💾 My First Commodore Amiga Purchase since 1987!

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I have not turned on an Amiga an original Amiga original Hardware since the late 1980s and I finally found an Amiga online made that purchase and today I'm going to open the box plug it in turn it on and experience an Amiga for the first time since the 1980s [Music] [Applause] let me give you my history with the Amiga I've told you my history with Commodore 8-bit machines and I am a Commodore 8-bit machine Aficionado that's where my heart is but at some point along the way I had to move from my Commodore 128 to an Amiga 500 and I use that Amiga 500 for several years it did it was kind of at the tail end of my college experience so I was using it for some reports and I mentioned how to use a c128 with GEOS and I saw the Amiga 500 as that upgrade I needed to get me through the rest of college turns out that that Amiga 500 really meant a lot to me in another career which was my military career while I was in college I took a break went to my officer basic course at Fort Knox went to the armor school what kind of training son and I was the only one to show up in my class with a computer the Amiga 500 well that naturally led to a job with my class and that was the adjunct for the class which just means I had a computer and I could track Personnel I could create reports I could create newsletters I could track attendance and that became my job so in some ways it kind of led to the Future for me because later on in my military career I actually became an adjutant General officer but that's beside the point and that's a whole other story but just to say that that Amiga really meant a lot to me it gave me opportunities that I wouldn't have had had I not had that Amigos so I'm really excited to open up this box today and while this isn't an Amiga 500 it's an Amiga 600 but there are some really cool things about why I wanted the 600 as opposed to original 500 and we'll talk about that as I unbox it so where did I get this computer well I was browsing one of my favorite computer retailers so this is the listing at bonus life computers and I've mentioned motorslife computers before in my videos and in several of my blog posts I love what Scott Campbell is doing over there he's taking vintage computers he's restoring them getting them ready getting them pristine adding sometimes upgrades and sending them out now this one was five hundred dollars this one was a bit pricey I I'm not gonna lie but I always know with Scott that what I'm going to get is what I expect I found that to be the case with the Commodore pet I purchased at the Vintage computer Festival Midwest this past year and so I've never never been steered Wrong by bonus life so they're not a sponsor but I would recommend if you need a computer you need some accessories of the Vintage kind be sure and check out their site so as you can see this is the Amiga 600 HD bundle so there's a lot of reasons I really fell in love with this and again maybe I could have found this a little bit cheaper but check this out this is a condition one machine which means it's almost mint comes with a 90 day warranty which is another thing I love about bonus life unlike eBay you get it in a box you open it up and who knows what you're going to get the escom Commodore Mouse and I'm not familiar with an s-com and I don't own a 1352 Mouse but have you tried have you have have you looked at the cost of those things lately they're they're very pricey it does come with Kickstart 2.05 now this will be a little bit of a change because my Amiga 500 if I remember now that we're talking 30 years ago 30 plus came with 1.3 I believe it does come with a baseboard one megabyte in real time clock card pre-installed I think that's the under the uh A600 trapdoor we'll check that out and pre-installed OS 2.1 on a two this is the thing that really got me on a two gigabyte compact flash hard drive so this is like an Amiga 500 on steroids I was not able to afford back in the 80s I have a hard drive built into this so you can see the appeal this Amiga 600 maybe to someone like me and I love the small form factor because I'm I'm running out of space back here and anything I can do to save space is a plus and if I get all of the experiences of an Amiga from this Amiga 600 and save space that's a win all right enough talking about the Amiga 600 let's open it up oh wow oh my no way this is a nice surprise Scott Campbell thank you so much this is Amiga for beginners a complete guide to learning and applying the Amiga here's a little thank you for your business please accept this little gift from the staff of bonus life computers we hope you enjoy your new old stuff outstanding I can't cannot wait to dig into this book we have this little checklist right here you can see that that's been prepared for us disassemble case clean motherboards check capacitors for bulk for bulging or leaking a scope check power not applicable for this one clean floppy heads lubricate dry look at this this is why these are exactly the kind of go-getters I want working on my em50 project in Italy comes with a 90-day warranty as a set online and they even replace the rubber feet and for the mouse they replace the micro switches to make sure it's working properly all right let's dig in a little bit more here and see what we have all right so the first box is right here let's go ahead and see what we have inside here this says it says c64 PSU right here but I don't think that's what it is let's see I think this is the obviously probably going to be the Amiga oh no these are my discs oh my goodness check it out so we've included workbench 2.1 oh he's actually even included some software for me to try so we'll take a look at those a little bit later and this is the baseboard expansion it's a one megabyte chip memory upgrade card with battery back clock now this is pre-installed but it is nice that he included the case so that I have everything and you can see it is the one megabyte version here's our next box right here I feel like this is an unboxing from an original Amiga 500 even though I don't have the original box I still feel like I'm getting something substantial here and it is so cool I'm really getting those I'm getting those retro chills folks let's see what we have here oh this is the mouse check this out oh wait a minute this is not the tank Mouse but check it out this one is actually Commodore branded I'm not sure I ever knew in Commodore created a mouse in this form factor I always thought they were the tank oh listen to that oh that's some good micro switch uh remember the in the description remember they said the micro switches were replaced and it's a Commodore branded Mouse wow for some reason I was thinking that this was going to be a third party this is me not knowing really the Amiga scene beyond the Amiga 500 because from the Amiga 500 I went to PCS it was a dark time in my life but it was required for college because I was studying drafting design and needed to get access to AutoCAD which was not available in Amiga so part of that story is just to kind of update you where we are at some point I gave my Amiga 500 to my brother to upgrade or buy a I think it was a 386 with a math co-processor so that I could run AutoCAD my brother used that Amiga for a while he wasn't as big a computer enthusiasts as I was he did get some use I wish I knew what happened to that computer I know it was in the attic for a long time but never knew what happened to it really my brother's no longer with us so I don't know what happened to that computer all right also inside here we're going to need this this is uh our composite cable this does not have any kind of HDMI out we are going to have to use composite and we have a huge power supply now the good news for me is this all has the mean well conversion card number one so all the guts of this have been replaced with something more modern that's going to better protect my Amiga 600. a couple of things have maybe changed I think this is probably new yeah this is a Leviton plug this is not the original plug so that's all been replaced and then of course we have our adapter right here now here's our switch on and off so you would have to keep your power supply somewhere close so that you could turn this thing on and off you can't put this behind a desk somewhere I want you to see how this is packaged in here so it would protect it let's check that out let me go ahead and pull this out of here oh look at this form factor folks it's so different from my Amiga 500 for instance the Amiga 500 was much longer and it also had a numeric keypad over here the numeric keypad could be a reason not to get an Amiga 600. there are some games especially flight simulators that would make use of that man this thing just looks and feels brand new there's a little just a slight blemish right there but that is it everything else looks great let me get 600 computer keyboard is not bad listen to this that's pretty nice let's see what we have around the sides here we have our two uh we have it says number one here it says Mouse and then two game Port so we know at least where to put in our Mouse I like this angled Design This is really nice to tilt it up so that your keyboard is on the tilt a little bit it's a little steeper tilt than I remember on the Amiga 500 on the other side now this is something that's unique this is a pcmcia slot let's see what we have on the back here here are all of our ports this drive here we obviously won't be needing that because we have an internal hard drive serial Port here parallel port here now we have our left and right audio out so we will be getting stereo from this into our capture card this is the part I'd like to explore a little bit is there some kind of uh video out on this to HDMI if you happen to know and can guide me through how to get better video out of this port to HDMI let me know we've got a composite out which is what we'll be using today and then we have the RF modulator which we'll never use and of course our power just go ahead and look on the bottom here we have uh serial number 5031. we do have a do not remove warranty seal here looks like that might be bonus life computers warranty sale I was going to open it but I'm not sure I want to open it right now that maybe we'll do that after the 90 days here's our trap door looks like we are fully loaded here baseboard 601 memory boards this is the baseboard which adds one megabyte of Chip memory to this so the stock I believe was 512 on the 600. we should probably go look at some point uh but this is actually going to take us up and I assume would add 1.5 or more maybe it was one Meg and this is another two again this does include a real-time clock that has the battery included all right let's go ahead and close this up I say it is time to turn it on now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this video cable right here get this plugged into my video capture and then we're going to come back over here and turn it on for the first time oh and I do need to plug in the power supply so be right back [Music] this is one of the reasons I love this cloner Alliance box Pro is it comes with composite VGA HDMI I don't know everything it captures everything [Music] but the value on this is a lot less than the tank Mouse 1352. but how cool is it that this is included from Bonus life computer that's that's kind of important you gotta have a mouse in order for the Amiga 600 to work so take whatever Mouse I get [Music] oh that is that is something that is a loud Mouse all right let's plug in our power [Music] I feel as if I have way too much plugged in and if I turn this on and the power and everything goes out we'll know what you should it's a mess down here there's there's a there's a lot plugged in down there okay here we go fingers crossed we have power lights we have a screen I hear the floppy look at these lights and we have we have Amiga dos okay The Undertakers okay play the game this is kind of inconvenient your plugs for The Mouse and the joystick are here which is where you want a mouse that's not the best I would have preferred maybe those were on the left or on the back but that's okay oh just hit the mouse there we go love that this is running off of the floppy listen to that isn't that great micro Pro simulation software headphones oh it's Pirates okay so let's talk about the video the audio is obviously perfect it's coming out of you know a right and left channel so that's great video on the composite at least through my capture card is not bad at all this is pretty good I can start a new career oh I can use our cursor Keys here I can start a new career continue a save game this is this is pretty nice let's go and start a new career we're not going to spend a lot of time in here we're just going to fire this up to see what it looks like and then we need to see if we can get back to workbench which is probably going to be me just removing the floppy disk and booting up would be my guess what is your family name well of course it's retro Combs right what else would it be and I'm an apprentice for sure I'm already digging this this is this is so much fun I'm gonna have skill I well I'm an alarmer officer so I'm gonna say gunnery [Music] and on me except hair bulging it's just the whole thing yeah thanks but pretend that's me let's click sound again is fabulous enemy Captain versus retro Combs I have Northerly idea what I'm doing let's see if we can get to boot from that internal SD hard drive all right so what I'm going to do is pop the disc out you hold this this and this and it reboots so now it is booting without the floppy installed here's workbench and oh this is nice mouse works really well uh here's our Ram disc our system disk let's see if we have anything on our system disk zero percent full we have some extras we have utilities we have games let's go ahead and just look at a few things I want to look at our preferences this is bringing back so many memories and I remember me being in that hole in college especially Mac versus Amiga now that's even strange because I actually worked for a small computer store in the college town that sold Apple computers and Mac was one of them but I and I constantly tried to get the owner to start selling Amigas he wouldn't do it he's a big Apple guy Mac and plus he won the high profits that came with apple but I would show him this and he was pretty impressed with the Amiga when he saw it but he could never bring himself to start stocking or become a Commodore dealer oh gosh it was gosh it was so far ahead of the Mac back in the day look at this let's go to workbench pattern let's see what kind of options we have here this mouse is okay it's probably not the best Mouse dragging Windows you can see that it's a little slower on the 68 000 this does have a 68 000 inside the Amiga 600 was the same processor as the Amiga 500 my original 500 did not have a hard drive so all of this is great I would have to boot from floppy disk and insert and change because I only had one floppy disk on the 500 so this is great oh if we look up here at the memory we do see that we have graphic memory 1 million seven hundred forty one thousand nine hundred sixty eight so maybe this did come with one mag I have to look maybe it came with one mag we've upgraded it to another Meg this would be two and we've got about 256 taken away for the OS I don't know again comments down below let me know I'm an 8-bit guy coming back for the very first time to 16-bit Amiga since 1988 or 89 not sure which this is so cool close that things just are not quite as responsive as they are nowadays when you click on them or they hear storage and Tools looks like the same things there let's go and close that let's go to system all right no fast Bim Fountain fix fonts Rex Mast uh wow there's a lot of stuff here there's the shell I do vaguely remember the shell which is the equivalent of the terminal and I think it's I think it's still directory right dir yeah there we go I have forgotten many of my Amiga Shale commands but I did spend a lot of time in the Amiga shell back in the day for sure that might be where this comes into play right so uh other things you can do you have to remember that if we right click and come up here we do get separate menu options so that that again is by right clicking right click there and then finally let's check and see if there's any games on this bad boy oh look at this we have Zork zork2 and Zork three let's go ahead and load up Zork which is a text adventure for the Amiga that can be a whole lot of fun uh let's go to Zork and it's playing Zork in a window which is really kind of nice so let's see can we minimize that window there you go so now you can see the multitasking again of the Amiga back in the day we can play Zork in a little window and continue to do the other things that we need to do and we just left the game so I don't know if you can hear the floppy disk continues to click and so what we want to do is just pop in a disk and that should stop at clicking and there we go okay I've got one more thing to do before we close this nostalgic little look at the Amiga out I mentioned this mouse right here that was included but I'm really curious can we get the tank Mouse right here working because this is more like the original mouse that would have come with an Amiga look at that beauty this was a Kickstarter of course it also will let me get rid of the rollerball the other thing I like about it is this is Wireless when you plug in your wireless adapter let's see if we can get this to work I have my handy dandy instructions right here we are going to plug in our USB transmitter receiver actually this would be the receiver right there uh it looks like we need some batteries let me go grab some batteries all right let's go ahead and put our cover back on okay now with the batteries in what we're going to do is we're going to set the mode here it says power on your computer okay power on the computer let me go ahead and plug this in here we go then what we're supposed to do well actually I don't have to do anything because it's working out of the box how about that so it's automatically in Amiga mode check that out it's very touchless see if we can fix that let's see I think that's under preferences okay let's see input this mouse is just a little too sensitive we're going to pull down the sensitivity a little bit let's pull the mouse speed down there we go that is better okay two seems to be okay uh so we will leave that show double click double clicks working uh test double click here we go so that looks good and we are going to save that now I have a wireless tank Mouse for my brand new Amiga 600. I do like the look of the A600 with the tank Mouse it just looks fabulous look at the color on the tank Mouse nicely done on the tank Mouse too look at that oh wow that's a much better experience do you really want to quit I'm going to quit workbench we'll see what happens workbench is dead folks again I am really digging this form factor this form factor is so great because it's small it's tight I've got a spot right there it's going to be perfect and this 600 will start to make some appearances now I'm primarily as I've said in my channel I really like to focus on Commodore 8 Bits but occasionally we want to delve into the Amiga 16-bit OS and I may do some games in a live stream we gotta get that pcmcia slot working I got to get a card for that I need to see what else is included on our discs here I know we've got workbench here already in case my SD card fails so I'm happy to have that I will say I do own cloantos Amiga forever so I am licensed you should do that so if you want to continue to follow my Amiga Journey make sure you do a few things for me make sure you go down there hit like if you've enjoyed this video help the YouTube algorithms and folks find me tell me why you don't like the Amiga 600 tell me why you think the 500 is better or conversely tell me why you think the 600 is better tell me what pitfalls are ahead for me as I learn about the Commodore Amiga 600 and also if you really enjoyed this video and you got some value out of it make sure you hit that thanks down there just send a little token of appreciation so I can continue to bring you more retro Computing and finally I do have a buy me a coffee page where you can join my channel and blog and support at all these fun Commodore inspired levels all the way from the pet to the mega 65 which is the ultimate 8-bit Commodore but as of this video I have finally opened up YouTube memberships there's one membership one count them one there's one available go down there you can join it's 4.99 a month I will say this is because I've had some folks say that they would like for me to offer a YouTube membership as opposed buy me a coffee you now have that option and you do get some perks I'm going to read my Amiga for beginners wow this is this has been fun I'm really looking forward to exploring the Amiga with all of you thank you for joining and watching retro Combs out foreign foreign
Channel: retroCombs
Views: 5,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amiga 600, amiga 500, commodore amiga, amiga 600 games, amiga 600 upgrades, amiga 600 review, amiga video game, amiga 600 unboxing, amiga 500 vs 600, first amiga in years, using an amiga for the first time in thirty years, video games, video games reaction, bonus life computers, buying a used amiga 600, is the amiga 600 different than the amiga 500, commodore amiga 600, commodore amiga 500 versus the commodore amiga 600
Id: 4lFwUWtxNB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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