Amazing What One Comes Across When One Just Goes Exploring

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[Music] [Music] [Music] check out this little cabin [Music] you don't find many of them in this good of a condition i know it doesn't look like much of a condition but usually there's bullet holes in everything and look at this terror kratom emergency drinking water 2009. booming drug dilemma newsweek 19.99 nothing in there yep what gets me is how many of these remote cabins i come to and you always end up finding some form of religious literature there's digest this must be for his solar system because here if you look [Music] at 12 volt you probably had a solar or battery array up here find out who that is 1985 third place what's neat about this is he actually had himself a decent little bathroom [Applause] i mean nothing to write home about but still better than nothing [Music] [Applause] now this floor is about to give way there's his bedroom some cabinets and storage now here got a box of papers let's see so these are all their financial records for this mine now besides this okay up here we got a processing plant whatever they were mining up here and stuff with substantial operation this is a mixer that they converted into a roaster to roast the ore [Music] okay the burns green coffee mixer this must been the water tank [Music] [Music] now here we are with a processing plant [Music] [Music] yeah i'm not going to trust it what this is is a homemade sorter [Music] so so each one of these decks were actually a concentrator so as the material that came out of the roaster was fed over into here up here at the top you see the screen anything that was oversized went down that chute probably into another bucket to be reprocessed each material each screen goes substantially smaller as it goes through and what this does is it actually separates the material for easier processing on the tables and bucket conveyor [Music] so if we come down here to the main shop what this is the way this is configured it's a homemade blast furnace so this was the air pumped into this and then this chamber they would put their ore or the crucible and it is heavy as hell nothing in there but debris kind of hard to do with one hand but the operation they used three shaker tables which are these contraptions here and these are homemade so what it was is these were shake back and forth using an electric motor and on this board would actually be a membrane that was had grooves and as it shook the material would actually separate and your heavies or your goal gold or your minerals that you're actually going for will collect on one side of the table while all your other lighter stuff which is garbage would fall off the end now this one right here judging from this that was probably a fines table actually they all look like they might have been fines table inside the workshop a lot of stuff left over and some pvc pipe up there some type of biscuit oven sprinkler heads these are actually kind of nice cases nice boxes this is a file ring a heating coil fire ring for a small little smelting furnace probably used for assays and the other one that was outside the main cabin that was probably more to make their dory bars or their rough concentrates or their rough bar but equipment left over and a hammer drill rig over there and a bulldozer uh according to my drone fly over there's actually another bulldozer further up inside the canyon at the very end by a waterfall so their power had been coming from in here because here's their power board and they probably had their power located in their batteries located in here i don't see any mounts for solar though they might just use lead acid batteries and just salt water batteries just kept the salt water replenish that might be the battery lines there's a shoe some pants over there clutch for those of you who don't know what a clutch is that's for a car now what got me when i first pulled up here was this old chevy dump truck look at that thing look at that short of the pack rats it's actually pretty decent inside of it usually you find them in a lot worse condition the engine you usually find that all shot up i had a 59 willys overland station wagon when i was a kid i hated these filters these are filled with oil and when you went off-roading you also smell burning oil because it was just gone all over the place you can see all the oil on the intake and exhaust manifolds in this inline six and it's because of driving it just bounces all over the place and the oil just comes pouring out they cleaned everything though it's just they were a mess and they were not fun to change the oil out in i came down to the lower level check out the equipment now when i had the camera off i found some of the ore that they were roasting and processing and they were doing copper [Music] look at the condition this international is in looks like you just need to put some gas in it fire right up now she needs new hydraulics but this right here is a horizontal drilling rig they would use this inside the mines to drill the blasting holes so here's your drill steel this is your drill steel here what this is is a water pump and hydraulic drive what this did was actually pump water and hydraulic fluid into the drill rig because you had to use water to cool the bits and to get rid of the debris that was building up during the drilling process and since this does not have a its own form of motion it needed an external source to pump the hydraulic fluid and this was it there's something in there yeah there's somebody in there oh no it isn't this piece of plastic in there what i think is funny is they call this quiet power but if you're actually in the area that this was running it's anything but quiet now i was kind of interested in this one because from up above which is that right there is where the main operation was from up above this looks like a homemade hammer drill rig well this is ore samples the bags have deteriorated you can see what's left of the can the tarp like material this was actually their material this is with the processing plant up top did and no i was wrong this is actually a rotary [Applause] okay this is what got me confu got me was this right here but that's for when you're tripping pipe this is a nice little small unit and this right here was the water tank that they used for it they probably carried the extra pipe that's it for this place i know i could probably talk more about it
Channel: Desert Trails
Views: 320,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mine, history, explore, urbex, urben exploration, travel, desert, old building, old house, ruins, decay, desert trails, trails, deserttrails, suprise, landscape, drone, flyover
Id: 8TycvvmjTkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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