Bug tries to guess What's in the BOX ???

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hi guys and every night they play a fun big cough what so there's other words for every step of the guest what they drive gets a point head the one with the highest number of score gets $100 okay okay rock-paper-scissors okay one more Rock Paper Scissors rock paper scissors rock paper scissors okay perfect buzz necklace Papa and okay about which which one do you want to choose just drink a bit [Music] okay yeah 1.4 laughs very good oh they mix it Papa what will Papa choose no it's lemon juice Papa didn't get any point okay now it's Nana I guess you get the last one wrong girl okay can you guess what it is I think this is soy sauce yes you get the point at least you get a point okay okay who wants to go first how do you choose okay Nana choose first [Music] okay drink one point banana okay bug it's your turn yeah you're all very good one point four bucks I guess Papa it's the middle straw [Music] what do you think um on very good which one they wanted to me [Music] I think yeah easy for all of you can you drink it okay you know what it is beaucoup juice yeah coconut one point then it gets one point but gets one point okay VFP Brown for guys okay can you gain vinegar yes you got a point it's vinegar okay bastard drink a little what what do you see no it's not it's actually the iron one milk it's milk Nana didn't get a score oh my I think bugs do we need okay part two of what's inside the box but inside of drinking it we're gonna you can guess if you get a point haven't even touched it he's scared it's nothing scary go come on what you're hanging oh you want Papa to go first but don't tell the answer because okay let's see Papa will touch it but don't say the answer okay but I think I know what it is okay now it's bolstering its hold put your hand down there down down it's inside the bowl so put your hand down you haven't touched anything [Music] so you wanna lose points but let's let Nana try and try it come on - then don't say the answer Nana because bug might wanna try it again you're just touching the ball will go inside the ball bug is looking at Nana's reaction do you want one more challenge okay I think Nana knows okay go get your third or do you want to do you want to skip this ball and you're gonna lose one point for no looking just patch it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay rowdy guys want to go first bug or not okay now go first no okay okay now goes first okay haha I am Claire bun my turn my turn I think bug doesn't want to touch it anyway so I'll go ahead okay I honestly had no idea okay you haven't even touched it go lucky you haven't touched it you're using the tissue she's using the tissue [Music] okay what do you think Papa is also Nana okay everyone gets a point finally okay Bob do you want to go first or pop iron and Nana Nana okay where are you where are you okay now it's a bastard I think man is an idea Wow stay there okay folks thanks to dispatch it real quick we stow it real quick what the you touch the air [Music] I hope Oh what is it you touch it so much it's a war start the game so what is it that's again now why don't you just really feel it I think it's grass yeah yes I'll give you that point because it's really planned what were you gonna get you're scared of nothing by ok bargain Papa first or what maybe one first one by one [Music] how can you feel it you're using this throw again are you sure with your answer yes
Channel: Little Big Toys
Views: 5,219,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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