My Mom Came to Japan! Learn Chinese, Japanese, & Korean LIVE

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so this is a mommy daughter live stream impatiently awaited being able to live not my mom my mom's not impatient or something for some things okay so this is the first live stream I've done in like over a year I don't do this very often so I hope that you know you take this opportunity to ask your questions I try to answer all the comments I'm one of the only YouTubers that has a large channel that goes through and tries to answer every single comment because you took the time to write it so of course I'm gonna read it I just appreciate it because back when I started you remember I had like no comments if I got a comment in a day I was like oh my gosh wow look like it like made my day so now now that I'm getting so many uh every day I still feel really appreciative of that and I remember that time when I didn't have any like I'd go days and days with no comments so no matter how big this channel gets I'm still gonna read every one of your comments that you comment on the videos but yeah congrats on 7 100k that's true just like a couple hours ago we passed 700k I'm excited I can't believe it I remember I know the first six months I had like what um 100 subscribers so that was a big thing now before we start I want to give a shout out to our moderator today our moderator is my friend um konichiwa my dude he is a Japanese YouTuber here and he was nice enough to moderate today so I really appreciate that he's in Japan time let's let's check in on our our friend here real quick here's Ray you want to say hi Ray yeah hi everyone nice to meet you can we hear you okay okay I can hear you yeah okay hi guys my name is Ray nice to meet you um my YouTube name is Konnichiwa my dude and then I do uh tour and then I do a Japanese lesson and then I'm having a study abroad program so basically I'm having an inbound business in Japan for eign people who want to study Japanese or who want to come to Japan nice to meet you thanks Ray thank you so much and we're going to be talking about language learning finally everybody's always asking me for like um tips and and tricks and advice on language learning and I never give any advice I very rarely give advice so finally I'm keeping these secrets all to myself finally we're going to talk about some advice and later on Ray's going to come in and give us some advice too because he was a Japanese teacher he taught Japanese yeah yeah I went to a Japanese um teaching school for four years um that was really hard for me to study like Japanese as a Japanese person so I studied um Japanese grama and other stuff and I realized that yeah studying Japanese is really difficult but I think it's yeah really fun it was really long grammar as well it can be a lot of fun and yeah the grammar is difficult but the good thing is like if you decide to take on another language like right now I'm using Japanese to study Korean like I I'll get into this later but my big project recently has been learning Korean and the grammar is so similar that if you know Japanese like you're already ahead of the game it's like you know buy one get one twenty five percent off because there's like they're like 25 percent the same so yeah we'll talk to Ray a little later on he's a Japanese teacher and we'll get some advice from him but for now he's just gonna be our moderator and I'll introduce you to my mom some more so thank you Ray thank you so much thank you thank you we'll get back to you in a minute he's still here if you have any questions you can ask him at him in the chat it's konnichiwa my dude okay so we'll get back to Ray in a second thank you Ray okay now it's just back to via my mommy welcome I see some new people added uh just added into the chat got into the chat I love you Oriental Pearl do you speak Spanish oh you want to tell them about my Spanish experience mom this this will help you if you're feeling demotivated as a language learner just how badly I I messed that up well I think you had what five years of it in high school don't tell them don't tell them wait wait wait I did not learn Spanish in in college so so I'm cleared for that but the five years thing was accurate okay five years of it and we went to Mexico I think you were 16 at the time yeah and uh yeah nobody could understand one of the problems is not learning from a native speaker well that's true that was that was cool you didn't really care it wasn't something you wanted to learn yeah so yeah you never picked it up so anybody who says that she had she had her language it's the work that's the work you put in not learned Spanish because she didn't want to she wasn't passionate about it and uh that's just one of those things that you know you have to work at it wait a second wait a second I wanted to learn Spanish but I thought I could learn it like a sponge like through osmosis so I would just be in the classroom and not have to do any work or anything outside and just absorb it and it didn't work that way okay oh my gosh we have actual people back in Michigan that we know oh wow Liz hey guys it's Liz from your hometown love your channel wow Liz is a an actual friend of mine from back home and a friend of my mom's yeah so funny oh we got a shout out Jim Ross um Jim Ross is probably one of the the top three biggest supporters of this channel he he's all over he's encouraged me when I felt bad about like the last live stream not going well last year the best YouTuber to inspire and kick butt but out of language learners but my first question is Mama anming what did you think of your daughter going to China and then to Japan I think she's amazing but I'm a little prejudiced thank you Jim I would say I'm even more prejudiced I brag about her all the time yeah um I I think that it was scary you know for us to realize that she was going to be halfway around the world and we grew up wherein China was close to people so it was especially scary that you're going to a country that we had never had any interaction with it was banned we couldn't go there and you know we're thinking like these little mud Huts you're gonna live oh come on we don't know if you've never been there you don't know what it's like it's communist country it was it was just scary I think for us to think that how far away you were going to be but I think that um I just wanted you to be happy I wanted whatever was best for you and uh if that's what made you happy then I was I was supportive my mom has been my biggest supporter for everything um she and thank you for your comment Jim Jim is always a big supporter Jim Ross isn't that a famous uh isn't that a famous celebrity there's someone named Jim Ross that's famous but this is Jim Ross in Canada and uh if I get a chance one day I hope that we can meet up um actually I don't know what side of Canada you live on but I'm gonna do two meetups in the United States the first one is going to be in Phoenix probably in November because my mom now lives in Phoenix and then the second one will be in December in the Detroit area so if you want to meet up I love meeting viewers I've met quite a few here in Tokyo like I've done three meetups so far and we had like 20 people 40 people and 20 people so I met quite a few of you guys and it's been really cool but um yeah she asked if my mom supported me going to China she supports everything I do but my dad is a different story you if you saw the most recent video and I'm gonna post it here again this is uh the video where Tommy meets my mom and my stepdad that's not my not my actual dad they've been together for like 15 years I remember him since I was in high school but my actual dad lives in Michigan and he's a very tall guy and you think her and I look alike perhaps some people say we look alike the truth is we don't I look exactly like my dad look alike until they see him yeah they say we look like until they see him exactly okay um let's look at some of the questions about language learning because this is a topic today is studying N5 so that's jlpt the Japanese language proficiency exam and five uh the highest is N1 and um you have an exam in one month I wish you the best of luck I'm glad you said that as your goal that's awesome then we have uh Emily Emily did this wonderful oh bring the fan art mom we gotta show them the fan art Emily is actually here in Tokyo she's come over to my house and stuff like I invite fans over to my house and hang out and if you support me I'll be your best friend um oh she did these wonderful drawings uh graphic design here and then like I went to one of her she did a performance here in Tokyo she was did Kabuki I went to support her because she did such a nice job with that and if you want to find her she's on Instagram so we have these in our living room they're so cool yeah thank you Emily I love that yeah hi Emily we had fun yeah she hung out when went to karaoke karaoke with us karaoke yeah um so again a lot of people keep saying you know like when I did the videos that's not your mom that can't be your mom she's too young so how old are you this year you had a birthday here in Japan 55 years old 55 years young and she's learning Japanese so my mom I think can inspire a lot of people and that she's trying to learn Japanese another language after having no exposure to foreign languages ever and she's using the Pimsleur method I saw somebody mention Pimsleur earlier in the chat that they were taken in on and trying it that is exactly how I started with Japanese you know you don't take it all on at once I'm gonna learn everything um hiragana Katakana kanji I'm gonna go to the advanced level you don't really make that decision from the very beginning you start to toy with the language and you get more and more invested into it and I think that's a great way to start so I always recommend Pimsleur and my mom's using it so do you want to do it A self-introduction in Japanese just she literally just went through the first um lesson series of himself before she came so that was like 30 lessons 30 minutes a piece you could you could do it in a month you do they recommend you do One A Day so can you do a a little Chico shokai a little I satsu uh first of all she's getting nervous oh no no no she did this when she met my husband at the airport for the first time yeah this was it watashiwa Cindy Des America what else oh how about what about you introduced me like what's our relationship what what has yeah so I'm your daughter [Music] that's right my daughter is married to a Japanese person this is this is true and we've got a question here um about language advice from right here okay what advice would you give to learn languages well that's that's uh not not very specific but there's a lot of advice that I would give for learning languages like you got to be invested in it uh when I first started like I said you don't you don't like oh Emily said Emily said you're good she she's learning Japanese as well but here in Tokyo through a program but just general advice you got to take it seriously like in the beginning you just start toying with the language so um when I started learning a little teeny tiny bit of Japanese I was still in China and I was still learning Chinese but I was like toying with it like do I want to take this all the way do I not want to and just getting a level of Interest built up oh someone uh similar to your age here I'm 51. I use some pimsley for a while and I also use Rosetta Stone duolingual Japanese pod 101 in Japanese from zero I know all of those I actually use a Japanese pod 101 too maybe I'll introduce that to you next because we just started with Pimsleur Japanese pod 101 is even better now that you're learning hiragana and Katakana so you can start memorizing how to write the vocabulary and read it as well um but like you just start toying around with the language and in the beginning I didn't want to pay for anything I was just really um stingy about it I would spend money like go out to eat when I was in college getting interested in Chinese I'd go out to eat spend fifteen dollars but I wouldn't pay two dollars for some audio lessons it was just it didn't make any sense like I don't have money for that buy money to go out and like buy fast food and go spend money on stuff that you know just food and stuff but um I realized there were a lot of limitations to that so just getting serious about it and saying okay I'm gonna put a little money into this even just a little bit because I want to get something out of it I think that was a good first step uh you know I I've made the mistake of just using the free stuff for Chinese in the beginning and it was like a Russian teaching it one thing too is if there's no skin in the game they call it in in the world in the business World especially committed to it if you're not paying for it just like going to a gym if you get a personal trainer and you're paying a lot of money you're way more committed to making sure you show up generally generally yeah that's true it gives you a sense of commitment to get your money's worth yeah I mean even though you you've been here this last month my mom came October 1st so she's been in Japan for like almost 30 days now and I've been going to those Korean lessons right yeah and if I hadn't signed up for that and they hadn't been keeping me on track I wouldn't have studied while you were here I would have just taken the month off but I'm like nope I paid for this I gotta get in there I gotta I've been putting this much money and this much effort into it I'm not going to let this month go so they keep me on track so that's an important thing definitely [Music] um and let's see we have some questions about vocabulary uh any tips for learning kanji any tips for learning uh how to read and write yeah about vocabulary things like that I always do flash cards and here's my I don't know if you could see them ah just a little yeah this is and I have mine here is Korean yeah my mom has some to jihachal is Korean for Subway so these are all the ones I already did and I recommended that my mom do this too right Kim and and there's things like Anki cards but I think that it's better to write it out by hand so you get familiar with how to write um I find okay I see a lot of comments saying how about this app how about that app how about this app honestly there's a million out there but I don't recommend that you just use a app alone to learn a language it's a good way to start and like cultivate that interest but um there are severe limitations to that so you really gotta get some because you go at your own pace right and you tend to slack off if you're unless you're super super super motivated and you're a very rare person um and I'm a motivated person too but I still can't keep on track at my own pace like I would have taken the month off everybody gets busy if it weren't for my Korean school so I'm now going to a Korean School two times a week that's mainly what I've been busy with um it's right near here so I can just walk it's really convenient um you've been learning Korean for a while right I've been learning Korean at the Korean school for the last six months and I dabbled with it just a little on Pimsleur before there but now I've gotten through the whole Pimsleur series and it was kind of hard in the beginning but since I started taking that class I'm like I know that word or I know that word I know that word already so um what I tend to do with new vocabulary is I write it down a lot you can't really see this so well oh yeah there you go I'll write it sometimes this is Korean actually I'll write it sometimes in English and then with the you know hanguru as they call it in Japanese the Korean writing system actually I'm learning Korean through Japanese so if you look at this book and I can't wait to like get permission from the school to show my classes but all of this book is written in Japanese and it's got the Japanese to Korean translations so if you already know a foreign language it's killing two birds with one stone if if you do this the next language taught through your other foreign language so that's how I learned Japanese a lot of people say I have a some somewhat of a Chinese accent when I speak Japanese but because I learned it in China through Chinese my teacher only spoke to us in Chinese oh we had a super chat here other sister is in Japan who's my mom she likes that you're making her very happy money for the cause thank you for the entertainment well thank you very much I appreciate that that's very kind of you I I don't know like um I try to make the videos kind of entertaining and kind of um educational at the same time but what's Pimsleur is it similar to Duolingo not at all those are two totally different things I don't really believe in the app the the app based learning um unless you're just learning hiragana or Katakana like my mom is now just learning so that kind of stuff you can learn very very efficiently probably the most efficiently through an app but for actually learning a language I don't recommend apps I really really don't I did a video about that but pimsler is a series of audio lessons I wouldn't consider it to be an app I used it for Japanese in the beginning and then I'm using it for Korean now my mom's using it for Japanese so what have you found to be like we'll talk about the pros and cons like of using audio lessons because I always recommend that for beginners like that's the way to start what would have been the pros so far the pros are definitely you can go at your own pace you can um you know put it down pick it up if you get interrupted you don't have a classroom setting you don't feel as pressured to if you make a mistake take um you know you kind of get nervous if you're speaking to somebody and you know you just feel pressured to get it absolutely right yeah I would say one of the cons is maybe not hearing the pronunciation right and uh you know you're maybe repeating it wrong because you're not hearing it the way it's supposed to be which which is why this uh learning the these uh words do you remember one thing in the spelling do you remember it putting her on the spot like Katakana but that's it when I first uh tried I didn't want to write it and then I realized that it's so important in the pronunciation that's everybody they're like can I just write domaji which is just a romanticized version it's like no no that'll I mean in the beginning but you gotta get off that crutch do you see yourself learning another language after Korean or do you think that will be it I just told my mom this the other day when we were eating at a restaurant that I wanted to learn that country's language and she was kind of surprised because we had been there together we've traveled in Asia quite a lot her and I we went to China together we went to Southeast Asia and the next language I was thinking of is just a really logical step and it is Vietnamese if I were to take another language on it would be Vietnamese but I'm not completely committed to that like I said you just kind of dabble with it first so I'm focused focusing on Korean because I'm starting to get very com I'm conversational I'm starting to develop fluency in Korean after these six months and um I'm gonna focus on that so that I can get really fluent in that first and we went to Koreatown yesterday and I was kind of scouting out because once I get back I want to make some videos there I'm like who could I talk to who which people are Korean I don't want to make a mistake and and go to a restaurant where there's no Korean people working yeah um so I was scouting out but that's the that's the plan oh um hello from Akron Ohio hey Ohio's in the house we got a a comment I swear the other day it must have been from Ohio this is a nice person from Ohio but do you remember that comment uh yeah it was something like uh why would why would he go to Michigan because my husband's going to Michigan it's like of all the states why would you pick Michigan and I was like did someone from Ohio write that that sounds like an Ohio comment but here we have a nice person from Ohio so that's good memorizing vocab in Japanese it's just like memorizing vocab in any other language so when I when I make these cards well this is Korean but um I'll write the you would write the kanji or hiragana Katakana whatever you want you should probably learn the kanji as well this is Korean though um and then I write the that on the front and then I'll write the Romantic sized version on the back and that's how I do most of my vocabulary and I go through it like that's my strongest point it's always been my strongest point in every language I just know a lot of vocabulary and that is from making these cards and then I put them in a spreadsheet and a lot of times you have to be careful with the pronunciation I had so much trouble with this word in the beginning this Korean word chongo like to this is a phone number make a phone call um I I kept getting it wrong I kept pronouncing it wrong and you've had issues too where you just be a little bit off my mom said instead of Hajime like Hajime um so if you're a little unsure about the pronunciation you can always put that you have that database so you take your your word out of the word document that you've created and you put in Google Translate it'll just read it for you and then you'll you'll fix those Stakes somebody asked did you pass level one of the Korean proficiency test I have not tried to take the Korean proficiency test at this point you know what I did with Chinese when I did hsk the it's called honey which is a Chinese proficiency test I just took the highest level I hate tests so much I just skipped all the levels it usually goes um one two three four five six with Chinese and Japanese is the opposite and five and four and three two one I just skipped it all because I hate tests and I just took the hardest one when I was ready it was literally took three years I I took it three years after I started learning um yeah so if that's your goal that's great but I don't think my mom wants to take any Japanese tests no absolutely not I want to be conversational if I come to this country I would feel a lot better you know being able to speak a lot more than I can currently um you can get by with English certainly but I think it it enhances your experience if you can actually interact with people on their language level and I think it limits what you can do here especially if you're going to be here for any length of time but even just a visit it's nice to be able to speak it yeah how about talking to Tommy her main motivation for learning Japanese was so she could talk to my husband and his family because he doesn't have a whole lot of English yeah he's not super he's not super fluent in English but he he knows enough to like have a small conversation so that was my mom's main goal um we got super chat here from James Stevenson thank you so much love Japan my first visit to Japan was 1975 wow that would have been a completely different country than it is now love your post I started learning Japanese in seven 1976 thing die Senpai let me give you uh let me give you a sugoi um wow 1976 and Revisited about 13 times I'm still learning okay wow 13 times to Japan that's amazing but gosh that that's that's crazy though 1976. um that's that's a long time like way before I came here uh James oh Jim Ross made a comment about Pimsleur pimsa really offers one-time and plans but full payment up front I bought Chinese the Chinese course but crashed and burned and uh disliked that I never used okay uh discs and on disks that I never used they used to sell them on disks I remember that's how I started with Japanese it was on disks and then you could download them they have five now back when I studied there were only four I never got to do the last one but now it's way way way way way way too easy uh I wouldn't say that I studied Japanese now like but every once in a while um I will go through and like pick up a book like this this is called Tango Cho and this is the in one one uh I've gone through this once and then half of it a second time so just to warm up on or to review some of the vocabulary I had already learned but honestly stuff like this they just starts to look like a pyramid where you get more and more rare words that you're not going to use and you're still missing some of the foundational ones and phrases like that you would catch on TV so at a certain point you know this gets less and less useful but for passing the test I guess if that's your goal then it's good and just I I had hoped that it would help me with my job because I'd worked at a Japanese office but this didn't help so much with the office vocabulary not not too much um how many languages do you know oh no that's a different one oh how do you you structure your sentences in Japanese that's been hard for my mom because it's like all the opposite of English but sometimes it's confusing right yeah I think uh yeah just the order of things I think you have to kind of think of the action as being last um like when I say you're married to a Japanese married is the last word and so you just it's kind of backwards of what we usually it is but what's so awesome is once you've learned one Asian language for example with Chinese there's a lot of similarities with the other ones so especially the number system I know the numbers have been weird for you um you haven't gotten you haven't even gotten into the like ten thousands hundred thousands but Chinese Japanese and Korean are all uh the same with that system so they have like a word for ten thousand and if you want to say a hundred thousand you say ten ten thousands and that's very hard in the beginning but um if you already know another Asian language then it's just like oh they're all those counting systems are all the same so with Korean oh my gosh I've never picked up a language so fast as I have with Korean because it's so similar to Japanese it really is yeah and I think the struggle is if you haven't learned any language like myself um then you don't know where to start you don't know how to learn it um you're not used to any of those patterns and it does get frustrating and you just have to work through that frustration and realize that that is just something that everybody struggles with and that you know your no no worse off than anybody else it's just it's not easy and then you get to a plateau point maybe a a cup couple months in where you're not progressing and most people they give up at that point oh it's so hard it's always going to be this hard they don't realize that that's the point where you double down if you were doing 30 minutes a day that's the point where you start doing an hour a day and a lot of people miss that um but that's really important that's like the difference between the people that make it and don't make it if you keep going and double down when you're having a plateau what Drew you to East Asian languages that's a funny story my mom knows that story but do you yes I do in well in college you met the a Chinese boyfriend and that got you interested in China so and then uh your dad and I sent you to Xi'an after college um I think he did wasn't it like a farm or something you worked on there and no I was like a elementary school volunteer teacher was it a teacher yeah I didn't think it was teaching right um yeah so you went for a month to Xi'an China and lived and just the interest Grew From there yeah yeah that's that's how it started off and then because I liked Chinese I got interested in Japanese and it seemed like a logical you know next step because you know there's a lot of similarities again it was like buy one get 125 off I bought Chinese full price like I put all the effort in I started from zero I'd zero Foundation no knowledge of uh hanzu which is kanji and then when I took on Japanese it was like oh I already know 25 of this stuff and then taking on Korean it's like I already know maybe even more than 25 percent of this stuff at this point just kept getting easier that's why I said if I do another one maybe in a year and a half or so it would be Vietnamese because I'm interested somewhat interested in it I like uh I like the country we've been there together we went to Ho Chi Minh and I liked it and it just it would be so easy to study after having known a Chinese especially Chinese there's a lot of similarities is Duolingo a viable language learning tool no no it's not I don't okay you know it's like the free ones again who are getting back into the free ones like I already know people most people that sign up for something like Duolingo have not really invested themselves in the language they're just kind of messing around and you know feeling it out but I think they need to get to the next step where they're ready to you spend more time and more effort and a little bit of money on it before they can really get serious about it and start making a lot of progress I everyone I've seen in Japan for example that does these English apps uh they don't end up making a lot of progress in English but they weren't really serious with it to begin with duolingual honestly sucks okay I don't know if it honestly sucks or that there's no value in it whatsoever I think there's value in all the apps but what you know it's not gonna get you too far especially with the the mindset the mindset of the people that are using Duolingo is also it's very casual so they're not quite taking it seriously yet but maybe they will one day and maybe they'll um invest a little more time into it come to Ireland I've been to Ireland actually one of my videos has Ireland in it we went to the Cliffs of Moore and it was so windy it's like the worst weather I've ever seen in my life and I'm from Michigan but it was beautiful so I did go to Ireland in 2016. I'd like to go oh the next one I'm going to Australia I'm totally gonna go visit my friend there my mom's already been to Australia so that's the next big one Australia and and South Korea too we just got a Super Chat from Erica hi Erica thank you I'll be going to Asia for my first time next year for about two weeks which country or country should I visit well that totally depends on what you like but um Japan is on the more expensive side Singapore is probably the most expensive um if you like adventurous places if you if you like nature then I would probably recommend I feel like nature I would recommend southeast Asia but that can be a little rough and my mom got sick at one point from the ice water in one of the countries but we did pretty well most of the trip yeah it was surprising because some of the food we ate that thought we thought might make us so exciting and it was the ice in a Thai iced tea at a really kind of fancy Mall restaurant that we wouldn't have never expected yeah just just be prepared for that yeah just be careful with those or stay safe and be in Japan and it's just it's more expensive it's um it's more comfortable for sure for most people if you've never been to a foreign country right someone said Thailand our moderator just said the obvious one our moderator today is Konnichiwa my dude he said visit Japan Ray is a really uh close friend of mine and a good supporter here in in Tokyo uh he's been to multiple events that I've had he's been to my house at least one time if not twice oh oh my gosh my Godfather's in the chat oh my gosh that's so funny some of my family does watch the channel that's amazing oh my gosh I'm gonna go see my godparents very soon I think I said on the channel if you watch the wedding video and there's a new one too that I'm a Catholic I'm a Catholic convert that's something that hasn't come out I converted when I was like 19. my mom's not religious my dad's not religious I joined when I was a a college student and I've been a member of the Catholic church ever since um and have you been to Hokkaido yes I have that's where we took our honeymoon so if you're looking for a place to travel in Asia maybe it could be Hokkaido Japan but um again about konichiwa my dude if you if you guys uh have a second go and support his channel go subscribe to his channel he's such a good friend of mine he's been so supportive there I can see him here he's he's there there's my friend Ray let's let's get a a moment a little comment from our moderator here because he's a Japanese teacher and we're talking about language learning so who better to ask than a guy who's actually taught people about first before we go to Ray we we had a Super Chat happy Halloween Miss Alyssa oh somebody knows my real name of course he's a big supporter of the channel one of the top 10 for sure happy to have 100 700 000 Subs have you been to Hong Kong I was in Hong Kong very briefly when I went to Shenzhen and then I I took the bus over but yeah Hong Kong's a cool place I'd like I'm kind of interested in Cantonese but I think it'd have to be Vietnamese first but let's hear from great for a moment so Ray you taught uh Japanese to a lot of English speakers what was like their most difficult what was the most difficult part about that oh teaching Japanese to um foreignties to teach Japanese um especially uh why some people are struggling with pronouncing Katakana and I feel like everyone hates Katakana pronunciation but at the same time Chinese people have um advantage of learning Kansas because they they know they already know many kanji and even though they are beginners they're um they can't read high level anyone kanji and I was really surprised about that um oh that's so true like when I was in the Japanese language School uh there were a lot of Western people that always focused on speaking speaking speaking speaking and they kind of neglect reading and writing whereas uh on the other side like Chinese people studying Japanese which by the way is the biggest group of people studying Japanese there's a lot more Chinese people studying Japanese than there are Americans or westerners but they tended to be really good at reading and writing and putting together emails and stuff but the speaking just wasn't there so you can tell what people are focusing on yeah that's true because um I have so many students who has uh into or in one but they cannot speak in uh Japanese at all because they study Japanese from textbook or um I don't know watching YouTube or something like that but oh or watching anime yeah but the funny part is um my students watch anime can listen Japanese very well I'm really surprised about the um one of my students watching anime three hours a day every day every single day and speaking level is not really great but his listening skill is like any two level so I'm I'm like okay wow yeah just like this one from uh Sushi this is written in all hiragana ski there's days usually it has a kanji but a lot of foreigners learning uh kanji will write these words in hiragana so uh yes can I bring it now yeah oh my gosh she's gonna show us his pet misete he's gonna show us his his gecko I guess he does have a favorite animal and and Usha I gotta shout this uh viewer out he's not just a viewer he's one of the the top three biggest supporters congrats Gekko that's so cute we have a special guest I didn't expect wow his name is Konnichiwa his name is konichiwa yeah his name is very very aggressable oh my gosh did it foreign [Music] I don't have a pet because the place we're living in doesn't allow pets landlord you know he doesn't want pets what about like the gecko or small animals maybe I could get away with that but it's then I travel a lot so I'm gonna make Tommy clean up its poop yeah that's right yeah it's really nice to have a pet okay we got a a question from Jim Ross on Ming told me that you need to put in a couple hours a day I've enjoyed being in in Japan having to Converse in Japanese improve my ability my reading ability kept me from understanding much yeah that's a totally different skill you know I've met so many people in China that just learned Chinese uh kind of on the street with their friends but their reading ability tended to be really low or non-existent so that's a separate skill don't think that just because you learn how to speak well or pronounce things well that that automatically translates into being able to read and write with me with uh Korean right now um I write these flashcards and stuff but when they ask me to read from the textbook I'm so bad at that and then the teacher will repeat it out and that can um repeat what he says very fast very fluently but when I go to read it it's just I haven't practiced enough with it so practice makes perfect that you'd have to take time away from what you're doing with speaking and take an hour or so to learn to read and write because as my mom's finding too it's a totally separate skill you know foreign so Rey is now taking on Spanish and I failed at Spanish but a lot of Japanese people say that the pronunciation for Spanish is is not that hard um because it tends to end in a vowel like that I eat all kind of thing it most words end in a vowel which is good for it sounds like Katakana um we have a question here uh some tips for passing N5 do you have any tips for passing N5 Ray yeah I have um so many you want to only pass on jlp to any five um actually you don't need to practice your speaking skill I think that's a very good thing for you um also yeah right you can pronounce things completely wrong and still be able to pass this test it has nothing to do with your ability to say anything at all yeah also one more thing is good is because uh if you get 50 percent uh you'll pass the jlp to N5 I think it's really kind for uh Japanese Learners um well first you mean you need to finish um hiragana Katakana and study on all any five kanji because any five kanji is not that many uh I think they were 100 to 200 countries um yeah I feel like if you study six months Japanese I think you can pass a glpt I recommend you study with Genki textbook oh my gosh I I had that one in the very beginning in the very beginning yeah I had never found a textbook that was completely satisfied with with Japanese I definitely found a series in Chinese that I loved highly recommended it was the um it was the Beijing Language and Cultural University series that they had was awesome but with Japanese I wasn't completely satisfied until I went to China and I found a book that was written for Chinese people that was really good at teaching Japanese but as for an English one I can't recommend anything because I wasn't really quite satisfied yeah yeah so how did you study in the very very beginning without textbook I had a textbook in the beginning I just didn't like it I didn't like any of the textbooks I tried I tried Genki I tried uh a couple others and I wasn't 100 satisfied with any of those the best one I ever found was a book I can't recommend to everyone because it was written in Chinese somebody says Chinese books are better well I have to agree with that in the Chinese language School in China was really good in the Japanese language School in China was really good but when I came over here and got on their program that was that was a little harder somebody asked a question in Chinese whether you are doing so somebody said their uh reading level is higher than their spoken level in Chinese and speaking to other people is scary well I imagine so that's the case for a lot of people um especially Chinese people learning Japanese but we here we have a western guy learning Chinese and his reading level is higher than speaking which is kind of rare and he's writing Fontes which are traditional characters so good for him that's cool but perhaps Jason you spent a lot of time focusing on reading and writing you didn't talk to a lot of people so maybe hellotalk would help that's how I met Ray through hellotalk yeah oddly enough um let me read this one uh from Frank definitely top five here we got all the real big supporters of the channel Frank thank you for the Super Chat he's also on my patreon one of the maybe 30 people on patreon but there are they're a loyal 30 they're my favorites you know I love them they went out of their way because I never advertised for that patreon they actually went and found it I'm going to use your link for the seven day free trial of Pimsleur to learn Spanish that's awesome they have like 50 languages so I could even use it for Vietnamese when I take that on sounds like a great idea to try out first maybe I can make it down to Phoenix in November oh well he's it says Frank in Vegas so maybe he's in Vegas my mom will probably go too okay um we'll check in with you in a couple of minutes uh Ray I want to get my mama get some advice from her so we'll we'll bring you back in in a little bit we're going to 11 today so we have 11 Japan time we have another hour and 10 minutes so we'll get right back here and he'll be in the chat he'll be in the chat so you can ask him any questions okay all right back to Mommy um let's see are you a Russian spy are you a rush inspire me not a Russian spy oh somebody you are and I don't know it because somebody had that as like their their profile name but do you know how many times I get asked if I'm a Russian spy or Chinese spy or if I work for the CCP or if I you know the CCP Chinese Communist party they and somebody said I was being paid by them that was so where's my checks you're sending it to the wrong address the person I know I'm her mom and I'm just a regular person that's what you would say that's what you would say that's the expected answer exactly exactly which one out of the two of you it's older haha what's that supposed to mean this comments well I think you know what came first the chicken or the egg I mean what's your ancestry we have German ancestry yeah on both sides on Dad's side yeah French Ukrainian little tiny bit of Ukrainian ancestry maybe that's why I always get asked are you Russian are you Ukrainian but that's just a little tiny bit actually on Dad's side too but mostly German mostly German um so let's see my mom and I have been traveling around a lot here so far you went to 11 prefectures and we took a lot of footage from it but it hasn't been edited yet do you remember all the places you've been to so far uh uh oh my gosh all the names are so strange um but you're learning right yes yes uh yeah uh oh my gosh no but not on this spot can't recall a single one I know um went to Shiga Shiga um we went to fukui yes that's a rare one not a lot of people go there [Music] and oh well uh we went to Osaka yeah the usual NADA and Kyoto um we went to wakayama which I think yeah that's a rare one too so lots of places Kanagawa we went all over the Tokyo area saitama somebody asked have you had any interaction with Japanese police if so what was it like I've never even talked to a Japanese police officer ever before but I remember in China One time I was walking with my uh Japanese friend and we got talked to by the police because we crossed the road where we weren't supposed to or no we were walking in the street where we weren't supposed to and that's the only time I ever had an interaction with police in Asia and they asked for his passport and not mine and it was just kind of a showing you like whose boss don't cross here kind of thing but I've never talked to the police in Japan ever not even one asked if we went to the countryside in Shiga we went to the ninja Village we did that was fun that was our Countryside visit it was cute it was really cute there were lots of kids before I get to gyms we got a question from Hong Kong hello from Hong Kong thank you can you can you understand Chinese yes I can I can read it in the spot and this is all traditional characters why are you doing the traditional characters yeah and it's all in traditional characters why do I want to study Korean because it's really easy if you know Japanese and I'm interested in in Korea too like we want to go there and I'm going to make a lot of videos there I might go to language school there Jim my goal is to be functional in Japanese I don't care about reaching any official level in Japanese a lot of people feel that way so I'm going to have to check out Ray's lessons on the hunt for lessons in person right now that's a good idea raise a great teacher if he's still teaching uh one-on-one now and then there's group lessons that are offered I was going to recommend that to you because you're not going to find the Japanese School in Phoenix maybe at a community college they might have some courses but you know you have to drive far so there's online like group lessons in one of the links is Japanese pod 101 and I would um I would recommend that for sure what do we have here taiwano Taiwan jindiska no I don't think that anyone from Taiwan has asked us any questions it was people from Hong Kong I would really like to visit there again I'd like to um go to Hong Kong again and Mainland China but the next place I'll probably make videos at uh anywhere close to Chinese speaking would be Taiwan because they are now open to foreign Travelers I think there's only a three-day quarantine or something so that would be really really cool here's a good question from James is Tommy's scared of the wildlife in the U.S like bears he's he went to Hokkaido there were actual Bears we went to a place called shiretoko which has more bears than most areas in the entire world like per square mile or per square kilometer it's a lot of bears I don't think Tommy's scared of anything he wants to take a public bus in Detroit we didn't know that number one I don't live in Downtown Detroit and number two you don't take the bus from the airport it doesn't go anywhere near there no and he he would yeah he would have a tough time um Tommy is scared of like everything but real things he's scared of ghosts he's scared of Gross tv shows or horror shows or something like that um yeah so Tommy Tommy is funny he's actually climbing Mount takao taka Osan right now so he's out he's out of the house and it's just me and Mom and we were spending time the the other day playing video games playing a lot of Mario yeah exactly we played a lot of video games we had some of my friends over bears are my favorite animal says Emily well that's great don't just don't give him a hug somebody said eight mile do we don't know Eminem I've never seen him I've never near Eight Mile though yeah you did live near Eight Mile for a while you lived in Ferndale yeah if anybody knows that any michiganders out there that's where we were um Taiwan is a great place to visit says somebody yeah I used to live there everybody I always asks me have you been to Taiwan I lived there I worked there I worked for a Taiwanese company I didn't get to visit you there that's one place I wish I would have gotten to to visit you would have liked it you like Islands you like warm places so you would definitely like uh Taiwan will we have another another one in Chinese that's the June Hall so there's I could tell this was written by a Chinese learner someone learning Chinese Heidi that's okay if you know how to write Chinese you've clearly spent a lot of time um somebody said they don't they don't understand English well this stream is going to be a little difficult again um yeah so this is a this is going to be a a very English Stream So for those who are Chinese viewers and and Japanese viewers um yeah I see a lot of go Blue yes go Blue go Blue I'm hoping to go at the big house but unfortunately they're not playing when when he's there and uh so we're gonna take him to a hockey game where actually oddly enough the Red Wings are playing the coyotes which is for people who don't know the Michigan team is playing the Arizona team ironically enough that should be fun I don't know who I'm gonna root for yet I'm kind of torn oh somebody I probably a Chinese viewer said haha somebody said okay you can practice your English listening skills for all those who don't speak English so fluently here no no problem it's just all practice congratulations on 700k Subs I know I was so happy when I saw that like he hits a big Milestones recently I know 100 million views that was the biggest one because I I have a lot of difficulty getting people to subscribe um a lot of difficulty I can get the views but my channel is like 80 dependent on the the algorithm with YouTube I don't get a lot of people that have the notification Bell on or have subscribed they watch casually but if you're one of those people I hope that I hope that I can earn your subscription today because it's really an ongoing problem uh with the the channel because I have to rely on the algorithm so much and you it rewards really stupid things have you ever seen some really stupid like bang your head against the wall stupid videos on YouTube like uh especially like The Tick Tock ones the Japanese guy that puts like Mentos in his nose and does all these stupid pranks yeah well that's what the oh that's that's what the that's what the algorithm rewards don't you know that the stupid repetitive kind of stuff and I'd like to do different videos and I think you'd like to see different ones and see more so we just got to get more people to to come over to our side and subscribe and that'll make it so much easier because right now it's way harder than it needs to be um okay on your 700k subscribers thank you Jennifer oh Jennifer's uh a fan of Sam's Channel too I think I've seen her on Sam's Channel quite a bit my mom met Sam the other day so that was cool she met a lot of my friends here and he came over to our our house and hung out so that was fun um does Tommy want to try American food like hot dogs or hamburgers they have that in Japan the funny thing is he thinks that's all American food there's nothing but hot dogs and hamburgers he needs to have like real like American food home-cooked food so he's going to be there for Thanksgiving yeah so get a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner made by my dad yeah he's a really good Chef yeah my grandpa's like already 80 years old this year and he's still making Thanksgiving dinner so we're gonna actually film Thanksgiving dinner it should be really fun um I'm looking forward to it we have a lot of people putting um we have a lot of people writing in uh Chinese here oh this one's uh tiendit so this is simplified characters if you can see the difference or Oriental Pearl well that's a simple one why did I choose Oriental Pearl for my name it actually doesn't make sense anymore that I chose Oriental Pearl for the name because it was supposed to be a channel in Shanghai I was living in Shanghai where they have the Oriental Pearl Tower I was going to give a tour of my college campus over there I was gonna make the whole Channel based in China about China with a little bit of Japan and a little bit of other countries and then I ended up getting locked out of there and now the the channel name doesn't make as much sense as it did before because I was in Shanghai where that Tower is but I was like well I'm Gonna Keep it and there were a certain number of uh of people that were triggered by the channel name so just to spite them I have to keep it forever now they keep it forever they they you can do a real quick Google search and find that Oriental Pro is the name of the the most famous tower in Shanghai like the they called the Bund so on the Bund where the river is that's the the one with the two circles it's like uh if you saw you'd know it immediately just look up the Shanghai Skyline it's that funny looking building but it's like the symbol of the country so that's why I chose it was supposed to be more Chinese centered but since I haven't been able to get back there it's become a very Japanese centered Channel um but perhaps soon we'll get over to Taiwan to start and have some more Chinese language videos going out there um but you built a brand you don't want to change it well that's true that's true too that is true too uh Linda Taylor thank you for your super chat from Indiana how are you going to keep up with all the languages and do you ever start to forget what you once knew do you have Korean friends to practice conversations to keep going that's a great question uh if I were in America I bet I'd start to lose some of my skills in different languages because I just wouldn't I I don't have three hours a day to study every day and um I'm lucky enough that I live here and Chinese and Japanese are kind of a given I don't have to do much maintenance with those I have enough Chinese friends and I have a Japanese husband in the house so I don't have to do much with that but uh Korean I've had to keep up with that more so um I'm just lucky enough that I live here Chinese is a part of my life Japanese is a part of my life and I can make time for Korean but to do all three three of those would be really hard in English I don't think I'm ever going to forget that I call my mom every week right we have like two hour conversations yeah I'm I'm her only daughter so the only child I'm my mommy's only child so one and only so she's the only one I I talk a lot of English too and I do have two half-sisters who you'll probably see in the next video that are my my dad's children so that would be cool they're really young too um we've got lots of questions do you like to exercise I was exercising hardcore last year and I took like a three month break from YouTube this kind of goes back to the I'm very happy to have 700 000 subscribers but it's been an uphill battle and at one point I wanted to quit I don't think I mentioned this to anybody uh on the channel I was going to quit YouTube last year uh from about may I I got really down about it and one of the issues was I couldn't get people to subscribe and I was so reliant on the algorithm I had to like do the same thing over and over again I was getting really tired of that and figuring out why I was having such trouble getting people to clip the Subscribe button and you know getting tired of doing the reaction videos and I wanted to do something different so I took like a three month break and then I just went to the gym like five times a week or three to five times a week I went really hardcore at the gym but yeah that was a low point but I don't want to quit I want to keep going and if I do feel that way at any point I just take a break and I usually don't make it dramatic and announce it I'm taking a break I just take a break and I don't I just take it you know or I don't make it dramatic like I'm gonna improve the quality of videos or I'm gonna start doing different types of videos I just do it and I I don't make a big production out of it so we got this question again and do you speak Spanish no I can't even say Poquito I really I recognize some words still I recognize words Albano when that's right in the bathroom that's the most important thing you need to know in Spanish and then the next one is you know cerveza por favor and then you go to the bathroom then you get a beer and then you go to the bathroom again that's all you need to know Maybe not maybe a little more would help a little more would be useful um is that your sister no I'm her mom I really I am I have a young Mommy she's only 55 but somebody said you look like you're in your 30s she loves that you're buttering her up what do you want to get from my mom like free English lessons what are you looking for no that's nice though we've had that like a lot since I was young because she's such a young mom so yeah 55 years old and turn 55 here in Japan that's right I'm sure you'll have a good time but would you ever consider having a fan meet and greet when you're back in Michigan yeah heck yeah in fact I plan on doing one uh one in Phoenix the date's not decided but sometime in the beginning of November I'd like to try one and then uh for Michigan I'd like to do a meet and greet like in the Detroit area probably in December and my mom probably won't be able to make that one but she'll be able to make the Phoenix one so people out there in Phoenix or in the Detroit area uh I'll see you next month and the month after um we got oh this is nice neither Mama they said your mom is really pretty really pretty oh somebody asked how many characters I know a ton a ton really a ton now at this point because I had to learn uh Chinese characters and then in traditional and simplified version than the Japanese characters so quite a lot I would even I would even go out in a limb and say because of knowing Chinese and getting my graduate degree there I probably know more kanji than most Japanese people know not most Chinese but most Japanese people because there are simply a lot of characters that they don't use in Japan that I know from Chinese so perhaps I know more than even the average Japanese person but I have trouble writing them by memory I used to write them by memory from for like our tests at fudon University in Shanghai where I went to school we had to write essays like on the spot no dictionary just go and I'd have to prepare for like weeks ahead of time just to be in just to be in the flow of writing and now I'm totally Rusty at it but reading is no problem them just I haven't written anything how to write an essay at least three years yeah uh do you learn traditional for Japanese or something else Japanese is like a mix of traditional and simplified characters and I think that's where it came from originally and then China adopted some of those so you'll see a mix of both of them um in Japan but in Taiwan in Hong Kong it's a hundred percent traditional characters even in Singapore they will use traditional characters but here it's a mix of both it's kind of a weird it looks wrong it would be considered written incorrectly in in any of those countries if you put a traditional character in a simplified one next to each other but that's Japan's style that's they do they did their own thing definitely did their own thing okay um how many minutes or hours do you recommend studying for it depends on your level so what are you doing or when you were at the peak what were you doing daily um I think at the peak I was probably getting two to three hours in a day um you know it's it's hard it becomes time consuming and and you do get frustrated and that's just normal and I think the key is just to to not give up when you get frustrated and and like you said double down but sometimes that's hard to do like it gets in the way so you have a job yeah I have a job I I do have other things in my life and and don't have to know eight hours a day to study and sometimes after my job the last thing my brain wants to do is try to study characters or words or you know you're just tired and so it's not easy and anybody who says it is is not telling the truth well easy in the sense that okay it's not like it's not physics it's not something that's you're not doing calculus It's Not Really Gonna um you're not solving math problems or something really really difficult like language school is way easier than law school for one or something like that but um it's just it's time consuming assuming and it's tedious it can be pretty tedious and you have to it's hard to find the time to do it and it gets frustrating if you're making mistakes but as a beginner you can start off for the first three months with 30 minutes a day and then you will Plateau so 30 minutes a day for the first three months when you're kind of testing the waters out you're not 100 committed you want to see how it goes you will make progress 30 minutes a day as a very beginner but once you hit that Plateau either at the three to six month Mark then you need to double down now you need to do an hour a day if you're still finding an hour a day is not enough then you need to put it to maybe an hour and a half a day so I'm up with Korean right now it's my sixth month into Korean and I'm trying to do an hour a day and ideally I mean some days I'll do more than that but some days I do nothing when I'm hanging out with my mom there were days I did nothing and I felt kind of guilty but that happens and ideally you don't miss days like that but you know it happens for sure and I made so many sacred faces with Chinese in the beginning I all my money that I had extra from you know teaching that English job when you know 10 years ago way back then I put like all my spare money into Language School especially here in Japan literally all the extra money I had just went boom Language School language school was really expensive but I gave it my all and I had a job at that time too and I had to make a lot of sacrifices like I just say I I guess I can't go out to eat very much anymore or you know I guess I can't uh I can't take many trips I have for a whole year I only went to one place in Japan you know like one big trip with you to Kansai and this is my mom's technically her second time in Japan so the first time was 2017. yeah and I didn't take any trips that year because I spent all my money on learning Japanese but you know what it was an investment there was a point a part of me that thought I'm never getting this money back like when I really sunk a big chunk of change into Chinese and a big chunk of change into Japanese there was a part of me that was really doubtful that I would ever get the money back and lo and behold oh my gosh so is that the best investment I ever made in my life that's all I'm gonna say and you never know what's going to happen stuff comes out of the blue but I mean even just working would have done it I got my money back just with working the job in Japan that needed Japanese so and then above that the YouTube channel and all that so it was best investment I ever made Jim Ross if the meetups were reversed I might be able to make Arizona okay well that would be cool um yeah it's far and costly so if you're willing to to get out there um we'll hang out with you too if you drive that far you know it won't be just a hour and then goodbye thanks for coming thanks for taking that big uh long long journey uh we would we would hang out with you for the rest of the day too I always appreciate the the people that are fans of this channel like Jasmine you met Jasmine hi Jasmine Jasmine's popping in to say hi hey Jasmine so you're going to come to Halloween tonight right Halloween is um big in Shibuya so me my mom Tommy Jasmine Max a whole bunch of friends we're going out in costumes so we're gonna be fun we bought our costumes so what are you this year Pikachu and what are you Jasmine what are you being this year I forgot oh wait you're technically working uh she was gonna be Spider-Girl oh you're gonna be Spider-Girl and Max is going to be Spider-Man I'm Peach from Nintendo it's not nearly as good as my costume last year but I don't think that I can uh like top that that was the best costume ever and Tommy is going to be Mario so we're the Nintendo characters you want to be Yoshi I want to be Yoshi but they didn't have the Yoshi costume when I was looking but of course they had it yesterday when we weren't looking for it but after we bought it after we bought Pikachu oh there's there's Tommy's you want to show him the goofy mustaches that he bought yeah Halloween is huge in Japan so we're gonna get out there so Tommy decided he needed this mustache and this and then he got more mustaches because he can't decide which to wear he's got selections what are these called we got the the scoundrel this one's called the scoundrel we have the smarty so he could pick one of these the party boy maybe this will be for him the party boy all these Pikachu no I don't need a mustard I'm a princess I want to ask our moderator Ray konichiwa my dude what are you going to be for Halloween this year Ray can you type it in the chat hahaha Rey is our moderator for those of you who just joined us I know we're an hour in already um Ray is moderating he's a good friend of mine and he teaches Japanese so go over to his channel and uh give him a subscribe give him a like on some of his videos I appreciate all of his help he's he's a really good guy but Ray what are you gonna be for Halloween that's a million dollar question and are you going to Shibuya maybe we'll see him if he goes out he doesn't live in Tokyo but he's close enough he could come the odds are running into somebody there is going to be crazy people spot me all the time like on those 4K cams last year on Halloween we got spotted a lot like a lot lot um so maybe we will run into people because you're just kind of going in a circle and you might see the same people several times we've seen people that I know walking down the streets like in this big of a city right just last night someone said Oriental Pearl yeah that was funny because there's more foreign owners here now so Ray is going to be Jiu Jitsu ji what is this what is this this maybe there's a typo or maybe I just don't know how to read this character name he's making a face he's making a face at me look he's making a face what what is this juicy this is not Japanese why is there a j to you oh I I don't know how to say this kase costume okay what the heck is that okay cool he's laughing at me again he's laughing at me again um well we're gonna find out because we might see Ray there tonight at Shibuya Halloween so if anybody here is living in Japan we'll look for you tonight at Halloween we'll be out there I'm Princess Peach Tommy is Mario my mom is Pikachu it has nothing to do with Mario but we we tried every Yoshi but I like Pikachu you liked Pikachu when you were young and got into Pokemon so uh oh I I've stood corrected here somebody said it's an anime anime haha one of the character Rey's character is from anime that shows you how much this is a great question right here somebody said do you watch anime do you watch anime I've watched it before I have um like the the team not TV shows so much when I was a kid I watched Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z I had a Dragon Ball Z phase from like fifth grade into not even into sixth grade just fifth grade I was all into Dragon Ball Z that was my favorite show um I wish I liked anime more as an adult because it's a great way to get your immersion into Japanese but that's the thing is I just I can't get into it so I have to find other ways to get my immersion which is possible but that's an easy one if you want to just watch anime all day and you already have a foundation in Japanese it's a great way to study but I've watched the G booty movie stadio jibiri so Studio Ghibli Jubilee um I watched almost all their popular movies but I can't say I watch them again and again and again Spirited Away is one of the classics I've seen that Cento Chihiro no kamikakashi um I hate that one I hate the red pig one the cream some pig that's the worst I and and some of the ones people really like I I didn't like like um oh my gosh a whole bunch like is Castle in the Sky or something oh man it's classic but I can't stand it I like um I like the airplane one what was it called uh I guess I don't like it that much if I can't remember the name the tennis Advantage says he's going to be in uh Shibuya today for Halloween and I think he also said he was from Michigan TV well you better go up and say hi okay you find us and say hi come up and stay high we're passing out candy yes oh my gosh you want to show them the candy mom candy so this is your motivation for studying Japanese or studying whatever language we got candy for you so if you're if you've been studying hard we're going to give you a piece of candy even if you haven't been studying hard maybe we'll give you a piece of candy oh my gosh if you know anything about Japanese sweets these are umai Bowl and uh umaibo are like for kids they're almost like a giant giant cheese puff that's the best way I could describe them with different flavors we have the packaged Ramen thing so we're giving this out for free is not the right description because it tastes much better it's chocolate show them the Tokyo treat thing too and we're giving out really nice candy as well so find us and you'll get a free piece of candy and Ray you got to get your umai bowl so Rey our moderator come find us and we'll give you an umaibo for your hard work today this is one of the sponsors that um I've done at least one video for so we're gonna be handing this out uh this evening too so this is the really good stuff they got like a Halloween theme oh this one's the summer one that's kind of cool they give us a whole bunch of different stuff so sakurako and Tokyo treat we'll be handing that out too look for us tonight um going back into the language learning I've been putting so much effort into learning Korean lately that I haven't done a lot of videos and then you know get more people to subscribe so I don't have to rely on the algorithm I would definitely make more videos if I didn't have to rely so heavily on the algorithm so make sure you put your notification Bell on that would make this a lot easier it's a lot harder than it needs to be right now but I would ideally like to do one video every week and I I think that's doable but it's not so doable right now because of the situation just having to depend on 80 percent of the views 85 almost 90 coming from YouTube recommendations it's a little hard because it has to be a super viral or trendy topic or just like when I got married so many I got so many comments like afterwards oh my gosh I missed this video I didn't know you got married like oh you got married that's so cool I did like months later um for people that I know who wanted to see that video but it just wasn't promoted in the algorithm so it gets hidden and that becomes kind of a problem so I hope I hope in the future I'll be less dependent on it and I can make a video every week and it I don't have to pick the topic so so carefully we can just be a little Freer with it that would be awesome hopefully everyone that's on here right now is subscribed they probably are we're talking to 261 of the most dedicated followers oh my gosh somebody wrote a Korean comment uh I'm so bad at was a Shinu hungry oh my gosh I'm so bad at reading Hungary I'm just gonna mess this up people hug people he go I can't read it I'm sorry can't read it you pointed out my weakness I'm not very good at reading Korean but I did recognize Korean language foreign so why are you studying Korean is that right Esteban is that why are you studying Korean I did not read that very well but I'm pretty sure it says why are you studying the Korean language well apparently I need to study a little harder so I can read that more smoothly maybe I'm nervous that was pretty impressive oh really I read in Korean Japanese and Chinese so foreign if you really know these languages yeah I need to be tested I gotta prove to everybody I don't have to prove it Mandarin no I I don't feel the need to to like um I don't know but I am studying Korean very hard why do I want to study Korean it's it's because it seems like a logical step it's so much easier than any language I've ever studied because it's so similar to Japanese it's got a lot of influence from Chinese I can just think of words like um um in Chinese is like orang quadrangshu was like the makeup room powder room otedai um in Japanese uh is in Korean which sounds like in Chinese there's so many similar words to Chinese and Japanese it's like if you know those like korean's already 40 done a lot of the work is already done so I could hear some of these Korean words and memorize them after one hearing which is I've never had that before with Chinese or Japanese I usually have to hear it a couple times but with some of these Korean words it's like one time I got it hope I can get better at reading it too Jim Ross the salaryman who went bouncing down the street after you on Christmas gave him candy last year there's Santa Sam going with you tonight I don't think Santa Sam is gonna go with us it's hard to get him out hard to get him out of the house but that would be fun I wish um yeah I did a video last year and I wanted to do another one this year canning candy out on Christmas Day Christmas Eve that was so fun that everybody was just lit there was so much energy in that place and a salary man we gave him a cheap piece of candy like this we gave him one stupid cheap piece of candy for like you know 25 cents and he skipped down the street he was so happy he got this yeah my bow it was really funny um just catchy moments like that is so hard I hope you guys I don't think you realize how difficult it is to catch these moments on camera how many moments on our trip did I just want to punch myself or kick my self because we missed a really viral moment yeah it's it's really difficult I guess I never realized the challenge before that that she has with trying to capture those things because you can't be recording your life 24 7 and things happen that you think oh that would have been really cool to catch everybody would have loved to see that everybody would have laughed they would have enjoyed it um but you don't you didn't get it because yeah I caught we caught people talking about us on this last trip a bunch of middle schoolers or high schoolers didn't get in on camera um we we were given a bottle of Coca-Cola by some random stranger like welcome to iwakayama here's Coca-Cola this guy came up and walked away I got the camera and I just got his back like walking away I'm like well that was missed too [Music] we're just eating lunch from the convenience store on a wall and yeah very random and and of course it's like oh that would have been great to be get on camera she had the camera with her but you know by the time she turned and got it out you know we're not we're sitting eating lunch we're not you know sitting there expecting anything to happen and filming it so you know I can see the frustration oh yeah you just can't capture every moment of your life and you never know when it's going people are like make another video where people are talking about you and you catch you on camera yeah good luck that took me two years to do it was that hard it was that hard uh and somewhat like now my channel is really difficult because people subscribe to see that and it's something I can't easily catch on camera so and it's all real too so it's really hard to catch those real moments um I've been learning Japanese for four or five years but I still have a hard time trying to stay motivated any tips any tips on staying motivated you have to wanna you have to want that so bad that you're willing to give up a big chunky or free time to do that um how do you stay motivated if it's been four or five years in your kind of casually learning it here or there well then you just have to go hardcore like I'm gonna take the next six months and I don't care about um you know anything else I want to put that as my top priority well you can care about other things but I'm gonna take Japanese and put it as my top priority for the next six months I'm not gonna see my friends as much I'm not gonna go out to eat as much I'm not gonna go uh do the things I normally do for the next six months I'm enrolling in a Japanese language school I'm gonna go you know five hours a week six hours a week or something even online you just have to put your foot down and say I'm gonna freaking do this already it can't be a little bit here a little bit there I'm gonna fully commit for the next six months and just go hardcore for six months and then take a little break not a complete break but bring it down then go for another six months that's the technique that I took like you gotta like just put your foot down I am doing this and I'm gonna give up I'm gonna put my time and money into it like go hardcore at that point you just gotta go completely hardcore um we have Gina said that she's taking Pimsleur Japanese level one and loving it thank you well I'm glad that you're enjoying it my mom did that as well now you're on level two like just barely right right you just got into level two and I've gotten to into their level three with Korean I'm almost done with it but now it's kind of too easy because I learned all those words in the Korean school but it's it's great practice I'm gonna go through the whole thing and and like review it well in America that's the important thing you don't take a vacation even when you're on vacation you're not on vacation you still gotta do your language studies so you just got to put that as a priority somebody asked is it better to learn a language in school or in your personal time the answer is both you gotta do both um the school keeps you on track I'm not saying this school is an end-all like you can just learn through osmosis like I thought as a high schooler learning Spanish yeah I'll just show up and and they'll magically learn this I don't have to do anything outside of class and that didn't work out um you have to do both you should ideally be doing your stuff in the language school and taking it home and studying by yourself getting your immersion my next step with Korean is using hello talk where I met Ray our moderator I met rayon hello talk for Japanese um konichiwa my dude that's where I met him and my next step with Korean is going to hellotalk again to make a bunch of friends to learn Korean so if you're a social person that works really well my mom's an extrovert she's not afraid to talk to people so that helps her a lot and then in this language I mean I I went to a nail salon and I got my nails done with and Alyssa didn't go and I talked to The Nail Tech in what little Japanese I knew and got to tell her a little bit about Alyssa and why she's here who's Alyssa there was a name drop that's okay oh they did know my English name I go by anming normally anming is my my Chinese name but I do have an English name yeah it was already dropped a long time ago people figured it out they figured that out you're not really on me well actually in Chinese all my roommates and all my teachers everybody called me anming so it was kind of like my pseudo name for several years but why don't you have a mic stand we do why don't you have a mic stand Bob because I have no table to put it on because we have to sit far away so you can see both of us otherwise if the mic around the table you wouldn't hear us let's just give them the short answer amateurs amateurs it is I'm holding it the short answer Bob is amateurs that's all I'll answer your question in one word uh yeah oh Alyssa was set in the wedding video yeah that's right I'm gonna post that in here once again I think some people miss the traditional wedding video because it wasn't super like clickbaity or anything it's just kind of like here's our our traditional wedding look my mom met my family for the first or my mom met my husband for the first time he met my family finally and that's that video I just shared it so if you'd like to check that out um that'd be cool are you going to have a Japanese name I do because I have my husband's last name so I do have a Japanese name and I did legally change it here in Japan but I didn't change it on my passport and stuff and Tommy said he doesn't care he said don't bother that's a big hassle as long as you have it changed here um on some of the Japanese IDs he's like that's enough I'll never change your name it's so much work the wedding video was great oh thank you David I hope you got to see the traditional wedding you know my mom wasn't able to attend our actual wedding in May she was pretty sad about that yes I couldn't make it I got in here under a Visa before the country opened but the only way to get that Visa was after she had her spousal Visa I got in under a kinship visa and then shortly after I applied and it got approved then they announced that the country was opening on October 11th and so then I had already had my Visa I was out of here so we tried to do a second wedding kind kind of second wedding for her but it was it's the new video that I posted where we're in traditional attire so she could be a part of it you know even though it's it was actually in May what changes did you see in yourself now that you are a polyglot I did not accept this uh title polyglot is the person who knows multiple languages I didn't accept it because I felt like well I only know uh two foreign languages I think polyglots usually know like four five six languages or more and I didn't really see myself as a polyglot or see that I fit that definition but you know I I figured once I get fluent in Korean which I'm very very close to right now then okay then I'll take the title whatever that means but changes I saw in myself were that um I think that I became more social because my mom will tell you I was the shyest high schooler the shyest middle schooler I was a shy kid yes she was very shy and quiet um you know we had to sometimes say hey go go play with your friends leave the house as an introvert 100 yeah yeah her dad's an introvert and I'm I'm very much an extrovert um but she definitely became more of an extrovert over the years with with doing social media for sure well even before that I think the language learning changed my personality and I just opened up because of it so the biggest change I saw learning different languages was that I just became an extrovert it kind of turned me into an extrovert which is cool now I have lots of different uh different you know Friends new friends that I made here I can make friends in any new city that I move to real fast I know how to do it hi I'm such a huge fan of yours thank you Desiree thank you so much I'm really happy to have fans like this like the in this live chat we only have um 230 263 people but they're that makes it easier to have a conversation I think the peak that I have the highest amount I've ever had on a live stream list last year there were like 500 at once and it started to get overwhelming so I'm glad to have our small little intimate group here so we can really talk and I can actually answer your questions and the comments come in really fast guys so yeah not really just ignoring it it comes in really fast our moderator here said I respect she talks to random people on the street I I'll chicken out that's not to that's not to say that I don't get anxiety I've got a lot of anxiety with the sword fighting one that we did where I dressed up in the Kill Bill costume and it wasn't Halloween I had so much anxiety doing that because I'm just like oh my gosh I'm in a yellow outfit outside and it's not Halloween and we're gonna go and like play with swords and ah why are you making me doing this I'm gonna put Pikachu on and ride the subway I'll do it anytime yeah that was like that was like Jasmine's idea or our friend daichi he he's doing acting in Japan he's like let's all do a Samurai video I'm like ah I I agreed to it then like when I got there I was like oh my gosh I had like a little mini panic attack but it looked cool as long as it looked cool and people had fun once I get into it and I'm like doing the the video and I'm having fun and interacting then the anxiety goes away but like the the leading up to it like when you go to speak to someone in a language that you're not super familiar with the anxiety of like I want to go talk to that person that's the worst part of it and then when you actually go talk to them it's like oh that's not that bad what was I so worried about or you kind of calmed down yeah but I can't top the the costume that I had last year the Uma Thurman thing Peach this year I think I fit it I fit the Mario character Peach um but Uma Thurman was the best because they had it was good for a group uh group costumes so even though I didn't get to be Yoshi um I do like the the Pikachu yeah here's a good question What food did your mom try here in Japan uh I tried uh oh okay okay um um Taco Yaki um I tried uh we tried the what they would call like Benihana style Hibachi Grill it's called Teppanyaki and that was so different the first place that I want to take my husband to to eat in America is a Benihana or something like that so he can experience that that fake authentic American Japanese food blaming onion that made no sense they don't throw shrimp into their hat um but the guy was very interested he knew all about it he said Jeff did it was that was probably one of the one of my favorite meals of course Sushi is excellent I love the sushi here yeah you can't beat it do you ever find yourself getting rusty at English it may be a dumb question but I am curious that's not a dumb question I think that's a valid question honestly I have not because I talked to my family so regularly in the U.S I call my mom every week we talk for like two hours and I walk around the neighborhood so no I never get rusty at English then I have this YouTube channel a lot of times when Tommy and I my husband and I film together I'll like take out the camera we'll be speaking completely in Japanese and then I'll just take out the camera hey everybody we're doing such and such and uh generally I don't make mistakes but in the last video If you haven't seen our traditional wedding video I did make a big fat mistake in English and that's because we were speaking Japanese all day I wanted to say we're going to get our registration and then we'll be officially married married and I said then we'll be officially marriage and I'm like why did I make that mistake it's so bizarre but yeah perhaps every once in a while it comes up but generally no I don't get rusty at English even reading and writing I believe I like to believe it hasn't changed though some people said I have a strange accent but you know that's Michigan yeah yeah my mom said my accent hasn't changed she should know better than anybody else so yeah can we hear your mom speak Japanese all right for the people that just joined us foreign I have a terrible accident um America Gene death yes see she she knew that one um there's lots of ways to ask in Japanese oh here's that I satsu if you want to learn isatsu is greeting in Japanese like uh konichiwa Ohio are all isatsu they're all greetings interesting story about that as I learned that word the day before I was flying here and I was going to greet Tommy using that sentence you know using the Hajime and then I was gonna tell him that's his Japanese greeting and then I was gonna sing here's your American Greeting and give them a hug and I forgot the word for greeting because I just learned it the day before and I just come off of what it's okay it's okay Mom it's okay you did your best who did their best only 700 000 people were watching you no big deal no big deal my mom is hilarious she's such a party animal okay you'll you'll know what we're gonna do some videos together in America yeah you're gonna see you're gonna see soon how about this one um uh good so do you like Japanese food she said I like sushi there you go there you go um foreign foreign when are you going back to America ah that would be due attached do itachiatsu no um okay yeah and she got the Mika right konichiwa my dude put that up there our moderator um Hajime first first time it's my first time in Japan well for my mom it's her second time in Japan but we can pretend it's the first time just for the videos no it's her second time um say Itachi sitachi is the first of the month that's tricky because you would think it's like day one day two day three which is how you say in Chinese um you know our house it's pretty pretty simple um the first second third fourth fifth but so then when I go to months I learned all that every month yeah but then when you go first second third just like in in English language there's you know say one ordinal numbers ordinal numbers first second third you don't say I I guess in some countries they say January 1 but in in American English is January 1st yeah so January 1st or as she said we're gonna be here until November 3rd then we're going back to America and I'm going back with my mom I'm gonna be in America from November 3rd all the way until after Christmas so it's going to be a good long time and for those of you out in America I hope that I can see you hope we can hang out either in Phoenix or in Detroit because there'll be in both places your mom must be so proud of you for speaking multiple languages her I didn't start speaking multiple languages until more recently in life but I hope she was proud of me before I have a cute story and and she told me when she was I don't know seven eight years old she was getting taller and she said do you want me to be taller than you I said honey I want you to be taller than me I want you to be smarter than me I want you to be prettier than me I want you to be wealthier than me more successful than me I'm going to have everything better for you than I have I'm embarrassed oh my gosh no I I love my mom though we're really close so that's why she came all the way to Japan and she spent 30 days here already it's like over a month her husband so far so far so far I'm the first one meet him yeah what's your favorite language to speak my favorite to speak is still Chinese I love the sound of Chinese I like the northeastern accent in the Beijing accent but um like that's more of a Chinese dialect but I studied a little bit of the northeastern dialect in Chinese I think that's the coolest I like Japanese but I still like the sound of Chinese the most and some people don't like it but I guess you know it depends on it depends on what you like to hear some people say French is the best sounding some people say Spanish sounds cool you seem taller than her yes I am tall people people think I'm really tall from the videos just because of the angle because of the GoPro camera or whatever but I'm pretty average height in America like barely I like to say five foot six I like to say five foot six but in reality I probably don't quite make five foot six it's just something in Chinese uh yeah I had a I had trouble with shishia no you got the numbers really quickly my mom was learning some Chinese back when I lived there but now since my husband is Japanese it makes more sense but you know after Japanese you could take on Chinese too why not why not okay let's get uh another word from our moderator just to kind of close things up with him because he's been helping us this whole time he's a Japanese teacher for those of you who just joined us with get a word in from Ray how you doing Ray hey I'm good I'm just enjoying your live stream it's nice to see you guys talking uh you and your mom it's great I don't know so um Ray said you have to get hiragana down and a lot of people will kind of skip it and then it affects their pronunciation they end up having mistakes in their pronunciation without it so for all of those people out there as well who just don't want to don't want anything to do with Japanese writing it's going to affect your speaking as well even if you're just doing romaji or whatever you got to get that you gotta get hiragana down as a bare minimum you might not have to do kanji but I learned it early on that I needed to do that I was resistant because I thought I never need to write it why do I need to read it but the pronunciation is pretty crucial because they have their R's that sound like D's and if you're hearing it as a d and you know you need that visual to know the true words so that you're really doing kind of that rolling R type sound it's just very important that and when all we said like a w it's really ueno until I saw that written I I was saying when no and some people don't always catch what I'm saying and it's ooh and uh so there is a definitely a difference in pronunciation in the learning that the he he'dagana in Ghana it really helps do you have any tips for going to a foreign language Japanese University right I think you were setting people up with that weren't you oh uh yeah um I Heard um what is it uh Washington University is very helpful that's where I went yes I 100 endorse swaste though because I did a foreign language exchange with them for one semester as a Chinese exchange student I was a Chinese exchange student there if that makes any sense uh was it easy to get in the school I heard like uh Washington University have so many uh foreign students if it's true it has a lot of foreign students um I think it's harder to get into the school if you're in the degree program but um I was just an exchange student so that's got to be the easiest to weigh in you don't even have to pay for tuition which was amazing the school paid for it yeah or something I didn't even have to take any tests that was awesome I just didn't have to take a single test or anything somebody asked Nisha may God Emma can I think that Ray studied a little Chinese didn't you um yeah a little I think yeah I can't say that kind of beautiful country person so yeah so it's the most beautiful country Oh I thought the person said I mean is very beautiful person oh um this uh bikoku mekwa is the word for America in Chinese so in Japanese they call it beikoku and they use the kanji for Rice the rice country which makes no sense but um America is good yeah America is the beautiful country in Chinese so that was really nice of them to give us the best kanji isn't every kanji basically in Japanese or well this is Chinese is one character that has multiple readings and there's very few in Chinese like Ingham and busing uh the word for Bank the word for no way they are read two different ways but it's not so bad in Chinese in Japanese it's really really hard like just think of how many readings there are for like uh yeah and and Nihon and Nietzsche and oh my gosh right yeah there's so many so he also he yeah they have this beautiful people ask me how they can get your classes oh yeah he's talking hold on my mom can't hear him because I got the headphones on uh so basically and creamy right so it's kind of you have to remember all of them because kanji has so many um connections so right uh sometimes students ask me yeah how to study kanji but I feel like so when we were um so I went of course I went to Japanese uh School normal school and we studied kanji since we were six years old and then we just write it down like every single day we launched five kanji every day and then we had a test every Friday so we just needed to write it down and read it loud and that was um our way to study so I feel like there is no advice for learning kanji just write it down yeah you have to write it really many many many times repetition and just immersion seeing it over and over again um my mom just brought up that you were doing some sort of Exchange program and people were asking about that so if you'd like more information about that you should visit Ray's Channel and I'm sure he takes comments and stuff to reach out to him konichiwa my dude I want to thank you so much for uh your help today you you definitely helped a lot you're a good moderator okay Christmas so that was Rey if you don't mind go over to his channel if you're interested in learning Japanese he is a Japanese teacher um somebody said it's been fun hope to see you in December oh my gosh it's Liz again okay Liz will definitely hang out it's always funny I I always thought that like nobody from back home was watching but they are they are watching one time one of my friends from college sent me a super chat I was so shocked I was like mark from from college holy crap you're here just so bring up things about her videos I'm like you know I've watched every one of them I know my mom's the only one in my family maybe my godparents too who were also watching also saw every single video so I really appreciate that and I appreciate all of you who came you're the the hardcore of the hardcore uh you're the most dedicated fans and I appreciate you the most for sure and I can tell you the theme of the next video if you'd like to watch it is going to be the Halloween one I'm gonna try to get that Halloween video out as soon as possible it's going to be a lot of fun if you want to see the one from last year check that out this one's gonna be even better because I somewhat know what I'm doing this time yeah I I feel like the most unprofessional YouTuber out there I'm very amateur uh with my filming I'm very amateur with my editing I go out there I'm just like let's see what happens today or I go to meet people for interviews and somehow in the editing room I'm able to pull a miracle like a lot and make it keep it real nothing is ever stage fake it's all completely 100 real and important I think that's important um just to like people are not expecting it to be National Geographic I feel like some YouTubers get a little over the top with the editing and production like they're making something for TV when YouTube is supposed to be personal it's just like everyday people talking to each other I'm talking to you we're talking back and forth we don't have any middleman between us and we don't need to be fancy or put on like a facade or anything just be real so one of my favorite YouTubers is a guy named bald and bankrupt and he just walks around with the equivalent of a GoPro and he just talks to people and I saw his videos and that was one of the things that inspired me to do YouTube for sure because I just thought that was so cool I'm like I bet I could do something like that in Japan and I don't have to be fancy or technical or buy all these ten thousand dollar cameras or be ridiculous you know like have a full production crew so I I hope that you like the more personal videos and yes I am holding my microphone once again we do have a stand but we do not have a table to put it on I think we're just sitting on too close together yeah we're just we are literally sitting on the living room floor here just talking to you and uh maybe you're sitting on your living room floor watching us but yeah so I'll be in America very soon and it's going to be a long trip it's the first time that I've been home in three years over three years long overdue I haven't imagined not seeing your family for three years a lot of people wouldn't be able to do that and I pretty much didn't choose to do that it just worked out that way but my mom's been with me through the whole time I had a a lost period where I didn't know what to do I couldn't I couldn't really move I felt like I was in limbo I didn't want to like go back to America but I was waiting to get back into China and that was a really rough part and that's when I started my YouTube channel so it was kind of this channel has always been an outlet for me to like forget about any problems I'm having and just try to have fun and and talk to you guys you need a tripod yes perhaps I do perhaps I need an actual desk because we're just sitting on a table in my living room like the the living room table in the middle style yeah yeah exactly one headphone and no table okay we could use there's lots of options for us here but for now we're just uh we're roughing it one more message from Jim who is a huge supporter of this channel Cindy and he wrote your name okay Cindy thank you for sharing anming with all the channel subscribers this has been a great live stream thanks for these two hours thank you Jim thank you so much and somebody also wrote you should connect with Selma you know he lives in a different country from me I always have a difficult time um some some other YouTuber actually a guy that's really Big Steve Kaufman reached out to me and he wanted to do a video and you've heard of Steve Kaufman and I could not for the life of me think of a single topic that we could talk about because him like xiaomas all over the Internet you know who he is needs no introduction but and like you talk to so many other people and you do interviews all the time like what the heck is Left what is left I couldn't think of any good ideas but if you have some good ideas that you think would go viral I will consider them but for now I got nothing with that but I'm looking forward to being back in the US my mom was trying to convince me to go to Chinatown in California and do a video and uh I'll see maybe that's more likely that I'd go to LA or something and try to do a video there it's drivable from Phoenix it is so you might see me walking down the Streets of L.A I don't know we're also going to do a deep south tour like or deep south or a southern tour Southern tour we're gonna go to Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Florida possibly do just drive all that all the way down to the Keys and if you think you see us come take a chance and say hi because we've gotten a lot of posts afterwards we've been Touring that people say I thought I saw you were you here well and yes almost every time they were right almost every single time oh somebody said collab with Lindy boats I'd be more likely to collab with her I'd follow her channel for a long time but again I gotta think of a flipping topic it's hard to get people to watch for a long time but you guys have watched for two hours so I really appreciate that 220 people we might go to New Orleans that's on our list we are going to New Orleans so see you there yeah it's hard to get people to watch for a long time but you've you've done this now for two hours so I appreciate you watching this I'd like to do talking videos with the other polyglot YouTubers language YouTubers it's just so hard to get people to pay attention for a 20 minute video let alone a two-hour one so thank you so much sometimes I feel Limited in what I can make just trying to keep people's attention but you you've been here so you're the hardcore out of 700 700 000 people we have 200 plus people that are really hardcore and really cool and I appreciate every single one of you so please take the moment take this moment to give this video a like give this video a like and um if you have time today go check out our wedding video I'm gonna put in the comments section here so thank you very much everybody and I'll see you probably in America we'll do another live stream go to Ann Arbor maybe we will see you at Halloween see ya and yeah look for our Halloween video video and thank you very much thank you to our moderator Ray thanks everybody and see you in America for the next live stream all right okay bye-bye [Music] okay and broadcast amateurs amateurs here all right bye-bye
Channel: Oriental Pearl
Views: 83,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 57uvy-ZvlAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 16sec (7276 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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