Team17 Amiga 600: You'll never guess what I installed... #Upcycling

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Hello on the menu today, in this Quick-Bytes episode I've been donated this Amiga 600 by one of the developers from Team 17 Who made the worms games He also gave me their fully loaded Amiga 4000 development machines With the hard drives and contents intact Yep, he gave me worms! And I'll be exploring those contents in an upcoming episode So make sure you subscribe, if you haven't already But the reason this episode is a Quick-Byte is .. Well.. sometimes things are pretty complicated and you need a a long episode Or in the case of turning the Commodore music maker into this.. Three or five episodes But sometimes things are really simple, as is the case here So, firstly let's clean up this Amiga 600 It's in great cosmetic condition Just has a bit of grub on the surface from the all those worms And you can see rather interestingly He's installed a full sized IDE hard disk in here It fits pretty well It just causes the case to bow a little bit here So I'm gonna be installing an alternative But first .. I need some alcohol Oh no.. the warranties invalid Hmm.. sell that on fleaBay (crashing) Hm.. interesting Alright, looking pretty nice! Almost good as new, he's really kept this in great condition And you know, I've always had a soft spot for the Amiga 600 I mean who wouldn't? It's like a compact, modern-day Amiga 500 Look at those lines! Now.. let's get unscrewing And there's the Beast itself And you can see here how it's been wired in to work with the Amiga 600 IDE connection Wow, it's like very small worms! All right, and there's a ribbon cable restored and ready for a floppy disk or alternative Mysterious But before I get to that, I did notice the keyboard wire had come loose here So we'll just solder it back in place Grab the water off our lovely recycled PCB drinks coaster And wet the soldering iron sponge Tin the tip Tin the wire Heat up the pad Job done. Let me just stick this in the hole.. hm. Now just before I install that replacement drive that I mentioned I'm gonna try an original floppy drive in here Just to make sure everything fits and works Oh.. This one's missing the eject button No a worry! I found a replacement on thingamajigy universe or something ( It's a 3d model by MF Weiland I'll get that printed up in my local library for free And that should do the job nicely And here's that mysterious device I'm gonna be using This is my HxC Slim And it's similar to a Gotek Drive only it uses SD cards instead of thumb drives But the reason I like it is because it's slim You see, when I installed this 3d printed Gotek mount It was cool enough, but the Gotek has this LCD display And everything doesn't quite line up properly with the floppy drive swap unless you get a 3d printed mount But with the HxC Slim, it could actually go right here If I were to find a plate to rest on the edge of the A600 Chassis, like that Question is what could I use? Wait a minute Could it be that simple? So this was up-cycled from a real PCB It's got some nice shock absorbing backing there .. cork .. blimey And that fits perfectly on to that chassis edge Let's try it out! Okay.. looks good I'm gonna have to secure the PCB into the computer again So I'm gonna use tape No.. don't be silly! I'm just securing this down so I can make a template marker with a pen But I'm gonna need to find some bolts and nuts to secure that in there If I can ever get this tape off my thumb Excuse me .. you're nuts? Ashley: No, you're nuts! No, I mean like nuts and bolts for an Amiga 600 Ashley: I though I was your Amiga? You.. no.. like the computer. it came from another man Yeah Be perfect my other man's Amiga Of course, here's my real Amiga Machine screws? Ahh. that's why she didn't understand what nuts were So the reason I'm using a bolt is I want to use the existing floppy disk mounting holes in the case of the Amiga I really want this to be completely non-destructive Not make any holes in this special machine Ahh.. machine screws, I get it now! But I can make a hole in the drinks coaster So, although having said that apparently I can't make it hole the drinks coaster It just won't go in Now I know how Puppyfractic feels trying to get her peanut butter into the house It just won't go in either He tried! Yay! He did it! Finally, they don't make 'em like they used to eh? I wonder what this tough PCB was If you recognized it, do let me know in the comments Well, the bolt is a bit long here and protruded on this drive port So I'm gonna get my mini hack! Actually .. one of my nicknames Don't try this like I am Unless you have a really steady hand This is taking too long.. let's go Robo-Peri! And then once you've got about halfway through you can just twist off the rest of the bolt Like that Look at that! Completely secure and non-destructive and In all seriousness, I hope you can understand why I love this solution You know, this PCB was once up-cycled And now it's been recycled or down-cycled back into a computer component, once more Personally, I just find that very satisfying And I didn't have to spend any money on 3D prints Speaking of PCBs if you want to design your own PCB or even your own drinks coaster PCB I recommend PCBWay They offer a full assembly service So they'll put the drinks coaster together for you Because ass we all know, PCB stands for Printed Coaster Board Doesn't it? And of course then I realized it wasn't tall enough So out it comes again But this gives us a good opportunity to demonstrate how this was completely non-destructive Doesn't leave a mark on the Amiga Ashley: I thought I was your Amiga? Luckily, I had a whole pack of these So, here's how two look sandwiched together And that gives us the perfect height this time And I've used some thin, removable self-adhesive pads there to mount it to the PCB printed coaster board So all that remains, to put everything back together And there it is in place Look how beautifully that lines up! Got our disk image swap button And our SD card ready to go All circuits functioning perfectly! There's only one floppy disk I can think of putting in there.. Don't worry, we've got the HxC menu system to load up some ADF worms What did you think of this idea to re-recycle an up-cycled, down-cycled.. well, you get the idea Did you think it was to give this a new lease of life and save a bit of money at the same time? Or did you think it was .. (high-pitched voice) stupid? Either way, I'll see you soon. Remember I published new episodes most Saturdays Until then, comment below and Cheerio! Um.. you're nuts? No, you're nuts!
Channel: Retro Recipes
Views: 103,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, retrogaming, retro, retrocomputing, commodore, commodore 64”, commodore amiga”, electronics, refurbs, refurbishment, restoration, soldering, how to”, refurbish, atari, apple, c64, a500, retro gaming”, music, chiptunes, 8-bit, chip tunes”, Sid chip”, ASMR, Lego, AFOL, amiga 600, amiga, perifractic, periphrastic retro recipes, upcycling, ashleyfractic, amiga vampire, #upcycling, amiga 2019, pcbway
Id: n5_i8gHBMu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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