We Drink & Rank EVERY Blue Flavored Drink We Can Find - Blind Taste Test!

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Are We Wrong on both we're way wrong what we're way wrong you're gonna crap your pants when you see this one [Music] we're feeling blue today oh yeah but in a good way but in a good way so if you guys have been a friend of the tribe for a very long time you should know that cam that's me is a fan of the color look all things blue All Things Blue except for my current outfit it kind of dictates your rating scale when it comes to drinks that's because blue is best that's the sentence that is you know should be in a mantle piece blue is best blue is best okay well it'll be it should be on my fridge blue is best well I thought it would be fun for us to try every blue flavor drink that we could find and rank them and find out which is the ultimate blue flavor drink so which blue is best Bingo every single drink has been brought to us in a package look at that we're gonna rank them blindly and at the end we will unwrap each and every single one leading up to what we think is the best blue flavored drink on with it round one we're gonna drink it out of the cups we need cups this way we can see the color okay if it's actually blue or if it's the clear blue taste I mean we're going for the flavor blue because I feel like there's a lot of drinks that we've drank that we're not necessarily colored blue but the canister was blue we were blue flavored and I feel like you were partial to that see it like that yeah see this is how they get that's not blue liquid this is even remotely blue it's like a it's gonna be a blueberry thing okay oh definitely oh it's got blue in it oh taste blue that's actually really yummy this might be a harder taste test I'm pretty sure I know exactly what it is I think I know exactly what it is too on three one two three five oh no I stopped when you said that now I've had body water oh I was gonna say body armor armor it's gross it's like it's just sweat the fancy name I guess we'll find out soon okay all right I'm happy that means that we this is truly a blind taste test we don't know what it is but it sticks pretty tasty round two oh what is this one it's a big one wow I definitely feel I lean more towards the artificial Blues as tasting better than the actual blueberry then the actual blue okay okay as in the more blue the liquid the better it tastes hey this one is colored blue that's what I'm looking for okay he's gonna Jump Right In all right I got excited now here's the question is it better than what we just had no that's not there are exceptions to every rule okay round three we're jumping right here okay that is bigger these things have been Jaws oh yeah oh my goodness this is a slippery canister what color is oh wait it is oh little slight blue tint okay okay smells delightful I think I know what it is I know what it is is it better or worse than that one the first place guy I think it's worse but it's better than the other one yeah yep here yep oh it's so big that is big round four yeah oh yeah muscles you can open that you wanna smell it I know you do I'm gonna smell okay the smell of blue makes me feel like I need to do it like champagne champagne for my real friends and real pain for my shamp friends is that awesome the Fall Out Boy song title oh yeah it's cream soda eat yeah but it's not good I like it I mean is it better than the last thing we had yes it is I think is it better than the first place current first place that first one had a lot of flavor I'm not digging this one but this is your episode you're the blue connoisseur [Music] I think we could put it right is this gonna lay down it better don't fall friend all right I agree round five now we have a cat oh she did a good job that's a beautiful wrap job yeah she did great the paper on hand I have to go get it she had it on hand don't know what for Okay so it's a beautiful sound I really don't know what this is I thought when we got these that the canisters themselves would kind of give it away one of those clear Blues I'm at a complete there's only one there that I know for sure what it is maybe two I know maybe three possibly four unless you're correct what the french toast did I just drink what is that delicious it is good but what is it what the heck which one are you what is that it might be a bang no really that is tasty that has to be the best flavor so far it might be oh it might be my favorite one actually that might be a ghost a ghosty uh-huh that's pretty tasty that's good you see the beauty in the blue I see the beauty in the blue now are you sure you sure another can this might be one of those deceiving Blues yeah we'll see round six oh you're so afraid one of these is gonna shoot everywhere oh my blueness see you're so partial I'm telling you even the more blue the better it is even on the blue drinks when every single drink we have is blue the more blue the better look at how blue that is every time I don't care if it's artificial flavor this is healthy not even that's not a question we're we're not here deciding on health okay if that were the case we would drink only water oh that's pretty good okay this is getting harder dude the more blue the better it is okay now where does this one go bro it's this one's hard that one is hard I kind of like it more I think that one is tasty I think it's going just a little bit more you think a little bit more love all right all right the hard thing with blue yeah is that it does taint your taste buds for a minute what do you mean so like it can make other things taste weird if you don't wait a minute really yeah like what like just food in general really it also turns your teeth blue round seven it is blue it's very blue that's a good blue too look at that that's like ocean that's like Bahamas white sandy beach is blue it has like Caribbean you love blue so much you can't even wait can I just drink cleaner what is that it might be and just trying to kill us what is that I met a lot I have no clue you know I thought I would know a lot of these flavors and I don't bruh it's multifaceted where are we feeling it's better than that one aha okay okay I agree okay all right okay okay okay okay round eight okay now this one I mean you could tell just from the tab what it is but try not to uh be too partial I'll look away no I already know yeah we already know yep and it's purple it's an imposter what was that flavoring blue pomegranates I just know I don't like it that much [Laughter] I think it is yeah it's just straight up blueberry and blueberries are purple are purple so that makes sense for the color because it's a blueberry flavoring what are we feeling last place really all the way to last place I mean only because it's an imposter okay and it doesn't taste good but the can is blue yes it's a liquid most the time blue containers have blue liquids most of the time most the time around nine now we both have an inkling as to what this is I mean I do have a funny story back when I used to do intervarsity we were on a road trip I loved these drinks and at one pit stop I turned to my friend Melissa I said hey do you want to go get naked with me what'd she say she said yes because she knew exactly what I was talking about we had a thing called the super table I think I invited it to you back when you used to go to college a super table yeah I used to have a naked there all the time baby you put too much in there here's the thing it probably wouldn't be that bad but we were back to back on these sweetest streaks on the planet can you go to this natural processed food purple like and this is like a pukey purple it's not it's it really probably wouldn't be that bad by itself but my gosh paired with these is horrendous oh it tastes like V8 oh maybe it is it V8 is that vegetables you may have just had the most amount of vegetables you've ever had in your life in a while that's for sure round ten okay another round of the blue for you baby we got so many more I had to pee thank you wow these are wild combinations back to back poop Blue Water that's poop Rob burgundy poop I'd say it's better to do way better than the naked bolt house or whatever round 11. okay you're a big boy you might know what this is just off the cap I don't smell it smell it I just saw the fumes go right in your nostrils exactly what I was going for um wow that is blue sir I love choosing you oh I think I know what this is oh what the french toast is happening after time oh it's like toned down quite a bit what on Earth is that where is this one going there yes I can agree actually I don't know that that aftertaste is fast round 12. oh little white skis there's a hint there's a tiny tinge of blue a little tiny hint of blue or is that just from the previous round that smells like burnt pop it does that's what it was it has a weird like charcoaly smell how does her smell like burnt popcorn and a slight Berry like a sweet almost like a burnt kettle corn that smells bad all right ah it even has a bird taste it does maybe that's the bang I'm not even gonna fit gonna fit back behind here now at least one in front of that really this is not bad to you yeah I made a face I know but I hate it round 13. okay last night around me the 13th round is it good luck go bad luck let's see can this one Take the Lead oh dribbles this one is as cloudy white what is that I do like it yeah but what is it I feel I don't know it's blue whatever it's blue Cam it's kind of sour it is kind of tart and I like it because it's got that blue and it kind of punches you gives you a little slap on the tongue I do not know what flavor that is foreign it's pretty tasty though it's very tart almost has like a citrusy flavor to it yeah wow so three cans Take the Lead I think so wow interesting but I think first still stands yeah I think first still stands as well okay time for the big reveal the big reveal I'm fairly certain if I had to guess I would like to think this is a bold house because I liked nakeds and but I don't know if I ever liked the blue one I always liked the mango and orange ones right get in there rip them open oh it is a ball town thank goodness goodness gracious oh and it's like a blue blue yeah blue goodness it's got apples blue no you're not you're blue crab whatever's in these blue drinks is making me banana in there oh my God okay okay I told you it's got to be like freaking cooked up in a lab and really blue for today here you do the honors I already know what this crap is what do you think it is Fang do you think it's Bang Yeah Buddy oh it is because remember if you watched our Bang video I talked about how their blue one used to be super good and then they freaking butter fingered it and now it tastes like burnt popcorn I cannot believe how bad that tasted oh yeah it's so bad it's almost or something blue Razz it was so this legit it used to be one of my favorite smells and tastes like burnt popcorn that is wild I I remember the day I bought a four pack he took it home drank it and I was like this tastes like garbage all right we know what this one is just because she had to cover the tab but it's still blue it's still blue coming in and what 11th Place The Great Deceiver of the blue blue okay okay okay now you now I feel like I know what that one is I think so too Powerade zero uh no mountain berry blast really not really Mountain Berry Blue Water if I was really thirsty this would have quenched it's got some electrolytes yeah it's really not a bad flavor for it's a Powerade drink yeah exactly because it's this is one of those things you drink when you legit need some water yes and you want a little bit extra you don't want just straight water yeah doesn't mean it's a bad flavor it's just in comparison it's not a recreation it tastes like a lot it'd be embarrassing these super sugary drinks we're getting into oh one of the big boys now what do you think this is bro I don't feel like one of them's a Mountain Dew I feel like this one has to be Hawaiian Punch oh yeah that's what I was thinking now if it might be the Typhoon Lagoon which the powder sticks for Typhoon Lagoon if you mix it in Sprite oh it's not even it's country time it's country time lemonade that makes sense what now this bad boy that was nice this is eighth place so eighth place Gatorade yeah we couldn't I knew that I knew that right definitely again just like Powerade Gatorade is only really good when you're really thirsty yeah or when you're sick I don't know man this blue flavor is excellent for the gym I used to enjoy this one put your thirsty in the gym yeah that's true it's a thirst Clincher it is a thirst quencher you're right all right this is man she did it good job wrapping these yes holy crap I can't even get it started see if feel like this might be the Mountain View this is the Bolton okay okay kind of a purpley yeah there it is the voltage not very carbonated you know I didn't care for it but I've never cared for the voltage really if I'm being honest you could do better yeah coming in sixth place is it a Jones Soda it's a Jones Soda Jones Soda but what's the flavor cotton candy blue I think it's like blue red berry lemonade Berry lemonade but it has a cream flavor yeah it does come out of a creamy flavor back in my younger years I used to go to classic skating and I don't know why but it was to me it was always the cool kids that always had a Jones Soda that was the thing dude I remember kids who collected them and put them on their legs but like I never liked themselves they were okay everyone's always like what the same I would see all these kids like garbage anyway do you have a favorite Jones Soda flavor let us know down in the comments but I feel like it's the novelty of them being one of the first like with many flavors of soda yeah exactly they were kind of like fizz and Swig before Fizz and Swig yeah okay we're in our final five final five here we go this one I'm I'm really curious I have no idea what this is I legit have not a clue but it tasted pretty good and it's such a tiny bottle is it like a kid drink but it is dude those kids drinks remember the little Barrel drinks yeah dude it's so good what are you oh it's Hawaiian there it is you sneaky bugger oh polar blast polar blast interesting not bad I had that coming in at four ah you were right yeah I should have known because the buy drinks are flat they're not ridged uh the body armor body armor this wasn't bad actually body armor drinks man they're some of my favorites especially the lights they make me feel good they taste good blue raspberry they're awesome Superior hydration all right you have to give me some of these yeah dude those things are great do we just get all three of them up here yeah yeah yeah all right the final three coming in at third place oh what is it which one is it I don't know I really don't know what do you have any inkling I'm thinking without looking go either ghost I feel like I don't think this one's ghost or rain ah I've never really had rain are we wrong on both we're way wrong what we're way wrong you're gonna crap your pants when you see this one are you ready yeah oh my goodness dude I do love that ice drink actually yeah oh yeah nice caffeine dude wow it's ice is a good drink okay what a pleasant surprise right because here's the thing too is it's it tastes delicious this is one though that like when you drink the whole can your tongue starts yeah it's weird yep exactly you have to get this one is good this one's way good it's solid right and the cool thing too is this one's fun because it's only 70 milligrams of caffeine oh that's dope so then if it's like you're like crap I already had like 300 milligrams today but I want a little bit more that's what we should have for freaking five's a crowd yeah that's not bad the flavor's good it's got a sauce solid blue raspberry flavoring great colored cam this is the dark horse man that's a great option little bugger do you have any inkling as to what this one is that one I feel like one of these might be an elani new a lot I don't know which one oh probably the blue one one obviously I mean out of the two of them I'm not sure which one it would be okay okay I'm gonna slowly open it to the camera sir you're correct breezeberry raspberry dude I freaking love breezeberry that is a good one oh yes that's good yum and again look at the beautiful color combination in the can you have the right kind of teal in there you got the nice dark Blues like wow yeah beautiful presentation excellent execution that right there is a good blue drink dude I'm curious now what this bad boy is I know it's blue blue and it's so good I honestly have no idea what that is is it your new favorite drink it might be do you have any ink are you I don't none no because the only small blue drink I drink is that watch it's the same another Alani new [Laughter] I was right the blue slime sneaky bugger you know what's funny is blue slush wasn't one of my favorites really I don't really like the red slush so the blue one wasn't one I really wow sneaky booger dude I I think dude I'm a fanster we might need to revisit this because I know there's some energy drinks and we did not get to test it I know you love The Ghost and the rain so we may need to revisit this with more we'll have to take these three against them into the next round uh-huh this is a lot of fun this is wild I didn't know hardly any of these flavors and excellent what are your thoughts they're good Blue's pretty freaking good they're Blue's always been solid that's never been an argument man it's always been though there are better options but Blue's always been good color cannot dictate best I don't know about that there you have it our top three let us know down in the comments what ones we missed which blue is best to you yeah we hope you enjoyed this episode this was fun for me huge thanks and shout out to all of our members that are supporting us here on this channel and uh we'll see you guys here next time Deuces bye love you more blue [Music] wait no no oh I know what it is yeah yeah that's about right
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 84,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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