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all right are those popsicle sticks no that's the thing they use that put under your tongue oh it starts to taste bad after a while yeah it's like wood hardwood in fact how about wood and how it's hard I'm just letting you know I have the mind of it on your own what are you talking about explain to me elder you know the wizard you have the wisdom I'm gonna give you words you can't use you're not allowed to use word wood or heart ever like even if there nope different places they even say all this math equations hard travelers forbidden to stay hard and wood on this ship it's gonna be pretty hard all right every time you do that you owe me ten dollars and if I don't make it I'll give you ten dollars there we go that is how we get the good ad rates like it's gonna be hard you lost bucks no I didn't it's 20 bucks put a little negative 10 above my head Chandler's plus 10 so we got a little tea shape here well you woody what what do you say I I can't hear you over my ten dollars I have done maybe you should talk more so I don't mess up all right I if you want me the guy that you together went out the obvious let's do it yeah coca-cola cap yeah getting water near a metal metal drill no what was it doing what was the act yeah metal drill so anyway what doing whoa please need to know that's a really nice Club really nice clothes oh I love how they say subscribe I hear John I'll make it either he's screwing on this roof thank you really oh all right well now you owe us yep man he's really he's really doing it it's going deep he's getting in there dude Lord Jesus we all we all owe everyone bunch of my we cancel each other out that doesn't go it's too good not to do it yeah oh look more kinetic foam because we loved it last time is that kinetic sand or is that actually called kinetic foam it's called kinetic film kinetic foam is a things folks do they should drop that egg from space why don't we do that we've had that idea for a while I just did it crack hello yeah okay now it's like a snack what does that make you want to do eat it it's like a gusher but it's an egg mm-hmm same I won't go over for dads I want to eat that yes hey I'm the mouse boy dude I'm gonna say I driver knew this whole hat ad revenue athlete man there's no frosting on this pop-tarts man oh that's bears look so delicious this could be great those bears would have really nice screams doesn't taste too bad do that as like it's covered in plastic though yeah it's not a pop-tart that's not an ad revenue part-time what the ad revenue is look at that penguin with a chef's hat so why is the end in Nutella black hey I mean maybe the corporation is Taylor what done that mess yeah it's an honest question yeah is it an honest question Chandler I can see through it that was a trap I'm not falling for it all right all right that honestly I'm gonna look it up after in cuz I'm curious I don't want nothing to do with your little games all right they can make their ends black if they want it wait pause is that a donor on the bottle or a freaking bagel that's up whose the ad revenue cares all right bagel these guys must be making Bank off life pack because I think every fifth one is them hiding their money oh my gosh you guys are amazing oh that's illegal you can't ruin money that's a poop dollar alright so there's a stick welcome that's a round stick around you know what that runs me off what 24 hours of no laws me and you one and got sticks oh wait do we get rough we got rocks we got rocks and Chris and them got sick rocks are better smash like if you saw that video what is he gonna hit it with the holy did oh wow that's a dumb looks like a spear baby spear no so that's done as a mini spear it's what the Europeans used to conquer America oh okay yeah the Buffalo right people are very sensitive about it sorry we'll just won't talk about it anymore that that my grandpa died his mini spear broken at Apple and then he got attacked by bear it's true though it's not a joke Oh what is that glove said Dex fit no actually it says subscribe oh well I mean it looks like it was cropped over but I swear it's not oh look at empty so bottle looks like Mike that's actually not empties things came out it's not enough you know it was not empty can we oh my gosh what I said yeah okay oh my god that writer she didn't care she was like Hello anyway we're gonna grate some so it's a robot what nothing hey can we get some on those gloves huh they don't say subscribe anymore it says if you don't watch anime you're a loser pan is broken there we go we put a straw on a pen great job hack I'm protesting I'm gonna go silent until I find a good hack some of the rest of your life that's a big old glue thingy glue Lagoon so we get this front all right so we got colored pencils what is this a compass okay we're at at sea your kid is with you bright crayons on purpose you have a glue stick for some reason and never any work it doesn't work the ship sunk we died at sea all right sledgehammer please be good Bologna it's gotta be good that's Bologna I'm breaking my protest voice breaking the protest I have a friend who used to give me polonium an is when I went to his house and it made me happy just for learning mayonnaise no bread no just mayonnaise came out with Bologna oh oh he did not use a pickaxe that is a pickaxe you meant to say he didn't I use a sledgehammer that's a pickaxe yeah yeah I met my friend when I went to his house oh okay like you know how weird I would have been when I was eight if I just heard screwed it up and he was kinda Bologna with a bigger I don't know oh we have this multiplied out of nowhere yeah humans are no robots all right awesome life hacks on a life hack oh my gosh that's gross oh look at those cuticles get all those minerals ha ha I'm actually curious what will go down all right Chandler there's a brick and a giant sledgehammers about to hit it who do you think will win Jesus I think the bricks funny have you met brick I haven't it's not very strong see there we go the sledgehammer lost it was no match no he's warming up it has to get in the mood I'm stretched a little bit in the mismatching mood brick is destroyed I destroyed that brick yeah press death if you feel bad for Ricky he's inserting a knife into the place let's rewind it I mean 210 calories for this thing you know first of all we need to get a diet soda yeah or even a water bottle water water would literally be like a hundred and ninety less calories your accuracy is impeccable it is I'm very good at math writing lighting this bottle on fire you know smoother edges around oh [Music] that would be that would be very good to put your finger inside all right what does he make it this is a second cycle endocytosed earth in glass like a cup oh it's like a wine glass or just that's what it looks like oh it does it does a ghost Oh a dope party with suits and everything and then certain people get soda in that guy's I want you to comment til the death of me saying throw a party and give people sort of glasses and one of these days I'll do it like if you really riot like for a long time I'll eventually do it but if you don't know it's true Kahlua if you bug him enough but then again I bugged you a lot to win a challenge and he didn't okay oh we got some diamond matches I love these matches the highest quality so we made a giant blob of the a hundred thousand of them and lit him on fire you know no reason so today what was very smoky was news flash matches Reed smoke both fire Bush great smoke sorry I'm not good at math please it ought to be parenting keep away from children right here so that's probably why you don't have much experience with them oh yeah you're right you're right so it's a lighting cardboard all the Fire Nation attacked and then the cardboard anyway unlike avatars the cardboard didn't want to be the euro what that was that that was terrible why are you getting so aggressive because that was terrible I mean it didn't do anything well I'm terrible at chess but I still try you don't play chess coz I'm terrible I still try you know that's a messed up I brought out some Pringles the work hidden Jame tomorrow he did oh my god it's a t-rex that's being any of the dads like Chandler wide now I have to eat that and then at the end of the day I literally ate the last photos like Taylor stopped drinking Pringles I don't have to keep eating her actually and then yesterday he brought a bag of like Cheetos and Doritos I was like Taylor stop I'm hungry now because I don't have it because he ate it oh okay I'll have self-control guys if I gave you a job would you bring junk food around me all the time thanks Dino man you know a dinosaur sounds less sound like they go about those sound effects on a dino and you guys vote below you guys have a lot of things you need to comment is taking notes I knew that was gonna happen I was like don't why do you think oh look toothpicks what are we gonna do put them in the syringe why I don't know cuz we couldn't just open up the toothpick bottle and take one out can't we but no no no we got to do this there we go oh yeah cuz that's so inconvenient what do you think about the fact you get my you wanted the few use one wants to be honest really yeah I do I write this hecka - I'm not I'm just saying it might be useful it's not use I'm saying like I feel bad about roasting it like this might save a life one day what toothpick is gonna save a life thing there and then he has a little syringe thing and then he gets it off and then she ends up marrying him and she saves him from walking in front of a car [Music] okay then toothpick gets with your analysis they never would have got together she was just okay when you got that scenario out of nowhere I've never even heard of that toothpick saving someone getting hit by a car like any horns yeah the guy that got oranges in Florida hey I have to go get a haircut do you wrap things up yeah sure I'm gonna wrap it up for you guys dude this is so hard to do by myself the seats warm you thank God alright guys thanks for watching subscribe like notifications subscribe comment like the video comment notifications lifehack bye yo what would be a cool number to know you destroyed everything in the entire 49 map how much materials would you get I want to know that number someone find out in common thank you I expected by next episode
Channel: BeastHacks
Views: 1,451,842
Rating: 4.9210377 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, drill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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