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[Music] this is a very sad sad day burn or brother hello everybody I am kindly keen and welcome back to roblox we're playing a game called hello brother now from what I understand this is a remake of hello neighbor but in roblox and not really a remake but like a fan game of hello neighbor in roblox so it says hold W to continue so let's do that so that we don't have to hear this man just bawling his eyes out anymore it's very sad I am holding W it doesn't seem like anything's happening hello game oh it's going what okay so where that was like the intro this is this is the main game and this is alpha one keep in mind oh this is really cool what oh it's a cutscene it has a enormous door with an enormous lock on it what it's got the whole trolley system and everything and there's a mannequin up there oh this is cool okay I'm in I'm in art so so is that the neighbor is that the brother of the neighbor he looks different something about you seems different oh okay murdered me just and lots of grunting it's very weird okay can can I get in side though neighbor or should I call you brother I don't know your are you a different person I don't I don't really know oh my gosh it's got choo choo train this is crazy so this house while it bears some resemblance to the final act of hello neighbor it's definitely different this is actually pretty cool I like this let's go in through the front door if we can hopefully the brother doesn't see us and I'm gonna close the door behind me like that okay can I pick stuff up I can't pick stuff up well at least I can't pick that up okay can I open this I can oh my gosh this is insane I can't believe this is roblox this is really roblox uh what is happening hello I okay ah I can't what even happened there I don't I don't really know what happened there that was very upsetting let's check the mailbox you think well there's a very small box in there is that a very tiny box I don't really know I can't really do anything with it okay I guess I'll go back inside oh there's a there's a stinking security camera with laser on it that's crazy this is really cool I can't believe that this is roblox until like I get teleported underneath the ground and things start freaking out and the game starts flickering and things really get broken but I do have to say the look is very very similar to hello neighbor this is really cool and the controls are actually not too bad either they feel solid so now we're upstairs and there's the vgn bus that's cool oh we got three locks on there why do I have a basement chair equipped what am I supposed to do with this can I even do anything with it can I drop it I can't drop it it's just it's part of me forever okay let's go in here see what's going on we're outside now oh oh don't don't hit the camera what is this giant creepy mannequin room with missing posters raining from the ceiling chirps another day at hello neighbor's house okay what am I supposed to do now though I don't know how to open that gate someone let me in oh I can climb it why why can I climb the gate that's confusing okay we need to find a purple key I think that's probably just a lot of weird mannequins can we open this no we cannot anything on the bed check on top of the bed nothing on top of the bed okay I guess I'll go back down I mean I don't know where else I can go did we check all these drawers did I do my oh okay so touch the lasers coming out of the cameras immediate death I did not realize that it was the camera that murdered me can I respawn now hello game are you gonna let me back please why is the neighbor at my house did you see that he was at my house not cool okay you know what reset character please save me okay we're back can we go into our house our house I only think has a door on it that seems like something that you might want to look into you know if you want to live inside of your house you might want a door just just saying it's one of those things that most people would like to have on their house okay so we have basically made zero progress Oh what is this it's a key how do I pick it up oh I have a key I have the black key I did not see a black lock though so what good is a black key gonna do for me if I don't know where the black lock is I need a purple key that's what I really really need right now is there anything in here there's a ball I can't really do anything with it but yay I have a ball ooh actually you think we can I don't I don't know if we can hit that maybe if I get on top of the refrigerator I'm like picking up every single object that I come in contact with right now and it's kind of annoying cuz I don't know how to drop the items that I have yeah I have no way to drop what I'm holding it just keeps getting added to my inventory whatever I just really want to hit this switch and the game's not letting me and it's very upsetting please game game here we go open yes I just did something I did something magnificent I also have a flashlight and it actually does what a flashlight does incredible all right let's go up I think this may have opened the door to the creepy mannequin room I'm actually kind of excited please let me up the ladder okay put the flashlight away maybe that's the problem it was more or less uh-oh black lock yes you go away please how do i I don't know how to use this oh there I did it okay that's one down we need Lona green as well okay so this did open now we're in the creepy giant mannequin room great just lovely looks like we got do some platforming yeah okay jump up all of these platforms I've been training for this my whole life by playing Abhi's in roblox that's right it's all led up to this moment let's not let the people down please yeah nope that's not good oh my gosh mannequins are flying through the sky stop stop flying through the sky okay no that jump is really hard okay it's all I'm gonna say about it it's not easy okay got that one looks like we're gonna have another tricky one right here also there's there's purple coming out of the ceiling look suspicious let's go for it we know how are you supposed to make that jump that's a crazy jump oh my gosh this is so hard oh wait wait you hiding a lever stinky mannequin what did that do did that did that change anything here I don't know if it actually did to be honest with you I think we still have to make that ridiculous jump up there how though I don't know all right let's just try again maybe this purple thing does something nope don't do that don't do that cuz then you're just gonna end up falling down and having to do the whole thing again okay keep your composure no it's hard though maybe I can jump to the window and like spider-man cling to the window I don't know I just feel like this jump is impossible seriously for real is it can't be done can I just climb the mannequin can I can I climb you mannequin please let me let me climb you oh you're not gonna you're not gonna let me climb you okay that's very rude okay I'm back I don't know what I'm supposed to do here do you think I can use a a chair maybe this chairs not gonna help me is it jump to the window no I felt like I kind of clipped onto something something was helping me there but I didn't make it this is all very upsetting all of this training all the obby training that I've doing the rigorous regimen that I've been placed under in order to fulfill the jumping puzzle in the hello neighbor remake in roblox it's all coming crashing down I wasn't ready I was not ready it's very sad sad day huh no it's a double jump third secret double jump there's no secret double jumps guys I hate this okay here we go go what are you supposed to do I'll tell you what you're supposed to do continue trying oh I can't even make the first jump anymore now it's just sad now it's see now it's just it's a sad story now please I want to see more I want to see more it's awesome remake you can't hold me back anymore you stupid platforms they're holding me back and they're making me mad okay we're back yay just gotta make this jump that is absolutely impossible it can't be done I must be missing something I can't even leave though oh I can so I don't know maybe I am missing something but I feel like that's the way you're supposed to go but but how show me the way mannequin giant mannequin man I did this wait why it's it's making noises again what is that actually doing that's what I want to know what is that actually changing I can't even see anything I'm very mad because I'm very stuck and I don't know how to get out of here so I guess the next step is to desperately search around his house once again for anything that we could have possibly missed but I honestly don't think we missed anything that we checked this drawer yes we did anything around the couch anything like that no there's nothing over there I think in the cabinets look on top oh oh you you sneaky weird dresser drawer thingamabob er you have a purple key on top of you that is not cool you should have told me you should told me that was there the whole time here I was making a fool myself trying to do platforming that was literally impossible I was supposed to go in here wasn't I wasn't I please open oh I hit the laser beam death not a smart idea but I think we opened the door so reset my character again please let me through can I get back do you think I can get through there I gotta watch out for the camera laser that's the only thing dodge the camera Laser save the world it's how it goes okay yes we got that open and then just sneak under it yes ladder let's climb the ladder huh a giant key you're beautiful what do I do with the giant blue key what am I supposed to do with this thing I I shouldn't have done that oh it's for the giant blue lock of course but I don't know how to get up there that's the problem I love that there's a giant blue key though that's pretty cool neighbor is just wandering around my yard which is very strange but he can do whatever he wants I'm not gonna stop him that's his prerogative he's living his his best life right now maybe I got to go to other houses I don't know there is houses with actual doors on them way out here nope can't get to it it's too far there is an invisible barrier so that's not gonna work okay so what's next it's a great question I don't know I don't think I can make that jump like seriously I really don't think I can make that jump is there anything in here that I need to find it doesn't look like it check this stuff again just double check we already did that that opened the gate to the giant mannequin room oh where is he I don't even know where he is is there anything on top of these things we know how much they like to hide stuff on top of these things there's nothing on top of it okay go upstairs I guess anything up here you hiding any secrets you tell me your secrets now no no secrets okay oh there's loud obnoxious music I don't like it make it stop we got the giant blue key we know where the giant lock is but we can't get to the giant lock because we can't make that jump because either a I'm just too bad at roblox or B that jump is actually impossible can I use the giant key as a bridge to span the gap probably not but I'm gonna go back up there because I don't know it's better for me and now the music is just repeating itself over and over again so it makes this whole process even better just that much better I'm gonna try jumping to the window that was a bad decision I should not have done that oh I just jumped out the window and now I'm gonna get killed by the neighbor's brother or something I don't know I just stopped stop something in the noise you're setting the children I jumped through the window so maybe maybe I can jump to the window and that one jump and land like in the window sill and then oh you know what I'm not doing a running jump I need to run and jump I am a fool oh my gosh how how am I so dumb please don't actually answer that I already know yeah all I had to do was hold shift and jump and then you jump way further oh my gosh that's just embarrassing I didn't even realize it okay I'm losing all my gamer cred yeah that was super easy and I'm a fool but on the bright side at least I figured it out and didn't give up okay so now we are on the train tracks which is actually kind of terrifying cuz the trolley is moving around here and I don't know how to get ran over like that just like that like what just happened okay got to get back up there this is brutal but I honestly think this is one of if not the best like hello neighbor fan game we've played in roblox this is really cool alright the faded jump which is just so stupid easy now but we we now know so let's wait for the trolley okay there it is floating through the sky it's amazing alright now we just run we run as fast as we possibly can and I think what I want to do is jump to the roof oh there's something blocking me I can't I can't get past that oh no okay oh I got this oh oh that was scary jump we want to get to the giant blue key okay here we go use it get okay we got that open please open giant door giant door open oh okay this is where the giant lives I guess this is actually kind of cool everything's so big check these drawers here real quick nothing in there okay now what there's a there's a ladder but how do I get to that lap oh actually oh here we go we can go out the window then go across here then climb the ladder we got jump to the letter No why didn't you grab hook to the ladder uh okay back to the top all right I'm just waiting for the trolley to pass where you at I'm tempted to just jump on the train drives by no better that trolleys coming after me there it is all right get out of here okay now we need to make that very very scary jump again and okay here it is so we just want to okay we made it no problem wasn't worried wasn't scared had the utmost confidence in myself I'm gonna try something here okay so you can jump two ladders I just want to make sure that you can jump two ladders so that's what we need to do we need to jump to the ladder it's right there you're right there just can I look why why though why do you hate me maybe I need to pull the lever on the mannequin hand again I don't actually know all the neighbors here and he killed me through the wall amazing truly amazing so the neighbors chasing me and now we have to listen to this music on loop over and over again it's good it's real good also I just want to mentioned that I did forget to actually hold up the lever on the mannequins hand so now I'm trying to climb the back of the ladder which didn't work shocking I know right maybe we can do this oh please oh my gosh we finally did it okay who would have thought climbing a ladder would be so difficult so now what do I do do it oh I climb this maybe am I supposed to be doing this I don't know this is kind of crazy yeah okay I think we're going the right way but it's getting a little little scary I got a jump over there okay wait okay all right cool now what we're at the top can i oh oh I made it to the very top oh my gosh what am i doing up here I'm hanging out the mannequin hey buddy how's the view it's pretty sweet right yeah it's pretty cool if you're do did we win what is is there something in here something inside this crate I feel like there's something inside of this crate maybe Oh hammer hello okay that'll work I don't know what I'm gonna do with it but ooh actually I think I see the green key on top of the roof down there it's right above my cursor if you can see that it's way down there I wonder if there's anything else that we can grab while we're up here I don't know I think we should just go straight for the green key so actually I think what I'm gonna try to do is land on top of these train tracks so we'll just line it up and then drop right on top of the train tracks and there's an invisible wall of course I should have known better okay don't do that then let's go this way we wanna yeah grab that over there whoo all right got the green key and the hammer I don't really know what's left to find but I'm feeling pretty good about this so we got the hammer let's use it to remove all of these planks and then we have the yellow or the green key which I guess we are gonna use in here yes okay so then all that's left is the yellow key for this room and I have no idea where the yellow key is old neighbor hey you know what just kill me so that I don't have to listen to this music anymore cuz it's getting real annoying oh you're back okay good super super fun you're sanding right inside of my eye yard that's just that's just lovely thank you for that okay yep glad we can be such good friends are you done neighbor are you done mercilessly murdering me good glad you got it out of your system now we need to figure out where the yellow key is so that I guess ultimately we can find the red key that's what we really want so I guess I'll go back up and get to the very top and then maybe we can kind of figure out if we can see anywhere that we need to go that we haven't gone to yet okay so I think I want to try and get on the train tracks oh I missed them shoot that's where I wanted to go cuz I figured that we haven't been on that track specifically so I thought maybe we could find something if we get on that track but I can try this again so I hope it works no don't bounce off okay we made it wasn't worried not for a second so this is the track that we have not been on yet I don't know if it really goes anywhere that we need to go though so actually let's climb this again and let's get to the very very top of the house okay we're back up top I don't know can we can we climb this oh my gosh we can okay we can't get above that section but we can just straight climb that that's kind of crazy is there any yellow keys up here mr. mannequin can you tell me if there's any yellow keys up here I don't think there is so is there anywhere that we haven't been yet just trying to see I don't know honestly I don't feel like there's anything up here that we haven't already gotten can I drop down to this one I've been on this one before haven't I yeah I've been on this roof so there's nothing here hmm about these train tracks right here see if I can oh just barely made it where do these go let's just let's follow this train track all the way around see if we can find anything why why did I fall not cool game not cool oh and there's the neighbor hello hi I'm I'm just I just fell from the sky I know it must seem kind of weird but that's the way things are okay so just deal with it I don't know I'm kind of stumped to be honest with you and unfortunately I am like more than out of time if that makes any sense I gotta go I got a leaf I got places to go people to see for real for once so guys we're gonna have to finish this one before we're actually done with it but hopefully you guys enjoy this and hopefully we can come back to it and try to finish it in a future episode but that's gonna do it for this episode if you and be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,726,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hello neighbor in roblox, family friendly, hello neighbour, roblox online game, no swearing, lets play, funny roblox, play roblox, roblox weight lifting simulator, roblox video, kindly keyin, roblox simulator, roblox youtube, roblox games, roblox gym, roblox game, roblox, hello neighbor game, rolobx lets play, roblox family, hello neighbor, roblox roleplay
Id: Mo3V_6D5FuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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