Amazing LEGO Castle with Full Interior (UPDATED VERSION)

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[Music] hey everyone Joshua Hamlin here at brick Fiesta 2019 in Austin and we are back for I believe it's the third year in a row with this incredible castle layouts so I have the three builders with me here again and they're gonna take us through what's new and then also some of the stuff that they've brought back from previous years as well so if you want to introduce yourself and tell us what we have going on all right now my name is Trent Peterson I'm Andrew Peterson I'm Landon Peterson and this year we did kind of a jousting scene so if you remember last year we had a giant skeleton army attacking the castle this year presumably they've won and everybody's having a grand old time if you'll notice there's different tints from all the different factions of the castle represented so everybody got an invite even the skeletons down there which is a little taboo but that's okay and I'm gonna hand it over to land in and he's gonna talk about what's going on outside all right so here we have the main jousting area you've got the king and queen sitting up there over all that and you see we've got this Knight here and also the banana Knight next to him about to joust the banana Knight came well-prepared yeah maybe we'll find out so here we have intent for the lion night so I'm around here we've got a bunch of different little camps representing different factions like we even brought in some of the ninjas back here and there's original the best ninjas right exactly and see we have like the black Falcons rolling up and their King as well and we've got this whole Middle area with a bunch of vendors and people from all over coming and trading stuff and so see also here we have a near our big forest area we've actually carried this mountain wasn't here last year so I think we're gonna have Trent take a look at it and show us around all right thanks Landon so we decided we had a small mountain last year with a trebuchet on it and of course we're like that was it really a mountain that was like a little blip a little hill so let's make a larger creation it's still not really a mountain we still think it's a hill so it kind of fits the scale I worked pretty hard on the waterfall I like the technique that kind of turned out it sort of fits our style of how we do water and things and what's kind of cool is the cave is not Hollow excuse me it is hollow with it you can see into it so Andrews gonna lift some panels off here to reveal what's going on on the inside so as you can see we got a dragon with a massive treasure horde Andrew built that dragon custom there's a whole bunch of bats on the ceiling and crazy amounts of random gold pieces and things like that and this has been a really big hit today oh we also have something that's kind of cool we have a little cutaway here with the Wolfpack gang and they're kind of mining in the side of the mountain and they're actually there's a little hole where they can pop out and try to steal some of the gold there's also a really neat secret little door here that opens up so that they can keep their base hidden so it's kind of blends in there with the mountain yeah we like our little Eagle and our little bear going after the bee's nest there or the Beehive and not a whole lot has changed on this side of the landscape we've just got our cows and all the farms shout out to the corn man in the cornfield everybody loves that on YouTube so he's back by popular demand from past years I think he will be there for the next decade I think that's his home and I think I'm gonna turn it over to Andrew and he's gonna start to knock down some of the castle it's kind of similar to what it was last time but it's still a lot of fun to take it down and have a look so yeah I'd love to dive in here I love this part where you guys work with so well together when you're taking part and going through the different sections oh yeah we've had quite a bit of practice doing this at this point I've been through a few conventions it's just kind of clockwork for us now so real quickly it's kind of the overview of what's actually in the castle so you can kind of see we've got our main courtyard in there we have a couple vendo vendor stalls as well not as many as there were last time most of them are outside in the festival but we do have a few other buildings in there are in our bakery we've got a blacksmith in the corner and we'll get to those here in a minute but if we could we're gonna start with our church on the corner here so you can see they're stained glass here in the back there's another larger piece cut out on the front the towers come off on either side and in a moment it's about to open up I'll let Trent do this here and so inside here you can see there's a full church we've got our priest up at the front kind of priests quarters out on the side a lot of people on the pews organ in the back it's a big stained-glass window at the front yeah we kind of pulled that out and see it a little better there same glass windows both ends are really really neat yeah thanks weave it was really interesting we had a quite a bit of time deciding how we wanted to build them there's a lot of different techniques we want one it's not too crazy but it's fairly rigid and stays together a lot of them tend to fall apart and since we take them apart all the time we can't really afford that so right here we've got our kind of our side gatehouse here this is very similar to our main one it's just kind of a scaled-down version it does have a working portcullis the pork house will go up and it has a throw switch to go down the drawbridge is also work although they're kind of a little bit finicky and how they do it so we usually don't show them off that much the next building we're gonna go to so you can see actually from here you can see the the garden outside of our our church since that's open and now I'm buying a little bit time for Trent to open up the stables here it's the next building in the corner is our stables you can see in here we've got all our horses we've got one of our Knights mounting up got a horse all ready to go yeah one thing you'll notice in all these buildings and places is that there are stairs and doors and ladders leading to every place we wanted to have this as like a fully playable castle so if you were a minifigure you could get everywhere in here through all the doors passages and you could get every place and so it just kind of was the fact we started this when we were young we very we used to play with it ourselves and you know a lot of old LEGO sets have multiple floors but no way to get to them like it's just teleportation between the level exactly right and that's that's the similar thing with all the details so here we've got our in you'd see the upper floor we've got a couple of rooms in there and at the bottom we've got kind of tavern style thing of our bartender if you you might know might have seen in that there's a little bit little small hatch like a crane and which system that actually leads into our wine cellar so you can pull a keg right up to the bottom if you need to and you mentioned kind of being able to travel throughout the whole build and so you guys actually do like a D&D games there on this right so you can kind of move throughout the whole thing yes I've actually done a couple of games here at this convention it's been a lot of fun it's a little crazy to do is it's a big thing to work with but it's it is a lot of fun to do you'll notice here we're slowly starting to reveal the underground we're getting to our other gatehouse right now like I said it's very similar to the other one has a similar setup so we can just kind of glance over it there is the big lion symbol on the back of it this is the same as the stained glass in the back of our keep just not stained glass but yeah as I've seen with the detail work inside here we've we see a lot of castles that get built a lot of builds and they look really awesome amazing but I always want to know what's inside of them and unfortunately a lot of them you know they're just models they're just nothing inside so we've kind of taken em like well we like it when there's stuff in there so we've kind of gone a little bit overboard in that department like for example our armoury right here so we have our upper floor here with SH all of our bow and arrows Quivers range stuff and then on the floor below it we've all our spears swords armor got a couple of guys getting ready to go there yeah the next thing we're gonna grab here in just a moment we're gonna get our kind of our blacksmith over here and you can see he's got a bunch of weapons he's working on getting all that going and while we're kind of clearing out the rest of this we're about to get to our key this key is kind of the centerpiece of our Castle it's by far the largest thing here it took quite a bit of work to engineer it and you'll notice as we start pulling off this off it is rock solid will kind of we kind of just handle these things no problem and it's there's a lot of fun to build a lot of challenges right now we're gonna once Trent comes around here with the top of the key I was gonna pull those flags off they fall off all the time so this top part here we have our Gardens very lino red and white flowers for the lion colors those crenellations pieces fall all the time there's all these parts wanting to get off the belt oh yes constantly and then up here we have kind of a sitting room meeting room area you know if you wanted like in you know in treats of diplomats that come up have some fun you know other than that we had a few other things there was an astronomer up there if you would noticed the telescope a couple ballistas to defend the place our next layer here is going to be our living quarters where also like nobility royal people stay over here we have our King and queens chambers throughout the place we've got a bunch of other bed chambers prince/princess we have like balcony up the front and then we have a small like private library in the back as well as an armory and over here we have a little secret passage behind the book counter bookcase hinges out there's a wall that slides open you can get right in there so the next floor is going to come in this has kind of our our kings council chamber where he meet people kind of meet and greet dispense judgments got us thrown in there you kind of come over to kind of a secretary of sorts so tell you whether that you need it's got to pay you money he's got that we've also got our war room with a mini model of our castle so you can plan out battles and right across from that as our mapmakers room which maps were pretty prized posessions you know back during that time so we're coming up on probably the one of the best parts to castle our Great Hall overlooking our Great Hall we have two balconies kind of side pieces here one of these the first one we got our band here that's playing kind of overlooking the Great Hall you got I got that get that music going in this small little sitting room next to it and on the other side we have a couple guards you know that's ready to go and just like a kind of a diplomat for the black Falcons which are allies to our castle hanging out in that room so is the the inner part of the castle something you change up very often errs and mostly just kind of the outer landscapes that tend to change is you guys updated so this point in time we've kind of solidified our inners it's a lot of work to change it if we wanted to so at this point we're pretty content without is so it's just the landscape that's gonna be changing so right here we have our Great Hall and we got a chandelier hanging from here and we wanted to have a great way to see from like a minifig view and so we have our front wall that comes right off and inside you can see this grand feast we've got our stained glass in the back chandelier hanging all sorts of food people having fun but then to get a better view of course you know chandelier will and the grid system will come out it's a little wonky but it works so you can get a little better view here servants walk around the sides come out bringing up food from the kitchens that are directly underneath and a little Easter Egg here on the side here we have four nights kind of statues that have the symbols from the original yellow castle on them all the armor and blooms from it throwback to the original designs exactly you know we had to include all of the factions here so why not have the original ones as well so at this point in time we've uncovered the entirety of the underground there's a lot of stuff under here so kind of starting on this back corner over here we have our foundry or they're working on armor weapons all sorts of stuff there to the left of that we have our treasury gold gems we have our tax collectors well you can tell he's got like iron doors there because got to protect himself you know next to that we have our one of our two barracks in the castle or smaller one just a few troops hanging out there if they've got a staircase that goes right up to the main gate house and then over here which is actually directly under the church is our crypt you can actually see the coffin in the middle is open with one of the old kings his corpses in there and then going forward from there we have we kind of get in our food area we've got our dry goods storage a lot of crates barrels and such going up a little bit further we have our pantry of all our food and such and kitchen where they're cooking everything there's a food prep area over to the right of it and then just below that we have a wine cellar and a brewery room kind of coming back down a little bit we have a servants quarters involve our servants in there I think if you ask some water they're washing some stuff and next to that is our wizards alchemy shop they actually have the staff from the necromancer that sacked us then you can tell see they're studying that right now and next that is actually our dungeons and the necromancer himself is actually in one of those cells you can see him we've got him captured got the continuation of the story exactly yeah we like to try to you know tell a good story while we're going other than that we have the big library that stacks all the books there's kind of an old history trophy room next to it bunch of statues of old past civilizations with the archivist kind of Hank checking all the stuff just below that and the last things up at the very far end of the castle we have our barracks and our soldiers common room that's the the major barracks that are there I think that does it for most the underground the last thing we have left is our port trying to think we've actually looked at that yet might have gotten a good shot of it before the castle was there but everything's kind of been pulled off here and we have some boats here you can see we've got a door that leads into the underground from this and one of the cool things we have is if we need to defend our port with this giant chain here it normally would be sunk in the water and you would pull it taut and it would connect to the other side and hold and any boats come and would slam into the chain and wouldn't be able to access the port and we have our two ballista towers which kind of pulled open here you can see we've got ammunition underneath they can little flap on the sides they can send the ammo up at the top the big chain system over here and I think the last thing is just we got a few boats oh right we have our Islanders I forget the Islanders over there of course they're just you know kind of living on their own doing their own thing got a couple of them just hanging out a little tropical forests tea area just kind of cooking up some food got a couple statues they're worshipping over there I love the Islanders theme it's always been and even though there weren't a ton of sets released in that I think he's just a really unique theme oh yeah we had one when we were kids and just always thought they're great so there were a few other details I think that we didn't have a lot of time to hit on it in kind of the new section over here one thing is the the pizza cards there right so I I actually personally made that we have a little hot dog vendor next to it in this pizza cart and I originally wanted it's gonna make a pizza vendor if that's like you know let's put it on wheels we're in Austin we got pizza trucks why not a medieval pizza truck so you can see the lady kind of use a little an oar to pull out the pizza and kind of selling it there and also something's kind of neat we have a jester here at the on the stage and he's actually juggling you can see if he knocks it back we have the third cup hanging up there so it looks like he's juggling and Andrew does a really good job - of making some of these carts they're quite interesting have like a kind of a gypsy cart here one of the Islanders are selling pineapples - which is quite funny there's an ice cream cart which I'm not sure they keep the ice from cold but they've got away and something that's really funny is there's a guy selling bones and skeleton parts from the battle so kind like War relics you know he's he's profiting off a war I guess and you can't miss the hotdog stand which i think is pretty funny and a little grill you've got all sorts of different like regalia with the different factions represented here what do you what would you say are some of the rarest SAR harder to find of some of these Knights factions so I would say that you know everybody loves the black Falcons but one of the most rare ones is this guy they came in the Knights processional there they were a set right after the yellow castle and so they only made six of these guys so they're kind of cool that's one of my older minifigures there and I also have made up my own faction I call these guys the Frenchmen because I have their further lease there on the shirt and of course this guy has a really awesome mustache which just looked kind of French to me and they're a baguette so all of the typical French that yes yes grandmother's French so I guess we're kind of French - a little bit so we can do that huh it's not culturally insensitive and of course we I had to find a reason to use this blue point advisor piece I think it came off on Nexo Knight which the pointy advisor pieces are always so cool so it's like hey it's blue and same thing with our banana knight over here which has no real real action at all but same thing from the next one I'd said this kind of oranjee helmet and I'm like well he looks like a banana to me so he's jostling with it banana got that Mario Kart strategy going on there I think it might work I think it actually might work well and yeah so you can see all the different factions you know we've got the these lines I think forget which what they're called but there's Green Dragon Knights and you can see the forest men on top of the waterfall which are always a favorite you know I pointed out the wolf pack over there on the other side of the mountain we we noticed our little tree minifigure in the forest there that people have been trying to spot him throughout the show which is just super funny and yeah that pretty much you know just a gigantic festival with all the factions present yeah so much more peaceful take than last year's build I love all the different colors and all the action represented here so what are your plans for next year at this point we're actually thinking about collaborating with a few people and I think we're gonna go mega battle again the number of skeletons has increased a little bit just some since the last year so we can have a more filled out battle maybe the skeletons have taken over the cast and we're fighting it back from them you know we don't know exactly what we want to do yet but we'll come up with something that's a little different and keep reinventing ourselves I guess well thank you guys so much for taking us through the build once again I know it takes a lot of time to tear it all down but it is so incredible every year seeing what you add and the massive castle and how that all works so thank you for taking the time to take us through it you
Channel: Beyond the Brick
Views: 183,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brick, fiesta, dallas, texas, show, convention, joshua hanlon, beyond the brick, legos, podcast, interview, builder, LEGO, AFOL, Convention, MOC, Custom, lego collection, bricks, pieces, minifigures, brick convention, art, amazing lego, awesome, castle, modular, knights, king, throne, custom, rooms, dungeon, dragon, lion, wall, medieval, layers, interior, floors, brick fiesta, texlug, austin, peterson
Id: YuDWVMbqqJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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