Amazing 'Change Your Mind' Magic Trick - Revealed!

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I've always loved impossible a prediction effects tricks where the outcome is extremely clear in my experience when a comfortable forming magic and mentalism it's very rare for a trick to be too direct for it to be too simple for it to be too clear but it's very easy for tricks to go the other end and be far too complicated so I love a prediction trick right at the start it's very clear the performer is trying to attempt to either control people's choices or predict their free choices it depends on how you want to present it and nothing adds to the drama or the impossibility of it then giving people a chance to change their mind at the very last moment I love the drum with that you can change your mind at the last moment so here's a trick I think you're gonna really like it's it's so direct if it's a really direct trick and there's a couple of virtues first you got a deck of cards one and you've got an envelope this is gonna be a prediction and what's really cool about this trick that I really like is it's very direct and that people can start by shuffling the deck so want you all experienced magicians out there to keep in mind the deck can be thoroughly shuffled those switches etc it's a shuffle deck the deck can even be borrow and shuffle okay and you say look we're gonna try something how free do you think you are how much freedom do you think you're running out and you say look I'm gonna start dealing with cards on the table here in a couple of different piles and at some point when you feel it two separate piles you're gonna try keeps them at some point when you feel it I want you to say stop whenever you want they say stop let's say there and you say fine now you've essentially stopped me at three cards you shuffle the deck you stop me at three cards okay because there's the one down in that pile there's the one on that pile and there's the one appear which one do you want and totally free choice at this point not gonna play any games the one you choose up here down there is the one we're gonna use and let's say they say the one down here and you say fine that's the one we'll use them say look you're very careful here sleight of hand no funny moves you show eight of clubs was the card they stopped this envelope has been in full view the entire time and again no switches borrowed deck shuffled deal them out all very fair and that last-minute opportunity change in mind which I really love and then impossible you show eight of clubs now on this video I'm gonna reveal the secret to you you're gonna love how simple it is how direct this is the kind of card trick that can play really big you can do this at a private party for 25 people you can close your show with it I'm gonna show you a few other ideas with using a jumbo playing card okay or you could even use three other missed calls we'll get into that or mispredictions okay so I'm going to share all that with you on this video today we're also gonna have a question a leak a chance to win some stuff and I'm gonna announce the winners of last week's reconstruction contest last week a bunch of on the video left a variety of you left I think your birthdays anyway we narrowed down to 12 winners of my reconstruction card trick and as always if you want to check out the previews sort of some of my gimmicks my gear my downloads go to Sankey okay let's jump in right here by i'm gonna ask you the question the week in fact now this week i'm gonna be a chance to win one of my mind bending mentalism collections this is 20 tricks most them real simple not not this one this is just a freebie here on youtube but 20 really strong mentalism tricks i know you're gonna like the collections called mind-bending your chance to win one of 12 winners your chance i want you to leave a comment down below and it's kind of an interesting one this week to me if you could truly read minds if you could really read people's minds what's one thing you would definitely do that supernatural power what's one thing you would definitely do if you could truly read the minds of other people either individuals or group so leave a comment down below let me know you'd be automatically entered into this week's contest for my mind-bending mentalism collection alright let's take a look at this this is so simple if you're at work and you figure hey i want to watch a quick video here and learn a really cool trick to amaze your friends this is it okay it's very simple it was inspired by the three shell game the idea that with the three shells three walnut shells there's one p and they're one the lean p or little whatever it can be you a little small thing a bead it is hidden by find it so I don't know where it is and the psychology of that of having something that can be secretly moved around during the performance is exactly the essence of this if I'm gonna do the envelope prediction I have to get up close okay I have it in the envelope written out here now there's a particular reason why I'm using an envelope and if particular reason why I suggest you could use a jumbo playing card if you wanted to okay already this is a crazy big one I mean this is this is really big but typically jumbo cards magicians you heard about half this big they're a great size too because these are the things under which you're gonna hide the card you're going to force all right so let's say bar Declan Bob deck version okay so much shuffle the cards the cards have been shuffle now with your own deck you're gonna already have the eight of clubs secretly on top of the deck before you start but with a borrowed deck of course can have the card shuffle take them back and say oh yeah these look pretty well shove a good job and in doing that I've been able to secretly cull the card to the top that I needed and the way I did that is I just spread out the cards until I spotted the card and then I secretly with my right fingers I pulled that card to one side kept spreading the cards and slid the card to the top it's called culling it's not hard to do for example let's say I want to force the five of space but this will take practice the real practice is not the technical it's the confidence it's doing it performance shuffle deck boom take this back let's see I gotta say I've seen a lot of shuffled actually a pretty good job and Justin leaning in and saying pretty good job provided me with plenty of misdirection to slip the the five of spades at the top of that okay so this trick starts with your 8 of clubs on top of the deck whether it's a borrowed you shuffle deck or whether it's your own neck all right I say look I have a prediction here and we're gonna see if whether or not I and the tricks go just like that because just like that I have might show up front and back I casually put it on top of the deck and then when I took it all I did I had a little break there with my pinky I use that a lot when I took the envelope off the deck I just reached in slow this card off so the eight of clubs secretly gets stolen under the envelope okay that's the key to this now notice I can literally have the deck I can take the deck back still underneath put the envelope on the table and the card is now and doesn't want to fall here the card is on the table under the envelope right then I give the deck out of shuffle that deck is thoroughly shuffled it can even be a borrowed deck like I said this is one of the key reasons this is so impossible it's a shuffle deck right then I take the cards back pick up my envelope my card underneath and I start thumbing off piles but boom and you're doing this and what you want to make sure is that they're not you don't want any lay the cards down so they're all neat you want a little bit of the cards going off to the side now because the technique you're gonna do is to secretly add this card to one of the piles or on top of the deck you it's key that they don't say stop before you have a few cards down which is why I always start dropping the card and saying we're gonna try something I drop some a few cards down on the table and I want you to cover get you don't follow your instinct just see if you can get a sense of what's good what my prediction might be and by then I've got four or five cards and piles already so let's say they stop right there and I say so you stop me in a car I say actually you stop me at three cards because there's a card up here there's the card down there and the card down there and I'm conditioning them now so that there when I do that the drop off move it's gonna seem like nothing rather than just going that one there okay and it looks awkward now I'm sort of saying well you got this card that current which one in particular you want you know card up there card there which one and let's say they choose one the one over here and I say okay that's the one you want and you can see you can't see through the envelope there's no way you could have seen it I lifted up as a little bit of misdirection having just dropped the facedown card on top of the file right can do the same thing with the right second or I can do this over here like this if they say they want this one I say and I even side chocolate push it off the side so you're sure that's the one you want they say yes and I say this almost beneflu the entire time you'd agree right full view and they say yes and just like that I've been able to drop it off so even though last second they have several choices they can change their mind and go this one or this one this one even though the deck shuffle you're always in control every single time now I want to show you two other quick things with this but before we do the reconstruction winners from last week congratulations you twelve one if I say your name please send an email to my team at contact at Sankey let them know your real name your shipping address and they'll mail out you a collection of my reconstruction stickers these are specially printed custom color labels you can do if you want to check out the some of the amazing effects you can do with them definitely as always go to Sankey magic calm and search reconstruction all right you twelve one Tim Carper congratulations Chico de Costa David vigil Augustin bolt Peter Buttrose Tyrone Dietz truth seek Jill scarf Furillo Jill scarf Furillo her birth martinez david phobos buckeyes slim and ryan Harry Anto you twelve one congratulations now this last tip I want to give you here is involving using a jumbo card you can use a jumbo card from the beginning and you could do it face up notice that from the very beginning you could have this stolen underneath this jumbo car and say this is my prediction very bold because this way they can see it and told you and then it definitely becomes something that has that sense of is he gonna try to control us because you're being very bold I think there's more mystery for sure having it face down but this will suit some your performance styles the other tip I want to give you here is inside the envelope but other than having a drawing what I've done in the past is I've had three cards red backs so different color backs than the blue deck right over three red back cards and I say actually I don't this has been here the whole time then I cut up and I didn't make one two I made three predictions and you show them all facedown okay these would be red backs maybe they got numbers or X's or question marks on them and they said we got down to three cards and only now would you turn over showing you know at this point here's your predictions say which one to you it's an eight of clubs let's say eight of clubs and you go wasn't that interesting because I narrowed it down to three and you turn and all three the read-back cards are eight of clubs so all three of your apparently different predictions turn out to all be the same card matching so that's got a nice theatrical twist I love it when you can lead people down a certain path they think oh my god if that happens it's amazing and then it turns out that does happen but on the way there are a couple of twists in addition to that surprise really is one of the big keys to theater and that's something I try to do a lot so anyway very cool trick easy to do like I said it plays big and do not forget question of the week to give a comment down below if you could read minds what would you do with that secret power one thing you would definitely do if you could read minds thank you so much for watching as always have fun with this stuff my experience is magicians and people like magic take it too seriously there's too much ego and vanity I think the best thing you can do is give people a sense of joy a bit sense of wonder and definitely don't come across as having a big ego or you're above people or some sort of snotty performance you definitely want to avoid that anyway have a great day have fun
Channel: SankeyMagic
Views: 36,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic secrets, easy magic, beginner tricks, card trick, card tricks, coin trick, coin tricks, jay sankey, sankey magic, magic revealed, learn magic
Id: HtkwEiVH7xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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