AMAZING YouTube Studio Setup Ideas For Creators

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when building out a setup for your YouTube Studio there are so many things to take into consideration from all the gear that you need to buy and then actually how to set it up so that it looks best on camera and so that's why in this video we're gonna be breaking down some of our setups here at think media and we're gonna kick it off with Nolan's dream setup which he actually has dialed so that he can go from not shooting to shooting in under five seconds let me prove it to you three two one hey Google turn on my lights ready to film I want to show you exactly how to set up something just like this that's going to save you tons of time and I'm going to show you everything that I use to shoot these think media videos as a solo Creator hey guys my name is normal with think media now let's jump into the camera and lens setup that I use to shoot these videos but before I even get into that I want to tell you guys that a lot of this stuff you don't have to get exactly what I use but a lot of these tips and concepts are going to be really helpful to you guys no matter what camera you use no matter what microphone you use or light you use a lot of this stuff you can just get what I get and all the links are going to be in the description but if you have a different camera or a different microphone these are going to give you some really good ideas specifically for those of us who shoot videos all alone with that being said I'm going to give you a little behind the scenes look with this camera right here as I talk through this stuff I'll show you guys exactly what I'm using and how I'm using it we'll start with the camera which is right here which is the Sony a7s Mark III and we have the 20 millimeter F 1.8 lens this is a really great setup I love using this camera it's fantastic for all these videos it's like top of the line best YouTube camera that you you can buy so overkill for most of you guys out there but if you want the best camera this is definitely a good camera to go with now you can see right here that I'm not using a tripod it's actually being held on this pole which is called an impact very pole all this stuff is going to be linked up in the description so make sure you check that out now the impact variable is so cool and I actually have two of them so you can see up here it goes all the way to the ceiling and then it goes all the way underneath my desk to the ground and right now this is actually holding up my microphone it's holding up my camera so it's really cool and then I have another one which I'll get to that goes on my ceiling which is holding a light which I will show you guys a little bit later so the camera is connected to this very pole by a super clamp this is the super clamp right here and then this is an extension arm and then from the camera to the extension arm we have this ball head this allows me to really easily just move the camera and to set it up make sure that it's level now the other thing that you'll notice connected to this very pole is going to be this podcast arm where I actually keep my shotgun microphone and it's just really easy easy to move so I can bring it into the frame like this and then if I want to bring it out of the frame which is where I keep it I can pull it up just out of the frame and that works perfectly for me I have my wires all just down here running straight into the camera so my audio is going to be synced directly into my camera now because the super clamp is right here I was actually able to connect my podcast arm directly to the handle of that super clamp now as far as my main key light I have it in this softbox right here and this is the only light that I use as my key light I don't have any sort of fill light and the reason for that is because when you have a key light that is close enough to you and it's big enough it actually wraps around really nicely adds a soft light so you don't really need a fill light and I actually prefer a little bit of Shadows on this side of my face just to add a little more contrast to the shot now inside this main key light it's kind of weird I basically have this led panel so it's super light and it's taped inside of this softbox the softbox actually came with a 50 light so this isn't necessarily something I'd really recommend it's just super lightweight and originally I was just using that led panel in the metal frame that it came with but I wanted a softer light and that's why I threw it inside of this softbox but what I can do is actually leave a recommended light down in the description for you guys if you don't want to go this route because I don't necessarily recommend it one thing I love about it though is this remote right here I can turn it off I can turn it on really easily really fast turn up the brightness if I want to turn it up I can turn it back down so that's really nice to have those capabilities in this light but it did take a little bit of finessing to get that led light actually taped up to the softbox now on my actual light stand you're gonna see I have this little tabletop thing right here this is perfect just for extra storage so this is for my camera where I can like use the screwdriver I can use the Flathead to take all of this stuff off for the tripod I have my lens cap so I don't lose those I have my remote I just keep that right here I have my gray card right here so I can custom white balance my videos and that all lives right here I use these all the time so I like to keep them just connected to the light and this is something I bought as an add-on I think it's meant for a mic stand but I thought it would work perfectly and it totally has one other thing I noticed when I was shooting b-roll or if I was shooting thumbnails I wanted to move this light around a lot and so I actually got a stand that had wheels so down here you can see that the light does have wheels on it and this makes it super easy to move around my room if I want to get a quick thumbnail a quick b-roll shot I can just move this thing over or I can actually roll it over to my desk and use that for live streaming or conference calls another thing you're going to notice here is I have this desk and this is just a cheap Ikea desk it's not even in the shot of my YouTube videos but it is helpful for holding stuff usually I got my water right over here and so I'll leave this on my desk and then I have my script and a little phone holder to keep my script here sometimes it is actually on my iPad but sometimes I use my iPad as a wireless video monitor for my Sony camera so that's been really really helpful but whether it's my monitor here or whether it's my script both of these are always out in case I need to use those I always have my script out because I always need to look down and see what I'm going to talk about next now there's a few other things that really excite me I think these are going to give you guys some great ideas let's start with my backlight which actually isn't on right now so this is a good test this is what it looks like with no backlight on and this is what it looks like with that backlight turned on it's just a subtle difference but I really like what it's doing to the shot it makes it look like the lamp is actually Illuminating my shoulder the top of my head and I think it just helps me pop off of the background just a little bit more now the awesome part about this setup is typically if you want to have a light like this you need a c-stand and sandbags and all that kind of stuff and if you're a solo Creator you don't have the time to set all of that up every single time you want to film a video and it takes up a lot of space because I know a lot of us are using our home as an office and so no go for me so what I've done is I took another impact very pole and I'll leave a link in the description to the video where I talk about these very poles and how I use them but that is running from wall to wall and then basically I can just attach whatever I want to these very poles using the super clamps even though this pole was on my wall for months and I had no issues I still wanted a little bit of safety in there so what I did is I actually attached this clamp up there and that is just underneath it in case it ever were to fall off the wall again it's been up there for months with three lights on there and it's never fallen but just in case I had that set up so if it were to fall that cramp would actually catch it and not let it fall and on the other end it's just above my photo backdrop so that's going to catch it if it ever were to come off the well I'm not worried about it but it definitely makes me not worry at all about this thing ever falling down another cool feature I did was I attached the light to this switch which goes into an outlet and the switch basically just turns it off or turns it on so anytime I hit that switch it's right by my filming station everything's right here I can turn on turn off all right by my desk now that backlight and the key light are the only lights that are lighting me but we actually have some other lights going on you can see the blue hues in the background I have that lamp I also have some lights on my desk that I can change the colors and it's all connected to my Google home and all of these lights are by Govi they're cheaper than the fill Phillips Hughes and they just work amazing there's no flicker for videos and so I love using these for my YouTube setup man what a fire setup absolutely love the symmetry of Nolan's YouTube Studio because it really just makes it so easy to look at but the next setup I actually want to break down is our video podcast setup where we shoot the think media podcast we actually go deeper on YouTube strategy and talk about the Creator economy we talk about entrepreneurship and this setup is pretty legit and so really the big thing is to pull out the principles the gems from this setup but let's break down the think media podcast setup [Applause] foreign face before we get into the gear that we invest in high quality Equipment specifically for this podcast you know some of the gear we're actually using we've been using for almost two years which is uh something to note that when you're investing into gear if you buy the right thing you won't have to buy it again and the real reason is because of how influential a podcast could be all the way from dropping those videos on YouTube to all the platforms that you can consume a podcast audibly but also on Instagram and Tick Tock uh when we post micro clips from the podcast we want to make sure we're able to retain the quality of the podcast no matter what we do with it and so with that being said let's jump into the audio setup of this thing which is the shore sm7b hands down this is the industry standard podcast mic you know that's been around for almost 20 years but the difference is how it sounds right now you're listening to the lavalier mic that I have on my jacket but let's switch to the sm7b right now so as you can hear it sounds like your legit podcast Radio Show voice and this is because it's a dynamic microphone but this mic isn't cheap it's about a 400 mic but it you can't just use it all by itself obviously you see the stand you can get a boom arm which is cool but we like to use a stand uh and then we actually are running one XLR cable because we are using what is called a fat head preamp which plugs right into our XLR input which is actually really nice and clean and minimal we used to use the cloud lifter which required two xlrs and it got a little bit much and we just want to keep things simple clean and only have what we need right so this is the sm7b I'm super proud to say that we've customized the back plate to this uh got used a cricket machine a spray painted the back plate that came with this and then added our think logo maybe I'll make like a video tutorial or a YouTube short on how you can do that but this is definitely the mic for podcasting there's obviously tons you can go with and we've done reviews on tons of mics like this but we wanted the best of the best so the short sm7b is how we capture the audio now when it comes to audio the mics you use are a part of it but the sound treatment is a whole nother flow now we have this upstairs lobby outfitted with the sound panels that you can buy off of a website that will be linked down in the description below and you can get different colors and things like that but this Loft that we use to create our content with is literally a box with hardwood floors and so it gets really echoey but we wanted to make sure we invested into the sound treatment of this room as much as possible and so you can see in the footage that we've outfitted this whole Loft into to include the stairwell because there's some bouncing of audio Kyle Anderson on the team just knew what to do and so we just went with the flow another thing that you can add to your setup is carpet carp anything that can absorb the audio bouncing will help with your audio but keep in mind it's not just the mics it's also the room treatment and so a carpeted room or a sound treated room is something you want to take into consideration when conducting a legit video podcast all right so when it comes to the camera we always encourage people if you're doing a podcast turn a camera on whether it be your smartphone or an actual camera like this and the camera we use is a Sony fx3 this is about a 36 or so 100 camera and it's like an entry-level Cinema Camera meaning it doesn't really have any you know record limits it shoots great 4K video and it won't overheat or anything like that so it's very reliable in that sense another reason why we love this camera is it literally comes with XLR inputs you know we used to use a zoom recorder but what we love about this is it bakes in a very high quality audio file into the video itself and what does that mean it just simply means that the video file has the audio file from the shore sm7bs and then you can also Monitor and tweak this you know with the analog dials which is super nice as far as the lens we use we use the Tamron 35 to 150 millimeter lens this is a super versatile zoom lens for any camera and whether we have one person on or two people on just allows you to get the shot without having to do too much movement so when we when we just need one camera this is the camera we're using when we need a secondary angle we use a Sony a7s3 and we're looking to get a third body uh to add in for three angles but those are the cameras we used we love them they're great with autofocus they're great with reliability and they look super crispy now this would be the perfect time to share about the sponsor of this video which is podcast so if you've been thinking about starting a podcast creating one in high quality has never been easier with podcastle studio quality podcast creation platform whether you want to do a solo podcast or one with multiple people podcast will let you record up to 10 remote guests at a time and get this each participant is recorded locally and on separate tracks so you can capture 4K quality video and super Chris lossless quality audio regardless of what internet speed or connection you have it's super easy for your guests also because they don't need a podcast account just share the link to the studio and they're in or schedule the podcast interviews in advance and the platform will actually sync up with your Google calendar to send invites and reminders podcast also has a mobile app for recording and exporting your content on the go they truly make it as simple as possible to produce your podcast and you should really consider starting a podcast this year and let podcasts will help you to get that done we'll post a link to them down in the description below if you'd like to try podcast for free thank you podcastle for sponsoring this video now as far as lighting goes we really want to make sure that we have a dynamic looking podcast setup but let's start with the key lights the first light that we use is the gvm 300D this is the main light that is used to light the faces of Sean and Heather and what's cool about this light is it is super powerful but what's also cool is it has a Bowens Mount which is a universal light Mount that allows you to put something like this on it which is our Lantern soft box and so it's not as directional it's actually more wide of a light and it creates a nice soft light and it fills up for two people which is super cool and then we actually fill fill in some of those Shadows on their faces by bouncing another light onto the ceiling and it just fills those Shadows because we don't want such a dramatic look an intense look you know this is a very light-hearted podcast we're trying to teach you YouTube tips by the way if you haven't subscribe to the think media podcast when you go do so right now we'll post links down in the description below but those are the key lights that's what we are using to light their faces and then the back you'll see a lot of accent lighting like you could see behind me even right now we use a warm Lighting in the back just to create a more inviting and welcoming Vibe and one new addition that I'm super excited about is the fake window that you see right here this is actually a effect that can be achieved with a cob light and a snoot the combination of the two allows you to create a cool effect and if you want a fake window or if you want some other shape you can switch it out with the gobos that are included or you can actually customize them we've actually created some custom ones that are on their way to the studio which I'm pumped about but but all that to say just a cool Dynamic that we've added into a lot of our studio setups here at think media but in regards to accent lighting we just you know throw some lamps kind of splash some lights here and there and then the last type of lighting I would say is the hair light we use we just use a panel light put it on a warm setting like all the other accent lights and we Splash that on our talent to create a hair light which separates them from the background creating a more Dynamic look and what you would call motivated lighting which is a technique they use in a lot of Hollywood setups so that's our video podcast setup and we're always trying to find new ways to make it better whether it sounds better or look better but we are really pumped at where it's at right now and because we're always testing new gears and making updates to our current setups I've learned a lot to how to design your space so in this video I actually show you how to design your office especially if you have a smaller space like mine and get four different shots out of it so let's jump into that one right now but tip number one when it comes to setting up your YouTube Studio home office is to pick at least two walls and if you could do three walls even better that you design most YouTubers when they start out they only design one wall and it gives you one shot but if you like to switch it up like I do then just follow along in this video so behind me you see a very simple kind of homey setup I have a tree in front of the door that leads to my office that's a fake tree from Ikea that is a chest thing called the fajabalo from Ikea that you see behind me a floating shelf from Ikea and a lamp from Ikea that's in the corner no this video is not sponsored by Ikea but you can go to places like Home Goods maybe go on offer up or Facebook Marketplace to get things to make your wall look good but this wall all by itself is super clean now I'll take that plant typically and I'll grab it because it's lightweight and fake and I'll put it over here to have it in this shot because I just like plants in my shots and this would be the second wall that I have intentionally designed uh but as you can see I got my plant I have extended calendar and by by the way links down to everything as well as recommendations in the description below so check that out I have another chair from Ikea and a little coffee table that I plan on using to podcast but that's not what this video is for but this is my second wall giving me a second look now having these two walls intentionally designed to be used as a background to my videos allows me to get these two shots as well as a third shot like this one right here and this is me just sitting in the corner of the two walls giving me a third angle from just two walls but I didn't even show you the two other walls with one being the one you'll never see maybe later in the video I'll show you that wall that nobody will ever see but flipping this around gives me the shot with my computer in the background which is this shot and this is the shot I use when I want my computer as my background which is something you can always do a lot of people think they need the computer to be in front of them to make their videos but you can actually use it as your background as well but this gives me the fourth look and I like using this when I'm doing editing tutorial bills or talking about live streaming and things like that but having three walls dedicated as my background when filming videos Almost gives me the ability to get a 360 degree Studio where everything looks good in the shot as long as my camera is pointed in a certain direction with a little bit of movement and flexibility and so make sure you pick at least two walls and if you can three to deck out for your background add some lunch with the fam hence the outfit change but it's okay tip number two is to keep your YouTube setup simple complexity is the enemy of execution and if you have a thousand stands in your office moving your lights your tripod your mic stand and all that stuff then you're actually probably not gonna even film videos and even more so you're not going to have the flexibility to be able to switch up your shot as needed the third tip allows me to make videos like this when I'm doing an editing tutorial or I just need to move my desk from its Uh current position but that tip is to use mounts and wheels Mountain Wheels I put wheels on every surface that I have in my office to include this desk and the desk that I just used in the last clip that last table was from Ikea and you can buy the stands with wheels on them but even having wheels on my actual desk allows me to move it around for the need of live streaming Zoom conference calls consultations and things like that and when it comes to mounts it really is just the idea of mounting things when you can do it I have two very polls in my office and essentially these are tension rods that go across my ceiling and hold things like my hair light as well as my fake window light that I have in some of my shots but having these things mounted up just eliminates the needs for more stand now I didn't break this down earlier in this video but my desk actually lives inside of a closet that I removed all the stuff from and painted it black to actually house my desk and what this has allowed is it allowed me to get more space in my office and so if you are using a bedroom think about doing something like that and it's all good because my desk is on Wheels I can pull it out but being able to tuck away my desk and usually when I'm working and I'm not going to film anything that's where I have it and speaking of mounts I just wanted to show you my desk setup real quick this thing is all about mounts it's like bro it's Mount Everest up in here everything I have whether it's the mic or the monitors it is mounted bro my I'm my my Mac Mini is mounted dog mounting up on wings like eagles you know what I'm saying but the next tip that I have for you is audio treatment audio is 50 of the video viewing experience and you want to have some audio treatment in your office whether that be carpet like your boy went to Ikea bought some nice little mid-century Green carpet which is one way to do that but I actually have sound blankets again links down to everything in the description below but I have a sound blanket hung over that window this is by the way this is the ugly wall this is the wall you'll never see congratulations you saw it so I have this sound blanket I also have a sound panel hanging on there and then I also have a a sound panel hanging where I typically sit for live streams and things like that but having these things in my office has eliminated a lot of the Echo and Reverb that my room would create as it is a tiled room like I have like concrete looking tile and so take some time to make the investment into treating your room for audio so that you can have that drippy crispy audio you know what I'm saying this is kind of a bonus tip but if you can help it try and get a piece of paper or a photo backdrop going somewhere in your office even if it's used to cover a window for the use of thumbnails like I don't really shoot videos against this but I'd be smacking thumbnails like hey what's up hey what's that you know doing things like that as well as even like the tech that I you know take photos of I take in front of this and honestly I'm able to do wonders when it comes to thumbnails and that's just a bonus tip but I hope you got some ideas on how you can adjust your space to get a few more different shots out of it now the next setup is actually what I use to film the videos in my office and I think it's perfect for talking head videos similar to this and I'll talk through everything I use to achieve this shot from the mic the camera the lights the first thing I wanted to break down was my audio setup and so I got a second camera to show you kind of what I got going on so for my audio setup I actually have a very simple and cheap mic and links down to everything down in the description below if you want to check out those links check out the links down in the description below but a very simple mic setup that's actually boomed onto my table so I don't have to have any stands and things like that but as far as the mic that I'm using I'm using the deity D4 mini this is about a 40 or 50 dollar mic this mic sounds phenomenal and I just have an aux cable super cheap Amazon basic aux cable that plugs right into the camera and so this is a super simple and minimal setup the arm is about forty dollars so you're talking about under a hundred dollar all-in mic setup and I absolutely love how it looks because you don't see it and I love how it sounds now audio makes up for 50 of the video viewing experience so you want to make sure that you get good audio but it doesn't have to break the bank like mine now when it comes to the camera setup I'm so pumped because you already know I love the Sony zve E10 this is a compact 4k camera that shoots great video and has incredible autofocus and you never have to worry about being out of focus and I have a continuous power adapter so I don't have to worry about batteries which is a very smart investment if you don't want your batteries to die but we've made tons of videos on this camera it's totally one of my favorites especially for just simple videos as far as the lens goes I got the infamous Sigma 16 millimeter lens and this lens gives you a perfect medium wide shot so if you're doing YouTube talking head it is perfect and I actually have a tape measure because I wanted to show you how far the camera is away from me and so as far as where the lens is we're talking about 30 inches away and so about you know two arms length distance and it gives me this great look in my nice little small office cool little life hack that I like to do is actually use a wireless remote to start and stop recording now this is the like the Vlog grip but you don't need this it's a very inexpensive purchase to buy a wireless remote to start and stop recording for really any camera use and I would encourage it and one thing that I actually use it for to make my editing faster is when I have a good take I just end the recording because now that I know in editing when the clip ends it's going to be a good take right before that clip ends and so that'll just speed up some of your workflow and so that is the Sony zve E10 with the Sigma lens and one thing I absolutely love about the Sony zve E10 is its ability to be used for live streaming or Zoom conference calls with the use of a USBC cable that's it no special software or Hardware just select the camera in whatever you are using and then you can actually level up your Zoom calls or live streams now the tripod that I have my camera on is a fairly inexpensive compact manfrotto tripod with a ball head Mount which I absolutely love it lets you get the perfect leveled shot and I got a quick release system that allows me to take on and off the camera as needed and if you want to extend the height of this tripod you totally can with the three different levels as well as the uh Center column it actually extends higher I would say the only downside of this tripod is if you want to stand up and film film it's probably not going to go as tall as you need it to go however for sitting in a stool or a chair like I am it is perfect for that and so that is the manfrotto compact tripod now when it comes to lighting lighting is really what makes any camera you use whether it's your smartphone or a super expensive camera look its best it is lighting that really brings out the best of any camera you use and so when it comes to my key light or the light that's lighting my face I am using an amaran 60D with a large Lantern so I'm gonna actually back up swap the angle real quick and as you can see this little beast hiding behind here is the amaran 60D which I actually like this version because it's not bi-colored it gives you the temperature that you need for your face it also is battery powered if you want it to be and that's how I'm using it right now but you could totally plug it in it comes with the plug that you need and then the lantern is a gvm lantern but all these things again I'll post down in the description below but this is my key light it's producing a very soft and large light on my face and what I really like about this light is also it's a wireless remote so if I need to turn it off and on I can do so and if I want to change the intensity I can do so as well sorry if I ruined your eyes with that but very convenient light I've been using it for about a year now that is the amaran 60D now you could totally stop there with just a good key light and as you can see in the back I got a little lamp in the back which is nice if I turn it off that's kind of like meh but then you turn it on oh it's nice and warm and welcome you know what I'm talking about but there are two other lights that really make this shot super Dynamic and allow me to pop out from the background the first one being my hair light or Rim light there was actually a light behind me hitting my head and shoulders to separate me from the background and and the light that's being used for my hair light is a gvm panel light that I have set to a warmer temperature because I want it to match my lamp right and you can see it's being suspended kind of like in midair by Magic now I'm just kidding that is uh being suspended by what is called a very pole and what I love about this is it requires no screws or anything to be able to mount lightings or if you even want to like suspend a camera or whatever you want to use that pole for you can do so and it just does it by tension and so you set the tension and you lock it in place and it's been hanging for like a year and a half now so it's pretty sweet but that is my hair light and then the other light that I wanted to break down it's kind of my secret sauce but that is my fake window light that you see there so that is another light that's actually suspended you already know that I like to suspend lights for no reason I'm just kidding it's so I don't have to have any stands right but this light over here is a gvm 100 watt it's very similar to my key light as it is a cob light but this light has a snoot that allows me to put a gobo which gives me the effect of a window which is pretty dope right but these two lights really makes the shot Dynamic and I believe just something else just because of those two elements and a really cool accessory that allows me to control both of these lights to turn on and off is this wireless remote and it just really I just plug it into the adapter that sends a signal to this and I can just turn it off and on but to show you the the power of this kind of lighting I'm going to turn off my key light and you can see like the shine in my hair and kind of the shine on my shoulders obviously the fake window but if I turn it off you know and turn on my key light it's fine you don't necessarily need it but when I turn this on boy you already know your boy drippy crispy you know what I'm saying so if you know what I'm saying so that is my super simple yet crispy YouTube Studio setup but I want to break down the setup I'm essentially using right now here right now I'm shooting at Anderson Studios where we also do the video podcast but this is really the creme de La Creme is that how you say it of the YouTube Studios and we spared no expense so this setup particularly I would say is not for everyone but if you want a pro setup then this would be it let's break down the camera setup that I have going on I have the Sony a7s III this is a full frame camera that shoots 4K at pretty much every frame rate you need essentially that just means it shoots great video for talking head kind of like what I'm doing right now as well as any slow motion that you would like to do so if you want to get into some slow motion and get cinematic shots you can do it with this camera that's why we love it it's just a very reliable camera has great autofocus great battery life it has no record limit and really I would say there's nothing wrong with the camera and we love that this camera could also shoot an s-log at 10 bit which essentially allows us to color grade the footage coming out of the camera but nonetheless love this body really one of the best cameras for video out on the market and then for the lens we have the infamous 24 to 70 G Master lens we've had this lens for over like two years and we've absolutely loved it it is a zoom lens but I love the focal length that 24 to 70 gives you at 24 millimeters you're able to get a nice wide shot I would say a shot essentially like what you're seeing right now it's pretty wide and then you have the ability to zoom all the way into 70 which will really make your background look super blurry which is what a lot of people want but the ability to have both options is great and at 2.8 it's really going to give you that nice blurry background no matter what focal length you are at and then as you can see on the front of it we have an ND filter on a hinge this hinge could be bought on Amazon I believe still but this ND filter just allows us to film outside so if you want to go outside do some Run and Gun stuff this allows us to maintain our settings if you're ever shooting outside with a camera like this you're going to want an ND filter so if you've got a video guy and he ain't got no ND filter you better be like yo where's your ND filter bro we need to get that crispy blurry background even when we're outside and then as far as what the camera is sitting on you want to make sure you put an expensive camera like this on a good reliable tripod but we have a manfrotto tripod that's aluminum and it's a super high quality and it's taking a beating and it's still held up over eight years or so but I love that it has a ball head so if you need to level out your shot you can do so and it also goes pretty high up as you need it to be which is nice and versatile and I also love that it just has the clamps I like the the clamp tripod versus the twisty knob ones because I just feel like you cannot tighten it one day and then it just fall over so nonetheless a very reliable system and what's really cool is we actually have a quick release system from manfrotto that we have on every tripod we have here and it just allows you to pop off and on any camera or whatever if you want to put a teleprompter on here put the quick release on but I just love it because if you pack up or you set up that's all you have to do to get the camera on I literally have it on this camera so I could pop it off do what we got to do and then if I just need to pop it on could do so as well but that is a manfrotto quick release system now we do have an audio setup that I want to break down and I'll break it down later in the video but the next thing I want to talk about is the lighting setup of this studio now I don't want you to forsake lighting okay lighting is very important I would even say lighting is everything if you pulled the trigger on the camera setup I just broke down but you didn't invest in a good source of light you're going to do yourself a good disservice and we found using uh lights like these which are cob lights uh produce a great soft look on your face and really regardless of what camera you are using uh pulls out the best out of it specifically this light's super awesome it's called the gvm St 300r and what's special about this light other than other ones is it's dual sided as you can see there's one side that produces a light and then there's the back side but to make it simple and not to lose you the front side gives you uh the lights you need to let your face this is the lights daytime temperature it actually goes all the way from 2700 Kelvin which is super warm all the way up to 7 500 Kelvin which is super blue so if you're like trying to match fluorescent lightings and stuff like that you can do that and so the versatility on this end is super great and then the back side is actually some thing I've never seen before but it's an RGB cob light this part of the light gives you any color that you can possibly think of and because this light is a 350 watt light it puts out an incredible strong source of Light No Matter What side you use a cool neat thing about this light that we love is because we put it on a c-stand which is a stand that will just hold something as heavy as this is that the controls of this light are on this kit that actually gets clamped onto a light kit and it just holds in place but what's so cool about having your controls here is that when your light is all raised up and super high depending on what ceilings you have or how far out the light is that you can just be here and control it and so if you're you know if you have somebody running the camera you could totally obviously have them dial it in as needed but this thing is awesome because not only is it give great power it keeps the light quiet because it's powerful and then you can also add v-mount batteries so you don't necessarily need to plug into AC power you can actually just throw a v-mount battery on here you can just be Wireless and not have to worry about plugging in the power which is nice and convenient sometimes another cool thing about this light and a lot of other Light Side gvm offers is that they can be controlled by their app and it's Bluetooth based which is really nice because you can be still connected to Wi-Fi and then connect to the light but having the ability to control it even away from this is super convenient and then just being able to navigate the various different settings now this light isn't cheap this light comes in at 900 dollars but when you compare it to a leading brand like aperture which doesn't have even both sides they just would just have the one side their lights about 950 dollars and so having the versatility if you were to just have one light is awesome that the other side has an RGB option and I'll tell you why that's cool is because of this now this is one of the newest additions to our set when it comes to lighting and really it just adds a dynamic that I think is cool uh as you can see it's kind of like a fake window in the back but you can buy this thing called a gobo or a snoot and again links down in the description below but adding it onto a light like this and this is the gvm 200d not as powerful as this but still a great cob light if you're looking to save some money go for the 200d all these lights have the same Universal Mount so what's cool about these mounts is that you can easily pop off whatever you know softbox you want or if you want like a waffle thing uh like we have over there there's lights going on everywhere or if you even want a lantern light like this they all go on cob lights and so we've just super loved being able to add this to our shot it adds a leading line which I'll break down toward the end of this video but all in all getting a couple cob lights could totally level up your shot completely and then as you see back here we just have this light that we got on Amazon it's about 100 bucks but I think it just adds a cool Dynamic and adds what is called a hair light or even a rim light so when I'm sitting down and we put it in a certain specific area it just adds a little bit of light toward my shoulder and my hair so it kind of Separates Me from the background but a super cool light but those are really just the three main lights that we use on a setup like this all right so you know how I said that lighting is everything just moments ago while audio is 50 of video and similarly if you buy a camera and you don't invest in good audio then you're going to be doing yourself a disservice and so the audio setup we have for this and what we like to use is a boom setup where the mic is just framed right out of the shot but it picks up great because of what's coming around it but the mic we're using is the deity s mic II this is a condenser XLR mic it just captures very natural sound and it just sounds really clean compared to other things right now you are listening to the lav mic that I'll talk about in just a moment that I think you should have in your kit but going back to the deity mic you could see there was a little bit of a difference where the DD mic sounds a little more crispy but we have it on this boom setup that we absolutely love it's on Wheels so if it needs to be moved around and if you stand it could totally work as well if you want to stand but we have an X XLR cable that runs all the way to the camera itself and so let me just get a light on here but we have the XLR plugged into this XLR setup that you can buy additional that goes on pretty much any Sony camera but this adds XLR inputs which is super nice so what is it doing it's adding whatever audio is getting plugged in into the video file in the past people but super simple audio setup for talking head videos you know it's not going to work too well if you plan on moving around now I do think if you have one you have zero and so if you have this audio solution I would encourage you to get another option so if you either have a guest with you or you just want to switch it up and not use that and you want to walk around I would recommend getting what is called the rode Wireless go 2. this is a wireless lavalier kit that you could buy about 300 or so and I'm actually I've actually used it this entire video it's been clipped on to my uh hoodie right here and it's great because Kyle's on the camera and it's able to just you know go wirelessly and maybe you're asking well then why don't I just get that then that you totally could you could totally just get a lav mic and let that be your main source of audio you wouldn't need to buy the Sony thing but we just like the XLR option because we also have a podcast that we do and so we plug in our podcast mics which are short sm7bs right into the camera and so it's very convenient for that and so it's definitely an investment that you can make to to grow into so if you're going to do other things but totally if you get the rode Wireless go to and that would be your main audio Source it's great but having the other option that if you had a guest they can be clipped up and then all that audio is going right into the video clip which is super nice and convenient now I told you that I would talk about some tips on how you can actually use a corner like this a few different ways but if you gotten value in this video let me know by hitting that like button and so real quick let me show you how you can use this angle to get three different shots so this first look is just using the white wall we use this a lot for our search we use it a lot for our podcasts but having a setup like this can be made interesting simply by using what is called leading lines now if you look into this shot you'll see how there's a shelf to the over my right shoulder I think it'll be your left screen my right screen or whatever but this this is making your eye look at me you know and so we also have that Gobo light that we use so those lights are also causing you to look at me so anytime you can you know add things what are called leading lines to force people's attention towards you do so because it's just a wise thing to do in a creative way and then this shelf that we have going on here just adds another layer to the shot I think or Dimension I guess you could say and so even though it's just a plain wall shot you could totally add some life to it by just adding a little bit of furniture and these shelves that we bought are from Ikea they're the fajal blow I think is what they're called but very inexpensive furniture and we like how light they are because they can be moved around because we could switch up the shots like this shot right here now this would be another style that you can go for uh when it comes to using this setup so the first shot that you saw was a little bit more compressed had a flat wall behind me and with this shot it's actually the the lens is all the way zoomed out to 24. so you're gonna get a little bit more of a wider shot kind of more YouTubey and I would even say a little more intimate it feels like I'm like right there with you right um but I like shooting like this especially at this focal length lately because uh I like the seeing my hands uh in the shot at most of the time as well as the ability to zoom in and out as needed so you can always do that but what you see behind me is actually not a black wall this is a black piece of Photography paper it's about a nine foot width roll and we made a video on how you can actually conform a space with a fake corner like this but nonetheless this is a shot you can achieve so we had the one shot with the white wall and then we have another shot like this I'd like to know down in the comments which one you like better but let's check out the third shot which is using the corner as your Center Point which we often do for our podcast the think media podcast this is the shot that I was talking about when using the corner as your main angle and the camera is actually pretty far from me we just have it zoomed in at about 60 or 70 which is giving us that nice compression but having a shot like this is great and it looks great because again the leading lines everything is kind of focusing your attention at me the subject so I love this shot but I actually forgot to mention during the sound portion of this you know this sounds really good here uh really because of treatment I didn't break down treatment during audio but if you have a very big space but you're not treating your space then you're going to get some Echo and it's going to bounce around but we actually have a ceiling uh sound panel that will prevent the sound from bouncing up we have a rug on the floor that also prevents it because this is a hardwood floor Loft that we use and then along the walls we have more of these sound panels and again we'll post everything in the description below so so leveling up your audio also requires leveling up your audio treatment so those are some ideas on building out your YouTube Studio to create videos from whether you're doing podcasts talking head videos or whatever I hope you got some value in this video and if you'd like to check out another video from us here at think media just click or tap the screen can't wait to see you in a future video peace
Channel: Think Media
Views: 414,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube studio setup, youtube studio setup at home, youtube background setup, diy youtube backdrop, think media, youtube studio background ideas, backdrops for youtube videos, youtube studio tour, studio setup at home, background for youtube videos, youtube lighting setup, lighting setup for youtube videos, youtube studio setup small room, youtube studio setup tour, youtube studio setup ideas for small spaces, home video studio setup, omar el takrori
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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