Amazing Match bottle DIY Experiments

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what's up low gangsters welcome back to worst life hacks number three I'm your host mr. period beast not to be confused with mr. beast my brother two completely different people this is the second line pack that this man has hurt matches for no good reason select one by one is not the fastest way is that really what he's doing what okay they're good I love how you pet them like good boys who's a good boy they are matches need love and affection too I love how he's just doing it super slow it's for that aesthetic pleasing you know like life hack channels are catering delight children cuz they have like good visuals like I'm not thinking any of that's true but okay I'll do to see about the light this on fire yeah I swear to God and people do balls it doesn't work that well you know what why because there's no air in the bottle there's like that smoke is getting trapped in the bottle and that's putting out the fire this is pretty cool do that camera looks sexy what are the flames whatever camera they're using why don't we why don't we have that out our main show he spends a hundred thousand dollars every video can't afford good camera because who spin the under - yeah is your breath really bad mr. beast mr. Pirie beast mister period be sent bad breath but I know mr. B says the best breath the Internet's ever seen [Music] this life well hope people want to talk to you just grab a tube of your favorite toothpaste generously apply it to the mints trust me your breath is horrible but if you do this it won't be it's so it's like a double whammy yeah it's like super mega ultra fusion the next life hack is a free way to get money waiting in line I want a Snickers bar but can't afford it yank out your tooth hold it out count to three boom money here's the life at guys go to store right have a campaign images pop up ISM sentence go to a glass store buy pair glasses go to Walmart buy spray paint boom so far 25 dollars spray on it boom now your glasses are worth $200 resell it that's how you become a billionaire no I mean that's pretty genius I mean is that even a line fact that's what literally companies do like how else are sunglasses made a lot of people enjoy pineapple on their pizza but if you want to prove your friends that you are a real psychopath you know like a maverick just take a handful of watermelon and smear it all over your pizza you know what just dump the entire bowl on it because who doesn't like soggy pizza pineapple wasn't crazy enough imagine if George Washington knew this is what was gonna happen George Washington would have just went back to Europe and LA all right pack up your bags do you ever try to magically make your coat defy gravity I mean look gravity's making it fall to the floor the trick to get it to staff is easier than you think just grab a nail in now your cup to the wall I guarantee it's not coming off now [Music] my moon does that in the few years okay let's get some sparks it's behaviour Conor everybody does that to make sure that there's power coming from the battery that you're plugged into and that your connection is good sorry I had to correct you on that let's see what he's charging up a little bit Oh watch is about to take out that's a nice hot relaxer whoa the table for some reasons what is with the student hibachis I watch anime not play with hamachi wear a mug that says HMOs hatch look wonderful notches Hachem OHS yeah what is this so a lot of people thought these were toys when they were growing up but they're not they're actually food and so people are just playing with them because they are so cute but what you're actually supposed to do is crack them open and just fry them in the pan gotcha honestly I was believing in Thai song okay and you should be good you sound like you've eaten a lot of hash holes I have they're actually very good for you all right yeah I feel like they're high in vitamin B vitamin D I'm a little deficient in that oh yeah they should have my intake of vegetables if you need some more d okay hatch must give you the deed done it have you ever wondered where pickles come from well me neither but this guy is going to show you how to make pickles just take a couple of cucumbers shove them into a jar and pour coca-cola all over them now those gross healthy cucumbers will be soda pickles at around three months see that's why I would never do a life hack to just like right when I go to take a bite um I feel like now it's not worth it and just delete the channel it's all right I'm done kids this is how acne is made haha why why is it okay after this we should set a precedent no butter like cheese oh this man just took a whole stick of butter and proceeded to lather water mode I'm sure he's contemplating uh you know purpose of his life right now are your veggies boring and bland well this next hack will teach you how to flavor them up all right so he's unwrapping some butter gotcha okay Oh is he like getting butter on the knife so when he chops it they have butter on them yeah I mean that's not actually that bad dr. Phil once said vegetables aren't healthy unless they have butter I'm sure you guys are aware the government is always spying on you and you're probably wondering like how can I stop the government from seeing what I'm searching on the Internet you know so this is how you stop the government from spying on you you go if you don't have internet the government can spy on you Wow that receipt very convincing are those free-range eggs cuz they have this little freckles on them I mean they're treated nicely that means they're treated nicely good and I'm glad to see the eggs are being treated nicely in this day if they were treated nicely until he started putting them in the package and I think he's gonna be nice to him my mom would never buy me hash tables but she didn't want me to be a loser so I can't relate drama gets hard but you know what isn't driving so to make sure you always get perfectly straight lines just take a pencil and glued to your Hot Wheels and now you'll have a perfect straight line the teachers like Johnny do you have a ruler he's like no I got a hot wheel she's like Ian and I think Lou said she's like whoa hey Plus wall you're going straight to college but are you serious ha ha ha ha ha what if you're watermelon ever gets fussy this life hack will show you how to give it some tinder love and the carrot needs watermelons and babies are pretty much the same thing so you've got to treat them equal I mean literally you can't tell a difference they're both stupid make sure you keep them nice and warm by wrapping them in a blanket until it calms down and then eat it just kidding you're American it's too healthy for you is that just all the show is this just making fun of Americans trying to set up a house of cards is hard and I just don't have the patience so like all things in life the best option is to cheat glue the cards together to make the most stable house of cards ever like this thing could be hit with a rocket more stable than my Mac ha ha ha this next life hack is for when you have all your money online and you don't have what you need to win so you just need some more chips without a couple of potato chips those actually are casinos and no one will notice the difference but what if you're playing in the basement you know and you know your kids over there drawing you know like hey give me that marker Johnny color on those bad boys and boom you might actually win or you might not cuz your life sucks if you take the bounciness of a tennis ball and combine it with the rubber ball inside the tennis ball you get the bounciest object in the universe do you want to read the script then okay I just read it you read super fast and Connor is gonna be like nope well sorry Connor but I will say this just once slam on the table and boom you're in space Elon Musk he tweeted that oh wow it went to the moon so he's Elon bus they found out a way to get into your laptop now you cut the internet cord and they're still coming in so you know what you do you take a cracked egg let's see the government found out new technology to see through tape conscious right but eggs are see-through tape proof yes exactly okay hey you can tell he doesn't want to do this yeah he's like that's good enough actually rubella haha he's not committed to the contest ha ha ha ha this guy's three arms can we get a replay of that ok I get a picture but this dude looks like how how what you got massage the timís bone oh oh oh really like what I open his mouth is it oh yes okay so he's breaking off the ends of the matches I just done the flammable things in it okay always make sure your grip is very strong I see finish off with one big old boy match right fuzzy lighting this I'm genuinely like interested what's gonna happen that's it the tennis ball doesn't catch on fire nope and then hey oh he kicks it okay the kick is in the finale I want it I'm glad he kicked it instead of lighting it on fire ah it's back no I don't know never leaves hi what's the watermelon moisturises what why what is he doing this this looks like a very large belly that is being seared with oh maybe he's trying to show the kids of the world like how to moisturize their stomachs yeah he probably has a basement a little watermelon just chained to a wall it puts the lotion on its skin you remember beyblades yep this is very similar to Bailey I hope it's nice on it close so in the near future all battles are not going to be decided on the battlefield they are going to be decided with razor blade Hot Wheels Elijah Johnson if we're fighting Russia we're just gonna send in our razor blade I would know it makes sense because like why sacrifice humans when you can sacrifice something more valuable not built yeah if I was a child I would replicate this and then I would lose a finger the upset but it's worth it you're training to defend your country don't do this answer us please why was that flop so satisfying played again wait a minute hahahaha you know this actually probably would work I'm pretty sure someone needs to rest this guy because he's a threat to society I had to walk into someone's house and it's just a candle of fruit in it sort of it flies all over your candle that means it smells good they didn't know that grilled watermelon wasn't pink and I was like yeah I grew a lot of other things and so later so it's coming to play yeah this is already a thing that's kind of waste of time yes per Alfred B is for bad what okay we're just gonna use their commentary all right and that is broke watermelon there you go guys that's it for the video we're about to play rock-paper-scissors remember whenever you click on a mr. P Ruby's video always watch to the end is at the end of every video we play rock-paper-scissors people that don't play rock-paper-scissors the parents they'll love them so get your get your thing in your hand I choose scissors okay all right you may have got me the first time all right fine whatever all right for this next one I choose rock yeah take that it's time now I choose paper oh yeah I want subscribe high-five Chris all right high five symbolizes the end of a video but [Music]
Channel: Mr.Beast
Views: 3,423,288
Rating: 4.4778991 out of 5
Keywords: experiment, experiments, amazing, diy, new, best, do it yourself, crafts, kid friendly, 2017, 2018, diy projects, lifehacks, life hacks, giant, pg, compilation, simple, how to, how to make, make, useful things, simple life hacks, diy ideas, life hack, easy life hacks, hack, diy activities, viral, satisfying slime, slime
Id: uuRfBQf1Wv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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