Advanced Modeling WITH EXTRUDE TOOLS in SketchUp

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what's up guys justin here with the sketchup back with another sketchup extension tutorial for you so it's been a bit since we talked about the extension extrusion tools and i wanted to talk just a little bit about some of the things you can do with this tool set as well as some different times when this tool set might be the right choice so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so you can download extrusion tools from the sketchication extension warehouse this is an extension by tig i will link to it in the notes down below but basically this is a tool set for creating and extruding different shapes but one of the things i like about this is it does it by edges and so what that means is that means you can extrude different edges so for example right now if i was to draw an edge like this you can't push pull it right the push pull tool doesn't allow you to push pull edges i would hope that at some point they actually add that functionality but at the moment you can't do that unless you use extrusion tools so what extrusion tools does is it allows you to select edges and create extrusions from them so if i was to select this edge and then select the option for extrude edges by vector what that would allow me to do is that would allow me to extrude this up and create a face just like this and so i'm going to go ahead and hit the space key and it's always going to ask if you want to reverse the faces and if you want to explode the group which i'm going to say no and so the cool thing about this is not only does this work on singular edges this also works on multiple edges so if i was to select these edges for example i can hold the shift key to lock them to the blue axis and i could extrude these up so these are very helpful for extruding edges like this and another cool thing about this is unlike a lot of extensions it doesn't require you to weld curves which isn't really that big of a deal anymore just because um they added the ability to weld curves inside of the newest version of sketchup but you can select these edges and notice they're individual curves and you can still extrude them up so if i was to extrude them by vector like this you can see how i could extrude that up no problem and so what this does is this gives you a really interesting tool set for being able to create more organic type shapes right because previously you'd have to like draw this and then you'd have to give it some thickness then extrude that up but she didn't always want to do and things just start getting really complicated but let's say for example that we were to create a sandbox so we'll just create a simple sandbox like this one and let's say that you had a bunch of complex um curves in this right so let's say we were to move this up so you've got like a corner right here you know something a little bit more organic like this right so you could use sandbox in order to create that but then if you needed to add like walls or something like that things start getting really complicated again right so for example if i wanted to come in here and create a wall that kind of ran along like somewhere in the middle of this object it would get really hard to do so you could come in here and let's go ahead and rough out just like a floor plate real quick so if you were going to do this just by the edges you could do that just with native tools right you could make this flat edge but you know if you had something that was more organic right like a curve or something like that right things start getting really complicated really fast you know you could push pull this up but you can't like draw a line straight up like this right and you know create a face it just doesn't work that way because things aren't on the same plane right so it doesn't automatically fill in a plane or anything like that but with extrusion tools there's a tool in here called extrude edges by vectored object i've talked about it on the channel before i absolutely love this tool what this does is this takes a curve so let's say i wanted to select these edges and i wanted to extrude them up it'll find an intersection point with another object and it'll create a face that runs along that so in this situation for example i could extrude this up and notice how i get all of these red dots well these red dots are this extension finding where this intersects this object well if i click in here we'll say no we'll say no what this will do is this will create faces in here based on this curve so what we've done is we've created a complex organic shape with a wall that runs up to that shape then you can couple this with other extensions like for example joint push pull would be a good one to give this a little bit of thickness so let's say i was to take this whole face and use fredo's joint push pull i could do a vector push pull to give it a little bit of thickness make sure that your finishing is set to thicken to keep your face there but you could add thickness to the shape as well so you can use this to create like really cool organic shapes alright so in addition if you use this right you can use it to create really complex lattices inside of sketchup as well so let's say for example that we were to draw a curve so we'll just draw a curve that goes along a path kind of like this right so we've got a curve right here and so there's a tool in here called extrude edges by rails to lattice and so there's a problem with that tool though so let's say for example that we were to draw a couple different edges in here and these basically correspond to the size of my window openings that i want so let's say we were creating a complex curtain wall system right so first thing we need to do is we need to weld these edges together because this one only works with curves right so what we need to do in this situation and this is cool in sketchup 2020 they added the ability to weld at multiple edges into curves so i'm just going to right click and i'm going to click on the button for weld edges here and then i'm going to select this i'm going to weld these edges here right so weld edges so now if i click on these and look in my entity info these both show up as curves so this is a curve this is a curve so what we want to do is we want to start by using this extrude edges by rails to lattice so basically what that's going to do is that's going to let us set a profile which in this case is going to be this curve there's a first rail and then if you wanted a second rail you could have it in here if you don't you can just click on this again then it's going to ask for a melding profile that's if you wanted your curve to transition into another curve which we don't so we're just going to click on this right here and so it's going to ask if we want to create a lattice from and we're going to say lattice from profiles and rails and click on ok we want to select lattice as 3d and click on ok and then it's going to ask if we want to erase coplanar edges we go ahead and say yes on that one and it's going to ask if you want to reverse the faces in this case i'm going to say yes so then it's going to ask us if we want to create a lattice well in this situation we do what a lattice is is this is going to take each face and offset it in and create like a glass system so we're going to click on ok and what that's going to do and we're going to say no to erase original curves is that's going to create a lattice system in here and so you can also set this so that lattice has glass in it so like for example if we were to run this again which we can do say yes 3d erase coplanar edges you want to do that otherwise you get these diagonals in here and your lattice doesn't look right but what we want to do in this situation is we'll set our pane material to glass so what that's going to do is that's going to set this lattice so that it has a glass inside of it so if you look at this and we're not going to erase our original curves you can see how you can use this in order to create a glass surface in here and so in addition we can also use an extension called lattice maker from tig in order to create a lattice from our building and i will link to that in the notes down below and so there's some other interesting applications we could talk about this kind of theoretically more than anything so one thing that's going to make this a little bit weird is notice how the segments in your arc affect the size of the faces that are created so if you were to pay a little bit more attention to the size of those segments then you could use this in order to create some glass in here just by using the extension lattice maker also from tig so and i'll just show you how i do this in general just note that you would want to adjust these edges right here before you did the extrude to faces up here but let's say that we wanted to split this up into some glass right so what i would do in this situation because what this has done is this is taken and let's go ahead and let's hide this face right here just so we can see a little bit better and we'll turn off our hidden geometry there we go so what i want to do is i want to take the edges around the perimeter here so the ones that are kind of making up this face and i want to select them so it's probably easier if i hide this as well so if i was to select this object and then select the base like this so basically what i've done is i've selected all of these edges i could use the move tool in copy mode to create a copy of this and split these faces right so i could click up here and then i just type in like divided by three or something like that and what i've done is i've basically split this up into a number of different panes right and the way this is created if we look at our hidden geometry there's no triangles on here meaning that this is going to create nice geometry if we were to use lattice maker so lattice maker is a free extension from tig which i will link to in the notes down below but basically it takes faces and it creates glass faces from those or lattices you don't necessarily have to have glass in them but i almost always do so the way that would work is i would just select all of these and then i would just run lattice maker like this you could set this to add a glass pane on every one of these so what this would do is this would offset these in and basically create a pane of glass at every one of these faces so i could click on ok and what that's going to do and you might get some weird results on these faces right here but what that's going to do is that's going to go through and that's going to create a lattice using every one of these faces so you could use this in order to really quickly create like a curtain wall face in here notice how this gets a little bit weird when this gets smaller so like i said you'd want to pay more attention to your segment count over here but overall you could use this to create some very complex curtain wall shapes that kind of contour to organic shapes like this inside of sketchup so i'm not even really sure what to call this kind of tutorial it's almost like a concepts video but it shows you some interesting applications for a tool that you could then take and apply to more specific shapes so you could take these and you could do a lot of interesting things with this so i would love to hear from you in the comments some stuff that you might do with using extensions like this but leave a comment below let me know what you thought if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new sketchup content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 23,844
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Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, sketchup 2018, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup tutorial, justin geis, sketchup, sketchup extrude tools, sketchup extrusion tools, sketchup organic model, sketchup extrude tools tutorial
Id: Fu2vzCY4fDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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