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what's up gamers hope you're doing well today i got another modded mungus video for us today crewmates can actually fight back that's right crewmates have the power to fight back against the imposter and actually take them out we have done so many among us videos lately but this is by far the best one yet not only can the crewmates take out impostors but they could also take out fellow crewmates which leaves some very interesting games and in my last imposter game i just watched as my crewmates teared each other apart as i did basically nothing one more thing i know we haven't done any other games in a while it's just because i've been really enjoying among us hope you understand if you're part of the percentage that's not subscribed subscribe right now do it all right here we go crewmates alright so i'm a crew mate but i have the kill button i'm actually very scared am i are they just going to kill me mimi's just going to kill me no i'm afraid mimi's just going to kill me muffins is going to kill me don't kill me oh my god and the lights are going down i'm very scared i am very scared okay the lights are back on i feel like there's already going to be a dead body okay electrical i guess i'll just do electrical work well i think i i need to use some detective skills to figure out who it is oh i was just locked in electrical yo i found the body upper right part of the map what is it called from cafeteria no sock socks in the storage i was in storage nope came from the right no no no i was locked in storage the doors were closed gabzito did you use your crewmate powers to take out laughing your best friend i could have seen it if i was an afk that's the thing i was fixing obs i'm sorry gamers i think the fact you can like kill other people is weird all right i am sass about wolf blasa and jowdow i'm just gonna wait a little bit yep the lights are going down is there anybody over here is there any dead bodies i know ja went over here yeah did you kill someone i know who it is is that blaza's dead body oh i reported it jao you just incriminated yourself did you just say i self-reported it no no no no no i i said i was confused that i reported it because you know how i spammed the report button joe you came out of med bay you're falling blasa blasa's dead okay i did not kill blaza well block is dead i know it's not it's tb and i know it's not gabzi it's gotta be you john i'm sorry if it's not joe it's a song report by sock yeah that's fair and i think if it is supposedly so that means it's gotta be wolf i'm just gonna kill wolf where's wolf wolf's gonna die today i'm just gonna kill him he's right there i'm just going to kill him [Music] zhao said he didn't kill him so the only other person is woof oh my god 900. oh crewmate again all right we got tb going to up we got gabzito going right we got blasa in the middle and mimi the doc they're going with gabzito laughing is just in the middle why is he in the middle is he going to kill blo what was oh okay i'm not even making this up okay the lights go down laughing is just dancing at the cafeteria and then plaza is dead no no no no no no wait walk left i followed tbh like five seconds after cause i was gonna go see what he was doing so you're saying okay this is what happens mimi goes to the right i'm standing here next to blasa laughing gas is on the cafeteria table lights go down plaza's dead all right instead of voting me off how about you know you can do a public execution match that's unfair that seems fair and then there's gonna be one yeah wait wait wait wait wait it said there was one imposter left blossom was also an imposter yes you got you killed the nepalese you killed your fellow all right let's go we'll all meet i'm a member oh my god he wants a public execution no no i won't kill a single person a single person have fun how are we gonna do this this time tb is over here and he probably knows i'm here i think i'm going to turn off lights and i'm going to go down okay they already fixed the lights that's fantastic how fast they can fix the lights outside of the lower engine it's not blasa and it's time okay so it's not me umper or gabzi or because we were all at the top of electrical it's not plaza he was at it yeah i was in cafeteria and i just went to admin well do we you it was you where you're getting voted out zero suspicions whatsoever good job zhao tb's just there in the middle i don't think i can kill him can i just kill him nah he knows i gotta kill someone maybe in security i went into electrical there's gabzito here i checked him uh maybe i'll do an o2 did they just close the door okay i'm fixing the light all working now play makes penis a dull boy oompa please explain uh i'm just getting tired of work i just decided to kill someone i also killed tbh as well i mean sorry no no not tbh i get tbh and fat meme got mixed up that mean god that one are you even imposter no no no no i just said i'm uh i was pushed to the limits and you killed your fellow friends yeah i'm i'm upset there's no union on this ship uh there's no benefits are you calling a strike i'm at the end of my rope i absolutely i'm calling a strike who else is with me yeah yeah everyone's with you all right let's start by murdering oompa no yes you killed all right well that didn't go as planned i mean sorta did um i think i'm just gonna sabotage light and uh quickly vent over here maybe i'll kill someone quickly uh i gotta uh do i have a kill anyone over here i gotta kill tencent because he said he's sesame spencer's right there okay tension's there with laughing i'm telling you dude it's gotta be laughs did you just kill me man man led me to administration just killed laughing gasps and why is oompa dead now okay wait tension if you're right if you're right if we skate vote and it says there's one imposter then you're right but if you're wrong i'm pretty sure i'm right he's trying to do he's trying to lead me to evan swift when it's white that is true if if there's two lefty that's we're screwed tension who else did you kill i think anyone else i just killed him then who killed oompa i think he's definitely yup there's the reactor meltdown we just gotta kill one more person we just gotta kill one more person and we win i blossom goodbye blossom god damn it as soon as sucks in java said if there's two imposters left were done far i knew it was um oh imposter with joe down what if i just don't kill anybody hmm i just stay here in the middle don't kill anybody where is lots of banana all right i'm moving i'm gonna turn off the lights that always scares people i feel like they're just gonna smash the kill button they're gonna kill each other this tells a lot about society maybe i'll just catch someone kill each other are they just gonna kill each other dude [Music] oh no he vented okay wow well now i'm a lone wolf they literally just killed him and he didn't even get a single kill how crazy is that all right i think i'm just gonna kill tencent i'm sorry i don't i i don't want you here the lights are going down do i just stay in here if i come out here oh the doors are closed there oh yep now gab's definitely gonna go up i'm just gonna stay in here goodbye you're gonna find the body yup who's dead now outside of security i came running up to security i found the body so the murderer he closed the doors as well into reactor they're sometimes saying nothing is the best can i even win this i don't think i can win this um i wanna kill i gotta kill some people early all right uh gab is actually suspicious so i'm not gonna kill him um i'm gonna kill mimi it's nothing personal it's just business and then gab's coming down here he's gonna find the body again all right i'm gonna go to navigation which is perfect and then i'm gonna sabotage i guess so or they close the door okay that's kind of cool the doors are closed here and they find the body okay so i don't know i just saw plaza just killed gab but i don't know if he killed him because he thought he was a bad guy or i don't know what just happened i thought he deserved it why'd you run away though immediately after i i was scared i believe that what do you guys believe that i see yeah i just saw him just standing in the middle of the electrical yeah he did he did just chop gabzito's head off right in front of me at the moment he did really good does that deserve it but no there's no there's still one imposter right yeah yeah we can afford probably a four different yeah alive i told you they're just gonna kill each other i just gotta keep on slicing them off one at a time how am i still as long as blossom stays alive they're almost done with their tasks why is everyone here go away oh they sabotage light all right i'm gonna go down i don't wanna be i don't wanna be with blasa i need an alibi okay they now know i'm here which is kind of a problem i'm going an admin uh do i kill laughing gas i think i gotta kill laughing but then they know right i think laughing oh they just killed each other to do that interesting i meant to kill a little [ __ ] okay so so this is what happened just then i killed blaza because i started feeling guilty for not sussing him out earlier and then tbh instead of reporting or killing me went ahead and killed him so but you meaning to kill me doesn't doesn't uh relieve you i feel well to be fair for the last report i saw you said over her body so i was just kind of like do i i don't know man you seem kind of sucked so i wanted to kill you i thought you but you killed a random innocent man but i meant [Applause] oh my god they know oh my god please don't close any doors i swear if they close any why did he close the door [Music] cox was just on the admin console like what is he doing and he was just sat watching the chaos unfold yeah i was like i was like i'm not gonna do anything
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 5,459,103
Rating: 4.9604321 out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, among us, among us but crewmates, among us but crewmates can vent, among us but crewmates can fight back, among us but crewmates fight back, among us socksfor1, among us mods, among us hacks, among us mods socksfor1, among us 100 impostors, among us impostor glitch, among us new gamemode, among us but the impostors have infinite range
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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