Americans FIRST Time in BUDAPEST Hungary 🇭🇺 | One of the Most Underrated Cities in Europe

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Budapest Hungary might be one of the most underrated countries we've been to thus far join us as we explore the city together we're starting our day right here in Blaha Louis Square I believe that's how you pronounce it sorry my Hungarian is really not that good this and all the other destinations we show you in this video are available in our Google Maps Link in the description below we figured this would be a good place to start our day because there's a Metro right here what we're going to do is walk up the street head off towards one of the world's most beautiful cafes that's right you heard it here first the most beautiful Cafe in the world cross the street head down that direction this is the Anantara hotel and that is the New York Cafe and as you can see there's already a line forming this is one of the ways you can travel around the city to have these trolleys are run throughout the entire day line starts right here and it's only 8:30 and it's already busy even the decorations on the outside of the building are pretty amazing so as you can see there's a major line here we don't have a time to hang around and wait to go inside but just imagine an opulent beautiful cafe or look it up it really is gorgeous inside from what we've seen in the pictures now we're headed to the subway where we're going to jump on and take it down to the river cuz we have some cool stuff to show you down that way that is the map this is where we're going this is our first time using the Metro here so we're going to try and figure it out the language options are Hungarian obviously English and German I guess we put our tickets in here our Train's here let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go on one side we've got this really cute Cafe on the other views Galore not just of this building but of the whole city and as we're walking around it just keeps getting better so there's so many different ways to get around the city you really have a lot of choices [Music] the building that we're looking at right now is the Parliament building and it is massive I think the only way to get a real view of it is probably from the other side of the river which we'll show you in just a little bit what a massive building and if you're interested in visiting the have a visitor center here which by the way is elevator accessible if you just go over to here you can take the elevator down we are on the Southeastern side of the Parliament building we're going to basically head directly Southeast there's a pathway we want to follow we're going to go this way to our next stop there's Liberty Square before we get too far we actually wanted to stop and show you a familiar face we're going to spin around and take a look at Ronald Reagan and he seems to be pretty popular around here Cindy wanted to say hi to Ronald Reagan and so a why okay let's keep walking through Liberty Square looks like there's other statues too another famous President George HW Bush I must admit I had no idea about Liberty Square I just knew it was a walking point or a way point in between two things we wanted to see but I'm really glad we stopped by and saw this me too a worthwhile stop on our way to get some strudel [Music] this is the strudel and they're making it right now check that out so you know it's fresh this is really the place to go to get it so what they did is they took some scles and cut them in half so that you can have a whole bunch of different flavors and they usually make these for tour groups we were told to check out the bathroom oo oh my look at that that's a sink I'm glad she told us about that pretty [Music] awesome [Music] we recommend this as a place to go and sit down and relax and enjoy a couple of strudles they also have some beautiful outdoor seating there they are a cheese and a cherry cheese we did get these to go that's why there's in paper cuz we're going to walk my goodness Eddie it looks so amazing M that is so good there's a little hint of sweetness to it and the flavor is not intense it's mild really delicious though now I'm going to go for the other one which is the cherry cheese hungry is known for their cherries actually they have a cherry soup a cherry Lor and they use cherries in a lot of the recipes so this is quite incredible really good it's my favorite I love it more than the cheese but the cheese is good too my turn I've had strudel before I've never had anything quite as amazing time for the Cherry oh was not expecting that amazing flavor and the sour with the sweet and the cheese melts well together this is a really cool place I think we're going to stay here longer when we're in town but we've got more to show you so let's go this is definitely a beautiful area look at that they have tourist information Hop On Hop Off buses as well we recommend them must be almost lunchtime everybody set up to serve right here is St Steven basilica I think that's Latin let me know in the comments below if you know this is pretty incredible but still early and I think we're dragging a little bit so it's time to get some coffee actually no we want to see some cats let's show you what we mean what we're doing right now is we're actually going to walk over here past the Basilica there's a cat cafe right around the corner here it is C Cafe Budapest let's find this entrance let's go in so we have rules we have to follow they have it in English as well as Hungarian that is the preparation area and then they've got seating Upstairs Downstairs and it looks like a basement [Music] area [Music] we are surprised by how many people there are in here actually this place is getting very packed all for time with these little [Music] guys this one has been very [Music] shy [Music] [Music] more fans of Cat Cafe here thanks guys well that is certainly a good way to satisfy your coffee and cat needs yes and we always have cat needs so if if you know us we used to travel with a cat and we loved every minute of it she's no longer here with us but that's okay this is just another one of our cat cafes that we've been able to visit and we're loving it we love finding them along the way next we're going to be crossing the river let's go over to the bridge cuz there's some stuff on the other side we want to show you that means we're heading west from here crossing the street past the Basilica to the river oh just a real quick they do have these scooters for rent if you wanted to get around that way city bus are available as are the Hop On Hop Off buses well I guess that short break with the Cat Cafe was a little bit longer than we had anticipated this place is packed now it's amazing what an hour we'll do here there are multiple tour groups that are walking around here so it is a very touristy City and as we were walking by we did hear a lot of English this is the bridge we're about to cross right now [Music] we are Midway across the river that's our view loving that you can almost see where our plan to go is next zoom in right in between here finic there it is let's see if we can get some tickets looks like there's a little bit of a [Music] line we're here right now waiting to get tickets to go up the finic so you can go and check out this [Music] [Music] area [Music] [Music] all right that CAU me up [Music] h at the top of the hill is the castle that is for Budapest we're going to go and check out this view which seems to be really popular right now is that a uh $40 view I think so and just so you know you can walk up here if you wanted to do that you just happen to end up over here instead of coming up to the gate entrance So the plan right now is to walk down the hill I know we have the tickets we can ride down but we like to walk and it does look like a really good place to get some views so we're going to do that so before we actually go and explore the castle grounds let's go in the direction that everybody is traveling right now along the way they have the house of Houdini if you didn't know before now you do Houdini is actually from here from here we're going to take a quick detour because we're passing this Alleyway and we saw that there is a view over here we want to see that'll be the western side of Budapest right [Music] there this is the Labyrinth right here I've been told it is pretty amazing we really want to do it however not a lot to take pictures not being able to take photographs in a place really has an effect on our ability to show you it looks pretty epic in the photos we've seen so check it out for yourselves if you're up here that's weird [Music] well it was a beautiful alley and we had to take it it's under construction right now but with the beautiful church here we couldn't not show it this is the fisherman's Bastion they were nice enough to put kind of like a see-through view of the church there this is still pretty impressive look at the rooftop that's basically what I wanted to show you guys and from there there we're going to go over to here and check this out too it looks like there is another pathway going down the hill as well as a photogenic Archway you can pay to go up top of there and then it exits out right down here and here's the Eastern side of the city that is pretty incredible we love coming up here we're going to head over the Castle now we can check that out before we head back down the [Music] hill check out these little statues gate handles they actually have a map right here by the entrance and now we are in the [Music] castle now we've made it to the front of the castle this time of day which you really want to do is look out over the [Music] city check that out there's a balloon over there here we have the front entrance where you can see just right there the funicular which we have the ticket to go down on but we're going to take the long way down looks like we're not the only ones taking the long way down another reason why we wanted to come down this way is that way which get on this bridge that passes over top of the finic there's two bridges that one and then the one we're on which has this view the western side of the city is pretty fantastic they definitely have a lot of Tourism over here and we had a great time checking out the castle now we're going to go back across the river we've got a lot more to show you before the end of the day so let's get going we're on our way to the danubius Fountain but that's just a quick stop and our ultimate goal there's something else we really wanted to show you if it's available right here is danubius Fountain we also happen to have a ferris wheel next door so we're going to show you both of those Locks of Love right here at the park now let's check out this [Music] Fountain just in case you are interested and taking a fres wheel those are your prices this entire Park area they have like a skate park basketball children's play area it also looks like they can convert that over into sucker we however are going to continue down this way because we're leaving the touristy area close by where the river is to head more in towards the downtown part Which is less touristy but still very touristy the reason is because there's stuff we want to do in that part of the city that look absolutely amazing and and that includes food it's time for lunch after hour one of the reasons we wanted to walk through this area is because of how amazing these buildings are and they're everywhere it's like you're walking through a smaller version of New York City but prettier what you see right there where the butterflies and the vines and everything is is the entrance let's go in I have a guy in armor that's showing us the direction we want to go we're seeing a lot of interesting stuff here it seems to be a little trendy kind of a hipster place with food and little knickknacks and souvenirs that you can buy along the way but there are a lot of people checking it out think thrift store or flea market except much nicer we've been seeing a lot of great places to eats and the entire day we've been smelling delicious food throughout the entire city but we have something in mind that really wanted to show you something very specific so this whole area is open day and night I'm not sure how late exactly but it's got a very different feel at night it's more of a dining bar hopping kind of a place downstairs to go to the Escape rooms we're back out on the street we're actually looking for a burger place right here but these are not just any Burgers these are Lango burgers this is the area you want to go we'll talk about this a little bit later on but basically you're looking for the Caravan street food they also have regular Burgers desserts and a whole slew of food options available this is Duck and this is the thank you thank you if you can't tell already that is a big burger look at that yeah like my hand compared to that and it's juicy look already it's just like all right juice so that's the lamb and this is the duck that one's even juicier yeah it is wow they are really good so delicious awesome I want to try them also but I want to try this bread first because this is a special bread for this area so I'm try it out wow wow it's more of a dense bread but very flavorful and there's just something in it it's just hearty delicious I feel like it will pair perfectly with this burger let me let me dig into this and let you know wow that's amazing totally recommend it the bread pairs perfectly with the meat it's like it's like they were made for each other let me dig into this other one now it's so big and juicy I don't I don't even know I wouldn't be able to pick a favor they're both so amazing but hey we're going to dig into this and love it see you in just a second and that is done what do you think Cindy was it worth it so good yes I definitely recommend that let's walk through here and show you what they have real quick this is the seating area and it's also the back and this is what the rest of it looks like don't miss out on your desserts I also recommend these they're chimney desserts basically it's a long pastry and this particular one puts ice cream down the middle of it we don't have to go very far to go to the next place we want to visit this is a very close pub and it seems to be a very popular pub not only during the the daytime but we'll show you a little bit more at night for now we're taking a quick walk through so you can see what it's like with some sunlight on [Music] it we are leaving for now but I think we're planning on coming back just to check it out one more time those burgers were bigger than we had expected so we had to take a little break before we went to our next place it's a couple hours later we went home changed got a little bit warmer clothes on it does get chilly here so let's go to the next stop we're also going to take a moment to show you a little bit of The Nightlife we're going to try something traditional to keep things simple we decided we wanted to try numbers 11 and 12 they brought something to the table what is it oh bread and it looks like some sort of a paste here it looks like a very spicy paste we're going to have to try that and let you know yep that is a spicy tomatoey kind of a paste this is the goulash stew and that is a paprika chicken both of them have the Hungarian noodles and they both smell amazing it's really delicious and super tender the meat just melts in your mouth it's amazing really good all right chicken first the paprika doesn't overpower the chicken good seasoning B balanced really delicious very tender chicken now for the goulash that is one seasoned piece of beef it's very thick very hearty I think this is one of those that's going to stick to the ribs and carry me for the rest of the night these are the traditional noodles let me try those too very mild very tender very interesting I think it's going to grow really well with that goulash that was incredible we really enjoyed that highly recommend coming here to get yourself some and as promised we're going to show you a little bit of the night life check out we were just there so let's go take another look at it at night so there is a lot of people in there lots of good food choices so this is where you want to go if you're needing something late at night now we're going to take a couple minutes to go back to where we promised we would return to unfortunately I'm going to have to voice over everything in here because honestly they've got a lot of loud music it's really good music everybody's having a great time including us [Music] [Music] we are also going to return to godzu court so we can get another look at that at night as well we're just going to walk through I can't do anything with the music here we ran into more of a quiet night life a lot of dining relaxing a couple of games maybe some people walking around but it's a lot more calm here and more food than drinks pretty entertaining in there yeah quite an amazing place to walk through but the next place we want to go is actually not too far in fact this is Piana vishna and they have something here that they are known for we want to try out here they serve up one thing and that is a cherry leor and thanks to Max and Ilana we had a great [Music] time wow that really surprised me it was so delicious and now to close out the night we're going to go hang out at a place that we've been told is an international wine bar this little jum is our next stop first time coming here so they gave us a complimentary bubbly wine this is basically a wine bar we're going to close out here this is our last night cap of the night they've got a great selection it looks like so it's going to be a very relaxing evening for us there are a couple more things we want to see and do before we leave Budapest and of course one of those things that's really important to us is getting some more food we decided what we wanted to do is get a stuffed cabbage and of course goulash before we [Music] left that's [Music] incredible next we're going to take a real quick look at Central Market Hall this building is gorgeous just look at the tiles on the roof it's like red green and yellow stick the escalator up I mean snares are fun and all but nah as soon as you get up at the top they've got traditional Hungarian food check out your options this is the top of it but this wraps around so we're going to follow this as much as we can have lots of different food options once you have your food choice ches stand across the walkway and eat we're kind of just falling the crowd at this point lots of souvenirs to be had a lot of different kinds of souvenirs too so overlooking from one end to the other and if you made it this far thank you so much for watching we appreciate each and every one of you and stay tuned as we continue your travel take you along with us if you like this video make sure you hit that like button and if you're not subscribed hit the Subscribe button and ring the bell for 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Channel: Squeeze The Day
Views: 73,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Budapest, Hungary, Budapest Hungary, Central Market Hall, Drum Cafe, Szimpla Kart, Gozsdu Court, Cat Cafe, Strudel House, St. Stephen’s Basilica, Budapest Castle Hill Funicular, Hungarian Parliament Building, Ősforrás, Fisherman’s Bastion, New York Cafe, Houdini Birthplace, Houdini hometown, Travel destinations, Travel, International Travel, Europe, travel Europe, travel vlog, budapest travel guide, budapest night life, tour budapest, travel to budapest, budapest 2023, Houdini
Id: 8WSMMkiQixY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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