Among Us, But I Installed Too Many Mods

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he is Two Guys stacked on top of each other I don't know what the these guys are you know what's crazy about this screen right here about all the imposters this just looks like a normal game of fortnite why did I get two votes you said you know it's apparently all these imposters yeah well because there's three of them if you think about it we have a thousand tasks it's been the first person that I decided to look at has their name in red and that is Pikmin five and I'm a detective and uh I did it to giwi and it they flashed green I don't know what that means but I think it means it's good guys I don't think that makes any sense because I'm Friday why are you getting mad at like suicide oh my God everyone has a different [ __ ] role uh I saw uh no talking Ross dude what the Friday night [ __ ] is going on you can't talk he's so used to dying round one but I gotta say I think this is worse Ross I need you next round take me to who you think is sus yay so I think I'm still alive what what I can still do things don't worry Peter Griffin's on the scene Peter is terrified Ross what did you see what did you see someone told me you The Phantom that walks by that is someone who's dead and can also win by doing tasks who was Ross running around Aaron some [ __ ] wait Ross you can talk again okay so I was what I was trying to say is that I saw someone with red and blue and they killed Jaden checked out kiwi said she was green well I don't know how the role works but it flashed green that's how it works yeah I'm nice I told you I'm nice I saw doc Colin coming from there but I trust Peter Griffin where's my go where's my go go go go I'm so glad you're rooting for me please I want you to win so bad it would be so funny [ __ ] it this is bad we gotta vote somebody here I've been laying around these traps and I just don't know what oh no I guess Jones are rolling okay we have the kill we gotta kill Colin we gotta kill Colin we've got to go College Jacob trusted you Jacob's dead I trust Sarah unless Sarah killed Joe she's not near Jacob so I wanted lights I was turning on lights said that my name was green he confirmed it would be red if she were I'm nice what the [ __ ] I don't even know what I got to do you got to get voted out all right guys it's me the mick [ __ ] rib baby [Applause] I have a big I have some big [ __ ] news huh the Mickle rib is back baby you think he's the jester oh baby he's always like this but he's always playing the role if there's anything to vote me for it's the world's tastiest sandwich guys oh McRib Luffy guys I don't know what this means but Dash was a swapper how do you know that's a troll anytime I report a body it tells me what role they had dude he is a whole ass [ __ ] chicken so I saw like what I think was Smith is a little ghost and they were running around doing tasks but I couldn't click on them I don't know how same I couldn't click don't worry about me I don't even remember what it was all I know now is I'm a Haunter what does that mean what is what is the [ __ ] God are you the goddamn like I'm independent I'm if I win I win alone you're again let's go Smith let's go Smith I'm on your [ __ ] side my ass is an entire mcfucking rib the body was on cams I think it could have been event kill this is Super Fresh I just made it out of electric wait hold on how'd you get the cam because you were coming out of the top right and Dell and I went bottom yeah no no and there's an event that leads right Peter kills somebody yeah yeah you know what I think here we go he has I think sinistered [Music] dude Peter Griffin is so [ __ ] good he ate the entire McRib in one goddamn bite the doors are too slow no you got this you got this you got this you're gonna win you got the stunts fine no one else is doing their tasks this is world record this is world news please one two three four I did it five nights at Freddy's what's the big ribs so bad the Jigglypuff is so funny dude this is the most I've ever gotten the [ __ ] evil this is one tasty can you [ __ ] knock it off shiny button you want to see what it does I don't even know it was a button for you the thing to say oh just have oh my God everyone's doing their [ __ ] card swipe I guess I'll Droid wait I have [ __ ] buttons I have an extra life what does that mean what I just spotted to a vet in the body just so existed that says places events around the map and it's like I'll Place event here and then it teleported me oh so you guys I understand what my role does now let's just go on to the next round and vote Ross out next round I think he's getting voted out this round guys yeah Como camo no swapu [Music] I can't believe you killed Mudkip what a twist okay you guys want to watch a cool trick yeah sure yeah let's all vote for Peter Griffin and then we vote Ross out because I understand how it works that's a crazy ability actually I think about it hey did you guys know that the big rib is back what does this do oh [Music] what no it's actually fine to say it here yeah it's so fine it's gonna be fine I think it's fairy fairy okay is it just dead yes executioner is if I get you guys to vote someone specifically out then I win ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding to bring a soul back to life [ __ ] so how does the transporter roll work I'm falling for it what the wait what the [ __ ] is this oh I have to begin the data collection I have to be in the data click self-report oh no [Music] there is a modifier bait that causes anyone who kills has to report the body yeah [Music] you reported did you mean to report the body [Music] um I saw two bodies where dot column was so I'm gonna vote for him I will prove to you I'm the teleporter I'm gonna prove to you watch watch Alfred and kiwi swap how do you know because I'm not an imposter that's Peter Griffin now I'm distracted I don't want to play anymore kiwi and I did swap he swapped oh I'm innocent it's Sarah it's Sarah and fairy I was executioner and my target was Jaden but they killed but I'm also if you vote for me I'm lovers with Ross So Ross will die too what this is the first time hearing about this also hey hey Roth you have words on your screen uh I can't say because I'm the transporter Fair argument once we figure out the roles it's gonna be fun but this is chaos this is fun because I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening wait so why has no one killed me yet Mr Ross but I am the transporter like I said my role how am I still alive I don't understand guys just so you know um I was the Trapper the whole time yeah I was a transporter dumbass I just saw Dash in front of uh Ross's body but I feel like this is just a Pikmin five moment guys where were you when you got flashbang cafeteria every it Narrows down to everyone I will skip two fellow crewmates I oh my goodness so ginormous what does green mean does does do I just know that they're like not [ __ ] the devil is that it is that all I figure out it means they're green thank God I was worried for a minute that they might not be green okay he's they agreed to what I was following Ross a ghost I saw fur walking out in my like the report button lit up okay Burr who just walked in and he saw me and Pikmin five next to the body first thought nothing because there was nobody well I didn't see I didn't see the body in there because there was nobody there was a body but we couldn't see it no because it wasn't there why didn't you guys report it what do you mean why not I think I'm gonna uh listen to Pikmin five shirt and vote for him no you don't want to do that also my shirt says itov so why would you vote for me it says etov Joe's following me like I'm a [ __ ] like the creature of the night can you get off my back man I've just tried to um the ghost the ghost the ghost the ghost what the [ __ ] does green mean what does green mean the joke's on you hey guys it's me yes Keeley yes Keeley owner of the slay Awards I went down to O2 to do my task and I walk out and there's a body oh that makes sense that sounds like a plan Pikmin five would die yeah if you kill someone in front of me I will not narc just putting it out there I think I know what Ross's role is what what oh my God I had to do all the [ __ ] I have to do my tasks holy [ __ ] yes Keely comes again I'm about to win the [ __ ] slay Awards [Music] possible okay well literally say it's called it's a bad play to kill me right now Jacob [ __ ] you dude this is kind of like the story of undertale I have to pee I'm voting Smith I'm I'm gonna skip I would skip [Music] I'm an idiot you just have wires right I think I just have one wires your days are numbered Peter Griffin Spike Healy yes guys two people are dead can I say something sassy the start of the round I went and stood outside mid Bay and I just stood there literally nobody went in there except one person and they left and then out of nowhere comes Aaron walking out of there I think I've got this all figured out first of all it's almost a juice box and it's he's got like a penis on him look at that wiener second of all I think uh Aaron is wholesome actually I thought about it thanks the ghost the Ghost of Christmas Past how does where did the Spirit come from where did they go the Box the juice well I'm gonna be here for half an hour now just kidding I'm a genius what the [ __ ] scallop you tell the truth to me I won't I won't point fingers I'm just completely curious did I did I see that correctly yeah did I just see that wait what somebody vented right in front of you I just was not looking at the color did you not see we're at no where literally we're at electrical I was in electrical let's do my tasks I was doing wires yeah if somebody vented next to me that's ballsy because I had the wires in my face this guy this guy's straight up this guy straight up playing Among Us with his head turned around I'm the Spider-Man I'm just trying to save us all on the spaceship your spidey sense is not working that [ __ ] is not [ __ ] wiggling where's the body wouldn't you like to know who knows I think it was Sarah why do you think it was me because you were in the area when the bodies fell I I think it's Sarah and it's less to do with in the area and more to do with they are the Grim Reaper that's the thing I don't know did Jaden vote wrong or did someone get Jaden right guys I just watched Jaden kill herself right in front of me dude I get more Advent table information but it's [ __ ] useless he's like oh my God look at that what a cool roll I get to see [ __ ] colors so ever the gold the gold the Peter the Peter the Frog [Music] oh good tiebreaker good tie breaker what the [ __ ] what what Jeff Keeley looking at everybody's feet thank God thank God for Jeff [ __ ] cute killed them I found two bodies up in the drop ship I just saw Aaron run by me and turn into Vault pixie you think Aaron was a morphling hahaha good [ __ ] whoever you are who you are talking about uh what do they do oh die damn that sucks I'm skipping cool I'm skipping don't [ __ ] follow me don't [ __ ] follow me oh my God they're so [ __ ] big what if he picked me up like if if he just like went out but he picked me up like what would that be like we have to sniff out their little toes we have to follow the toes follow the lines the toddy dots wait okay would you guys trust me there's a name that is the wrong color on my screen Dash good investigating Jeff Keeley wins again I am the biggest largest cosplaying as a meme all I could say is the McRib is definitely [ __ ] bad yeah no it's not no it's not uh check how big I am are you big Keely I am the biggest Miku Keely of all time the Mickey Mouse you're so jealous you're so jealous so this is why you die alone wait can I only do tasks when people aren't watching who wants to speak up foreign [Laughter] are you an engineer yes bro there is a chance that jump could be a jester oh [ __ ] oh oh we lost all right bye-bye so badass I'm the furriest McRib of all time I don't have tasks does it look like that what happens if I turn into the furry rib they don't know what whatever kill button and a rampage button what's the [ __ ] difference oh I can't use kill unless I hit Rampage I still don't know what Rampage does but I don't want to get voted out oh I could just like activate the kill button that's all it does I thought I turned into like a goblin I was gonna do that no I was gonna do that I don't know anything I'll be real I don't know anything else for information but Adriana scares me oh I'm the neutral ghost I have to complete all my tasks but I'm [ __ ] like if I oh you're walking around oh [Music] um wait how could you possibly know what is your what raw I'm not telling you but you're evil okay so I think Ross tried to guess her Roland was wrong [Music] if I beat all my tasks before they can figure everyone out I win the game [Music] someone's name is in red bye bye bye bye poster Spider-Man please please I have 30 seconds and then I win the game please I have five seconds I have five seconds there's no way there's no way um I saw Adrian event and I found this body under electrical I really think Adriana is Jester wait no no in and out of the vent like 18 times at the start of this game well didn't have engineer please skip oh [ __ ] okay well I voted for Adriana can we please skip so Jester doesn't win skip oh my God [ __ ] butt Russian man [Music]
Channel: Altrive Plus
Views: 134,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: altrive, among us, pikmin 4 among us, pikmin 5 among us
Id: VnVbzH1h7wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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