ULTIMATE Bulgarian Food Tour (is it good?) πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬

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all right let's try some Bulgarian food first stop for breakfast which is quite highly recommended actually so let's go okay Ivana actually smells so good in here I would encourage you to get whatever you like and I guess Bonita is like borax sort of the spiral pastry or pumpkin oh my gosh it looks good someone told us to try this yeah looks like chocolate milk although I think it's not chocolate milk I don't think so get a small one just yeah get a small one what is it I don't know what's the difference here they're red and you're one of each man okay we'll share okay thank you tell you what it sounds like Juan Bonita and two bozos man I think I want you to try this first really yeah do you know what's inside of it and are you not telling me for some yes some excitement factor I wanna know your reaction oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm nervous it's stuck to the bottom a little bit very thick inside Boza I smell like this what does it taste like it's not bad it almost tastes like like oatmeal like it tastes like it's like a breakfast drink like a meal replacement right right you know those things you buy in a can yeah meal replacement I would assume it's an all-natural probably healthy thing most Bulgarian food is like natural veggies meat potato geez I wouldn't say I love it though because it's mystery okay it's actually made from wheat wheat it is made from wheat yeah it tastes like an oatmeal type thing like a fermented wheat fermented wheat yeah okay something new um I wouldn't say it's bad but not my favorite very thick he's like um rice a little bit this is a bit like guys yeah roasted toasted rice drink roasted toasted rice drink it's sweet made from wheat okay actually I don't like it really yeah here try the red I'll try the orange maybe there's a different flavor Happening Here almost the same for me the same same I'm sure there's a difference but yeah fermented rice okay something new now onto the onto the main event you look at this and you think how could this be bad this is this is good I can already tell this is good oh look at the oil it's flaky it looks flaky oh my gosh it looks good we just got the plain cheese oh it's good I can hear the crispiness and warm and it is the layers on the cheese oh that's good and actually I love the packaging it's almost like newspaper it's not actually newspaper it's like a you know proper packaging but the way it looks uh it looks delicious the layers on the top is very crispy the inside very soft oily oh yeah oh yeah it's actually so good the Bonita is so good right it's soaking wet when you eat with your fingers your fingers are covered in oil and the cheese in there is just nice it's so good five-star food [Music] nice food that could be a daily eater because there's borax shops that could be a daily eater because there's Bonita shops around everywhere yeah you can walk down any Street it feels like and find some Bonita let me tell you five-star food very good yeah five stars for sure I just love the pastry it's crispy on the outside but it's not hard yeah very crispy and then the inside is just juicy with that oil very nice blend of crispy and Flaky but also soaking wet flaky and wet is an interesting combo very good very good moving on from the Bonita um along the streets when you walk down the street in Bulgaria I love the way they put the food in the window barbecue Pizza whatever it is sometimes they have a huge Grill and they put all the meat right up to the front window makes you very hungry so our next goal is to walk down the road and find some probably barbecue probably meat yeah maybe Kebab Kebab sausage something yeah let's go eat the food tour has just begun not a huge fan of the bozo it tastes like something the Army would drink like meal replacement yeah you don't have time to eat you just drink this it's got all the nutrients with not much of the flavor I think people eat that for breakfast or just drink it for breakfast like a quick thing you know let's stick with bacon and eggs I don't mind it so this is what I mean you walk inside and right by the window oh yeah this looks like chicken wrapped in bacon or something it looks like pork bellies over there uh super duper good for looking food oh how about this one with some kind of veggies and cheese inside no super dupa nice and this might even be a Bonita in a different form because some of the Bonitas are like a spiral like this morning and some of them are more like that yeah so something nice I love this place local place and very quiet yes the meatball no no sorry sorry here take away maybe outside okay thank you thank you and you want to yeah okay it's so funny she thought you said coffee she said coffee okay two kebabs two cup cheese yeah pick your own dish is very popular here you can I have salad maybe the yogurt yes that one is good okay that's good okay oh yeah pay by weight uh salad you have Shopkins salad no number one yeah okay [Music] geez please put it no bread no bread no okay very good cheese okay sorry okay very good I mean you make it one piece of cake please you must try it looks so good okay one cake please this is pretty typical of our experience in a store like this we going for one thing you buy five things [Music] yeah oh homemade yes no okay very good thank you very good number one ah I love the fact that rakia is in a in a plastic bottle two liter bottle yes okay very good this is the most nerve-wracking moment of my life go ahead go ahead just almost dumped on my rakia hit by a biker wow I tell you what I am so glad that the rakia came out of a plastic bottle two liter plastic bottle looked like a former apple juice bottle that's the way homemade alcohol has got to be yeah eat it eat it now yeah I saw shops the salad had the cheese is broken on top maybe yeah I think so maybe you can chop the cheese yourself or something but it does look good and you've got a little Bob over there very dense oh really yeah yeah well it sort of crumbles like that doesn't it oh it's actually a good looking cheese isn't it again kind of looks homemade yo that plate looks pretty good Ivana with the meat and veg and cheese good right very fresh I think it's very fresh and the kebab it just looks fresh I think this is influenced by Turkish food it must be because in Turkey it's also called Kebab over here kebabja Hibachi kombucha yo Ivana nice dude what did you just say sorry pretty good I said yeah it looks good simple not so many spices more just good ingredients and you taste the ingredients yeah and a little bit bouncy it's kind of like the midge but I think the meat I'm not sure if it's pork or beef I think it's chicken I don't know it's white chicken kebab oh baby I'm not sure mystery meat Kebab okay but first things first [Music] we're good quite smooth oh yeah I'm not much of an alcohol guy more of a beer guy um but smooth doesn't have that when it's when it's not good it has that burning kind of growth pretty smooth it's actually quite good um actually quite good no your analysis is this is more like a sausage and less like a meatball yeah how do you think it does taste like chicken a bit yeah the texture is very very smooth very fine but it is different than turkey listen obviously the food here is influenced by turkey we've heard before that turkey invented the food the Balkans perfected it I'm not saying that's true but it is different now in terms of salad this is one of the highly recommended foods of Bulgaria so I will say it's good although it's just salad maybe I'm not a salad guy maybe that's a problem more than a salad I just prefer the cheese I would just eat the cheese because it's very good cheese very good cheese salty salty cheese and how's that that texture where it's homemade you know what I mean it doesn't taste like cheese from the grocery store [Music] the cheese are very good I would say five star cheese wow yo my future so good this kind of salad doesn't look like the pictures I've seen online so maybe we'll try it at another place too I got it I got it yeah I got it different cheese that they use she said this was a good cheese so I said okay go for it it's better like this but this is all mixed in you know pretty good now we wanna you go ahead and try your um yogurt and peppers right so this is the meatballs and the other one was uh the kebab so let me see the inside of that and somebody's different it does look kind of the same I think it's similar to Kebab but it's more flavorful I think they put more like onions they put like um green onions in it garlic maybe it's more flavorful than the Kebab oh really yeah same um similar texture but it's more flavorful to me I prefer the coffee actually you're right you can see little bits of green in it yeah it's got like some pseudom you see some see some different parts in there so you prefer the cold day to the Kebab shop Fair now eat this thing which is I think it's just a bell pepper that's been covered in yogurt yeah I think so there's a raw bell pepper cooked a bit maybe maybe with oil I've been wrong I mean this might be pretty good and by the way the other highly recommended thing in Bulgaria one is a salad two is the yogurt so delicious cheese water Studio Adventures I think it's yogurt and cream cheese it might just be cream cheese it is both Erica we're so good idea and coffee not kebab sorry coffee and that's gonna be so good good right I'll give you a piece oh that sounds like an amazing flavor yeah don't be shy thank you the yogurt is like cheese is it cheese or yogurt I think it might be mixed it's good that's nice food very good super nice food no do you like that coffee or Kebab better coffee or Kebab better um coffee is better cold taste better it's got more flavor and Kebab often has onion yeah and other flavors in it yeah I think it's also the meat you can taste the meat more here I think this one is pork really yeah I think this one is four I can taste the forkness okay let's eat because it actually just started raining which is a massive bummer hmm and we still got the dessert to try I know you want to go for dessert no yeah looks good right it looks like a layered cake oh it looks good right the player we got some blueberry I guess flared with whipped cream I'm guessing and blueberries and on top they put some not some kind of nuts on top super good very good actually it's in um it's not overly sweet it's kind of like the Bulgarian tiramisu it's a Tiramisu but but not sweet very very oh very flavorful mmm how come there's a blueberry really yeah I think the bottom is graham cracker no that's a bit of gram flavor um very good all right see what Bulgarian food I just begun so let's keep eating our way around this country and see what see yo really this stuff is a mystery salty cream potentially yogurt very good they're very good right very salty yo If you're lactose intolerant Bulgaria that's true some of the best stuff is a dairy yeah you're right slam it right here in a coffee cup espresso perfect it smells like apple juice I think that's how you say cheers in Bulgarian good one cheers very fruity what fruit is it from you know maybe Plum smells like apple maybe Queens very good very strong bitter but fruity as well and sweet does it burn your throat flavor no it's very smooth I like it oh my God I can feel the heat that's right oh the whole stomach is hot I know it's spring Bulgaria but it's hitting up my body it's mid-august in myself [Music] thank you bye bye thank you all right the Food Hunt continues now that it's 1 30 p.m and I'm half drunk [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] check this place out restaurant in the park with Greenery all around let's go I'm hungry good looking restaurant let's go tell you what I love the menu so old school and so simple makes me think the food is better no I love a restaurant like this very traditional very nice we're gonna go for a fried lamb brains really do it you know me I can't do it will you do it with butter or just fries I'd go for brains and butter if I were you I mean now that is a good looking salad this is what I had in mind with the shredded cheese but it looks very simple peppers tomatoes cucumber onion and cheese on top I think it's simple but I think it's Simply Delicious oh yeah that's good [Music] the juice makes it right yeah yeah good very good cheese good good good I think this shops salad we tried earlier was not the best version I think this is the more traditional one yeah which is different it melts in your mouth really it's like you don't need any um dressing any salad dressing it's just cheese and it's very creamy so there's no dressing maybe some oil just veggie and cheese that must be some good cheese let's eat man maybe we're supposed to put the oil our shop I don't know maybe no need can't believe this salad is one of the national dish we were getting a salad and soup no problem this is a cold soup cold soup with yogurt dill and cucumber really that's right soup and a salad you're still healthy Anna it is it looks healthy isn't it it looks like health food really common diet baby if you're on a diet why are you comfortable here full shot I said solid because it tastes like a salad really soup tastes like a salad it's liquid salad okay something good soup so oh you're the Supreme oh thank you [Music] laughing at our filming [Music] like wow this girl eats a lot of soup and salad this river is like okay very fresh the dill flavor complements the Cucumber it tastes so fresh I don't know how to explain it it's good for I think a hot day Dill cucumber and yogurt you're right it sounds like it's very refreshing sort of light it's very refreshing and light I'm gonna try it go ahead I'm gonna go for this one this is the um which is a Balkan classic and I'm excited for it let me give you a chili and garlic I think this is chili I'll put some maybe not too much but I will um just put a little bit and this one should be garlic oil I bet you this stuff is super duper flavorful I might go for a double dose of the garlic I'm gonna go for triple dose of the garlic don't be afraid tripe soup so are we using the word in Bulgaria maybe it's strawberry okay anyway it reminds me of uh turbo yeah good soup really it's sour it's not sour at all you do have the dried flavor but it's not overpowering honestly tripe itself is not the most delicious flavor for me but if you do it right in a soup like this the tripe flavor kind of complements the other ingredients quite good um I will say five star soup very nice yeah very nice let me see the tribe oh there it is sharp is very soft very soft almost melt in your mouth I do prefer sour maybe I can add some vinegar is it wrong I don't think so I'm gonna make a little bit sour but even without the vinegar nice soup oh this hour's good sour and tripe go together very nicely like I said five star soup go ahead you might love this you wanna I did add some vinegar maybe I should have not messed with it too much before you tried it but I didn't put too much vinegar just a bit sour and uh it's spicy yeah the tribe it was good right yeah you'll be amazed How uh right wow it was so good good right let me try it with the track though [Music] track miles in your mouth super soft right yes yeah good super soft and we have tried tripe soup in Turkey as well as in Romania they all taste different it's true right yeah they all taste different I think this one got a little bit of like sweetness in it not too sour in Romania it's very sour because of the sour cream and uh turkey it was very oily yeah not not sour not sweet I think this one got a little bit of sweetness I think because of the red from I think it might be pepper red bell peppers good soup though right oh yeah The Taste is amazing yeah very good oh my God and I prefer this one same but for the Tara Sam even on a hot day yeah five stars I mean I think this is six stars oh very good oh my God top top tripe soup very very good okay let's eat up this is like our appetizer more or less then we got some more food coming let's eat man amazing [Music] this is actually pretty good I never had cucumber in a soup before you know okay for me that's a bit like [Music] healthy so we don't love it I'm gonna eat something I'm gonna eat some food I wanted to eat meat fried in butter or something new tastes good but it's just very fresh very healthy this one the cheese oh my God yo some of that shredded cheese on the whole top of the whole soup would be nice [Music] and now for the main event yeah I got pork knuckles pork knuckle which in my experience is so delicious in every country I've ever had it I'm sure the Bulgarian version is no exception look at me look at me [Music] did he did or even better let me eat it let me eat it it's gonna be good oh yeah it's impossible to dislike dislike it's funny you went from a very light salad cucumber salad of course it comes with tolerance good cabbage flavoring is very good very rich I think they're like paprika here right and I got the stuffed peppers with yogurt which again how can this be bad this is like a Balkan specialty I'm sure Bulgarian version yeah yeah very good very good I tell you what first things first uh Bulgarian beer Five Star beer it's a good beer there you go I gotta ask him for the name of the bottle the green bottle nice beer and I'm sure it pairs very well with uh stuffed peppers I'm gonna go Fork and Spoon is that crazy a little bit I think it's the right idea what do you think yeah yeah because the peppers are so soft the spoon goes right through I think foreign and usually it's with sour cream but in Bulgaria with yogurt oh it's gonna be so good very good uh the big thanks to the guy working here when I order some peppers he said get yogurt be yogurt I said with yogurt he's right it's good with yogurt absolutely five-star food I love the oil in the bottom of the dish here you can scoop up extra oil and uh and put some yogurt and I don't mind if I do Ivana oh man the seasoning is just right and the meat is so tender the pork knuckle six star let's be clear super good food do you want to just meet up both are you hungry here's a full I'll have both no problem all right let's eat babe I'll tell you what though you like this stuff ever it's just nice let's switch okay I mean not switch back laughs okay oh yeah you're gonna love it baby even the pepper I can see like Dill I think [Music] oh yeah good wife very comfort food yeah very good [Music] and with yogurt very nice the yogurt is a nice touch actually and very Bulgarian twist is there any meat in it I don't think there's meat and no I think it's rice and sauce I don't think so you got like shredded carrots and some green stuff yeah but no need for the meat because you you match this with pork knuckle this is a perfect order we luckily got the perfect order yeah very good good order stuffed peppers foreign [Music] [Music] super nice guy he says you want some dessert he said I have no space for dessert and he brought one anyway no problem nice guy oh yeah oh my God oh my God you're gonna love Ivana oh you're gonna love he knew I knew we had to end it with this yeah yeah I actually am so full though but out of respect to him I might Emma finish that dessert it's pudding you caramel pudding [Music] pretty good [Music] 43 liver the price guys who brought this guy to the restaurant oh my goodness I was eating it exactly half okay to ensure fairness look at my line okay good rest for you excuse me all right we could absolutely not make a Bulgarian food video without showing you guys our favorite restaurant in all of Sofia I think you've seen this place two or three times on our channel so let's go eat what I think is the best food in Sofia this one is something new yeah please thank you bro thank you bro what is this one this and the meat and the same cover it's very good one more time yes I'll get rice in this yes take away yeah we can eat here we can eat outside yeah thanks also thinking about the chicken wings but I'm gonna go for that chicken and rice baked together looks good I tell you what everything here is good and maybe this is the best way to describe Bulgarian food it's Turkish food with pork because the guy here says it's Turkish food and yet Ivana is getting pork so maybe this could be her description it's like Turkish food but with pork Bulgarian food this one Turkish yes okay okay two okay yes ah so these dishes are Bulgarian food yes okay okay looks good oh yeah which one do you like Turkish food or Bulgarian food um I tell you what a lot of the food in Bulgaria and especially at this restaurant it's very oily it's very fatty and it feels very heavy thing is our waistlines have not sustained too much damage I think it's fatty but it's like natural ingredients that are pretty fresh yeah and so no preservatives no fake food and so it's actually kind of light in in a heavy way yeah it's like you eat a huge meal you feel full and then half an hour later you're doing jumping jacks is deep I mean the rice is super good it's almost like a sticky rice it's a risotto it's almost like risotto it's really good [Music] five circles best restaurant in Sofia we obviously haven't tried them all but super nice restaurant we come here almost every day very good five star food for me I got the a dish called tavarma which is like a pork stewed with vegetables and lots of oil it was seems like that's like I'm saying it looks oily but it's not really yeah heavy it's really nice food man smells very very very very good made it now I'm not sure if you're supposed to traditionally eat this with bread the kavarma but this time I'm eating it with rice a mix of Turkish and Bulgarian let's try it thank you oh yeah looks good right that orange sauce with the oil looks so flavorful I love it in Bulgaria also they have really really good pork dishes very good yeah true I think lots of the oil itself is from the pork itself I think you're right yes like a natural pork yes it's not like some low quality cooking oil it's oil from the meat yeah I mean look at it oh look at it pure fat oh my gosh if you want Ivana I can have that bite up to you no pressure okay so good no go ahead go ahead I'm good I'm just kidding I'm just kidding okay look how good that looks you also got solid it's a must in a when you eat a Bulgarian meal salad is must this one looks like really thick and uh mayonnaise no I have no idea let's try it almost looks like tuna salad yogurt yogurt of course of course yogurt yeah so it's um this one got carrots carrots still Bulgaria really got really fresh and good salads surprising food and actually lots of Dill sometimes in the yogurt which gives a nice flavor doesn't it that's right fairies flavorful all right you wanna let's eat we got a piece that's it and guys stay tuned to the video because we will eat more yes across this delicious country all right Lizzy honestly I think the yogurt here is very different because when I make salad at home with yogurt it's no good but here it tastes very rich true right very creamy very very rich very good yeah yeah very good five stars oh my God I'm So Satisfied but we're about to go on a three hour journey to faliko tarnoko from Sofia so we're gonna I think get some takeout from this restaurant of course I saw some musaka and Sarco very good good morning [Music] we have made it to falico tarnovo three hours bus ride from Sofia but we didn't snack on the bus because we got separated different seats so sad and also that food from the morning kept me full until now it's like around eight flaw true yeah true fact we're gonna have our musaka and Sarma now so let's try it by the way so good musaka yeah we've had it actually on our first day in Sofia okay first impressions video you'll see it and we're having it again like I said guys this restaurant is top for us super good food very good this one is with potato and mince meat potato mince meat and I guess eggs on top so I think uh the grease Greek musakas they cook it with eggplant but but this one is with potatoes super nice it's almost like a potato lasagna that's my description of musaka that's my rough impression comfort food all the way super good now I'm gonna grab one of these summer alleys and let you keep going yeah sure Cheers Cheers thank you grape leaf stuffed with rice so we've had this in Turkey before but the difference is in Turkey they cook it with tomato sauce I don't think they have any tomato sauce inside but I can taste very very strong Dill flavor yep dill and a bit sour yes but no tomato no tomato I guess in Bulgaria in Bulgaria and Cuisine they like to use a lot of Dill yeah including the Sarma still good very good nice very good five stars this restaurant is so good and by the way guys let's continue the food Vlog somewhere amongst this beautiful place feeling grateful to be here quiet streets and a beautiful sunset view so let's keep eating she says with a mouthful of Sarma okay let's go Julia smells very garlicky and mushroomy but let's try the beef done beef tongue now I've had beef town before and I like this but you can really see the shape of the tongue sleep hold on shape of the tongue ah yeah true right I tell you what shout out to my food phobia because two years ago I would not have even tried beef tongue whereas I stand here before you someone genuinely interested in trying this I think it will be very good is my point with mushroom and some kind of cream sauce already it would make sense the tongue is very soft because the muscle itself is so used is done is it meat yeah it's me it's me like anything else but it's very tender meat I would guess because it's tongue very tender meat that's right that's the way to describe it yeah melts in your mouth so good how is the portion was bigger but amazing yeah it looks good Iman I mean you gotta try it I mean this is already like six stars free really so you've done a good sales pitch so good uh this is gonna be super good I already know it's good I wonder if uh the people watching at home would look forward to being tongue or be nervous of it because I mean because it's so um there's not a lot of fat I think they add oil to cook it with because it's it's just oh butter that's why mm-hmm oh it's quite good right yeah it's quite good um and the butter is the right idea because without it you just have meat this is meat and butter right I think you might remember right six star food it was very tender oh my goodness and the mushroom is the right idea to top it off yeah I didn't even like mushrooms no that makes it much better the uh oh really barbecued mushroom makes it much better yeah super good I wish there was um a bigger portion right very good oh the tongue is really nice oh oh it's really good and the mushrooms and butter is the right add-on yum this is only appetizer six star food uh come for the food stay for the view really nice place to eat okay round two something called Bulgarian mishmash right so it's got eggs inside it's got Peppers inside it's probably got meat inside I would assume and cheese and cheese and veg this is almost like all of the different Bulgarian Foods in some sort of casserole and or quiche and or baked deliciousness I can definitely see a lot of cheese coming out oh yeah which should be good because salty cheese and me are good friends and I can I can feel the eggs inside it's a bit like a uh it's a bit like a breakfast food omelette almost like a huge omelette scrambled eggs like all everything mixed together I get it it's like a massive omelette yeah um very good the tomatoes in Bulgaria are very good really yeah it's good what's amazing is they don't put many spices you taste Tomatoes you taste Peppers you taste salty cheese but you don't taste 10 or 15 different spices this is the opposite food of Pakistan and India where all you taste is spices this is very uh quality ingredient driven and the cheese for me is the best part honestly I think it's impossible to dislike this one you can see if they think I mean look at the size of the cheese and and it's wrapped up in fresh tomatoes uh some eggs around it and coriander no [Music] um you'll love it I think this is like kind of like a quiche sort of like quiche kind of thing yeah like a Bulgarian fish eggs [Music] and baked let's try it I still have the chunk I'll save the tongue for last because it's the best thing oh you're so lucky by the way that's a good husband name I can give you the last tongue tell the people at home tell the people at home what I did okay you gave me the last time oh we had two each two each though but the last one I grew up so that counts so really what happened was I ate my two very fast and there was one of yours left over yeah and then I'll let you have it okay never mind I exaggerated my own goodness oh um and also it's very creamy tomatoey sweet peppers I think Bulgarian use a lot of sweet peppers they have good flavor in the vegetable yes like the Tomato itself is good I think this is like the natural Bulgarian Cuisine de la the natural flavor of the veggies to uh to come up on top you know what I mean yeah you're right about that to be the star yeah yeah because it's not very very as you said it's not like Pakistani or Indian food where it's like rich in like curries and spices but it's very flavorful maybe salt and pepper is the only spice you need flavorful of the Tomato itself and the oil I guess from the cheese that is melting together with the tomato with the peppers all natural I'm really I feel healthy eating this exactly like guilty exactly right it somehow it's somehow sort of light also isn't it even though there is juice in it okay jeez very good I like it okay man let's eat now we still got one more coming that's it very good all right last but not least this is grilled pork belly which to be clear I've had before but to be clear is one of the best foods money can buy pork belly off the barbecue is amazing and uh based on what we've learned about Bulgaria how good they are with meat and how good they are with quality of ingredients I'm sure these are going to be yummy maybe not as good as the cow tongue but we'll go for it tender the thing that's different about the pork belly the cow tongue is actually the texture of the cow tongue is is not great it's a bit soft what the texture of this is a crunch and a bounce to it I love the softness that just melts in your mouth thank you the pork belly is very good how can pork belly be bad I will say this though the pork belly five stars the cow tongue definitely six stars unbelievably good one if you can try to pick your favorite food oh my God that they saw in this video because we've had a lot we've had a lot we've had a lot of food oh my favorite oh my gosh that's so hard I have to say one of my favorite Bulgarian food that we've tried the tribe soup don't tell me that the tripe soup here is better than Romania are you gonna say it will you let all your Romanian fans down they're both good what will Ivana says the truth will set you free you must be honest ly speak from your hearts maybe on Saturday I prefer Romanian charba on Sunday I prefer the Bulgarian one I know they're both so good they're different tastes for sure I know you well enough to know you think the Bulgaria ones better is better than October the Border I know YouTube oh I'm sorry okay I'm just gonna change the subject beef tongue amazing beef tongue in butter I was one of the highlights yeah yes but I would also give a massive shout out to the restaurant in Sofia that we've been to five times they got good food over there they got really really good really good food good price yeah take out very good very good okay there you have it everybody uh what's your favorite you guys choose favorite food in Bulgaria in terms of single eating experience yeah I really like the traditional restaurant in the park okay it's very nice food there oh yes that's what I already tries honestly the rakia the fresh rack here from a plastic bottle homemade that was memorable because I'm not even sure the record was on the menu right I'm not even sure they charged us for that Rocky I think it was just like hey we have this your tourists want to try it yeah but really the best food is yes amazing all right there you have it everybody thanks for watching latest cases stay tuned for a whole video in this beautiful place former capital of the second Bulgarian Empire nice maybe now we're in the third book right now modern modern Empire right now that are
Channel: JetLag Warriors
Views: 129,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jetlag warriors, travel vlog, bulgaria, sofia bulgaria, bulgaria travel, bulgarian food, tarator, banitsa, shopska salad, traditional bulgarian food, things to do sofia, visit bulgaria, sofia travel, sofia bulgaria food, sofia bulgaria travel, bulgarian street food, sofia street food, sofia bulgaria tour, bulgaria vlog, bulgarian food tour, food tour bulgaria, best food in bulgaria, what to eat in bulgaria, bulgarian traditional food, bulgarian bbq, bulgarian corba
Id: 7a_7V3QSzok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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