Americans Try Weird International Food - Taste Test

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time to take a trip around the world with our mouths let's try that today we're doing an international food taste test I think a lot of um retreats the only thing is we don't know where they're from and we have to try and guess where they're from we got a big old map we got some pins we got some blindfolds we're gonna see if we know where the food's from and if we know where the country is I'll be honest I'm pretty good with the 50 states I'm not so good with anything overseas so I have to rely on my palate and my good luck you need your tongue to lead you to the country yes you lick everything on the way there yes all right before we get started though today's video is sponsored by hello fresh hello fresh has been a huge sponsor of the show for over two years now so huge thanks alla fresh say goodbye to endless grocery store trips and take-out food hello fresh has you covered hello fresh is really delicious and they have more five-star recipes than any other meal kits so you know 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it'll be really getting around to it is it edible it's very edible okay no worries there so Ashley thank you so much for sending us package and I'm so sorry that we're just now getting around to it but I have a feeling this is gonna be delicious yay I'm really hoping nothing grows especially after that extreme drink challenge that we did last week oh I know Clamato existence okay so to explain the rules real quick we're going to try the item blindfold trying thing of where people wanna stick our trusty faces on the map and the closest wins that round where we want to stick our faces that's the name of the game stick the face in a different place I don't want to read too much of it yeah so we're not allowed to read the facts but I mean it looks it looks good cream wafers in English you see us reading the back let us know in the comments because that means worksheet you can use the package like the front or the package to give you clues to of maybe where it's from use the flavors but you cannot look at the back of it that feel like camp has a very big edge the blindfolds need to be my saving grace here cuz you know think is Spanish this in English just looks good I know there's a lot of English but the brand is not English long we aren't think it I love wafers that's one kind of tastes like an old ice cream cone but this one does it taste like a stay alive cream cone everything I've been together he's good zombie Europe if it's even remotely exotic to me I'm just gonna guys I know we're stupid Americans okay you don't need to tell us that so gonna stop down with a comment I think I'm smart I was yummy talk about vanilla tastes natural I mean tasting it isn't gonna give me any sort of hint as to what a big a supportive vanilla beans I mean I know where a lot of it know it comes from my boss I'm saying like got it I must say there yeah bro your notion for South America I just think of England Boston got the Pacific I was trying to hit South America look Spanish to me true and I know South America is a big exporter of vanilla I don't know if that's might be true is true I don't know I went for England Spain is right there so there could be Spanish brands but it's all in English and typically anything in South America is just straight-up in Spanish date where is it from behind it but it's actually from Spain I deserve that number two ooh cream masala much well I think that kind of gets away we'll see Ceylon corn rice tomatoes the next on the list kukri masala it must Salah much I know where this is going these are like knockoff Cheetos are you sure a good knockoff you're better than jitta oh yeah I was gonna say these are knock-offs then what are we eating it's got a really good corn love corn rice I'm down with rice that is really good you know it tastes like it tastes like top ramen noodles it tastes like hot top ramen with just like the hard news I know where it goes you're gonna I feel it oh man I just changed my idea like just now I'm gonna buy grits kinda like in battleship go in d3 right now this is right III that's like America oh we don't know okay I'm we don't know Ellis I'm pretty sure I know okay so where do you guys think it's from India now I originally thought Africa really reason just started out with Africa it took me a minute to River Wear masala comes from it I was like no tikka masala you guys are obviously closer yeah I was aiming for India I hadn't looked at the map long enough to realize it was that far over next item on the list Oh Oh Craigs doot a ton of flying killer whale bird what is that oh my gosh it is it's kind of like a flying killer whale let's try this bad boy oh wow not what I was expecting the same what is that flavor no marzipan I can't even describe what flavor that is it's weird he's got a chalky consistency that kind of breaks and crumbles in your mouth it tastes like Christmas I think I got a good idea on where this is from you want me to go first sure winners go first no you good think so I feel really confident in my placing don't you touch mine I don't see yours okay I think real close to each other I put it where I wanted it I do know that much I think you might be a little bit assessments give me clothes so I didn't have an exact country I was a meat-eater I was just aiming for Europe mine's a little more narrow down than that I was looking like old Czech Republic area like Ukraine or Bosnia like really oh wait I like that area Yugoslavia I feel like it somehow comes in that area where's from it is from Russia I mean I'm closer your honor I'm right off the border Russia dangit I was in Belarus see that's a beaut the beauty of Russia is that it takes up most of map so it's real hard to miss I mean I missed it I had a crazy geography teacher in high school I used to be able to name all the rivers in freaking Europe what good is that doing anyone nope nothing next on the list what is that that's a cookie what's the brand sad sad tree Farfalla Lena Faro cookie I think I know where this is from I have two guesses this one I think is gonna come down to whose closest like all of them have it really does it looks like a turn in a cookie blanket Oh a dua cookie now the real question is where would they sell Dookie cookies that's really hard to say do Kikuyu Lukey that kind of gives you a weird accent on the cookie that right or you could say Doki cookie but then that gives you a weird accent on the Dookie see gotta go Dookie cookie no it just sounds more fun mmm why is it things from other countries all taste like Christmas okay I think I got my answer I'm going region on this think I got it right where was it where is Switzerland oh oh this is gonna be close I think it might not be we might be way wrong okay where did you guys think this was from huge hazelnut exporter I was thinking like northern to eastern North Eastern Europe okay so I'm torn between like Norway and like Holland feels Duchy to me but then you made your comment about Austria now Michael you don't remember talking about Austria you asked me where Austria was I said we're Switzerland oh they're close they're next to each other you keep saying these things I have no idea where they're at you're just like yeah yeah look the Warsaw right obviously Warsaw in Poland an important place stork leaked what happened there World War two I was literally just aiming for Europe and hoping to hit somewhere like Hollander Switzerland but he's on that is a big giveaway I think in this one we'll see I think that hazelnut might be misleading because this is from Italy whoa shut up that is not Italian that was a legit shot made in freakin Italy dang by last and final round mini-cake bow Duke Oh strawberry it's in English most the world speaks English oh oh it's like a muffin oh it doesn't smell the best it doesn't smell that like markers yeah look let's do a break oh yeah that's some moist cake not bad I am NOT a fan dusty at the end there okay I think I've got a strong idea oh I don't even know all right - - we're tied winner takes all what are you thinking I can't tell you that I have a feeling and it could be a very wrong feeling and I want to talk you through it at the same time I mean good I don't want it because I'm going first I don't know if I should go for this one or not I mean I kind of have an idea too but I don't think it's gonna work oh I think I don't know I oh my gosh do I go with my gut or do I go with my sensibilities both could be wrong well then screw it all right how did you nail that I understand your logic I'm really questioning if that is Australia the only thing that's throwing me off is the name of the freakin brand I know all right did you got arrived in Argentina well done well I was aiming for South American that's a big target so where did you guys try it important why I don't feel like this is an Australian thing you think so I do and you know my other reasoning it's not a Spanish country because other than Spain who's surrounded by English and other languages South America everything is always in Spanish you're right and I forgot me said that earlier I mean just the name was throwing me off and which makes me feel like it's European I took I went out on a limb right for Australia I don't see this being Australia and I also saw a little Spanish on it so that made me feel like it was for himself so yeah I did see that too I aim for South America just some a Rando country in South America I didn't really have a specific one it is from Brazil but you said everything from South America is in Spanish of Brazil where they speak Portuguese all right I win what do I win you need to walk around the world in this beautiful game oh I'm gonna travel the world with this guy yeah okay all right good guys i'ma travel the world alleviate 30% of the pain on my knees and I'm gonna go traveling oh my god I'm a freak Carmen Sandiego where in the world is she no no but I'm right behind her this entire episode was a real shot in the dark to win huge thanks for tuning in we hope you enjoyed this episode if you'd like to see another one like it let us know down in the comments this says Miami Florida even then I still win not technically because I'm right there oh I don't know who's closer we need a globe next round huge thanks again to hell afresh for sponsoring this episode let us know you'd like to see us try next and we'll see you next time bye deuces I just looked over there I was like Tanzania that is it Africa had no clue that one I thought it was Tanzania - I think you're on might be one of those times that awesome how do you say Tanzania the origin of the name Tanzania yes yes
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 98,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, try, guys try, weird food, taste test, international food, snacks, treats, chocolate, candy, cookies
Id: 5Bv6InF7MUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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