A Heavenly Power Portal Opens Up! Experience It! Joshua Mills with Patricia King

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for you are great [Music] come on just lift up your hands into the glory lift up your hands all over this place just begin to connect connect a little bit deeper come on connect a little bit higher go in a little bit deeper go up a little bit higher there's glory glory in this place there's miracles miracles in this place because jesus is in this place and he is the glory he is the miracle worker he is everything that you need oh lord we thank you for the realm of the miraculous that flows lord we thank you for the realms of your glory that are opening up to us even tonight in this place for you are great and you do miracles so great you are great and you do miracles so great with your hands lifted to heaven begin to see in the spirit begin to see what god is showing you oh let vision become your portion oh yes lift up your eyes to the heavens and behold his glory there's vision he's giving to you tonight i want you to see in the spirit and when you begin to see what god is showing you i want you to reach out and receive it grab hold of it and pull it down pull it down pull it down pull it down for he is doing great miracles tonight he is working great breakthroughs tonight he is bringing revival tonight oh yes everything that you need can be found in him so just reach into glory just reach into glory and receive what you need receive it say you are great you do me recall so great there is no one [Music] cause you are great and you do a miracle so great there is no one else like you [Music] there is no one you are great [Music] come on just settle in the greatness of god the weight of his glory comes upon you right now the greatness of the great i am [Music] heaven is opening for you tonight is opening for you and heaven is opening for me and together we can all go up we can all go up we can all go up i'll go up we can all go up and we can see and we can hear and we can know heaven is open [Music] is [Music] [Music] heaven is open come on declare us say heaven is open heaven is open [Music] heaven is open heaven is open heaven is open come on just speak it with your lips declare it with your mouth come into agreement with god what god is doing in this place tonight just say it now say heaven is open it's open [Music] heaven is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's open for us heaven is open and you see heaven is open open open open heaven [Music] heaven is open open heaven is open heaven is open so lift up your hands and do the open heaven lift up your eyes and see that heaven is open heaven is opening over you and me oh heaven is open heaven is open and in that open flow the glory comes down so you can let go let go let go let go of your cares let go of your burdens let go of the things that have hindered you cause heaven is open just watch and see what god can do heaven is open heaven is open heaven is open it's open open open open open open open open open hey hey hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh hey i feel the realm of glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open heaven come on declare say i feel the realm of glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open heaven come on declare say i i feel the realm of glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open heaven i feel the realm of glory i feel the realm of glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open come on declare it with your mouth say i feel i feel the realm of glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open heaven i feel the realm i feel the realm of glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open heaven can you feel the glory around you right now can you feel the glory can you can you sense his pleasure [Music] can you feel his goodness and his favor and his blessing and his provision and his healing i can feel the glory i can feel the glory i can feel the glory i can feel the glory i can i can i i can feel the glory all around me i'm standing in an open heaven i'm standing in an open we can feel low we can feel the glory all around us we're standing in an open together we're standing in an open [Music] we can feel the glory all around us we're standing in an open we're standing in an open it's open yeah oh we can feel the glory all around us we're standing in an open we're standing in an old [Music] heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord come on declare by faith say heaven is oh i see and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord yeah heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is over and i see the heart so sing high hallelujah sing hallelujah cause heaven is open and i see the so say sing hallelujah sing hallelujah for heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is open and i see [Music] jesus savior healer [Music] redeemer miracle worker i see the lord heaven is and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see [Music] wide open wide open heaven is open wide open heaven is open wide open wide open wide open heaven is open wide open heaven is open wide open heaven is open wide open wide open heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the [Music] heavens and i see jesus heaven is open and i see them [Music] and i see [Music] and jesus see the lord heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord heaven heaven is open and i see jesus [Music] heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the [Music] now jacob went out from beersheba and went toward haran so he came to a certain place and stayed there all night because the sun had said and he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head and he laid down in that place to sleep then he dreamed and behold a ladder was set up on the earth and its top reached to heaven and there the angels of god were ascending and descending on it and behold the lord stood above it and said i am the lord god of abraham your father and the god of isaac the land on which you lie i will give to you and your descendants also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth you shall spread abroad to the west and the east to the north and to the south and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed behold i am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land for i will not leave you until i have done what i have spoken to you then jacob awoke from his sleep and said surely the lord is in this place and i did not know it and he was afraid and said how awesome is this place this is none other than the house of god this is the gate of heaven this is the door of heaven this is the portal of heaven come on lift up your hands in this place tonight heaven is open for us tonight in this place the lord has opened up a portal even physically and spiritually in this location tonight there's an open portal for us to see the realities of heaven there's an open portal for us to hear the voice of god speaking a word of blessing the heavens are open tonight for us to see the angels of god ascending and descending the heavens are open in this place tonight to be ignited with a new zeal and a new fire the heavens are open tonight to receive everything that god has promised we could have the heavens are wide open tonight the heavens are open heaven is open heaven is open heaven is open heaven is open heaven is open heaven is open heavens is open heaven come on lift up your hands and declare say heaven is open and i see jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus heaven and is see the you can be seated tonight but i want you to stay in this realm of the open heaven whatever you need in god whatever you need in glory it's not only available to you but it's accessible to you right now right now right now if you need healing in your body just lift up your hands into the healing realm heaven is open overflowing with healing miracles creative miracles of all kinds it doesn't matter what you need god knows you need it and he's already fashioned it formed it prepared it for you so just lift up your hands in that realm of the open heaven the realm where you see jesus around where you see the lord the realm of you see him as healer and just grab hold of that healing right now and i want you to take it by faith and i want you to grab hold of it and i want you to put it right there in your innermost being just grab hold of it as an impartation and just put it on the inside of you right there just receive that healing right now oh yeah god's ministering to the area of diabetes the lord's ministering to lungs right now the lord's ministering to backs into digestive systems every area that you hurt every place where there's pain every part of your body that's been out of order in the glory things are put into divine order divine alignment and it comes to pass right now in the realm of the open heaven healing is open to you healing wholeness restoration new strength a new energization [Music] i see that coming over you too right now just the realm of god's glory that brings a new strength brings in divine energy oh yeah the energy of god the empowerment of god to do everything that he's called you to do oh there's a great call upon your life and the lord says in the glory i shall do what only i can do and the lord says do not say one month and then or two months and then six months and then two years and then the lord says in the glory i'm able to do in you that which is eternal and i am able to remove the limitations of time and i see a new flow beginning to flow and it's a golden flow oh it's a golden flow it's a provisional flow i see a new stream of finances a new stream of divine prosperity and heavenly provision coming to you for spirit for soul and even financial for your body in jesus mighty name lord i thank you for it i thank you for new portals that are opening over them tonight in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name come on lift up your voice say heaven is open and i see jesus come on sing it heaven is open and i see the lord yeah [Music] heaven is open and i see we see you jesus jesus oh jesus heaven is heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is [Music] see when the portal opens when the heavenly portal of glory opens on earth in our realm there's a sudden realization that comes to us suddenly we're not only aware that god is accessible that god is available but we're aware that he really cares about every area of our life there's nothing that's too difficult nothing that's impossible some of you are dealing with situations that in the natural it looks like there is no way there is no breakthrough there is no break out there is no way to get through this situation that you're facing right now i want you to lift it up to the heavens right now just lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up just lift it up lift it up [Music] because in this realm we know god gives us his faith to know that nothing is too difficult there's nothing that is impossible oh nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing and in this realm right here divine creative strategies are given downloads from heaven the wisdom of god is given to us in this realm prophetic insight and foresight is given to to see what we've not seen before to know what we've not known before divine strategies from heaven the lord beginning to speak to us about navigating the days ahead in a new way oh yes we make our plans but at the end of the day god directs our steps in this realm of the open heavens we begin to synchronize with the spirit doing what only he shows us to do going only where he tells us to go saying only what we hear him speaking breakthrough is the word for the hour breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough you're about to break through and break out oh yes you're about to go where you've never gone before you're about to see what you've not seen before breakthrough break through break through break through break through because heaven is open and i see and he's the lord of the breakthrough and i see the lord yeah heaven is [Music] i see i see heaven [Music] over your family over your home over your ministry over your region your community heaven is open heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is and i see the lord heaven is open open open open open open open and we're open open open where we're open open open open i'm open i'm open i'm open open open open i'm open i'm open i'm open open open open cause heaven's open open open heaven's open open open open so i'm open i'm open i'm open i'm open open open open open open open open open open open [Music] i'm open lord i'm open god i'm open holy spirit come and do whatever you want to do come and move however you want to move [Music] because i'm open i'm open open open i'm open i'm open open open i'm open i'm open open open i'm open i'm open open open open i'm open i'm open open oh i'm open i'm [Music] [Music] open open i'm open i'm open open open i'm open i'm open open open i'm open i'm open i'm open i'm open i'm open for heaven's business [Music] i'm open for heaven's business my life is open for heaven's business hey hey hey [Applause] hey [Music] i'm not shut down [Applause] no i'm not shut down no i'm not shut down because i'm open open open open open i'm not shut down no i'm not shut down no i'm not shut down because i'm open open open open open eyes open open open open up open open open open open arm open open open open open open open i'm open for heaven's business open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open no i'm not shut down no i'm not shut down because heaven is open heaven is open heaven's not closed so i won't shut down because i'm i'm open open open open [Music] i'm open open open open i'm open open open open open i'm open for heaven's business [Music] something i wrote in my new book power portals awaken your connection to the spirit realm and i encourage you to get a copy of this it's coming out tuesday october 6 2020 and this is a book you need this is a book for the hour okay what god is doing right now something i wrote in the book is that an open heaven demands an open earth heaven is open we've been singing about it we've been seeing into that realm we've been talking about it we've been visualizing it we've been receiving it in our spirit tonight by faith we've been accessing it heaven is open listen jesus opened the heavens and after jesus opened them he never closed them and he's not going to close them heaven is open let it be settled in your spirit heaven is open but i want to tell you something tonight every believer can live in an open heaven but not every believer is living in an open heaven and you say what what's the proof of that well most believers are the proof that they're not living in an open heaven come on but just because people are not expressing the reality of what jesus paid for doesn't mean that it doesn't exist it does an open heaven demands an open earth god is looking for sons and daughters in the earth right now that choose to connect a lion [Music] make that divine connection with the open heaven what jesus had settled for all time and eternity you see jesus christ he is the portal we talk about portals people say is this some kind of crazy weirdo thing that they do up in sedona jesus spoke about the portals of hell hell has some portals oh yeah it does you know what comes out of hell's portals sickness disease poverty strife dissension come on lust rage envy all these guys all the terrible stuff it comes out of the portals of hell and jesus said this to peter he said you are peter and on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell the portals of hell will not prevail again you see the enemy comes to steal to kill destroy he he attempts [Music] to distract and destruct the move of god but jesus told peter he said on this rock i'm building my church and there's no power in hell that can change what i want to do there's no power in hell that can stop the move for those that have their heart set upon christ for those that remain pure in the secret place for those that choose to walk before the lord humbly there is no plan no weapon that's formed against you that can prosper but i'm telling you this that the heavenly portal is open for you jesus christ declared himself to be the portal he said i am the door somebody say jesus christ is my portal into heavenly glory you see david said it like this in psalm 24. he said open wide you gates open up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in when david was saying open up your gates he was talking about those that wanted to live right before the lord those that wanted to posture their life in holiness before the lord he said open you are a gate you are a portal get this in your spirit tonight you are a gate for heavenly glory you are a portal for hel you are a power portal positioned and placed in the earth jesus christ is our portal into heavenly glory but we are his portals of heavenly glory into the earth we go in through him and he comes out through us and open heaven demands an open earth so the question tonight is are you open are you open for heaven's business are you open for the spirit of god to live in you reside in you but then flow through you are you open are you open i said are you open are you open open open open i said are you open open open open are you open open open open are you open open open open say yes i'm open i'm open open open i am open open i'm open open open i'm open open open open i'm open open open open lord come and do what you want to do because i'm open i'm open and making the connection with the open heaven you see it's not about what i can do it's not about how i can move it's not about my own creativity it's not about my own talent my own ability but it's about the heavens it's about the heavens it's about the heavens heaven is open [Music] and in that open heaven there's a vision of jesus this is the place where we see the lord high and lifted up and the train of the robe [Music] fills his temple whoa i am the temple of the holy spirit you are the temple of the holy spirit [Music] we can no longer afford to defile the temple [Music] this is not about law this is not about works this is about eternity we cannot afford to defile the temple of the holy spirit god gave me something and i wrote it down and i made it my own profession my own decree my declaration i've been speaking it and declaring it all year i will honor god's temple because i honor god i honor god's temple because i honor god i honor god's temple you are the temple of the holy spirit [Music] in my book i touch on the seven personal portals of the gates that god wants to open in your life it begins right here the gate of your heart jesus in revelation it says he stands at the door of your heart and he knocks so the question is are you open will you let them in because that's where it begins [Music] will you give your heart fully to the purposes of god will you give your heart to the lord without compromise not half of your heart to the lord and half of your heart to the world listen when we say jesus i want you to be lord of my life there is no space for any other gods he won't share his glory with another when his glory fills the temple whatever is not glorious has to leave it cannot stay when the glory comes to fill you everything that is not glory is given an immediate eviction notice so the question is are you open open open open are you are you open open open say lord lord i'm open open open come through the door of my heart because i'm i'm open open open open i'm open open open open i am i'm open open open come consume me completely you're welcome right here lord you're welcome in the door of my heart you see god wants to do a hard work in you god wants to do a perfect and whole heart work inside of you [Music] the bible actually tells us this is what he does really well he's the best he binds the brokenhearted healing them oh healing the wounded places the places that have been abused the places that have been misused god says i do a deep healing in your heart if you open up the portal of your heart and let me in and then you know what happens out of the abundance of the heart the mouth begins to speak your mouth is a portal david said it like this he said god lord keep guard over the door the portal of my lips watch over the portal of my lips why because the power of life and death is in your tongue [Music] how many know god wants you to speak words of life everywhere jesus went he spoke words that were spirit and words that were life and this is what god wants to release through the portal of your mouth and i was praying into this and the lord began to speak to me he said your mouth is a portal for life not only what comes out of it but what goes in it and he said spirit soul and body spiritually emotionally and physically your mouth is a portal for life and i felt the gentle correction of the lord in my own life and he began asking me what is it that you've been putting in your mouth and i had to admit there were some things i was putting in my mouth that i was never created to eat but they were yummy [Music] and sometimes is it okay if i'm very vulnerable with you sometimes when i was out on the road and i was traveling a cupcake seemed like a nice little companion [Music] in that moment it seemed like i wasn't lonely as long as i was with a little cupcake [Music] but my mouth is a portal not only to speak life but to receive life and when god spoke this to me i put that little thing that god gave me i will honor god's temple because i honor god and i put one on the refrigerator and i put one on my back my bathroom mirror and i put one in my suitcase and i found there was a grace that came it wasn't works it wasn't a diet it wasn't all these other things i had tried but god began leading me in the ease of his glory synchronizing with his spirit god wants to open the portal of your mouth so that life would abound then as you speak you begin to speak what you see what you hear in the spirit your eyes these are eye gates eye portals ear gates ear portals the bible says if your eyes are filled with light your whole body will be consumed with light if you're paying attention to the things of glory you won't be able to stop talking about them if you're paying attention to the things of glory glory will consume your life if you're looking into the open heavens i see jesus i see the lord everywhere i go i see jesus i see the lord your ears are portals the bible says it like this faith comes by hearing hearing and hearing by the word of anybody god hearing by the word of god if our ears are open to hear what god is saying something will be transformed inside of us because faith comes i hear it all the time people say brother joshua i don't have the faith for this i don't have the faith for that then i ask them what are you listening to because if you're only listening to negativity if you're only listening to the message of the world if you're only listening to those that speak doubt and those that speak sickness and those that speak infirmity you're going to find yourself discouraged but if your ears are open to hear what god is saying who whose report will you believe i choose to believe the report of the lord because because i'm open i'm open open open i'm open i'm open open open my my eyes are open they're open open open my my ears are open they're open open open and my my mouth is open open open open to your glory oh i'm open to your glory lord i'm open open i'm open open open for heaven's business i'm open for heaven's business i'm open what your eyes see what your ears hear what your mouth speaks what your heart receives determines what your mind begins to think [Music] i think the biggest war that believers face is the mind war god wants to give you a miracle mindset the struggle the war that we fight is thoughts anxious thoughts unbelieving thoughts thoughts of doubt thoughts of i'm not gonna make it how can i survive where is my provision but i'm feeling this i'm feeling that so the scriptures remind us say let this mind be in you that was also in christ your mind is a big portal in the realm of the spirit because in your mind god can allow you to catch a vision and god can give you the strategy for it and through your mind the spirit of god can begin to work and you can begin to write down the revelation of god say i'm open i'm open i'm open and that brings me to the fifth portal the fifth port this is grace right here number five but the fifth portal is your innermost being right here right here and right here your heart and your innermost being is what i call your spiritual core your heart is a seed of your spirit your innermost being is the seed of your soul your mind your will your emotions have you ever had that feeling deep on the inside of you and you might call it your gut feeling if you're saved if you're filled with the spirit that's not a gut feeling that's a holy ghost feeling come on it's called discernment how often do we just push it to the side and say well everything looks fine but i have this deep down feeling but it sounds okay but i have this deep down and the bible says from your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water i've noticed when i'm in these open portal encounters and god is doing things on the inside of me and opening me more up to his realities often times there will be a guttural roar a guttural hey that begins to come out from my inner most being we've got to allow god to move deep within us and then we have to be open to release what god is doing [Music] the power flows all of our portals interact with each other all of these gates all of these doors that the bible talks about but something that i've noticed when we receive that power in our innermost being from the holy spirit it will cause us to reach out with the portals of our hands somebody say my hands are a portal my hands are a portal for power and for prosperity i'm just looking for gold right now you got to go gold mining in these meetings i mean you do you have to you have to look for it but is anybody getting gold on your oh i found one spot respect one little tiny speck right there thank you g that's enough for me to see and i if i can see it one spec i can give god thanks for it oh there's another one right there thank you jesus three four five it's multiplying right now thank you lord anybody else begin to get some gold on your hands just wave at me if you're getting a little bit of sparkling gold oh wonderful right there right there anybody over here anybody over on on that side there back there back there over there awesome wonderful give god thanks for it and everybody else that's in here just say thank you lord that you're releasing signs we don't worship the sign we worship you lord but we do recognize what you're doing and we give you thanks for it and lord if we can see you doing it we know that there's more to come hallelujah you are the god of multiplication you're the god of supernatural multiplication so lord i thank you for signs and wonders multiplying in all of our lives corporately all of our lives individually lord i thank you that you choose to open heaven through us see my hands are portals of power my hands are portals prosperity i want to read you a little story a testimony that i wrote here in my book power portals awaken your connection to the spirit realm and i really do encourage you to get a copy of this book it will bless you immensely we also have several other resources here let me just give these away real quick we have several other resources available tonight although the book is coming out october 6 we brought some for you tonight so if you'd like it you can get it tonight look at this we even made power portal socks because we're so excited about the book [Music] there are seven swirls or seven portals that represent the seven levels of god's power that i have a whole chapter about the seven levels of god's power that's mentioned in scripture and then it represents the seven personal portals that god wants to open in your life so it's a reminder but look at this each color represents something different the blue is prophetic revelation the turquoise green is a provision and abundance the orange is the power of god the fire of god and the yellow or the gold is the glory of course hallelujah and then on the bottom look at this it says hashtag power portals and then i love this on the foot of the sock look at this and i'm going to jump to this this is your seventh portal right here after the hands the hands are your six the seventh is your feet i will give you every place where you step your foot hallelujah palette your feet your feet are portals for possession somebody say i'm occupying the atmosphere that god has given to me i'm taking territory in the realm of the spirit [Music] francisco would you like these uh would you wear them okay god they're anointed i want to say this that we've we've prayed over the socks because we figured not only are they a great little thing a reminder that you can have but we prayed over them just like acts 19 11 and 12. remember it says handkerchiefs were taken to the apostle paul so that extraordinary miracles took place they took the the the apron the handkerchief to the sick to the those that were wrestling with demons and they got delivered and they got set free and they got healed and all these kind of wonderful things happened so we figured listen if god could do with handkerchiefs why can't he do it with socks i mean you can just slip those socks right on the foot of a sick person you can slip those socks right on the foot of a poor person and see what god will do hallelujah isn't that wonderful okay i also have a new book that i wrote well it's a not so new book it was released last april called encountering your angels this is biblical proof that your angels are here to help and i go through 52 encounters with angels through the scripture and then also give personal uh experience and a prayer on every single one of these who would who would read this book i'm not just going to give it away to someone who's just going to take it and put on your bookshelf i mean i know it looks nice will you read it will you really read it okay not today satan not today okay that's what your shirt says so here you go [Music] and then we've got a 10 card set that goes through each and every one of these seven portals and gives you prayers that you can pray over your portals and always a little diagram that shows you uh the way that you can anoint that portal and also the the foods that you could eat for that specific portal and i mean scriptures for that portal i mean we went we went through the word and got the scriptures on it anyway it's a wonderful set especially for people that have prayer ministry to the sick people that have strong prophetic intercessory ministry i feel like i'm supposed to give this to you susan would you use this awesome okay god bless you yes absolutely and i'm also gonna give you a copy of my book power portals okay god bless you are a great blessing a great blessing okay are you open are you still open okay i want to read this about the portal of our hand several years ago i was ministering in kokomo indiana during the service is a very special power portal opened some people even described it as feeling like heaven on earth how many feel that tonight in this place in the first session many people were released to praise and worship god with without the restrictions they had felt in the past some lifted their hands in surrender while others waved ribbons or banners or began dancing freely in the spirit it was glorious during the second session some people could hear an angelic choir singing there was an indescribable harmonious sound that was hovering above the congregation in the final session after the time of worship a golden supernatural oil began flowing from the palms of my hands so profusely that it was dripping off of them it had the healing fragrance of eucalyptus when the oil started to flow i called for a young boy named matthew to come forward so that i could lay my hands on him he was 10 years old and had been exhibiting stroke-like symptoms on the right side of his body because of this situation he had been out of school for three weeks when his mother jenny learned that i was coming to their area she purposed in her heart to bring her son to the meetings knowing by faith that he would be healed when i laid my oil drenched hands on matthew i could feel healing virtue flowing through me the portals of my hands were being opened to dispense a heavenly power and i knew this young boy was being healed the bible says you will lay hands on the sick and what happens they shall your hands are the portal for the healing power of god to flow this is why when the bible talks about impartation it says don't just lay hands on people quickly don't just do it just carelessly because this is the portal of heaven opening up through your physical body there is a spiritual flow that flows through your hands somebody say comes from the holy spirit hallelujah recently i received a written testimony from matthew's mother saying after that night he never had any more stroke-like symptoms ever again that was in caps he is now a 24 year old electrical engineer assistant graduated from purdue last year with distinctions hallelujah the spirit wants us to lay our hands on the sick for healing the spirit wants to work various types of miracles through the power portals of our hands but we must be willing to extend our hands toward the people and the places that are in need i want you to lift up your hands right now and i want to pray for you right now i want to pray for you lord i thank you that you're dealing with the portal of our heart our mouth our eyes our ears our mind our innermost being [Music] our hands and our feet we lift our hands to you right now and lord we say jesus come on say it i ask that you would consume me completely [Music] i give you everything i am spirit soul and body lord i give you these portals and i ask that you would fill me with your holy spirit that the power of your spirit would flow out through me the pure flow of heaven everywhere i go lord i thank you that you choose to use me as i choose to live for you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus some of you tonight are going to begin to feel even electrical sensation of tingling in some of your portals you might begin to feel in the palms of your hands you might feel in the bottoms of your feet you might feel it in your chest you might feel it in your mouth in your eyes ears and your mind but let the holy spirit flow let the holy spirit flow we're not going to be able to touch on it tonight but i know that patricia is doing a whole workshop next weekend online about opening up exploring power portals and one of the things that we must do when we're living for god we must ask him to purify our portals to cleanse us in the same way that hurt people hurt people we must be healed as a people to bring healing to other people right i believe you're gonna touch on that in the workshop about the cleansing of the portals but i just want you to lift your hands one more time [Music] and i want you to thank god for what he's doing in this place tonight and i want you to sing say heaven is open and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord heaven is open and i see jesus [Music] sing hallelujah sing hallelujah sing hallelujah heaven is open and i see the lord sing sing hallelujah [Music] is [Music] jesus and i see jesus heaven is open and i see the lord come on stand up to your feet and say heaven is open and i see jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] and there's blessing without measure heaven is open it's divine supply heaven is open it's blessing without measure heaven is open it's divine supply i want you to declare this right now heaven is open and it's blessing without measure come on say it it's blessing without me what does it look like blessing without what does that feel like blessing without measure whoa heaven is open it's divine supply let me say one thing philippians 4 19 says that my god shall supply for all of my need according to his riches in heavenly glory and anytime i've had a vision of heavenly glory something i can tell you this is god is not running out of nothing nothing there is no lack in heaven there is no insufficiency in heaven it doesn't matter what you need he supplies for all of that need whether it's a miracle in your family whether it's a touch in your body whether it's revenue finance income i want to tell you god wants us to be a people that are wide open ready to receive everything that he has according to his riches in heavenly glory we read about a portal in malachi that says god will open up the windows in case you didn't understand a portal is a doorway a window an entrance an opening god will open up the portal of heaven and pour out such blessing that you cannot even contain now in the old testament where that's written it's connected with the tithe and it's connected in a ritualistic traditional law kind of way okay the tithe connected with that now i want to say this that god is looking for people in this day that are not ritualistic come on not under and tied and bound by the law but god is looking for people that will connect with the spiritual precedent and the scriptural principles that he has established in the heavenly realm and one of the things i know about this realm is that whatever we do on earth to open heaven god correlates in the heaven in the open heaven realm to pour out a blessing upon us not because we've done something but because we've chosen to partnership with him and walk in what he has already done let me explain it like this some people are giving because they're trying to get a blessing that's the wrong way to give the way that we give is giving knowing that we already have the open part of the open heaven of unlimited unending blessing flowing over our life and if you really really believe it then it's not a problem to give generosity is no longer like oh god this hurts but generosity is like oh god you are so good in my life and you give me the opportunity to prove you that you are good that you finish the work that you are a generous god and because i know who you are i know who i am because i know who you are i know who i am who is god he's the god of generosity who are you his sons and daughters of generosity how hallelujah you are a son and a daughter of generosity standing under the open heaven of heaven's reign of blessing heaven's reign of favor heaven's reign of the increase heaven's outpouring of abundance oh yes you stand under the shower you stand under the spout where the glory comes out and from that realm we say god i'm open for heaven's business i am open for heaven's be god i will not limit you see what happens is believers that close down and shut up and stop allowing the flow of heaven to flow through the believers that stop the flow are the ones they put themselves in lack they put themselves into a place of insufficiency but god says i want to flow through you would you open up on earth even as i have so wonderfully opened in heaven oh hallelujah we're going to give you an opportunity tonight to sow into this realm into the open heavens realm some of you tonight even as you've been in this realm god's been showing you vision god's been ministering to your spirit giving you pictures in your spirit putting names situations that you've been dealing with and god's been showing you that it's not a hopeless cause but that there is miracle victory there's breakthrough there's breakout there's healing there's recovery there's restoration how many have been receiving that tonight in this place amen okay i want you do we have envelopes or how do we maybe i'll let you administrate this here yeah you know as joshua was sharing that i just saw a portal that was all clogged up and it was a financial portal and then all of a sudden as the word was going forth it just crumbled and i really believe that some of you you have so much stored up in heaven but the reason why you haven't received it yet is because of this clogged up portal i saw it so clear and i just believe that there's a grace here tonight to see that clock portal just break up and totally release in a full flow of the blessing coming down but we want to encourage you all as the lord is prompting you to give and those of you that are watching online you can go to patriciaking.com or you can text your gift to pkm at 779-7777 for those of you in the house you can make your checks out to pkm but we're going to believe god for miracles tonight as we sow my husband and i we have seen miracle after miracle through just intentionally releasing and offering for breakthrough and i just know that god wants to accelerate the increase and the abundance of his people in this next season exponentially like he wants the heavens fully open over all of his people so um if you're texting text pkm to 77977 if you are going online as to patricia king.com and if it's in the house checks to patricia king ministries and um for those of you that are online you know even though you're not in the room here there's no distance in the spirit and god is all over you and i just believe for miracles for you i'm excited about the miracle that's attached to this gift i want to share one testimony before we receive this offering and that is yeah if anyone needs an envelope for pkm just put up your hand you know if you didn't get one yet [Music] my husband and i had our biggest breakthrough through an offering when we were told to go into full-time ministry the lord said i just want you to learn how to believe me with no visible means of financial support just trust me and many of you know that that was a really difficult time and over a five-year period we fought probably every demon of lack and poverty in the universe i'm sure we did and we stood on that word and we just persevered and continued to serve the lord but there was a day and i remember very clearly that i was i was so so grieved in spirit like yearning for this breakthrough i said lord we've served you with all of our heart we've we've given all that we are and all that we have and you know we've eaten faith meals we've done whatever we needed to do to to serve you but the breakthrough isn't here yet and yet your word says you know and i was just crying out to him and god put it on my heart to send an offering into a ministry that had faith actually for provision and they're you know well known for their faith in provision and so i got the checkbook and i mean we had really nothing i mean i would be embarrassed to tell you what the offering was because it was you know if you were to think of it it would be so small but it's everything we had so you know it's 100 of everything we had and i wrote the check and i wrote a letter out to him i said please pray we love the lord with all our heart this is our final this is everything we have right now and um and i was weeping there was tears just flooding the page and i put it into the envelope and i prayed over it and i sent it forth and i could feel hope rose in my heart and i thought there's something is going to shift through this and you know within the next week or two everything shifted and we've never gone back everything shifted it was like something open in the heavens and there was a miracle attached to that offering and there's certain times that my husband and i can identify specific miracles attached to an offering and that's what i feel tonight that's what i feel tonight i feel like there's a miracle realm tonight that there's shifts available tonight on the offering so as the lord's prompting you we don't want anyone to feel any pressure or anything like that it's just the joy of giving right but i know the lord loves you so much and he doesn't want to clog that portal you know he um he he wants you absolutely to have a free flow and i believe that tonight might be your special night where there's a miracle attached to that offering so father we just thank you so much for what you're doing in our hearts and our lives right now and we thank you for your goodness in every area of our life you are so good and when we live under your open heaven lord which you have given to every believer then we see blessings raining down upon us i saw that rain as we were in prayer before the service i saw the rain coming down i saw those blessings coming down the refreshment of your love and i saw the dove the goodness of your holy spirit empowering us so much that we're receiving so it's our delight lord god to give back to you and to bless you and so bless this offering and lord we stand under the open heaven and receive with intentionality we receive your goodness in jesus name amen our ushers will serve you in the receiving of that offering and as they are i just want to make an announcement that i am doing a mini mentorship on this subject power portals i'm going to be using a lot of notes out of joshua's book and some other experience that we've had personally but that's going to be on october the 8th 9th 10th and 11th so it's a thursday night friday night saturday night and sunday night and it's going to be through a private facebook portal and so even if you can't make it live when you register for you have access to that portal and so you'll be able to watch it whenever you want to watch it and it'll be really powerful because not only will we just look at the truth that's in god's word about this and some things that joshua has shared in some of his encounters will help you get practical with it so that you can apply it and work it will massage it into your life so that it'll become part of you so thursday friday saturday i'll be doing all the teachings on it and then on sunday we have a treat joshua mills is going to join us for the q a on that so to register for that go to patriciakingmentor.com patriciakingmentor.com and sign up for that course
Channel: Joshua Mills - International Glory Ministries
Views: 76,550
Rating: 4.8837209 out of 5
Keywords: Patricia King, Joshua Mills, XP Media, Supernatural, Glory Realm, Power Portals, Heavenly Portal, Portal of Glory, Spiritual Vortex, Vortex, Energy Centers, Holy Spirit, Prophetic, Whitaker House, New Book, Christian Book, Promises of God, Gifts of the Spirit, Spiritual Cleanse, Prophecy, Suddenlies of God, Revival Glory, Breakthrough, Spirit of Glory, Awakening, Connection, Spirit Realm
Id: 8lPOIiZH7z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 12sec (4992 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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