Giant LEGO Castle with Full Interior – Throne Room, Secret Treasure, Banquet Hall & More!

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This is fantastic in every way; look, attention to detail, life.


And the Mat Cauthon Easter egg is 👌

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Draggenn 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. SO many incredible details.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/plovi 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

There are just too many details to name them all. This is just pure awesome. Great job!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/biff64gc 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Absolutely incredible build, kudos! LOVE the level of detail, passion, and research you've put into this. Curious, how long did this project take you to assemble? Guessing it's evolved over many different iterations over time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Lego_Dima 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's so great that I'm speechless

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/colour_banditt 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] my name is rich sala this is my castle here hammerstone keep um it's a pretty decent sized castle layout my main goal in making it was along with it being a fantasy castle i was trying to be more historically grounded or realistic than your average you know high flying fantasy castle so it's got a lot my favorite thing is small details so throughout it's got all sorts of little tiny details that are you know i've did research and tried to you know do things that they would actually do on a castle like for example one of my newer features is the um the front gate here um so it's got double port calluses which go up and down it's got a drawbridge um it has the front battlements there you see there's little arches underneath there's actually holes in the bottom of there which are called matriculations so that the archers can shoot straight down if someone's directly below them it also has a bucket of hot sand to jump down a murder hole if there's invaders going through the gatehouse so in like popular culture you'll see hot oil being dumped down on invaders but in reality oil is really expensive in the middle ages so they'd use like sand sand can hold a surprising amount of heat and you can heat it almost to the point where it becomes glass um also one thing that people tend to like is the the outside of the wall here i've kind of dumped some of these plates in here to emulate what actually how a medieval wall would have been built they only really used the big stone blocks on the outside because that's expensive and hard to move and did more of like a gravelly cementy thing on the middle um let's see what else okay and so the main focus of the castle though is the back of it so the entire back is cut open and it has all of the rooms that a real castle would have so you of course have your great hall with your big feast table um but then on the next floor you have you know your traditional you know your throne room because this is a royal castle king lives here so this is where you'd hold court and currently is receiving news from one of his scouts on the next floor we have the living quarters so space was uh pretty much at a premium on inside a castle so most living quarters like the one on the right only have one room uh there's a few more that you can't see there in the back that are even smaller than that but on the left we have the royal suite of rooms being the king you know he comes with some privileges so he has a full three rooms um outside is the solar with the table um that is more like a living reception room you know that if the king was having a very a private intimate meeting with someone else they would be in there um to the right of that is the the wardrobe so a wardrobe was a full room back in medieval times it was a combination dressing room clothes storage and like storage for small personal valuable effects um kind of barely see it but in the background in out the solar there's the royal bed chamber it's one of the details it's harder to see when the castle is put together but it's fully fleshed out and then on the top floor we have the um the armory so when a castle would fall it would fall from so invaders would come in the front and then go up the stairs so you wanted your armory to be as high up as possible the last thing to fall because if it falls then you no longer have access to your weapons and now your enemy has access to your weapons and finally in the towers we have a few different things so on the bottom here we have a what's what's called a a cabinet so like like the presidential cabinet is where the term came from that term came from was from these it's kind of like a general purpose study um in this case it's like a war rooms these guys tables maps planning things out and above that we have the the tower cell so a tower cell as opposed to like a dungeon so a dungeon or ooblee was would be somewhere somewhere where you'd like chuck people you'd never want to see again and maybe you'd put some food in after them a tower cell is kind of the opposite of that think like the tower of london it's where you put prisoners that you want to treat nicely that you want to think well of you after you release them um so and on the left tower we have another cabinet this one is more of a wizard study so he there he's got a telescope and a writing desk it's also got his books on the left which are locked up because you know books were incredibly valuable back in the medieval times because they all had to be hand written and at the top in the top floor of the left tower we have the chapel so a medieval castle would always have a chapel and the chapel would be positioned as high as possible because you want it to be as close to heaven as possible and then capping it off we have just you know normal watchtower with some you know battlements a guy up there with spy scopes you know looking off into the distance keeping watch yeah that's so great to see so much detail in these rooms back here so then if we move forward to kind of the in front of the castle what scenes do we have playing out out front here okay so here we have a market you know a bunch of people gathered in you know to buy and sell their goods farmers i got a town crier you know with this ringing's bell you know announcing in this case that peace has been declared because the kind of scene that i have set up and over the whole castle is you know the lion knights and the dragon knights are normally at war but you know peace has been declared the king the lionite king is coming to visit um you know he's and they're going to have a royal a great banquet to celebrate um but all the nights are on display because the dragon knights want to remember why they surrendered um but also in the market here we have you know we have a ice wizard using his powers for good you know i'm selling some ice cream we have someone else you know a bit of a shady individual running off with that noble's money and jules but he's not looking he's looking where he's running away from but not where he's going so he's going to get an unpleasant surprise shortly um and as i said before there's the king's deli the red kings delegation coming in the front gate and you know just some more nights kind of on display as well as behind the fountain there's a lift system so that you can put goods down into the underground area without having to carry them down the stairs speaking of the underground what do we have underneath here okay so we've got a few things going on so what everyone likes to look at over here is the treasure room and up looks like someone's been a little bit so that is normally a trap with the skeleton on there it's on pretty much a hair trigger so given the fact that it's sprung i imagine that a small child has put his hand in there recently um the rest of the castle i have kind of a kind of minds of moria inspired you know underground city so we've got a training area over here on the left um it actually has a little bit of a reference to one of my favorite fantasy book series which is getting a net or a amazon adaptation soon the wheel of time the guy with the staff you know beating up some of the knights um so and in the background there we have the crypt have a couple monks carrying you know carrying a coffin in to be stored in the crypts uh on the left there we have a door to like the rest of the underground and some lost dwarves asking for directions one thing i love here is the use of your flame pieces with those lights to give the kind of flickering uh candle torch effect ah yes yeah that took a lot of effort um i had to actually cut down the leds that i bought to actually be able to fit them all inside those torches and you know there's wires going up and down and i i've hidden them below that see the the blade path that's like one level above the base plate i've got the wires running underneath that no that works super well and then you've got even like the staircase that goes up to the main level yeah yeah that's that's the main way to access things along with you can kind of see in the background there's the lift and if we go back above ground then and kind of move out in front of the castle you've got kind of a moat area here before you reach the the outer portions okay yeah so here i've got you know a dry moat so a lot of times when people see a boat they think oh it's full of water so really that would only be dependent on where the castle was a lot of places you know you couldn't just have a river if there wasn't a river there already so a lot of castles had dry moat so here we got some spikes chiseled out and that's still pretty impassable what if it's a dry moat where where were my alligator lit yeah i don't know i guess in the river over here um also we have a um an abandoned building with a cellar that this shady individual has decided to store his loot and weapons in uh he's sneaking in there um we've got a few other things we've got some corn fields with a farmer and some more shady individuals stealing corn there's a lot of shady individuals in this town there are so these are stealing corn he's got the farmer's got his dogs running after him he's chasing him with his sipe um see and then we got the uh the mill so the mill is motorized using the old style nine volt motors geared down with the worm gear um so yeah that so yeah and it actually it it's interesting that drove part of my design for the river itself because my first instinct was just to do stud dumping and just dump a whole bunch of studs in the river and call it call it a day because those were out there and pick a brick at the time but i was driven to do like a static brick-based one because that wouldn't interact well with the turning wheel but then when i did that using the pieces that i had on hand i realized that you could see through them and i had the idea to do underwater details so i hit all sorts of little easter eggs underwater like right there is you know you can see the one ring there's a school of fish underneath the bridge a little bit there's a skeleton he's hanging on to a treasure chest down there but it's not really visible it's a little too far under the bridge i think and then we got a few other details here some washer women you know going down to the river to wash clothing um a fish fisherman and lazy day on the river and then some pine trees and particularly the larger pine tree i'm proud of it it's my own design it's the um it has kind of like the life preserver type pieces with the um the exoforce robot arms attached all around in a ring with the new style grass going out of those so i was happy how that turned out one thing i love about this build and as you've been describing it here is the kind of amount of research and thought you put into capturing a lot of the rooms in the castle and just all sorts of these elements in that sort of more historical type of build so what type of research did you do into this era then in terms of trying to get all of that correct yeah so i've always been a big fan of medieval thing medieval things like back years ago in like fourth or fifth grade i had you know medieval history which kind of like started me on the path from there i've looked at things on you know on on the internet and for each individual feature i make i tend to like do a google image search to see what they looked like and also read different articles about like what rooms a castle would have and particular the most single researched individual thing was the last part of this castle i built the front wall it was something else and then i rebuilt it recently over this last year i watched a bunch of videos there's a great youtube channel shadowversity that goes over like really in-depth medieval stuff and i i used his videos and they i think it turned out great no i agree it's fantastic so do you know how long and tall this whole layout is because it's quite quite immensive here um i don't know the inches off hands but it is five by two um dark or sorry of the large light gray base plates which i think are 20 inches on a side i'm not i'm not 100 sure on that um and for how tall it is i i'm not sure it's it's still very impressive when you bring this to a show then what what is that process like in terms of getting it here and setting it up ah so the castle comes apart in a few distinct sections there's two uh two large gray base plate sections from the front area so it divides into three sections total then the um the top kind of marketish front wall area slides off of the underground and then each individual floor comes off like a modular building yeah and it looks fantastic once you have it all set up here so thank you so much for bringing this out to the show and for giving us a tour of everything yeah no problem you
Channel: Beyond the Brick
Views: 262,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adult fan of lego, joshua hanlon, beyond the brick, model, legos, podcast, interview, builder, LEGO, AFOL, Convention, MOC, Custom, lego collection, bricks, pieces, minifigures, brick convention, art, amazing lego, awesome, castle, interior, battle, village, scenery, knight, king
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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