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filet mignon on the blackstone you betcha that's right we're taking one of the finest cuts of beef and throwing it on our blackstone if you want to see our take on this mouth-watering dish then stick around while we dig in i can't believe the wall twins they're right there that's one of them that's the other one i'm the other one hey welcome back i'm adam i'm brett and we are the wall twins if this is your first time here with us welcome consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you don't miss any of these cooks that we do together on the blackstone griddle and i gotta say my guy my guy my guy is all i gotta say apparently filet mignon yes on the griddle and here's the deal we're introducing a new segment we like to call you don't gotta but we're gonna because we're gonna throw some filet mignon on the blackstone griddle we get cold too many times wrong tool wrong job but the thing is if everybody had listened to everybody else that never cooked no new foods would ever be invented right that's right or ways to cook yeah and a lot of the bigger nicer steak houses say a flame doesn't touch their steak right they cook it on on a flat top surface so now or in a pan right yeah a skillet yeah let's kill it we got the best of both worlds we got a flat iron skillet a large one we're gonna be here now the one thing that's gonna be a little bit different is how we prep this now this is super simple we're not gonna worry about a side dish for today we just want to show the process for these amazing filet mignon brett talk about it so as you can see star of the show these delicious inch and a half cut angus beef filet mignons we picked up sam's club and then we are going to be eventually cooking them in this butter and salt and pepper for the basic season that is that's it go ahead and explain what the process what these have been doing right now we've got them sitting on this plate they've been out for quite some time about 25 30 minutes almost yeah correct because you want them to come to room temperature and then about five seven ten minutes ago we put salt and pepper on the winds of change the way we're going to cook these is we're gonna we got this side of the black stone scalding hot it is all the way high and then when adam gets the oil on there and we get it smoking whites we know it is up to 10. we're just gonna do a one-minute sear per side and then we're going to move it over here to a cooler side to finish the cooking process where we will get it to up to about 1 35 for the medium medium rare that we like it pull them off to rest five to ten minutes and then we will cut and enjoy the goal is to hopefully get these and only have to poke them one time with the thermometer and that's really because this is our first time using the blackstone for filet mignon what i was telling brett the first time that i cooked filet mignon was on my electric griddle we were supposed to grill outside we had a huge storm there was no way for it we didn't have this outdoor kitchen yet and so we're using the blackstone right i had to cook them for the family and i was nervous we had over a hundred dollars worth of meat that was putting on an electric griddle and everybody said it was the best steak that they had and i agree so i've been excited to do this one since all right so let me glove up here real quick yeah i don't need a glove up because adam's doing the cook here and we can see with our with our thermometer right in the middle we're at five about 5 40 dude 5 30. dude and then over here in our cooler zone we're just in the hot hot hot right about 380 390 yep a little bit hotter than we want we usually want about 350 and i say that now most people want it even cooler but i know on our griddle that's about what we're gonna get but we can turn it down a little bit lower actually okay so we got it lower because we have time right now after a couple minutes that should be about 340 350. um that's what we have found works for us when we do these steaks so again this is our first time doing the flamingo on the blackstone so let's see how this goes i'm excited so we're just gonna lay our olive oil here now this is just to get a quick sear listen to that my guy so we're just gonna let those sear and then i'll get the edges the end caps the fat and then just to kind of seal in those juices as it continues to cook over here and then we'll be good to go because of the tender nature of this meat we're only going one minute per side for the sear because we just want the sear and then we'll flip them and then we'll get all the end caps and sides and everything okay one minute there we go that is a good sear that's a gooder's here you got some of the salt and pepper on there it's a nice crystallization okay we ready milk how about now okay look at that sear now we've got some salt on there too look at that that's what that's oh my god now the end caps we're just doing for a second this is just to seal in that juice and that flavor so it doesn't have to be there for too long let's get the other side now let's stand this up and then bring this over get the other side as soon as we get some color we know we're getting we're going to hold the um hold the flavor in just rolling it making sure i'm getting all the way around so brett's gonna go ahead and lay some oil down butter some butter down rather right here perfect anymore let me know all right and we will be using butter for these extensivelys all right this one's ready to go and then you can put some butter on top of that one too okay we want this down we don't want this really cooking cooking we'll keep tossing this on now we're gonna let these sit for about five minutes let's go five minutes of flip so we're kind of you're doing a little based on the blackstone of what's going on here all right there we go so i'm gonna lift brett's gonna put some butter down lay some butter down my guy oh dude my guy mike i got it don't worry i got it it's just gonna do that it's what i do on the griddle inside i do it until it's not gonna run away anymore and then i'll bring that butter back in okay and then put some down that one was good all right about five more minutes after about two i'll temp it again we don't want to poke this too much because we don't want any more flavor to escape than was going to escape then this right here is my version of basting in a skillet and bread look it's working pretty good look at that spatula's working great it is working great like a spoon all right so we're going to flip this and we may not go the full time on this we think we're pushing pretty close brett what at what time do we want to pull these about oh do you want to butter them want butter oh geez butter underneath [Music] okay so the smaller one is ready to go we don't want it to overcook we're going to let this rest oops we're just going to pull this okay we're going to set this one off and let it rest this one just needs a couple more minutes all right so we've got both of these ready to go kenzie i think we're ready for some beautiful b-roll let's go ahead and grab these [Music] [Music] well my guy there it is so here's the deal it's been resting five minutes we don't want this to get too cold i don't want to say a lot we'll talk more about it after we take our bite let's do this all right brett but you know like we say can look amazing this looks like amazing food you have all the juice because that's the plate we let them rest on it can smell amazing oh my gosh it's that that was the most satisfying that was the most satisfying cook to just like keep basting it with that butter absolutely but if this doesn't taste amazing then this was all for naught cheers i'll lead to that my brother it is so tender that is so tender um oh and i'm doing right there you've got that i just i just got through that with my fork by the way with your fork that might be the most tender steak i've ever sank my teeth into that is and that is it's funny we were talking about it during this and we were both admitting that the best steak we've ever had was the rib eyes that we cooked on on the black stone the black stone i would put this right there with that same level yeah absolutely just as good i couldn't tell you which i liked better this is amazing i'm glad we did it this is one of those things on my way home adam i'm just going to keep thinking about i know you are sinking my teeth i'm looking at it right there and you can see that kenzie's eating my laughing cut bite so apparently i'm done with my steak into this well can i can i point something out real quick and i don't know if you can see it in here right there there's that pink inside we wanted this to get medium rare we wanted a little bit closer to medium um i find with the filet mignon it's soft enough as it is um they do dry out if you if you get them too well done oh yeah that's a waste of a good dollar steak right but then sometimes too when it's too rare by the time you get too much it's like too much it's too much it's yeah too rare this is the perfect sounding through so for us for my liking it cooked right through so like we say you don't gotta but we're gonna and i'm so glad that we did because this was amazing so good would you change anything aside for maybe two minutes here not a thing not a thing okay perfect and to me i'll agree with you on the seer except for me i don't mind that because i don't need that hard sear on it to me the sears about holding the flavor we lost no flavor out of that yeah and honestly with the whole basting with the butter yeah that was something new to me i thought let's just try this and well because i asked absolutely i said so are you gonna try to are you going to get like a spoon and see if you can baste it with all the butter in there you thought no no need and then he started because i know a lot of the professional chefs when they're when they have the skillets that's what they do right they say to get that perfect steak you've got to baste it and get in there so i just kept basting it and guess what it paid off exactly paid off the more more that i think about this i i just i don't know that i've had a better stake this may just be the best thing i've ever had it very well and so you're just ripping more just ripping more and more off and we have you given us a like yet oh yeah did you give us a like yet make sure you give this video a like and speaking of liking we like our merchandise especially the new griddle on gear don't forget to check out our merchandise there's a link in the description below this video of how to get our merchandise especially the griddle on and we love the griddle on gear it's a passion of ours this whole idea of griddle that we end every video with it because it's part of this griddle community yep along with the griddle on we have wall twins merchandise that's right there's another way that you can support us as well and that's through our patreon yes yes patreon is a multi-tier system where you have a little more access to the wall twins from behind the scenes looks to the outtakes which we call the leftovers the blooper reel if you will uh we got our recipes as well as discounts on merchandise at one level where you actually get a free apron of choice or tapering capron as we call it we're totally endeared to our patreons and with the new griddle on gear we now refer to our patreons as our gridlock entourage we love it we love being part of our griddle entourage and our griddle on peeps yes so much and we just appreciate so much their support your support and just for watching this video and just in case you didn't know we're gonna ask you to give a thumbs up one more video yeah if for some reason though you didn't like it you know it's not for everybody we get it kind of i guess go ahead if you don't like it though go ahead and hit the thumbs down two times for us because you know you gotta do you but aside from coming to make quite possibly the best steak this filet mignon on the blackstone griddle i can't believe you're saying that right black filet mignon blackstone griddle best steak why else are we doing this because all we do is twin no matter what and with that we bid you a deal and don't forget to like and subscribe and greet a lot [Music] you
Views: 104,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing filet mignon made on the blackstone griddle, the best steak cooked on the griddle, blackstone griddle, outdoor cooking, steaks on the blackstone, filet mignon on blackstone griddle, how to cook steak, how to cook filet mignon, filet mignon, blackstone griddle steak, waltwins, waltwins blackstone, blackstone waltwins, griddle steaks, steaks on the griddle, griddle cooking, medium rare steak, best steaks, how to make the best steak
Id: 6xT7z3luz0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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