This is How the World's Most Expensive Gold Bars Are Made

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as a man once said gold is what makes the world go round while that may sound greedy it's actually a lot more accurate than you might think gold is much more than a source of currency for the World At Large and gives value to various pieces of currency but it's also something that's used as a building material and is a good conductor of things gold is often seen as one entity but its true nature and ability is something that many don't appreciate because they don't fully know it as a result here now are 20 things you don't know about gold [Music] number 20. how to make gold bars one of the most popular visuals when it comes to the gold is that of gold bars most people like to picture Fort Knox or a bank vault that's just stacked full of gold from end to end and that's the stuff of dreams and what they're made of after all but what sometimes people don't get or understand is that gold isn't found in bars or anything close to it for that matter getting it to where it needs to be in bar shape is actually a very long and meticulous process that takes quite a while while we don't do a full step-by-step guide here as there are experts for that we will mention the broad Strokes this is how the world's most expensive gold bars are made for example the first thing you need to do is to get the gold out of the ground it's not as easy as you would expect and while some people have found surface gold over the years that is the exception and not the rule what's more most times you'll find gold in its powdery form much like on the show Gold Rush which will be referenced a lot in this video this is known as fine gold due to its very small size and once you get enough of that fine gold it then goes through a chemical process to get rid of any impurities that it may have after all gold is in the ground and the ground can affect the gold eventually the gold will turn into a molten form to further purify it and only after that is it poured into a mold that leaves you with a gold bar so yes it takes quite a while to get that gold bar but if you do it right you've got a perfect piece of gold that every Miner wants before we go on like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 19. a global material depending on where you are in the world the words Gold Rush will mean different things to different people mainly because the history of the world is literally littered with people finding gold in certain areas and beginning rushes to go and get them hence the term gold rush but if you were to ask people where gold actually is in the world they might hesitate to say places outside of the United States mainly because it's within the United States that some of the more famous gold rushes have been had including the one that helped to colonize the West in the mid-1800s obviously though gold is elsewhere in the world and it's been proven many times over even if you just want to go before the United States was made gold would be found in various Nations and was a Hallmark of various Empires and religious sects that's why certain artifacts that are found have gold imbued in them because they found it in the ground and molded it into that fast forward to today and there are many gold rushes and industries going on right now that are constantly growing the show Gold Rush for example over the course of its 10 plus year history on the air has shown gold in the United States Canada Guyana South America Papua New Guinea Australia and even most recently New Zealand they even noted that Australia has some of the purest gold in all of the world and that New Zealand has some of the largest and most creative wash plants which are used to get the gold out of the ground gold is all over the place if you know where to look and yes we've mined a lot of it out of the ground but all it takes is one big find and the new Gold Rush will be upon us number 18. how much gold has been found that's a fascinating question that really puts a perspective on how much we found in fact about 244 000 metric tons of gold has been discovered up to a certain date 187 000 metric tons historically produced plus current underground reserves of 57 000 metric tons most of that gold has come from just three countries being China Australia and South Africa the United States well it actually ranks fourth in Gold production in 2016. to be absolutely clear though we aren't sure how accurate this is due to the fact that gold is being mined all the time and thus there's arguably much more to add to the pile if you will plus the source that was found for this didn't actually have a date on its website creation and another form 2022 actually had a lower amount than the one that was listed but again everything's finicky and at this point I'm absolutely confused both you and myself the question becomes what have we used all that gold 4. well after being found bot sold and so on a lot of it's used to make jewelry Believe It or Not Gold does show that you care especially if it's in the form of an earring or a wedding band a lot of it is made into gold bars and coins and then put into reserves like mentioned before and that helps to maintain the value of certain currency and is often exchanged between nations in order to pay off debts to one another then there are other purposes like being used for certain Technologies due to its properties and so on and so forth while I can't truly answer how much this gold is in certain terms one estimate pointed out that all the gold in the world could fill up two Olympic-sized swimming pools and that's a pool that even Scrooge McDuck would be jealous of number 17. a noble material no doubt many of you have noticed a certain problem with currencies of the world as a whole mainly in that they only have value because we give them the value as a whole I say they're worth something and thus they are it's part of the reason why gold bars are held in reserve and such so that there is a stability to what we can do with making our currency of course the problem with that is the very simple fact that why do we feel that gold is worth anything after all if paper money isn't actually worth anything why should a rock in the ground be any better it is a very good question indeed and one that I can honestly answer for you the answer is that gold is a very special kind of metal in the overall and it's one of several that's known as a noble metal very basically gold is stable in the key ways that matter yes you can shape it and mold it when the right conditions are there but generally it's something that does not corrode or even evaporate or wither away over time gold lasts and there are other materials that do that as well to be clear which includes that of silver copper and platinum which is why we value them as well the other reason we know gold is valuable in certain ways is that it's a metal that we know is rare rare enough to be treasured and put at a high price per ounce not per pound these factors and a few more that have to do with its Noble nature ensures people all around the world that this is indeed a metal that we should pay attention to and look out for you could say that it's a material that's golden number 16. earthquakes can create gold if there's one thing that a lot of people would wish for it would be gold specifically for more gold to be out there so that they could get some for themselves and thus be rich but to counter that if gold was everywhere in the world it wouldn't be worth as much and thus wouldn't be as valuable as a material as others DuckTales for the win once again anyways there is without a doubt a finite amount of gold in the world but there are occasions where apparently it can actually be created through a special event as one study seems to want to make people believe it could happen through an earthquake water and faults vaporizes during an earthquake depositing gold according to a model that was put out there in 2013 and to be clear this isn't just a random Theory there have long been thoughts about how gold gets so deep into the ground over time outside of Glacier movement various scientists have felt that earthquakes creating pressure could cause certain reactions to happen if done the right way but to truly make gold from it well that still seems a bit out there does it not after all there would have to be all of the right materials in the right place at the right time just in order to get the right result and as such you couldn't truly rely on just any old earthquake to get the job done it would have to be one in a very specific place it's still very much a theory as they say but that just goes to show how far people will go in order to figure out how to get more gold and don't even get me started on Alchemy number 15. 24 Karat issues as I noted earlier gold comes in varying levels of Purity a reference to how good the gold is itself and how it's been affected by the environment as a whole you'll likely have heard of its two measurements via 10 karat and 24 Karat 24 karat gold is indeed the highest purity of the material and is in fact the most pure version of gold out there right now just to be clear though 10 karat gold is equally as fine and is used in mind out all the time but the 24 Karat version is the most special and the most problematic as well you see in its 24K form the gold is malleable to an almost insane degree I've already talked about how gold bars are made but with 24 karat gold they like to make gold sheets that are so thin that if you were to make it an inch high layer of sheets it would be comprised of 200 000 sheets now while you might think that malleableness is all that great if you wanted to use that gold to make jewelry it would be way too soft to do so well perhaps not but it would be at risk of deforming both in the process of making it and in terms of long use as such anyone who wants to make such a shaped item has to use anything from 10K to 22k Gold but as for the 24 Karat that's the kind that you want to get if you were to use it to make investments as in you wanted to store gold and then sell it when the price was right these small nuances make all the difference when it comes to both finding and making things with gold number 14. gold making bacteria as I've already shown you some people are willing to go to insane lengths in order to make gold but some are a bit more scientific and plausible than others such as when in 2012 it was found that a bacteria can make gold out of another material and there's proof of this kazim kashefi assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics and Adam Brown associate professor of electronic art and intermedia are the ones who have created a compact laboratory that uses the bacteria that has a name that I'm not going to attempt to pronounce in order to turn gold chloride a toxic chemical liquid that you can find in nature into 99.9 percent pure gold yes a bacteria can make 24 karat gold what a world we live in in the process in the lab they use an item that holds the bacteria as they feed it the gold chloride in about a week it does its job processing all that junk into precious metal that we all know is 24 karat gold and before you go to try and find the two items that make this process and then try to have it happen to you you do need to remember a few key things first this is a bacteria making gold out of a toxic substance it's not making gold bars it's merely turning the gold chloride into solid gold it's very cool but it also means that it happens in small doses secondly while you can get gold chloride it's not exactly the cheapest thing out there yes they're doing a wondrous kind of science but there's a reason you're not hearing of bacteria mining 10 years later number 13. gold medals one of the reasons that people are so attracted the gold isn't just because of its value but also it's importance in society as a symbol of wealth and victory the best example of this is that of the gold medals that men and women win at the Olympics every time they come around bronze for third place second get silver and if you make it to the top of the podium you get a nice Shiny Gold Medal but what are these gold medals exactly are they 100 gold or even close to it well actually no and they've not been for quite a long time Olympic gold medals contain only about 1.34 percent of gold with the rest composed of sterling silver ouch right oh and you know when you see Olympians Biting Down on the gold that's because they're doing a test to see if it's pure however it's not so please save your teeth but why aren't the gold medals pure gold well two reasons mostly value and Rarity originally they were made of pure gold but after 1912 they would switched out due to shortages that were caused by the wars to come fast forwarded now and it honestly would be a bit wasteful to use gold for every gold medal because there are a lot of them that are given out these days but before you feel bad for the Olympians there are a lot of perks to winning gold medals mainly in that their countries usually reward them for winning them including getting actual gold which means gold bars in Malaysia are getting a cash payment of anything from twenty five thousand dollars all the way up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars so yeah even though it's sterling silver they're still doing fine number 12. the Nobel Peace Prize in kind of a Counterpoint to what we just talked about a prize that is indeed made of gold is that of the Nobel Peace Prize before 1980 the Nobel Prize medal was made from 23 karat gold newer Nobel Prize medals are now made from 18 karat green gold plated with 24 karat gold green gold also known as electrum is an alloy of gold and silver with Trace Amounts of copper so it is gold but just not the purest kind that many would likely think but then again it's clearly more gold than that of the Olympic medals so why is that the case well while we're only speculating here I could say that it's because of how the Nobel Peace Prize isn't given out to many people it's meant to be an award that truly goes above and beyond in terms of what it's meant for the people who win it are those who have truly helped the world in a grand way whether it be through diplomacy technology humanitarianism and so on and so forth so perhaps by using this green gold it further cements that they are worthy winners and thus they deserve a prize that showcases the value of the award again it's all speculation but it is a prestigious award that not just anybody wins so it would make sense number 11. gold discoloration since we've already talked about green gold we'll now speak about gold actually changing colors if you have the right things on hand pure gold is a tarnish resistant metal so it will not discolor this is because gold has a low reactivity rating and in chemistry reactivity describes How likely an element is to lose electrons and form positive ions the more likely this is to happen the more reactive an element is this is also part of the noble metal thing that we were talking about from earlier thus upping its value but there's a rub to this isn't there because as noted it's pure gold that doesn't discolor but not everything is pure gold remember including the stuff that's put into jewelry that's actually gold alloy there are multiple processes that can be used to help turn gold into the various materials and items that many want it forged into these processes can be what leads to being discolored over time because it's the other Alloys that it's merged with that turn and thus make it turn or the process of something like gold plating can alter it over time so if you're looking at two pieces of gold and one is the right color and the other isn't well you can now immediately know which is the pure one and which is not you know in case someone tries to hood wink you on something the more you know right number 10. gold impurities in case you're still curious about how gold is impure versus pure all the time I'll break that down for you a little bit more gold comes from various processes that occur in the Earth or in earthquakes apparently and there are massive veins that are born from this that are put all over the world but the ground beneath our feet isn't made of one thing or another it's a menagerie so oftentimes the gold material that's formed is mixed with other materials that happen to be around for example I talked about 10 karat gold before that's a reference to how it's a 10 parts gold plus 14 Parts something else that's something else well that's other materials that it was merged with and the way to get those impurities out is through intense heat in the process that is used to make gold bars number nine Gold Rush I've talked about it Loosely but now we'll discuss the show Gold Rush at Great length because it's had a big impact on the world's perception of gold and gold mining it began with a group of men known as the Hoffman crew who went to Alaska to try and find gold to save their families during an economic downturn in the United States fast forward to now and it's not only one of the Premier shows on the Discovery Channel but it's had multiple spin-offs created that showcase the various kinds of gold mining including White Water dredging and more the show has shown millions of dollars worth of gold being found and many people having Gold Fever if you will because of it and it's honestly a really good watch so don't be afraid to check it out number eight ancient gold as noted earlier gold has been used by ancient civilizations all over the world and is found in many of the artifacts that we can discover in their old stomping grounds the oldest gold in the world ever found was said to have belonged to the Varna civilization one that was nearly lost to time and yet they had gold working going on all the way back to 4600 BC that would make it one of the first metals that humans have ever worked into a kind of art form or material some even believe that it was the first material that man ever worked over iron which would be quite a thing in and of itself now sure we arguably use gold better in today's cultures but the fact that ancient people knew how to use it just as well in some cases well that's pretty special indeed number seven Tio quit platy here's one that's kind of gross and really hard to pronounce and I probably screwed it up but it also goes to show how naming something is oftentimes not an art form it's just a reference to what you think something is at the time you see in the Aztec culture the word that gold is translated from is this hard to pronounce name and what does that hard to pronounce name mean well it means excrement from the gods that's right they literally named it as crap that the gods gave out what a world but there's a reason for this madness I assure you they were apparently first exposed to Gold when it seeped out of the ground and the process was compared to diarrhea so gold well that was a gift from the Sun God and silver was a gift from the Moon God sometimes you just have to look at things and people and believe that there's no other way to look at it number six can you destroy gold as it stands it's not actually possible to destroy gold on a molecular level with any naturally occurring substance on Earth pure gold is virtually indestructible it won't corrode rust or tarnish and Fire Can't destroy it either again it's a noble metal which is why so many people value it as a whole there have even been tests to Showcase a gold bar being melted and reformed as a bar and to all who witnessed it and monitored it it's not a single drop of gold that was gone no matter how many times they did the process the only caveat to this is that gold can be dissolved but this is in and of itself destroying the gold rather you're just going and turning it into gold particles that can be dispersed into the air so the gold is there you're just not seeing it this is different from say wood where you're burning it and the wood is no more afterwards it's broken down into its various elements and you just can't do that with gold number five rocket protection it's been said multiple times in this video that gold is used for more than just jewelry it's got other properties that have made it valuable in a number of fields this also includes rocket science believe it or not according to NASA Engineers a thin layer of gold leaf was used as the top layer of a thermal blanket used to cover the bottom of the module of the Apollo 11 Rocket the blanket was incredibly complex with 25 layers of material which included glass wool Captain mylar and aluminum so obviously it wasn't only gold it was other materials as well but the gold was still there in fact a thin layer of gold was also used in the visors of the astronauts as it would reflect infrared light that may have harmed them number four Italian Dentistry if you're looking for another creative use of gold then look no further than 7th Century BC over in Italy and what did they do with gold well they used it for Dentistry specifically it was used by people who valued wealth at all times and were willing to show it off even in their teeth that's right long before certain rappers had gold teeth the ancient Italians had done it before them so much so that they wouldn't only use it for things like crowns but would actually make gold wires so that they could actually hold on to fake teeth talk about going above and beyond in order to have that perfect smile number three gold medicine well this is not something that's done today and equally as important modern medicine does not seem to know why it was a practice for 70 years so I'll try to explain it the best I can for more than 70 years the standard treatment for rheumatoid arthritis was regular injections of a liquid suspension of gold which acts as an anti-inflammatory apparently though there were people who were more than happy to get these injections and then proclaimed that they were in remission due to the process obviously that's a problem because there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis and plus there were severe side effects that could happen from you getting gold put into your veins gee what a shocking development it all goes to show you that sometimes even modern medicine isn't really the smartest thing number two first U.S gold if you recall Disney movies like Pocahontas the English came to the new world both in search of a new place to colonize but also for gold they even sang about it in the movie however the first true finding of gold on American soil was just before 1800 on a farm in North Carolina it was 1799 when a young Conrad Reed scooped up an unusual yellow rock near his family's farm at little Meadow Creek in fact for three years the glittery 17-pound Oddity served as a doorstop at the Reed house that's right for real they had gold nuggets as a doorstop they just didn't know any better eventually it would be taken to a jeweler and then later on they opened up their own gold mine on the property today that 17-pound nugget would be worth well over 500 thousand dollars number one gold thread if you need one final piece of proof about how thin that gold can be you simply need to go to India because there they make some very special outfits and they don't use the most basic of materials they actually use a metallic yarn that is comprised of both gold and silver and to be clear it's the 24 karat gold for these dresses and garments these are straight up works of fashion art and while the practice is dying in terms of them being handmade they're still seen as a beautiful piece of clothing and even artwork when done the proper way by hand it can take months at a time to get them done but the result simply cannot be denied and you can absolutely say that they look Golden That's all from the realm of gold and all that it can do what do you personally think of gold and all the things that you've learned about it here today do you think that there's a lot about gold that people should understand so that it can be appreciated even more and do you know of someone who goes out to search for gold be sure to let me know all about it in the comments section down below to check out the other cool things that are showing up on the screen and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Fancy Banana
Views: 689,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold nugget, gold nugget found, gold finds, metal detecting, gold nugget find, finding gold, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting, most expensive finds, biggest gold nuggets, largest gold nuggets, gold mining, gold found, huge gold nugget, gold rush, most expensive, gemstones, expensive gold nuggets, gemstones finds, biggest gold nugget ever found, finding gold in rivers, how to find gold
Id: CRraU0TY308
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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