among us but the impostor SWITCHES EVERY 60 SECONDS

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what's up gamers welcome back to modded among us but today we are playing among us but the imposter rotates every minute so that means you could be an imposter but in a minute later you're a crewmate or the other way around you're just doing your test and then all of a sudden you can start sabotaging and venting the first game was our first time reaction so our iq wasn't that great but on the last game i pull off an amazing two-time imposter win if you're part of the percentage that's not subscribed subscribe right now so we got to figure out who it is right at the beginning which is actually really really hard maybe i just do my tasks and then one the numbers start diminishing then you start figuring it out oh it was really fast oh i thought that was proof i was about to say it sucks it's in storage and you were walking away from storage i just did wires in the top left of storage where was the body i trash like it was by trash okay kind of rude to kill some more trash hey i mean it doesn't matter if oompa is actually the imposter right then he's not gonna be it in about a minute we can skip or we can risk it let's let the rotation happen by the way socks is is it still trouble if you're an event when it switches oh yeah if you're an event and it switches you get kicked from the game so don't do that oh you guys when it says blossom oh my god i just turned into the imposter i literally just turned into an imposter as soon as that was over oh my god i gotta kill someone before it's too late please please please i'm not gonna be the imposter anymore i'm not gonna be it i'm not gonna be it i'm walking with mimi i'm walking with mimi well well well we found it together it can't be oompa anymore it must have rotated well you never wanted to before though actually yeah i was oh my god where where was the body left uh it was in the hallway as you walk up with electrical and go right it was right there i like this game what about tv i saw him right outside in storage unless blast went into electrical run back well you really think i'm that smart uh i don't think it's gonna be in me now right yup it's not me anymore because the minute passed i don't know who it is now oh my god okay um left wait blossom were you the imposter and you were in the venue you got banned i just did it real quick i was in the vent for two seconds oh my god body was outside electrical like in the same exact spot the last body was i came down from storage someone was walking away but i don't know who it was wait wait jiao you were an electrical with me who was who else was there i mean it was another person somebody i think they were maybe it was the person you killed right what all right now that the the crowd is getting smaller it should be easier to vote out the impossible by the way i agree is he going okay i thought jow's over there he's with oompa joao i might as well do my task oh my god he vented didn't he you didn't you you was paid for hacking i was in my sabotage menu oh my god you can't actually be in any menu that's hilarious that's actually hilarious okay now it can either be tense and tv or ump or zhao or mimi oh we're all together i think we're actually gonna win this by finishing our tasks everyone's with me so they can't kill me here just imagine i just get imposter at the very end that is so crazy oh i just got it i literally just got it okay i'm going up with henson i'm going up with henson to someone here all right i'm fixing the lights but it's not going to be me okay tense and dead and socks was just right in front of the bus where was the body it was right like pretty much everyone was over here so i went i went from the bottom from the shield section up and i saw tencen's body but i didn't see who it was i saw socks right in otis wait how is this not a self-report then dude i was literally fixing oxygen i didn't see anything on the right side okay it's either socks or it's a tv tv was over on admin side for a while no but he could have killed and then self-reported i wanted socks yes i'm pretty sure sucks i think it's song come on oompa yeah yeah what up i was literally doing this remember when we played yesterday and you lied to me you lied to oompa i'm not lying yes i thought it was gonna be right i thought it was gonna switch by then all right here we go i guess i'm going to do admin swipe i know blossom went to the left i'm going to check left i'm going to run past secure electrical is there a dead body over here um okay oh oh i just became the imposter i can kill two people before my timer goes up two people where's the people when you need them hello oh god are you kidding me are you kidding me i killed mimi and i'm going to report it wait mimi is dead yeah i killed mimi i killed me i killed him i killed him i killed oh my god that's so funny i just admitted to what i have done and i'm probably gonna win as a crewmate because we're about to finish our task i was only able to kill one person it was mimi oh okay wolf is there oh oh oh oh he knows he knows all right here we go can by the end will i be able to win as an imposter i don't know and i have no idea why i ran over here to start doing leaves instead of tracking of everyone's movements rubes is coming down tb is alive it's tense and dead wow hi shrews how's it going hey goodbye and everyone's doing their task up here ever fantastic i'm going down i'm going to sabotage uh light just like that and i'm going to kill laughing and then it's tencent stencin that's beautiful that's beautiful i love that strategy it sucks it sucks then how is it me mimi you're just saying things no it means you have it out for me i'm gonna kill you every time first that is so funny what what what are you gonna do are you ready and i close the doors here and i'm just staring at his body as soon as someone comes in i'll kill him as well no i'm not it oh my god well i think sox got his revenge yeah i killed mimi and i was camping the door until i was nodded i think it's really it's not me no no why would i kill him and then wait 30 seconds and then report it okay i'm making a random guess what just skip i hate all of you all right well now you know what would be nice if i either figure it out who it is or i win his crewmate oh my god the whole gang is there oh laza is just why is he just standing up why why would you do this to me okay crewmate nice nice nice okay lights are going down black went to the right is there gonna be a dead body here maybe oh no oh oh my god i just got it i literally just got it that's kind of crazy you you want to stay with me plaza you want to be friends nope i need to go on the other side all right that works oh oh okay someone invented navigation who is the navigation there are three people in there one lap wait you were in there maybe no i i walked there down to the next one if it's a self-report yeah i did vent which is funny wait i'm going to turn off the lights but if i see someone here someone come through here and i'm going to kill him real quick and then run back in come on go down this hallway you know you want to you know you want to oh and come back here and now i check security okay that's perfect i'm on security i see oompa okay i was gonna go call the emergency meeting right because i i was suss about uh used right but then i come up to cafeteria and i see a body on the left side of cafeteria oompa i i was on cameras and i saw you coming did you come down or up to admin uh i was in weapons at the start of the round and then went down to admin and then went in there did one so that means you passed the cafeteria yeah i went through cafeteria it wasn't me i mean sure this is interesting is it going to switch now oh but they're getting kind of suss at me honestly i just might not kill anybody anymore hmm they're getting a little sauce on me yup i already lost it oh my god i was so scared he was chasing me down the entire he's dead yes and i ran the entire map i went imposter and i took i took my revenge i killed him right there i was scared i put my pants a little but i got my revenge you know what's funny is that i killed everybody oh yeah i was told you were yeah [Music]
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 3,641,961
Rating: 4.9544868 out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, among us but the impostor SWITCHES EVERY 60 SECONDS, among us 100 players, among us, among us but the impostors don't kn, among us mods, among is no kill cooldown, among us 100 impostors, among us 100 iq, among us cheats, among us best players, among us the impostors has infinite reach, among us impostor glitch
Id: HvFOdKsu_VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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