AMAZING Extrusions in SketchUp with Extrude Tools - ALL TOOLS EXPLAINED! - Extension of the Week #47

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what's up guys Justin here with the sketch of essentials calm back then and there's Sketchup extension overview for you um in this video we're gonna talk about an extension that I'm really excited about that allows you to extrude faces using just lines and Sketchup and before we get started I do want to take a second thank my supporters on patreon they selected this extension my supporters on patreon get to vote on which extension of the week I'm going to cover every week so if you're interested in voting on those extensions you like what I'm doing this channel and you'd like to support me please check out that link in the notes down below so this week's extension selected by my patreon supporters is extrude tools now let's go ahead and just jump into it plug-in named extrude tools plug-in developer TIG plug-in cost it's free please make sure to donate to your developers where can you get it you can download this extension from the sketch ocation extension warehouse um you can also check out the link in the notes down below tool functions I'm actually really excited about this extension I wanted to review it a lot sooner but it never really got updated to work with Sketchup 2017 so I couldn't really do any tutorials with it now tick is updated it for Sketchup 2018 however he has noted that some of the things he had to do to get it working with 2018 made it more unstable so he warns to save your models often to avoid losing any of your work it sounds like especially using the undo functions and some of these tools can make your models unstable that being said this is an incredible set of tools that I'm really excited to have back and working in Sketchup so the way this extension work is it allows you to extrude faces from lines instead of just doing it from faces using a tool like the follow me tool so I figured I'd just kind of walk you through each tool and show you how each one of them worked so tool one is extrude edges by Rails extrude edges by rails allows you to take an edge or a profile and extrude that along a pair of lines or rails in order to extrude it into a face so for example if I was to run extrude edges by rails it's gonna give me a couple different options the first thing it asks for is the profile curve this is the curve that it'll extrude along the lines then it asks for the first rail and this Cantrell so in this case I'm going to click on this line and then this line and the last thing it's gonna ask for is the melding profile curve what this means is this is asking if there's another profile on the other side that you want this to merge into I'll demonstrate that in just a second in this case we're just gonna click on our original line in order to extrude this you'll get a series of options in here for reversing directions and reversing faces and quad faces and deleting the original edges in this case I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say yes you can see that reverse the faces if you say if you select a quad faces option this will get rid of all the diagonal lines which gives you much cleaner meshes and it'll also give you the option to erase the original curves and I usually say no cuz I like to keep those just in case I want to try something different with them so that's a series of options that you're gonna get every time you use this extent every time you use this tool so in this case I'm gonna demonstrate now what the melding profile would do and just to note this is a pair of arcs that have been welded together using the weld extension so I'll try to link to that in the notes down below as well but in this case I'm gonna run extrude edges by rails I'm gonna click on my profile I'm gonna select my two rails and if we remember the last time we selected this line it to be our melding profile so we were saying there wasn't really anything on the other side we wanted this to meld into well in this case we're gonna select this arc and we're gonna say no yes yes no and so you can see if you compare these two lines this one basically took this curving line and extruded it along or moved it along the end of these rails as well and this one it took our curved line and it melded it into the curve on the other side so you can see how you can adjust the way that phases that are created work using the melding profile the second tool is extrude edges by Rails to lattice this works similar in a similar fashion to the first tool but it adds something at the end so if you run this you're gonna get the same series of options it's gonna act you ask you to select your profile curve it's gonna ask for your two rails it's gonna ask for a melding profile curve so same as before and then it's gonna give you a series of options in here and so basically what it's asking you is what it wants you what you want it to use to create a lattice in this case I'm gonna select profile slash rails and hit OK and it's gonna give you two options it'll either allow you to create a serial Attis using a series of lines or in 3d so I'm gonna go ahead and click 3d and I'm gonna hit OK and then I'm going to select YES for erase coplanar eight edges no for reverse faces and then if any of you remember my tutorial on the extension lattice maker this is basically gonna take all these faces and use them to create a lattice so and you can tell this to create like a material so like for example I could come in here and tell it to make the pain material glass and so what this is gonna do is for each one of these it's gonna offset it and also give it a depth and create kind of a pain so I'm gonna go ahead and click OK you can see it's processing down at the bottom but what that's going to do I'm gonna say no to erase original curves is that's gonna create a lattice using the lines that we created with our rails and so you can do this for more complex shapes as well so like for example if I select this again and run this over here we're gonna pick the one line then we're gonna pick our two rails and one thing I did not do is I did not weld these lines into a single line so that's gonna be important you're gonna want that you're gonna want to make sure these are complete curves so if you had to do this with multiple points like I did make sure you weld them together but now you can come in here and you can select your profile you can select your two rails you can select your melding profile we're gonna click OK we're gonna say lattices 3d yes to erase coplanar edges yes to reverse faces and we'll just kind of see what we come up with so in this case you can see that our diagonal lines didn't get erased and so what this did is this created a lattice I'm using all of the lines in here so you can see how all of these have the diagonal line in here as well so you can adjust those settings and do different things with this but that's how the rails 2 lattice works I'm the next option is extrude edges by loft this is very similar to the curve aloft lofting and so basically what this one does if you click on that is it's gonna ask you to select your curve so I'm just gonna click on all of these curves and then I'm just gonna hit the enter key and it's gonna ask how many segments per section so this is asking basically how many line segments this once how many line segments that should use to make up your mesh so in this case we're gonna say 12 if you want like a finer mesh then you could pick a higher number but that would create more geometry I'm gonna go ahead and click OK and it's gonna ask if you want to reverse our faces and I'm gonna say no because the front face is already facing out I'm gonna say yes to quad faces and I'm gonna say no to erasing my original curves I'm gonna kind of move this off to the side because you can see this is very similar to something that like curve aloft would create so if I use curve aloft and I come in here and I select these four lines and I use the loft by spline function it'll do the same kind of thing where it'll create a mesh along this face and you can up the number of segmen so in this case I'm gonna pick 12 and so that gets me pretty close to what this creates and you can see how the meshes get created in a little different fashion so they look a little bit different and Kerrville off gives you the option to adjust the way that those all work so for me I'm probably not gonna be using this function of extrude tools that often just because I kind of like what Kerrville off does instead but this definitely gives you another option for lofting line the fourth option is extrude edges by edges and so the way this one works is this one will extrude a series of edges by by another group or another line so in this case what this one requires is it requires you to have two different groups of stuff in your model and so like for example and these have to be groups they can't be individual geometry so like for example I've got this line that I kind of exploded as segments and then I brought together as a group and then I've got this line where I did the same thing so what this one requires is it requires two groups of input and so you select them both and then you click on it and it's gonna ask you a couple different things if you want to orient your faces I'm gonna say no reverse your faces I'm gonna say no intersect with self no erase coplanar edges you can say yes but I don't really see any of these then triangulate faces I'm gonna say no because I like this quad geometry and so what this did and it kind of puts this off to the side which is kind of odd it doesn't put it kind of quite where your where your groups are but you can see what this did is this basically took this edge and it extruded it along this edge so in this case what you can do is instead of having multiple different rails you could use this to create like a single curve and then have another curve that you're gonna kind of extrude everything along so that's definitely an option for this one so the next option is extrude by vector so extrude by vector is very simple so the way extrude by vector works is basically you take an edge so like if I take this edge and I select it it'll basically allow me to extrude this edge in one direction so it's basically the it's basically the push-pull tool it's basically the push-pull tool but it allows you to do that with edges instead of faces so I can do the same thing for this object that I welded together I could just take this point and I could just extrude it along the green axis so that's that's really good for taking flat profiles without having to like offset these and use the push/pull tool and sketchup to create different faces extrude edges by vector to object allows you to extrude a series of faces up until they run into another face and it'll detect when they collide with that face and stop the extrusion they select for example this is the group that I created in the first object or in the first example as a part of extrude edges by rails so the way this works is if you select all of these different objects and then you run extrude edges by vector you can click on this point it's going to ask for your first the first edge of your vector but you can see how when I pull this up it's showing me the intersection points between these edges and this object so basically what I can do is I can move my mouse all the way above this and then I can click well what that's gonna do and you can see how one of these is inside the or outside that face so it didn't quite work but basically what it's gonna do is it's gonna extrude that up until it runs into this face you could use this to create a series of columns that run into an organic face or something like that this is actually a pretty cool one especially if this object and let's try something real quick I'm going to smooth this object but especially if you were to take an extension like joint push-pull so especially if you were used an option like joint push-pull to give this a little bit of thickness so if I was to push pull it up and I don't really like what I did there so especially if I was to use an extension like joint push pull to give this some thickness you can see how you could use this to create your series of columns really easily without having to do the whole intersect with model thing so I actually really like this piece of this extension I find that very helpful I'm excited to see what else we could do with that one extrude edges by lathe is very similar to using the follow me tool and rotating an object around in a circle to created a rotated extrusion this just allows you to do it using a line instead of a face so like for example if I was to take this object pick extrude edges by lathe its gonna ask you to select a polyline so I'm going to select this line and it's going to ask for the arcs center point so I'm gonna go ahead and pick this point see what we come up with and then we're gonna set the axis of rotation and you can see what that'll do is that'll take that line and that'll rotate this and it's gonna ask you what angle you want this long so like for example if I was to set this at 30 degrees it would only extrude this at 30 degrees along that red axis or I could set it at 60 or 90 so you can use this to basically extrude an edge along a profile like this and then you can do a double click in order to confirm it usually end up saying yes to the coplanar edges no to the reverse faces go ahead and yes to the smooth edges so that'll make this a smooth object and then I'm gonna say no to explode my group but you can see how this creates this object so you can use that to basically lay the line in a circle if you want to do that so extrude edges by face basically what that'll do is that'll take an object it'll take a face and you can extrude it along multiple different lines so like for example if I was to select this first curve that I created actually we're gonna run the extent we're gonna run the tool you're gonna click on extrude edges by face and it says you need to start off by selecting your face and also your edges so you can see how when I selected that that basically extruded this object along this edge even though this is flat on the ground it'll extrude boy along this phase and theoretically and I'm not sure if this is gonna work or not theoretically you can use this along multiple different pieces so when it says path is discontinuous or branched if you say yes theoretically it's supposed to be able to extrude it along multiple different phases I haven't been able to get it to work but theoretically that functionality is in there so if you guys can figure out how to get that work leave a comment below and let me know how because that would be super useful to be able to extrude this along multiple different pieces at once extrude edges by phases to object what this one is supposed to do is this is supposed to allow you to take a pair of faces and draw a line between them and have it kind of meld these two objects together theoretically I actually have not been able to get this one to work so if I click on this one I select this face I select a curve or a rail just like we have before then I select this other face ROM and when I run it for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be working so what it does for me is it creates is these kind of guide points along here but it doesn't actually meld the two objects so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with this one but I can't quite get it to do what it's supposed to do I'm usually what I would end up doing for an extension like this is I would probably end up using curve aloft anyway so I would just select these two objects and use the loft along path option you can see how what that'll do is that'll actually meld this along here so if you can't get this one working try curve a lofts loft along path option and see if you can get that to work all right so this next tool is extrude edges by rails by face so I know that sounds complicated but basically what that one does is that'll that'll do what the first one does so it'll do the extrude edges by rails so it's gonna ask you to select your face and then just you're just gonna do the same thing where you extrude your edges by rails to create this face you go ahead and click on this and what it's gonna ask you is what what you want to create your rib from so basically your extrusion object that you're going to extrude in this case I'm gonna say rib from profiles and rails and click ok basically what that did is that took my flat face that I had selected over here and it created your kind of it created all of your lines that it would have on this first tool but then it extruded this object along all these different lines these different paths so basically you could use this to create things like complex steel looking structures the one thing I don't really like is these aren't in here as individual groups I don't know if you can set it up to do that or not you can see how this is all in here it's just kind of its own geometry but it does give you an option to do a lot of extruding of profiles along these different edges really quickly and really easily so I think this kind of has some cool possibilities and then the last one is very simple basically what it does is it allows you to extrude edges by an offset so if I select these two edges for example and I click 6 inches basically what it's gonna do is it's going to take this line and it's gonna extrude it in one direction or the other so this is a lot like if you were to use the offset tool and then have to draw a line in here to finish out the face this will do that for you based on your line so like for example if I was to come in here and select this object and do an offset of negative 6 it would offset it to the other direction so you can use this to create faces for multiple different lines really easily that's where I'm going in today's video leave a comment below let me know what you thought did you like this you excited about this tool set being back I just love having that Sketchup conversation with you guys if you liked this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new Sketchup content every week if you like what I'm doing in this channel please consider supporting me on patreon every little bit helps even if it's only a dollar a month but in any case thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
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Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, sketchup 2018, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup tutorial, justin geis, sketchup, sketchup extrude tools, sketchup extrusion, sketchup follow me, sketchup tig extrude tools, extrusions in sketchup with Extrude Tools, extrude tools, sketchup extrusion tools, extrusion tools, 3d extrusion tools, sketchup extrude plugin, sketchup extrude extension
Id: Oq55prLHBhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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