sure jeff can you figure out the water situation i can try the rest of us let's go see about making a boat we've got these guys [Music] [Music] we did it and home we go [Music] it's really working yeah it really it what do we do quick scoop the water out now what do we do please do it again ah hi ah what is that thing is it a sponge mr sponge man are you gonna eat us [Music] silly yellow space man i'm not gonna eat you and my name is spongebob not man you're not gonna eat us of course not anyone else find that laugh obnoxious yep yep so what brings you all to bikini bottom uh where are we bikini bottom it's the best place ever you're gonna love it well we sort of our boat sank and whoa wait are we underwater we're underwater how are we breathing well it looks like you have the same space duty thing that sandy has maybe that's why suit sandy what are you saying if you want i can help you get back to wherever you're from really oh that would be amazing thank you don't worry i'm sure my best friend patrick will know what to do he lives right over there follow me oh hi spongebob patrick my man my bud i need your help anything for you buddy i think these guys are from above land if you know what i mean i think i get the gist so you know how we can get them back home i think i know exactly what to do really that's great um are you gonna show us what to do huh oh you want to try are you an idiot [Laughter] oh i ordered maybe squidward can help us squish what yeah squidward's a great guy you'll love him get off my property oh squidward you really cracked me up sometimes i wasn't joking i thought you said squidward would help us don't mind squidward sometimes he needs his beauty sleep and can get a little cranky but that's fine cause we're best friends aren't we buddy no we're not i really don't like you these people are weird hmm maybe sandy could help us what do you think squidward i don't care i just want you out of here [Music] oh well next stop the krusty krab [Music] it's mine no it's mine mine mine mine mine mr crab what's going on spongebob my boy help me get plankton out of here aye aye captain i can't hear you oh what is going on it's me no curse you you will pay for this put me down put me down this instant i demand you obey me sorry plankton but i only obey mr secret krabs so spongebob what can i do with all these lovely customers you've brought with you oh they're not customers they're not customers then what are they doing here out out out come on guys let's go to sandy's house she'll know what to do and on the way i'll sing you a song oh we're going on a trip a very happy trip with some new friends are trying to help look out you'll trip over that kelp oh what a fun time what a fun time what a fun time [Music] thank you thank you well howdy spongebob ah [Music] uh and y'all are we come from above ground we above ground wow that's awesome we're cousins i'm a squirrel you see uh yeah anyway we were wondering if you could help us get back home well of course i can and a thing for family come on in [Music] here oh that's fine we don't need it all right [Music] i've been working on this baby for a while now looking for you i just finished it today and you're gonna let us use it to get back home of course what are families for thank you so much well what are you waiting for launch him in five four three two one blast off [Music] finally home sweet home [Music] it won't open hey can you guys help me out if you smash that subscribe button give this video a thumbs up and turn the notification bell on i'll have enough power to open this jar [Music] have you done it yet yes thank you [Music] okay everyone line up here please the among us anime edition is about to start i just need to do a quick checklist the main protagonist here jack hi i'm cinderella we're the main couple that everyone kind of hates because we're so lovey-dovey and check honestly next hey i'm the super powerful dude check we're the two who have a crush on each other but haven't confessed yet yeah check i'm the protagonist sidekick the smart one and check that's all of them let's get this started [Music] i can't do it ugh if only mom were here she always used to make the best burgers but ever since the crash i've never tasted such a good burger mr grits mom you can do it if you believe in yourself ah you're right [Music] yes thank you mom i always knew you were watching over me [Music] [Applause] my first kill i'm sorry mr grits but you had to be the first the first of many indeed to be imposter is gratifying but to kill how can i enjoy murder do i deserve to live do i [Music] uh [Music] again murder murder after murder is this it will this be an endless cycle of my life how can i go on how can i [Music] [Music] it's darth vader he did it i saw him he was standing over the body oh no it's not me it's obviously mr pepperoni man he he probably lost his temper and killed him uh i don't know who it is eva who do you think it is i don't know mr pepperoni man come to think of it it actually might be darth tator [Music] i guess we're like voting for darth tater let's do it wait no i whatever eva says goes [Music] no [Music] wow eva you're so smart shut up okay [Music] my impostor partner is gone how will i do this how will i beat the crewmates on my own i guess there's only one thing for it i wanted to save this power for the end game but i'll guess i'll have to use it now initiating and now time to kill hey sweetums how you doing i'm fine eva i made another poem for you roses are red eva is cool my name is banana um [Music] hey eva do you want to go for a stroll around the ship we can do some tasks together nah i'm good but but sias eva is mine no she loves me now me [Music] you know what i actually feel sorry for you guys huh why because you're all about to be minced meat mince meat but i'm a ah chester more like getstar [Music] a really bad line [Music] huh how did so many people die so quickly i'd better head to the emergency button before we lose [Music] guys so many people died sandy my love my everything no [Music] if sandy isn't alive then i don't want to live stop being so dramatic well who's the imposter i'm not sure either you're so smart who do you think it is i don't know i just want to leave ha yeah me too uh i was kidding jeff oh ah yeah me too then who do you think it is eva you oh good enough for me let's vote snowball out hmm is it really snowball or is it jeff or eva i'm the protagonist i should know what to do but i don't know who the imposter is what does this mean maybe i'm not the main character but how how can it be who is it snowball eva jeff oh why must this be so hard what is he doing i think he's monologuing i know who i want to vote for [Applause] you me let's get him what no no [Music] sandy my love at least we'll be together now [Music] it's not snowball then jeff it's you i'm sorry my dear but an impostor's got to do what an imposter's got to do initiating beast mode no how could this be i have to defeat him i have to but no i'm not strong enough i'm not powerful enough i shot god father even though you've done no training whatsoever channel your power within you can defeat the antagonist just scream really loudly and it should work okay dad i'll make you proud [Applause] [Music] [Music] father i don't know if i can do this you can do this son just go into some sort of emotional flashback trust me okay dad [Music] i can do it [Applause] so you did it i did it is this the part where tsundera shows her soft side [Music] uh why not [Music] ah [Music] now [Music] this game sucks can i have a go sure go nuts well you're actually pretty good at this am i [Music] you can see these [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] oh where where are we ah what happened i think we were sucked into the game what you mean we're in the pac-man game [Music] we're all gonna die no we're not we just we we'll figure out a way to get out of here mr regrets i'm scared i know but chester is right we're not doomed we can escape but how uh maybe we can what is that maybe it's friendly aah [Laughter] oh no it's a dead end we're doomed [Music] here what huh [Music] wow that was amazing yeah that's so cool can you teach me how to do that yeah you don't feel like any does anyone understand what she's saying no clue i have no idea here yes i don't know about you but i'm sticking with her me too me three where'd she go [Music] guys i'm scared where are we uh excuse me miss lyme are you here thank you for saving us we were all goners for sure yeah i say yeah are we um sorry miss but we don't understand what you're saying real serious yes sweet nido what did she say i have no idea but it sounded like she was complimenting us thanks [Music] oh fun yes [Music] here's him for this [Music] what should we do let's just laugh and not alone [Laughter] [Music] and i am god hershey [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] you're all alive thank the heavens here how does she uh who is she this is uh actually i don't know what her name is excuse me my good lady what's your name eva this is eva uh yeah i figured eva do you know a way out of here oh yeah [Music] you think of anything you're pretty smart um wait my brain is thinking i aha what is it we use the orbs the orbs the orbs this thing yes we'll stack them up to form a giant ladder out of here but to where through that giant screen we'll smash a hole through there somehow and we're out of here you know this might actually work yay let's do it wow hi yeah so he's gone [Music] just a few more we made it hurry [Music] she she's gone she was too beautiful for this cruel world come on guys we need to go but eva she's gone banana she's gone ava you're alive but how did you make it and you're all here do i still have no clue what she's saying let's just not unlaugh uh-huh oh we can get there who are you either her better friend they can't snap in a wheelbarrow oh [Music] [Music] i'd also just like to say you are so awesome beautiful amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um guys [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] oh aren't you cute [Music] [Applause] it's really [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios Live
Views: 799,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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