Ambushing Microcenter After Our Newegg Interview

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The fan actually made a post on reddit 10 days ago. Kinda cool to see this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 334 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LinuxF4n πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked the Microcenter staff question on the expected performance difference between 3200Mhz CL16 and 3600Mhz CL16 at 11:05

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 207 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imaginary_num6er πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seeing so many people having fun in a pc store put a smile on my face.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 192 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MdxBhmt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Winner: micro center and the staff, watching the Newegg video and then the micro center video, I would want to support micro center people a lot more than the new egg execs who speak like a corporate drone. It’s a shame brick and mortar computer hardware stores can’t be viable in more places.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 138 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/makoto144 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have this odd feeling that the manager who is also the influencer coordinator will be remembering this day for a good while.

'Dude! How did you manage to bag Gamers Nexus!?' 'I dunno man, they just... Walked in and asked if they could film!'

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShadowPouncer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video made me smile from ear to ear. Steve, thank you for making these people's day/week/year (especially Jimmy)!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HighQualityH2O_22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video is fuckin awesome. Steve is such a good figure in the community.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bbpsword πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This sort of impromptu video is literally the best kind of advertising Microcenter could ask for, and it's basically all free. Amazing stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Not_Your_cousin113 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Micro Center did me right by selling the 5600X for $179.99 to new customers a couple weeks ago when no one online would go under about $269. I know it was a promo of sorts, but from what I gather they do things like that all the time for CPUs and other components.

And they had fully stocked GPUs to boot! (at somewhat marked up prices, granted, but still much better than you can [not] find anywhere online at the same time)

Their secret weapon is scarcity of locations and in-store-only merchandise. I wish they had a location in every US state. It was like hardware nerd mecha for me, especially since the only Frys in my state just got closed down.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dwilljones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone the lighting's terrible uh i'm in front of micro center right now i've never been in one i have not asked them if we can film here but we were out here to talk to newegg and i thought probably they're okay with it so we're gonna go in see what micro center looks like and uh full disclosure up front we were not paid to be here in fact they don't even know i'm here uh so we're gonna go in there maybe i'll build a computer i don't know it took like an hour to get here in l.a traffic so i hope we're allowed to film let's go in before that this video is brought to you by squarespace we use squarespace for our own gn store and juggle complex multi-piece orders all the time with it squarespace makes it fast for us to roll out new products with detailed pages full of galleries videos and descriptors it's also useful for your own resume sites for photographer or project portfolios or for starting your new small business idea there's never been a better time to try and start your new business than right now and we can vouch that squarespace makes it easy visit squarespace.comgamersnexus to get 10 off your first purchase with squarespace just rolling on up to everybody today is there like a management type person around to ask about filming filament filming uh yeah i'll get them for you okay thank you appreciate it hey doing well uh we're just we're trying to get some kind of management type person to ask if it's okay to film oh yeah actually i would be the guy oh really yeah yeah i'm actually our influencer coordinator here are you okay my name is jeremy i'm steve steve nice to meet you good to meet you i'll be with you guys in a moment but yeah feel free to go around okay i'll talk to you in just a few okay sure thank you appreciate it laptops desktops pc systems there's a lot of monitors here oh this is where we saw we saw jay come over here in his video glorious elements [Music] i was just about to say i think i'd rather walk around more before filming more otherwise keegan's gonna end up with a bunch of cut out i haven't been here before so we thought we'd come by uh this is my first time here all right i'm building a i'm building my first p i've always wanted to build a pc we walked in with no plan did not develop a plan by the time we were through fourth through the store i think right when i asked andrew to just stop recording because i was like uh and i will look around and like the guy was in the same aisle as us and as soon as we stopped recording because he was trying to be polite he was like uh you guys from gamers nexus so let me start recording again and now we have a video what would you recommend like i'm trying not to upgrade probably we can do we can go look at the cpus if you want like i'll help you pick stuff you want yeah yeah you can help me pick this uh cpu and a motherboard yeah yeah i don't know where they are [Music] i guess [Music] yeah so motherboard cpu do you have ram yet no i don't the rest of the stuff and that's why i'm looking at i don't even know what they're freaking cases i can help easily with the i don't i would say if you can help me even with a motherboard yeah we can find the so you already have a power supply yeah oh yeah there you go i wish i could use something like that yeah you could i mean it balloons the time this is actually what i'm looking forward to a white build almost we liked this case we liked um it did pretty well i saw just saw one other case i didn't notice that was part of the store i thought it was like a warehouse i see actually i see three cases over there i like but which one uh i'll just show you those so i'm down to check it out before i you know yeah so we liked this this used to be everything's gone up man this used to be like eighty dollars um looks pretty sick i do like that case you love this case so that might be one to consider this um we gave uh best case of the year two last year this one we liked this one as well um you know just now like two years i'm stuck on this one so that is a td 500 so it sounds like that's that's going to be a good fit for you okay let's find um cpu i don't know where those are stored so yeah you're right that like an r7 is fine for pretty much i mean it's good it's like it's a good cpu uh intel's newer alder lake stuff all the likes was their code name for anything with a 12 in it here that's been really good too now the only only potential problem you run into is um these cpus can be paired with either the new version of ddr5 memory i don't know if you've looked into memory terminology yeah i've looked into ddr4 and ddr5 it seems like ddr4 is the main but far more available uh much cheaper yeah this only works with ddr4 this can do both but you have to be careful with the motherboard choice which i'll help you with yeah it's not a problem honestly if you're if you're in my position which one would you do i would probably do the 12 700k so the i7 yeah i do think that sets you up a little bit better long term uh so today you should probably buy a ddr4 just because ddr unless there's something crazy at micro center like ddr5 pretty hard it's been really hard to get dude you're the man i'm getting that okay i'm gonna get so i'm getting that and if you can just help me pick a motherboard yes no problem i will write down your your shopping list do you have a second for a question um do you know if you have the cooler master td 500 instead yeah unless you can finish the manager do you know do you know if the display models have all the screws with them like typically no okay yeah the newer ones we put them in there yeah but i feel like customers take it probably yeah so uh are you looking for something like a td 500 he really likes the td 500 so um yeah if you guys don't have it then you know that's that if he doesn't mind a little bit more oh do you have matched pi2 okay uh do you know if you have any white models so we should look at that one too okay it's pretty cool it's gonna have the same amount of things that the td500 can and it's actually going to be easier because the td 500 is a little bit crammed when you're putting a 360 right on the top um versus the two yeah and then oh yeah this we borrowed from you guys it's a test yeah i'll take the commission later don't worry you've got to look you didn't trust me i'm very aware yeah i'm very lucky so yeah this one yeah i did like this one i see i've looked at the reviews on this one we like this one a lot it is it's a little wider than that td 500 so he's right this is less cramped um i like the space i i agree with the monitor i do think this this is the obvious alternative yeah i'm down to go get a couple shirts do they have like shopping carts i think it's like it's it's in the same like good defined you're basically it's uh leds yeah so we need to figure out the ram situation i guess we should probably like find i know i'd even think about that you know what i can run and go get a car okay sure this stuff by the way you were talking about how you liked that um uh that build that had like all the tubes in it and stuff yeah yeah so that's called typically referred to as open loop or custom loop if you ever felt like you wanted to do that this is i guess the section in the store that you would come to this is the advanced section huh yeah so this is where that's where you'll have to come back and try and find jay's two cents next time he'll help you with that well so what does ddr5 cost these days is it a fortune or what that's ddr4 uh ddr4 oh there's five jesus holy that's not worth it yeah you don't get better performance out of ddr4 that's one-fourth the price one-fifth the price of this yeah than you will from from yeah that so okay so let's that answers that question we're definitely doing ddr4 well ask them if they have a board that supports it yeah if they don't that'll put you on ryzen which is still good okay so still late still not bad yeah um do you do any video editing or professional work on your computer really just gaming pretty much yeah for your purposes 16 is fine unless you keep a lot of things open at once if you open a ton of tabs when you're browsing like a ton of time you're like like 50 tabs philosophy um or if you're uh doing professional work so okay if any of those sound like you then probably we should do this kit and if you're like no i'm just going to run my game and have nothing else really then 16 is fine can i al also obviously say i realize i buy this ah it's not working too well i can just this has got four slots you can add two more i can add two more you would want to do myself right you would want to do the same model okay but you could add two more sticks no problem you know this or the 30 cheaper one they're both good they are ddr4 both of them so that puts you on a different motherboard or on uh amd well i gotta do that anyways there's so little value in spending that much money yeah it feels really bad to do it yeah kind of like the way this one is two sixteens and it's at thirty six hundreds three or four right yeah realistically how much more performance do you get out of thirty 3600 cl 16 versus um like 30 like a regular 3200 cl-16 so it gets so so muddy to calculate uh 30 if if like literally everything else is the same then maybe two percent sometimes it depends there's some production applications where you might see like closer to seven percent or nine percent um like some really memory heavy type stuff but in real life though it's not all the same and so 32 cl 16 we have a kit that's 32 cl 16 and it outperforms like a 4000 kit we have and it's because all these other sub timings right are so much tighter on that kit it outperforms it so uh the the answer is is that the label on all these boxes will never tell you the answer until you plug it into the motherboard so i've always kind of wondered that and i knew you'd probably have a good answer yeah it's no problem [Laughter] always telling people yeah if you want the faster around you can but it won't do that much yeah the big cutoff i don't like going below 3200 on ddr4 generally and then um for apus it matters a little more okay because anything where the the customer tells you that hey i'm going to use the igp the integrated graphics processor yeah it'll help because a gpu has memory on the board right on the video card uh an integrated graphics processor does not so it has to go across this really slow interface to get the system memory so there i would push someone a little torch faster and then if they they're using a gpu it's like yeah it doesn't matter that much you know cool yeah no problem absolutely so what do we need oh yeah motherboard right the swap out the motherboard so i guess um nothing is jumping out at me which means we're probably gonna it's we're probably gonna have to rely on them maybe having it in the back like in their warehouse he said they just got a shipment so do you know if there are any ddr4 z690 boards hiding anywhere we should have oh sorry if you want to help we might have some i can go look at the warehouse okay sure those those are it's someone like ddr4 and z690 um so it's pretty common question i can look through the back in a bit okay appreciate it thank you double checked everywhere but that's the only one okay yeah i thought so all right we'll look look at uh x570 is down there i guess um uh you know what then i'll probably take the i'll take the ryzen ship then do you know which riding tip you want he was looking at a 5800x so let's find a board um x570 is what we're looking for that's an x570 board um oh there's more over here tomahawk um tomorrow's really good so i don't know what the price is oh sorry here's how you're getting your kids yeah i like your shirt thank you oh yeah thank you you're welcome i really appreciate it yeah i love your merch thank you i actually just started watching your channel recently did you just walk by i was like oh my god i appreciate it yeah i was not expecting that yeah i walk in i literally was like hey man and then i was like i got a question about the pcm building yeah this is my first time in here we were up in city of industry doing the thing yeah me yes we were just talking about they're like i wonder how it went down yeah yeah uh i'm not i haven't processed it yet so i'm not 100 sure how i feel about it it's kind of waiting to it was interesting um because a lot of my friends have been asking me like oh like what's been going on with new egg and i'm like catching up oh go look at his videos because it's it's crazy yeah i they they know what it is too i'm like prospered to you for taking like using your platform to hopefully it does something we'll see you know like i don't know it might just be a lot of it might just be a lot of me whining you know youtube and then everyone forgets about it in two weeks yeah yeah it's entertaining stuff so yeah i appreciate it yeah yeah no problem got a following now yeah it's i mean it took a long time to you know do stuff like this yeah it was good to meet you guys thank you yeah good luck with your build thank you for buying the shirt good to meet you guys absolutely hey good luck with your videos we've been planning to come in for a while but we just haven't had time to like it's cool though today and then we're really good one two three the fact that i was wearing this today too yeah i know that's that's awesome we were starting to pick oh my so that is recommendable so and then we already picked up you got the cpu right so yes i think that's it i think you got everything literally yeah yeah so in terms of like the internal components uh yeah you're done other than what you got at home dude i'm so stoked yeah so i'm ready to buy this all right yeah yeah you bring it up front yeah yes there's that there's that super meat boy sponsorship yeah yes yeah do you mind if i get a quick question no yeah no no problem at all my boss i'll take it for you what was your name i'm samuel one two three thank you thank you good to meet you man thanks for saying hi excuse me yes dylan's shy let's take a picture of you holding this let me make sure he doesn't pay and then no no you're fine don't worry there is no can i like take a picture of when i'm done and like send it to you yeah sure yeah that's what i wanted yes you could email us something sorry what's the plan i'll just hold it up that's it you want to be in it oh god thank you guys thank you i really appreciate it anytime yeah and uh if you ever want to reach out to us if you want to do anything more yeah yeah we'll come back out here so yeah uh when we're when we're here next time we'll come by then too and it was fun so i appreciate appreciate your travels back thank you great night guys thank you thank you thank you thanks guys see ya i appreciate it a lot yeah absolutely enjoy your build yeah i'm so stoked you guys honestly the camera dude you don't even know how much you just made my day having a rough day came in here pretty much the bloss team yeah kind of like you did yeah and dude i'm walking out on clown night right now i'm happy that i'm so stoked to build it i'm so stoked to freaking send you a picture of it and youtube don't make fun of me too much for being such a new no you can't that's why hey that's why we have viewers right so yeah i just got to see it that's true that's essentially how i ended up on your page yeah yeah so yeah hey good luck dude i appreciate it absolutely oh my god this is literally like the best day i've had that's awesome thank you thank you yeah take it easy
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 752,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, microcenter, los angeles microcenter, microcenter los angeles, pc build microcenter, gamersnexus microcenter, wholesome, surprised with free pc, surprised with free computer, pc diy, how to build a computer, amd vs intel pc build
Id: 9SmWpqbV9KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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