Amazon- Character Class or Archetype in 5E D&D

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hey guys day from the rocky for nerds by nerds hangout these nerds Nathan oh darkest ed today we ask the question does D&D deserve an Amazon jump down the description below we can sign up for nur Taraki the newsletter get weekly gaming tips as well as learn how to game with their narky so I was actually strolling in trolling through Facebook one day and idly was like the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons group that I saw someone asked an interesting question and it was how would you do an Amazon character class in 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons and he was like before you go giving me a hard time about you know what an Amazon you know Amazon character class is just saying it's just the fighter we do have the barbarian class you know so we do it and we have the pounding clothes we do have different types of classes that are very similar so why not an Amazon character class well the whenever whenever a conversation comes up about making a character class I asked first can it be done with the classes we already have the archetypes we already have or can it fit as a new archetype under one of those one of those classes because that that's where I would go first I don't feel that Amazon has the feel of it needs its own class it could honestly be a barbarian arranger or a fighter yeah considering what's available already I feel I'd feel hard-pressed to to figure out abilities and traits for a full class full class that's pretty much another type of fighter now that being said I think it would be fun to like build an archetype around it so we have to kind of look at like some examples of what what we find you know the Amazon you know Greek mythology it was you know they basically the offspring of a wood nymph and Ares and they were very they're basically people dedicated to war and they were all female you know we also have you know more modern pop culture we have Wonder Woman and what is it Emma Sara scarify mascara and mascara where it's all you know it's all Amazons as well there are there are no men so there's these different ideas and there's different tropes of the idea of you know of females that capture magnetism Serbian and and kind of like that's how they propagate their I guess tribe or species or race or however you want to however you want to look at it right so there's all these different tropes that are playing around you have the Amazons on Mars and you know really cheesy crazy stuff as well think of Futurama yeah yeah so you have to like decide like well what is important to it and what you know what do we throw away so I look at the similarities between the different cultures and I look at Wonder Woman I look at you know the Amazon from Diablo I look at you know some of the stuff that we we see in history and like to me my typical takeaway is okay they kind of flight similar to the way they do in 300 I see the shield I see the spear and I see you know fighting in a group fighting fighting together unity I think all of these things are incredibly important to my iteration they're off yeah there's definitely a strong theme of sorority and sisterhood as well yeah so it's partial partial culture and then partial warlike nature right well that that being said like if you look at Greek mythology go Ares and spawn of Ares and a witness that literally could be a race yeah and I think I think in mythology they are considered a race of people yes so like you could be like kind of like a a branch of a Zabar it would be even another way to look at it but I actually feel like during a character class would be well not a percent of character PES per se but an archetype would be a bit more fun well an archetype you could always say the original Amazon people were this they basically had these tenants or whatever ways of fighting and this archetype is simply someone who adopts that it might necessarily be an actual race Amazon but there's someone who follows the footsteps of that cat of that set of skills right and then there's also like you were talking about like you see them kind of like Spartans in some aspects and then they because they're all you they're always depicted as lightly armored right and then it's like whoa it's that how they would really be or because they're from hot regions and climbs and armor wouldn't be would it be as appropriate or is it just because men have always depicted Amazons and they'd rather see half-naked women well so all of these things need to be taken into account so if you're gonna do it and you're gonna make it this way you want to do something that pays homage to with a Weirich where it comes from where it's inspired by so if we're used to seeing Amazon's not wearing a lot of armor that I would think that that's what you would want to do you'd want to make something that people are going to recognize so it shouldn't should be wearing you know little to no armor right I guess at the same time though you want to be sensitive to modern sensibilities for better for lack of a better word and take that into consideration with your design as well so obviously a fighter class that doesn't wear much armor is going to be hampered you know a ranger class might work because they tend towards medium or light armor anyway the Barbarian works the best because you're going to get optimal protection with minimum armor right and if we go with mythological aspect the wood nymph that kind of makes Ranger kind of like having natural powers as well as being good at fighting as well as not wearing a lot of armor I wasn't thinking about it at first but it kind of looks like it could be a ranger archetype so my perspective yeah there's this weird area right where you have this super fierce warrior but they're also super skilled at the same time and disciplined they you know and they work together really well so like you could literally you could literally build it around kind of an archetype that maybe excels with working with others maybe they grant benefits and also get benefits when when they have allies you know in or near them and yeah and I feel like you could kind of do that with you could do that you could do that with fighter or barbarian but then when you go to rate archetypes that doesn't seem to feel right well the the the problem you know going going with you know the this type of thing I see Amazon's as you know leaning towards dexterity which would apply to to Ranger because they typically are light and agile and well in what they're doing if they're wearing light lighter medium armor they typically have a decent Dex whereas fighter pretty much leans towards Dex or strength but I don't feel that there's enough there with fighter to take it in that direction I think that's doesn't we're going to have a little bit of a problem where what's Dex considered in Dungeons and Dragons and how much Dex you actually use for sword fighting in general because it's like you know we've run into that problem where you're using strength of Dex in the game but really it's like a big combination of how how hard you hit and where you hit so that's like a combo of both of those so we're gonna have an issue with kind of overlap of the concept of how how agile these words are with whether or not that comes from them doing acrobatics and athletics while they're using their strength to attack in game mechanics-wise well also - I feel like if you're diagnosing it and going well the Ranger mechanically makes sense but if you go with the lore then fighter makes way more sense because even if you're saying well they're derived from a would know if you look back in mythology they don't really care about that there were like people no they didn't have magic powers right and they care about the art of war so what if instead what if we took another tact right and said although you know typically where the Amazons of Natal and mythology are from they didn't wear a lot of armor because of the climate but that doesn't mean it can be trained or proficient in armor and if you just take if you just take your Amazons and put them some results you know then it doesn't matter and they're gonna where they're gonna wear what's appropriate towards the right and you're still you're still opens up medium armor anyway because if you just wear our breastplate Gleaves you know the minimum of the mount of armor that you wear you're protected but at the same time is going to kind of like insulate you against you know against the climate and weather you know so if you're in a hot place like even like Sparta the Spartans like they still wore a breastplate they still wore bracers and angley's and they would use that giant shield so you could literally we could literally like kind of model it off at the Spartan warrior but to make it more interesting right and just say alright we just don't want to make them a battle master because that's kind of where I'm saying yeah I know you said champion yeah I kind of like the champion for the Athletics build for you know the jumping with longer has to heart or whatever aspect of the champion the increased crit there's a lot of things that are attractive about the champion to say yeah this was a good overall warlike Amazon but there's nothing in either of them I mean what there's there's some stuff in battle master that gives the the talk of working well with others but there's not enough if you ask me so you know if I was to build Amazon as a as a fighter archetype then I would probably start looking at there's abilities and how you could use them to interact with with the other with other allies I like even like look it go previous editions like look at the warlord right from fourth edition and go oh well how did they interact with each other how do they both star the Allies how they get better be by fighting in in a group than individually and could definitely be a different way to look at a fighter archetype kind of like the applying in some way a mechanic similar to the mastermind the thief archetype mastermind from the scag I was also thinking along the lines of you know similar to the Bartok inspiration you can have have things that oh as opposed to as opposed to me just kind of pep talking you up like you're you're literally like shouting out tactical advantages and and this to your allies of okay you know shift left or you know whatever it always feels like you know like there's a lot of ways to Amazon and 5e dat like by being a ranger barbarian a fighter a bard and mate you know maybe there is cause to actually make the Amazon character class because there's all these different aspects that we're saying and you could have them you know have it focused by having its own having art types that could branch out into any of these so let's let's ask you guys what do you think should Murdock you make the Amazon class or should Murdock you make the Amazon archetype don't you guys figure it out in the comments down below while you're at it don't forget to Like share and subscribe can tweet at us over at Twitter cause a patron others in a good way over on patreon so until next time stay nerdy [Music]
Channel: Nerdarchy
Views: 7,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Amazon- Character Class, Archetype, 5E D&D, gaming table, Amazon warriors, Dungeons and Dragons, comic books, video games, mythology, DnD, Amazon character class, archetype, character class, race, barbarian, fighter, ranger, Amazon warriors in Dungeons and Dragons, dungeons and dragons, d&d, dungeons & dragons, 5e, 5th edition, roleplaying, rpg, dnd, game, campaign, dice, dm, rpgs, 5th, encounter, 5th edition dungeons and dragons, nerdarchy, d\u0026d, fantasy, role-playing, ‬5e‭, player's handbook
Id: w1UlhKHzD9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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