CUTEST PROPOSAL EVER!!! This Wedding Planner's Proposal Will For Sure Make You Cry!

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and capturing the panic there's no panic yield [Music] all right guys it is crunch time we're 24 hours away from the proposal optional things that I am working today that is not the case I am really busting my butt today to make sure everything gets done and I'm on my way to the airport to pick up her cousin who's landing from Poland now Asha always told me as like a joke to make sure her nails are done before I ever pop the question so I talked to her good friend Angela we messaged her to have it Girl's Day and they're getting a manicure and a pedicure as we speak right now hoping Asha has no idea I think it went over really well but uh we'll see everything's going great today just made it to Newark Airport picking up Audrey on I am I can't believe this is here this is crazy oh my god [Music] Adrian [Music] says Tommy vomiting oh but I got you hey he's here oh my god so yeah I go skinny while you're in America [Music] [Music] quick update so pro tipped if you're ever surprising your girlfriend they always want to know what to wear so I just dropped off a letter at Ashley's house and it says basically an a guideline of the kind of places we're going to be going on our TV tomorrow so she knows how to dress according pro tip [Music] so today is the day that I proposed to Joanna okay so I just need to talk with you about the party on Saturday so I got all the food figured out I got everything just about figured out but the last thing I need to do is ask you to if it's okay if I ask her to marry me are you sure yes one hundred I love your daughter very much and I'm gonna ask her on Saturday with here yes I love her so much and I've been planning this proposal for like a year now and it's just been crazy the amount of stress that's been going into to get the details right from what I really want to do for her but the time has come it is in God's hands now if everything will work out I'm on the way to her house to pick her up we're gonna go on a deep day I got a few different dates planned out my family is back home right now putting in like the final details that are gonna be done around my house and yeah it's gonna be really special excited so I just showed her the food that we made it yellow yeah probably no you got that's right Oh put this here so this is the first bottle of wine that we ever bought together and we bigger today's a special date day so we're gonna we're gonna pop it today we bought it two years ago oh god I can't get this ready pop it pull it Wow I felt up to the firm I don't think so Cheers so good so good it's a good year very good yet 2016 cover this way here we are stop to Liberty Science Center adventuring [Music] really one second don't like to vandalise so we've made it through our date day today and I have one more present yes so I need you to put that on how to get you a boozy one all right so you loosen it up I need you to put it on and put the earplugs in as well have to be tight wherever you can't see anything I don't want you to be able to see anything it's not good all right that's fine you're good now I'm gonna give you the earplugs and I'll put him in okay I get you set up and then put the camera back [Music] okay Oh someone do one more homework okay Vegas hey Asha before you take the blindfold off I just want to let you know you have to put the headphones right back on afterwards so when I count down from three you can go ahead and take that blindfold off ready three two one go ahead take off the blindfold great so I'm sure you're curious as to why you're sitting in my living room right now and the truth is I have to get something off my chest that is killing me and I need to let you know before we get to our next step and that is I know I told you today I was taking you off of your birthday but I lied that's not what was going on I really wanted to just kind of take you out a whole day and go through a lot of different moments celebrating us and some highlight some parts of our relationship that really stood out to me and some moments that I felt myself fall a little bit more in love with you now that being said I fall in love with you a little bit more every single day and you know ever since we met two years ago camping under the stars so much has changed with me and my life it's all because you came in Smith I just feel like such a better person because I have you you know one of the big things that definitely has happened to me is throwing a whole family your whole family is so important to me from your concert uncles or cousins your brother's your parents everybody they just really mean the world to me and you know I really want them to be there for us the rest of our life I know we had plans of leaving the state and we have our own dreams and you know they're always still gonna be this for us and it sucks so bad that you have so many people that live on the other side of the world and you know they don't get to see you for like every special moment so I have a quick message for you from somebody in Poland that wanted to send you a quick little hello so here it goes hey Asha just giggle my lips I go just seen a piece out of it on me you have been damaged multiple projects Akiko tzuf located you Regina like obsessed ful attention a miscarriage for say when you start a new mama Oh Cassie which is nice which if Regina to Sparta so we're not allowed optional Basilica chapel super obsessed wise Susanna abeyance just click on my lips I go poopoo Tania of not supposed to know the semi-final otherwise she got what we call some suggestive here seafood pasta potato Chester Beatty was met with my son son son is a chasm orbit acknowledged the Protestant is people posting to see ago no the incision has just kicked my lab check out some erosion a post after she doctor spent it and Jenny coast I just I wish that I was able to get more videos like that for you but I really hope that was specially know now to move on to the next part of the night what I need you to do is outloud say I'm ready when I count down from 30 out loud ready 3 2 1 I'm ready hey hey [Music] [Music] so now that you have some family there's a few things that I just wanna tell you more like a few promises one is that I'll never lie to you again unless I'm trying to surprise you like I am today the second is that I will never change I will always be me even when you make fun of me more I promise to never stop going on a Betty how is your vacation Senate beautiful how do I promise to love you keep it when you get so angry at me you still look at the locals I promise to never stop being silly with you and laughing so hard that our stomachs I promise to always have your back right can't really say I agree with this one but it's all about compromise for you I agree it's never girl be good without like I can really win it that's right that's right promise to love your family as my what is this and [Music] Oh I can't promise that I'm gonna stop scaring you oh man I'm so Koli but I do promise to be there for you through any curveball that life throws at us just the same way that you were there for me [Music] I promise to surprise room as much as I can in life to always show you that my mother you and I both know we've had a lot of things happen to us in life there are some things that weren't so great some things I'm really amazing I want you to know to the bottom my heart you were the one truly amazing thing that has happened to me never will happen to me you give my life purpose you give it meaning and you make life so much fun and I promise to always make you my number one always for the rest of my life I love you so much so before we go any further I have just one favor to ask you just like the first night we met camping and we danced under the stars I'd like to do that just one more time with you so it's time to put that blindfold back on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesse & Joanna
Views: 2,325,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutest proposal ever, This Wedding Planner's Proposal Will For Sure Make You Cry, under the stars engagement, best proposal story ever, proposal video that will make you cry, very emotional proposal video, romantic proposal ideas, surprise proposal emotional, wedding planner proposal, polish couple gets engaged, cutest couple gets engaged, dream proposal for my girlfriend, a perfect proposal for my girlfriend, Will you marry me proposal video
Id: X82de9Mc6a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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