Bruno Mars Marry You flash mob proposal Shant and Lina @ Buena Park High School on 1.27.17 - Updated
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Channel: Shant A.
Views: 16,457,036
Rating: 4.879828 out of 5
Keywords: bruno mars, marry you, Buena Park High School, Flash Mob, FlashMob, Proposal, bphs, buena park high school coyotes, bpcoyotes, coyotes, halftime show, flashmob dance, flash mob dance, Shant and Lina, Shlen, i love you, i luv u, flashmob proposal, flash mob proposal, Marry Me
Id: a7-i2zpT2_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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