American Couple Explores SOFIA Bulgaria ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ for our *FIRST TIME*

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sopia Bulgaria might not be on your list of places to go to but we're going to show you why it should be we're Cindy and Eddie and this is squeeze the day we flew to Sophia from Bucharest Romania we don't always fly but when we do we try to get some of the best budget friendly flights we can possibly find even though Sophia has a very small airport it is Affordable to fly here so that's what we did and we quickly realiz upon arriving that this isn't really one of those places that has a lot of tourists by the time we're done making this video we're going to be wondering why the first thing we do when we get here is go to our Airbnb to drop off our luggage and to do that we took the local rail after we dropped off our luggage we really didn't have to travel far to see some of the amazing sites that were right next to us these are the first sites we have in Bulgaria we got some exploring to do and it's not just because we were in a place that had access to a lot of historical stuff it's because Sophia has a lot of hisory history here and so much of it is still being uncovered just look for yourself what we found if ancient history isn't your thing don't worry we've got so much more of sopia to show you including a lot of food some downtown shopping and a couple extra reasons why you should make sopia your next travel destination on our way to get some breakfast we are walking among some of ancient columns that are here in the city I mean we're amazed this whole area is actually full of ancient relics that they're unearthing and preserving this is incredible it's obvious that this split so this used to be going up holding something [Music] up you can see that they had parts of water and sewage that ran underneath the streets and this is where we're at right now we're walking underground it's cuz they built up above all this we have a map of the area we're in all this underground stuff we're here now we just left that and there's all that stuff that's underground all that underground stuff was really amazing but let's go above ground to see what else we can [Music] see first let's grab something to eat thank [Music] you thank you these are like cheese breads but apparently they're the best cheese breads you're going to get and we're really excited to try these lack of good communication me as we each got one we only wanted one we wanted one to share but well she just took a big one and split it up for two of us it was only between $250 and $3 for what we have right here which is a good amount yes and when they were trying to figure out what we wanted cuz there was definitely a language issue she said cheese and we said du that's all you needed to do so they did know the word cheese and that was very helpful this is how much we got and they were actually kind enough to split it in two for us but it came out as one big giant cheese roll this is what it looks like it's filled and they roll it up and it's still hot yeah that's something that we're really pleased about it's still warm it was just taken out of the oven this is a traditional breakfast and it's not sweet I expected it to be sweet I was kind of expecting sweet too but Savory cheesy bread is flaky flaky and delicious moist very delicious this is the way to go this is a good praktice we're really happy with this we're going to finish this up real quick real quick as quick as possible because these are pretty big and then we're going to go and show you why this is one of those places that it's kind of like a Hidden Gem not a whole lot of people know about it this is the place you're looking for if you can't read that because you don't speak Bulgarian we'll leave that link in the description now that we have breakfast sorted we're going to go and explore the city there is so much to see here a lot of history for sure we've already shown you just a small piece of it to be fair this is one of the oldest cities in Europe and we're excited to show you some of the history that they have here the first place we're going to is the city park this is the entrance to the city Gardens well this isn't the entrance to the city Gardens this is the entrance to the city Gardens but they have museums like this all over the city if you want to know a little bit of history of this country definitely come to their City you can tell the citizens here in Sofia are really proud of their [Music] city they're showing different ancient artif from around the world here in the city garden the next thing we're going to take a look at is the Church of St Nicholas the miracle maker this is a very photogenic spot because of the gold and grein roofs the way they look together is pretty amazing the artistic work out here on the front of it is very unique very beautiful building right across the street you have more statues on top of the building this whole city is full of beautiful [Music] Ark just around the corner is the Alexander nevi Cathedral much larger much grander much more popular looks like there's a school field trip right here right [Music] now see Alexander nki Cathedral is pretty impressive but don't go too far there's a lot in this area to see including St Sophia Basilica little bit of an eternal flame [Music] there next we're going to take a little visit to slavov square this is a very famous shopping district there's a lot of really expensive stores in this area so we're just going to show you a couple of those and continue [Music] on so this square is right around the corner or just up the street from where we just had our cheesy bread breakfast so it kind of shows you how easy it is to walk around the city as well as how popular it is around here for various reasons they have these really cute traditional restaurants all over the city some of them are a little bit more expensive than others but the decorations in there are pretty amazing so we wanted to show you a couple of [Music] those [Music] much of what we're going to be filming is going to be shown along this walking Street basically right down the middle of the city this particular part of the Walking Street starts at St Nalia's church and goes all the way down to St nadalia Square which is where we're going to go to continue exploring [Music] Sophia next we're going to stop at a place called Hans and gredle Bulgaria might not be known for their candy but once something looks as amazing as this does of course we're going to stop I think this is Hans that's gredle and that is the witch so let's go inside and check it out toppings they have waffle cone makers right there but we've talked about this in previous videos these are chimney cakes what they do is they make these cakes that look like this and then they put ice cream inside good choices of candy here the kids are not entertained Enough by the candy they actually have a little house to go and visit with a roaring fire in the the corner what we really wanted to do is get one of these chimney cakes the reason is because when we were in hungry we saw them everywhere and we wanted to get one and we kept putting it off because we were waiting for the right time and then we didn't do it but since they have them here as well we'll get one of these take it with us and we'll let you know how delicious they are and then you can check out our hungry video to see how much fun we had there as well well there we go we decided we wanted to go with a half and we got it without the ice cream but you can get that filled with gelato the reason is because we haven't eaten lunch yet and it's getting close to lunch so we're not trying to spoil our lunch appetite but we had to get this since we're here so oh it's really good it's nicely toasted warm and cinnamony and delicious think you're supposed to pull it off in these little slivers we're going to dig into that we've come to the end of this little walkway beautiful mountains in the background park over here on the left Metro stop there's a National Palace of culture so we'll get a quick shot of that we just left vosha Boulevard that is the Palace of culture right there they have cultural events [Music] there fortunately I cannot get a good shot of this without my reflection but I can get a good shot of this by walking up to it here you can see in English and then [Music] Bulgarian along the way we came across this beautiful church I will not butcher the name why this is not listed on one of the places you really need to go check out on Google Maps I have no idea before we go too far we want to show you what the door looks like it's kind of hidden and like a hidden Jam that's the entrance don't be put off by its camouflage there it's worth it and we're going to make sure we leave a link in the description as part of all of our Sophia video content we just wanted to let you know real quick because of the music that's blasting over the speakers everything after this point is going to be voice [Music] our server recommended that we get the stuffed eggplant so we're going to start off with that we're also going to get these homemade meatballs because they sound amazing and finally we're going to get this homemade cabbage dmas which sounds delicious and we're going to close off with some homemade ice [Music] cream [Music] wow that was totally unbelievable incredible this is the spot you want to go to if you want to get that authen IC real legitimate Bulgarian food so delicious I think I'm super stuffed right now I might need some help getting home we're so happily stuffed right now delicious I don't know why he's got a crack in his head but it's definitely intentional let us know in the comments below why we were on our way basically to our home area cuz there's some more filming we want to do there but we came across something that's quite interesting they're actually well basically it looks like they're filming something in this area we saw a lot of people wearing period type costumes and so it has this thinking they might be filming a project for something here or it might be just a lot of people that were on break from work I don't know we're going to show you this is what they all look like cuz they are standing in a crowd right now it looks like it's part of this building it's an old historic building so all these people right here are in Period style costumes and it looks like they're getting ready to film something just part of our entertainment for the day I guess we showed you this church just a little while ago and this is basically where they're all setting up for whatever production they're doing I don't know if it's a play or it's a movie but everybody is definitely in costume so if you know what's going on let us know in the comments below we would be really curious to find out for ourselves I mean the costumes are pretty unique they also have a bunch of production company trucks over here so we think that they're using part of this building as it we did see some people out there as well finally we have this building which is right next to the park where we saw the giant head we think they're using this building as part of a video or movie or something this little Park is the central baths Fountain Park it's called that because they have this little water fountain here but just over here if you go past this area across the street they have all these fountains available that are actually providing fresh water for everybody in the city lots of people come here to fill up their water containers just grab a quick sip of water if they're thirsty and walking around town or if they just need to rinse their hands out we've done it a couple times water's pretty good and one of the ancient Roman emperors actually came to this city specifically because of the water and the mineral content that was in the water basically he really liked it and it was supposed to be really healthy for him this this is where he came to get that really refreshing mineral water he also brought Christianity to the area it's actually hot you can see this one is even steaming slightly I didn't expect that and it's not like too hot to drink it's kind of like um a good temperature easy to drink yeah just like a cup of tea that's been cooled down a little bit that's why they come here you see a lot of people out here with their containers and they fill up tons of containers to take home with them y so if you're here saying that people fill up water it's not because the water in their sink isn't drinkable it's because the water here is so drinkable so much better but there are so many reasons to love this city we just keep running into new ones every day between the history and the art the culture the food the people yeah and if you've made it this far thank you so much for watching we appreciate each and every one of you and stay tuned as we continue to travel around the world taking you along with us if you like this video make sure you hit that like button and if you're not subscribed hit the Subscribe button and ring the bell for notifications so that you can continue to follow along with us as we continue on this adventure and as always squeeze the day and be well
Channel: Squeeze The Day
Views: 9,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sophia, Bulgaria, Sophia Bulgaria, Tour Sophia, Izbata Tavern, Church of Sveti Sedmochislenitsi, Slaveykov Square, Saint Sophia Basilica, St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Church of St. Nicholas, Sofiyska Banitsa, The City Gardens, Central Baths Fountain, Sofia Monument, Ancient Serdika, Budget Travel, Travel, Carpe Diem, Squeeze the day, Cindy and Eddie, International Travel, Travel vlog, Travel Vlogger, Vlogger life, Slow travel, Vitosha, Vitosha Blvd, Hans & Gretel, Europe
Id: 5sSvmjwrcXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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