AMD Fluid Motion Frames Is Out Now... And We've Tested It!

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okay so we actually got a preview of this way back in August at Gamescom AMD has now finally made official it's first driver that supports uh AMD fluid motion frames which is essentially um at the top level a frame generation technology that should work with practically any dx11 dx12 game uh we haven't really paid too much attention to it through its preview period but it is now official and Alex you have taken a look at it um thoughts I would say the first impression is uh well I was a little confused at first because I actually wanted to try it out in a title that it wasn't going to easily support unfortunately and I it took a little bit of learning to figure out like where I can apply it and I think that's reasonable though uh because it is essentially a driver hack to get a form of frame generation in a game and not every driver hack works for every game out there every use case that's why they're cool drivers you know this is probably PC mentality it's totally fine um but then when I did get it working I actually just loaded up a title where I knew it would work and I loaded up cyberpunk um and there it has a couple of caveat to get it working and also a little bit of caveat about quality that I'll get into in a second uh but basically to have it work you need to have the game be W DX 11 or dx12 it needs to be running in uh full screen mode it didn't seem to work in uh Window mode and it um also required you to turn off vsync so this means if you're playing on a fixed refresh rate display which I don't think many people will always be doing that or if you have a fixed refresh rate use case that you want to do for a game you really can't use this but it does work with vsync off so you can have full screen tearing which I don't think many people are going to be playing with but it works perfectly fine on a vrr monitor um uh but because you have vsync off uh if the game is going to be going above your refresh rate due to AFM f as I'm going to call it uh for example like you have 120 HZ Monitor and your game's running at like 80 FPS or so and you turn on ammf that means it's going to be run rendering at actually like 160 frames per second and it would be going above your refresh rate so you'd be seeing full screen tearing yep so to get rid of that what you'd want to do is Implement a uh a cap on FPS uh and the way it works is it seems to work on the internal FPS value so I used rtss and I kept to like 30 for example and the game is 30 internally and it's being AFM up to 60 uh in a 120 HZ container so you want to essentially use frame caps to make sure that the game cannot go above your refresh rate so a 60fps frame cap at 120 htz or you know whatever the divis the half division is to make it work fine without getting any of that full screen tearing good stuff you get in game uh it looks pretty good I think actually in the initial impression it's kind of like what we kind of felt at at Gamescom I would say too where just you know nothing too special like you just move the mouse a little bit you see it works uh things coming towards you and you know parallaxing with the camera whatever type of game you're playing they look fine I thought the mouse actually looked pretty fine the mouse curer in most games uh you know nothing too egregious there um this is where some of the caveats come in because it is just a postprocess uh it is doesn't have access to the motion vectors of a game so it's going to be more akin to what you'd see from a television doing that's what I thought Bas the footage the difference though is that and this you'll have to attest to this is that when enabling motion smooth on a television you incur a massive input latency hit right usually it's like 80 milliseconds or something additional something like that it's it's bad it shouldn't be that bad on PC that's what I'm asking no it was no nowhere near that bad it did not the mouse feel felt I thought it felt fine so that's that's the key then so even though this USS to produce results similar motion smthing on a TV uh the fact that it's actually responsive means that it can actually be usable yes it is very usable I felt that it was fine uh I was playing on 120 Herz screen I did not feel anything that I thought was really bad um uh but like once again because it is a um uh postprocess uh they only have so much control about when it's on and when it's off and uh it's limited by how good it can reproject information from a previous frame so they have like little stop they have like a like an automatic stopping system built into the driver where it it'll turn off AMF AF MF AF AF yeah AF a MF in those moments when there's too big of a difference between one frame in the next frame so it will turn off on camera Cuts uh it will turn off as well when the camera swings wildly and I found with a mouse you could get it to turn off really really easily in a first-person game it turned off really really easy and I'm going to send footage to Oliver when you move like in little tiny circles it looks like a fluid experience and here I was playing with like 7900 XTX with like path tracing on so we know that it internally is not like 60 FPS and then I started moving in larger circles and it was turning off and it looked like half the frame rate it almost gave the visual appearance of a game being double buffered vsync so that's a bit awkward looking I would say so I'd say uh if you're playing a game like this uh already have the frame rate really really high so that the double buffering effect when it occurs it is less obvious and honestly I think a lot of mouse users may not like the look when that occurs but I think it will only really happen most of the time for Mouse users I think actually uh The Parallax movement that you can actually do with a controller might fit within this window perfectly fine uh of when ammf turns on and off so controller users actually ammf is like pretty great I would say um and I I have it on and off here in uh cyberpunk and some footage that you're seeing you know on the screen that I also sent to Oliver here and I think like for this like forward and backwards movement of the car just going Along on its way it it it I think it's convincing enough I think it looks smoother and that's good and I think persistence blur was subjectively lower when I was looking at them like side by side and another interesting thing is that in this footage you can see whenever the car turns the corner on the right hand side the camera does a larger swing and in those moments the the frame rate looks lower it looks at half because ammf turns off so that'll give you a sense of like what type of movements turn off AMF it's not just your mouse it's all about whatever the differen is on screen I mean I wonder whether the user should have the option to be able to disable that right I would really like that actually um I think the reason why they don't have that is because uh maybe the the issue with cutcenes cameras and also because I saw what it looked like uh in the few frames before if you step the video and you watch what the camera looks like the motion before ammf turns off it starts GH actually in a in a larger way you see double framing effect and I think if over a large Arc of movement the double frame effect may actually be more distracting to some users they might not prefer it but I think the option like rich is saying uh would be great ammf it could be called like I don't know a sub option in the menu when you turn on ammf I don't know what they would call it but something to make it that it's always on regardless of movement what's the HUD situation like because that's obviously oh have an issue it's it's it's an interpolated HUD it's it's everything's interpolated including uh if you have something like River tuner statistic server on that'll be interpolated too um so I mean but that's a static thing so it's not too bad it's not moving across the screen but um you know like you you just got to be a little bit careful there okay fair enough I mean it looks quite I'm looking at your cyberpunk fzy here this is a kind of like what I would suggest is almost a best case scenario for frame generation in that most of the movement is like going forward into the scene it's really the lateral Left Right harsh movements where it would most likely have issues there's only a few of those in the clip but um I think the biggest issue I had going back to Gamescom when we first saw the technology they were using The Last of Us Part One um the the big issue we had at the time was the whole vsync off scenario where you know if it goes out of your vrr window on your freesync or G display you'll get full screen tearing and that looks pretty fugly but um it sounds like you have a you have a scenario that basically eliminates that so it is you know it is tear free effectively yeah you can make it tear free effectively within your range uh using it the cap uh but still I would prefer um like I don't know they they have anti-ag working with it right now I don't know what's going to happen with the anti-ag plus but I would love the reflex equivalent on the AMD side um like where it's also like a dynamic refresh rate so cuz some if you have a 240 HZ monitor uh it would be great to limit the amount of input latency that it's adding through something like reflex but that's right now we'll see whatever AMD is doing in the future okay interesting so is this the frame generation technique that is a component of FSR 3 right but not the full thing so to speak yeah it's it has lacks any of the logic to decide about like what what an object is and how it's moving uh like in real world game terms with a with a motion Vector so it's all postprocess um as a result I mean it'll be a lot more artifact ridden than FSR 3 and a lot more than dss3 um but I think for a lot of things it's going to be fine one awkward thing that I did not try out is what happens in it's it's going to turn off at times uh when you really don't expect it I think versus a normal for example I'm pretty sure like a large muzzle flash is going to turn it off if it's large enough on screen uh because it's all based upon the differential between the previous frames I've realized so it could look a little awkward in certain genre but I think for a racing game it actually is like perfect almost yeah we got this supporter question from darar Co this week saw the release of amd's fluid motion frames AF MF uh it it's like a combination of two yeah acing anyway which as far as I understand it as frame inter interpolation at the direct X API level meaning that it can be utilized without developers adding native support to their titles could something similar be done with Steam OS how is it likely to differ from native FSR 3 support I guess that you know anybody anybody could could do this really Nvidia could do it for sure it's just a question of whether they want to anyone can do it in fact there is a program on Steam called loss of scaling which is added in the equivalent of motion interpolation uh and it does it probably in extremely similar way to the way the AMD driver does it but it doesn't have a turnoff like an automatic turnoff thing um I haven't played with it yet but I hear reports that it looks much like motion interpolation does elsewhere and I would love to see Steam OS add an OS level o AF MF um one little caveat that I briefly said at the beginning of this video is I tried that for example with a game I'm going to send this footage to alare 2 Dark Souls 3 one one funny thing about Dark Souls 3 is nowadays it crashes if you put it to full screen mode so it wouldn't work anyway even if I wanted yeah Dark Souls 3 man it just full on crashes to desktop if I put it in full screen mode I cannot say and I Google it this is an issue that a lot of people have um I don't know what's causing it but uh uh even then it would wouldn't work in a game like Dark Souls I it wouldn't work in a game like Seco it wouldn't work in any game that starts up uh and its refresh rate is the same as the max frame rate the game can have so it would be great to apply motion inter interpolation to a game like Dark Souls 3 because uh it's locked to 60 FPS and if the game is unlocked to above 60fps on like a high refresh rate monitor or something like that technically then it um is is fast motion it's a game that was designed around 60 FPS so you need to have a game that is if you want to apply to a game that has a locked frame rate internally like older games have it needs to also be a game that outputs to your maximum refresh rate in a full screen mode I don't know how many games do that there's probably a list on PC gaming Wiki but not every game starts up on your desktop Herz level you know so that's another thing most do though to be fair some Dark Souls doesn't SEO doesn't there there's a surprising number of them when you look through the games the thing is though Alex if you could run those games at a locked 60 frames per second do you really think a fluid motion version of that would would genuinely be a better experience especially knowing that anytime something fast happens which it does in those games it'll just look like you're dropping frames like a double buffering to me that sounds worse I'd rather just have consistency it could be worse consistency there's a couple of scenarios here first of all um you know only works with vsn off at the moment which would and which kind of infers that you really need a vrr display to get the to get the benefit which you wouldn't have on Steam deck unfortunately um and the concept of a game that runs at natively at 30 running at 60 probably wouldn't be that great but that said 45 going up to 90 for the steam deck OLED slightly more compelling possibly very compelling I would argue I just think they need to make it more configur able like I don't like the double buffered look that I saw when it did go when it turned off I would probably rather live with the artifacts on the the larger movement spans so yeah um add more configurability to this AMD I think it's a it's a nice niche use thing use case thing that people can get from the AMD driver yeah okay okay with that I think we're done with the AMD fluid motion frames for now but I just wanted to end um by picking up some unfinished business from DF weekly 146 where John you unfairly imputed the power of the radon 7 that's right yes uh I I I searched for it on YouTube and came up with that in the description and then I scrolled up to the thing to share the link and it's like oh wait it actually the the description was wrong basically and I got owned by Rich which I feel like that would make a pretty good sticker and or t-shirt owned by Rich yeah well you know I went into this direct wanting to actually uh exhibit the full Unleashed power the radon 7 we saw the images I was excited I was excited as well except my Ron 7 as is kind of you can see it just in the background there it doesn't work anymore I've powered it up the the red light comes on I'm reminded of uh that lovely aluminum I love I actually do love the design yeah it's a really good looking design actually but my my GPU doesn't work anymore I was shocked you can see there I've also got like another GPU yet next to it and what I was trying to do was to figure out whether if I boot the machine with one GPU whether the second one whether the radon is actually visible at all in Windows and it's not oh so um I'm going to have to either get this one fixed or get another radon 7 because this is unfinished business that cannot be allowed to stand exactly we need we need to know the truth how well does it run you know 16 gigs of memory yeah exactly hash facts of facts that's right uh anyway um yes so unfinished business there but maybe will really at some point do you still have a fury X though that's the real question I do have the fury X I hope that one works better uh but you know someday I someday I want a fury X and like I want to put it under glass like in the hallway I'm less inclined to uh to go to bat for the fury X though let's put it that way radi on S I'm intrigued I think it's got leg X
Channel: DF Clips
Views: 42,172
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Id: T_gmnAuYWmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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