Among Us With NEW RC CAR!

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today in among us the imposter now has an explosive rc car that he can place down and control drive around the map and then explode it wherever he wants and i'm not gonna lie it's pretty overpowered take a look behind me there's an rc car now it's sneaking up on a crewmate all you guys have to do is click the like button right now to explode it all right here goes nothing way oh yeah and head over to for the brand new merch and let's get into the video are you guys ready to see my brand new attention i what does it do crainer i'm driving you driving in some people whoa are you kidding me jelly you just give blue jelly up yeah and i can also do this oh okay well that's what your foster can do today everybody okay this is gonna be fun okay someone [Music] okay apart from that this is regular among us the only way we can win is by doing all the tasks we i'm going to do my tests okay bye everyone fantastic no trash is coming out buddy that doesn't that's not how it works here okay uh-huh that's what i would say too if i was saucy you're done okay well karina for some reason is already tossing me an excellent start just it's a brilliant game obviously we are innocent right now and something is going wrong okay carl's right first time that's what we're talking about why is cosmic oh my god i hear something i hear something i hear a glassy car sound wait is that jelly has the rc car [Laughter] oh my god he is such an idiot okay wait listen why would they tell you now jelly car i i want to kill you okay okay i have a confession to make what what it's me look okay i'm going see you later guys well as you can see i am the rc car imposter what are we gonna do with it we're gonna see if we can get some kills one problem is while we're controlling it we're obviously gonna be standing still so there's two ways we can do it we can either try and see if it works in a vent or we could try and find a long task to do that we can sort of uh i don't know enable it from and then drive it away yeah i'm not really sure how it's gonna work we just need to find the perfect opportunity to do this yeah people in general there's a lot going on over here so i'm gonna sabotage o2 and then hope that everyone leaves okay and now oh my goodness that's loud okay rc car oh this is hard to control okay oxygen is going off let's see who we can kill with the rc car oh it blew up it blew up in the middle of nowhere okay never mind can we do the rc car from the vent i guess we're gonna find out oh look there's jelly okay um okay let's see where can i just boom somebody just exploded in front of me wait wait wait wait wait right in front of you no not she was innocent to us i'm scared he was right at the body wait crana he just said someone blew up right in front of me yeah somebody blew up in front of me that's another way i gotta say i think that the impostor is a little bit embarrassed because i was doing a test and then i heard and nobody died so i think whoever this is oh you think they failed nobody follow no but listen to me crainer i think you're a little suss here because i walked straight past you there was no noise of an rc car okay well you're just dead and then i heard it for just a couple okay no no but no no we need to be asking the real questions did anyone see anyone standing still when the rc car no but does jelly know you're moving yeah he saw me move did you get it i i didn't see you anymore from the moment i hurt the car how convenient okay so how come did anyone else see anyone standing still that's what's important one more person on cameras however i don't know who it was i think maybe speedy or chris oh someone's on cameras cameras wait crainer says i saw jellyfish okay that's a lie i'm kidding i'm kidding i was kidding okay i need everyone in the next round to be a lot more vigilant about looking for people standing still i know people doing tasks but here's the thing though the imposter was probably pretty close to where it happened because the car like explodes by itself after a while right right yes well i don't know what the timing is on it that kind of makes cosmics look a little bit suss because he was standing well that's all the more reason to be looking for people standing still okay okay do not stand still ever we also need to get tasks done if you are innocent what i have admin come you have admin yeah what is an admin swipe card oh first try first okay [Applause] okay all right i'll see you guys later okay all right so it seems like vents are the way to go we need to get there no one's on cameras right now no one's the cameras on the cameras vent let's go through oh god it's so loud okay all right let's see who we can find oh hello crainer oh hello [Music] oh no oh no oh no oh god wait jilly and crainer are dead did they both get blown up yuki what did you see i need more information than this chris was near the body okay well i feel a bit lonely now that jelly and crane are gone okay well i guess our only lead is chris and we gotta figure out who killed jelly and crane there so i guess we just throw chris out that seems like a fair thing to do [Music] chris was not the imposter all right well good luck everyone i'll see you in a bit okay uh that was not the murders i was expecting to do but uh yeah what are we gonna do now yuki is the person we wanna like suss a little bit so let's kill you let's jump in the vent and then i can't hear anything deploy the rc car and see if anyone's coming in for a surprise oh ello trance oh ella drop boom oh okay cosmix is over here let's vent out okay oh oh are you kidding me two people died as well guys do we have any leads outside electrical yuki was near it okay well there you go there's my vote all right let's see if we want it in the name of jelly and crania all right well we only have two people left guys it's one of us friendly rtxd deployed cosmic drop the rc um okay i wanted to get my final kill with the rc car yes jelly crane jelly you were in the wrong place at the wrong time i just had to stab you man i didn't know you could be an event while controlling the thing yeah well i'm a genius that's genius new round new chances let's give this one a go um okay i'll see you guys i'll have to do something's going on i got somebody who can silence everybody follow me okay yeah guess who i thought we were about to get killed by an rc car but wait check this out boys [Music] look i that's me i did it i did it i did it i literally just did it see look that's not you josh yes it is i'm doing it right in front of your eyes all right you know i was gonna do something good for you guys but i guess you don't care i'm gonna go do my test all right good luck oh okay someone here has an rc car that is very dangerous and very explosive we need to figure out who it is or we are going to get blown up uh yeah that pretty much sums it up to be honest oh and i hear an rc car already it's over on the right hand side in my ear let's go towards it and see what we can find out oh it blew up okay did someone just die we're about to find out and someone did die okay rip guys i was busy counting okay but that would take you way too long to count greatness so we've got other things to do i had to count to ten it takes me like 10 seconds well what were you accounting for you don't understand it it's the task anyway the uh the dead body if you want to know guys do you want to know no i don't josh okay fine no where was it tell me no take your first answer josh if you don't tell me i will drive this rc car into you all right i'm fine i'm kidding i guess we voted crazy oh come on guys you saw me mid bay scan i haven't even said what it is that crane didn't want to know i wanted i'm sorry i'm skipping this is completely useless tell me where it was josh was gonna give some very efficient evidence since when does josh take anything personal i just did crainer maybe you need to be careful what you say next time look at that just one salty vote for mr john oh no you're calling me salty you're digging a hole crana okay i'm sorry maybe i should stalk crainer this round to make sure he's innocent look i can literally meet based again right now anyway i give you permission to blow up crainer look follow me need permission josh guys attention stay away from the medpay scanner and let me do my thing josh little cosmic jelly i hate you guys so much look i'm doing it hey i still had mine okay so i have a feeling it's not crainer usually when crainer is the imposter he gets really nervous and scared and what the hell there's another thing chasing me where did that come from how did that appear in there oh whoever's driving it sucks look at that oh where did that come from did it come from this vent where does that vent connect i swear it's one of these two vents right is it one of these two or am i thinking of a different vent okay i'm just double checking to see if i'm right although oh i heard that explosion there was an rc car on the left hand side of the map like i heard the explosion but i couldn't find the dead body i heard an explosion as well but that was a while ago so you found a body now jelly well yeah so i walked into admin because the alarms were going off and i think it was speedy on admin or it was cosmics doing doing the task you know the o2 thing i found someone in riya i found a sorry an rc car in reactor and whoever was driving it was terrible so and it just blew up randomly what's another good time to vote creator then are you kidding me jelly you're gonna call me terrible at driving well cleaner what we've seen you fly planes and drive cars before okay people in chat are saying susscrainer so no i can finally do you guys if you're just not an idiot i will show you that i have met bay you tried to prove that three times yeah and you don't stop and you're the thing accidentally keep failing look idiots come here and don't step on the on the thing all right i'm gonna look serious [Music] that is literally on me what's the point this is weird all right i hear an rc car oh my goodness um i don't want to go in here oh okay oh okay okay so everyone in that room who was moving it isn't crainer so you're clear i'm clear who else was in there but it just drove the aussie kind to medpay dude who else was in there that's so messed up who else was in there with us crainer cosmig and chris cosby chris crane of me eclair wait so wait josh but you reported the body so jelly rishi yuki yes telly it's you isn't it no it's not me wait how do you know i don't know we were all in that room together josh except for jillian richie i think was you in there no you didn't mention yuki or speedy it was chris and crainer they were the ones with us what were you doing say it with me kick out we kick out rishi and then we see what happens that's me that's fair but i can improve my innocence okay so everybody kick it kick rishi and then if jelly can prove himself wait but create a critter are you 100 sure it can't be josh because he's been acting weird i mean i literally was running around while they're thinking no you can't run while it's being controlled jelly right and rishi isn't the imposter okay yuki jelly yuki jelly yuki jelly jelly okay how can you prove yourself prove yourself jelly yeah yeah all right follow me okay it got dark now that we need to follow you huh daily weird no no no no it doesn't matter you know where trash shoot is okay okay so there we go i did it no you did no you didn't know you did it it fell out you saw that now we just know that you're lying okay josh what's going on i killed myself how did you do that you were close to him okay i was like okay they found out it's me i'm gonna place this rc car down and driving into craner and josh what but you were standing straight on me okay blew up and killed me thanks for watching this video remember to do right now to grab your brand new merch this is a hoodie by the way it looks pretty cool huh and also if you wanna watch my video there are videos on the screen it's simple tap them and it will take you straight to the next one just like that try it out for yourself enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,742,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, among us, role, rc car, remote control car, jelly, crainer
Id: YrLsJ2S_o_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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