Learn EASY 'Astrology Star Signs' Card Trick | Jay Sankey Magic Tutorial

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if you are not looking for a really really easy trick to do that you're gonna love so much that you're gonna perform for the rest of your life if that's not what you wanna stop watching the video but this is the kind of trick i'm gonna share with you today that if i got hit by taxi anytime in the last three or four months okay and i was found dead in the street they went through all my belongings inside my wallet they would find these 12 blank playing cards okay the reason they'd find this over the last few months is because i've been performing this non-stop it is so easy to do it's so dramatic and distinctive and original okay and it involves star signs so you immediately have people interested all 12 you're gonna make this yourself get some file cards some blank business cards blank playing cards there's no special gimmicks to make it's super easy to do and the reason why this is so commercial and why people love this trick so much is because first it involves the star science which people are fascinating second the spectator is the star of this trick the spectators find their own star sign despite the fact the packets shuffle and shuffle shuffle the spectator finds their own star sign not once not twice but three times in a row so perform it right now reveal the secret you're going to love this trick but first here is the worldwide premiere of my shocking new trick heavy metal [Music] at any time during your show you remove the pack of cards and draw attention to a small hole in the very center of the case next you introduce an elegant steel cocktail skewer and slowly push it down through the hole and everybody can see that the cocktail skewer is without a doubt running down through the middle of the case then when you ask a spectator to remove the steel skewer and open the case impossibly they discover a steel plate the exact same size as a playing card inside it's an astonishing moment of magic and here's what makes a truly next level illusion you can immediately hand out the steel plate the card case and even the skewer without any switches and no matter how closely people examine the props they will never ever discover the mind-blowing secret heavy metal relies on principles of optics and physics unlike any illusion you've ever known it's so visual and so perfectly impossible you don't even have to say a word there are no switches no palming and no difficult sleight of hand and you can perform it with the case from your favorite brand of cards and as a special bonus you'll also learn the secrets to a marvelous collection of tricks involving the steel plate and cocktail skewer on their own [Music] the metal plate and the elegant skewer are both hand polished and manufactured from 100 pure steel to last a lifetime of unforgettable performances you are going to love the over-the-top reactions you get with heavy [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks to the very special gimmicks heavy metal is extremely easy to perform it's also only available at sankeymagic.com so don't wait click the link to save 25 and order yours now this amazing trick starts with a very simple request you lean in you look at someone you say i want you to think of a number between 1 and 12. are you thinking of it they are you say change your mind i want you to think of a second number okay i want to make sure there's no way i could have controlled it okay in fact i want you in that right now to think of a third and different number between 1 and 12. do you have it in your mind you haven't your mind between 1 and 12 you're thinking one don't say it out loud don't write it down don't tell him keep remember the number the final number you chosen 1 and 12. got it they say they do you say great here i actually between speaking of 1 and 12 is i have 12 cards on each of these virgo aquarius cancer i've got all the star signs written down here okay they're all written all 12 are here i want you to hold your finger and i want you to touch the star sign that's yours whatever star sign you are i want you to go ahead and touch and they touch one let's say they touch taurus you go great doors now do you believe in the power of star signs do you think they really make sense i'm going to come back to that in just a second for now what i want you to do is i'd like you to lift off you ask them to lift off about half the cards they can really cut wherever they want lift them off put them off to the side they do that you say i'm going to mark the spot exactly where you cut turn these perpendicular put them right there on top like that now when you reached over and you lifted off some cards and you were thinking about your star sign do you believe that sort of triggers anything unconscious in you or something instinctive or do you think it's all just mumbo jumbo what do you think and you ask them and you get into a bit of a conversation with people about the star signs you say the reason i'm asking is because look right here i'm going to lift off the cards nothing funny exactly where you cut and i want you to see even though you could have cut the cards anywhere you cut to your own star sign now you might think that that is fluke you might think that it's total fluke that you were you know it was one in 12 chance of being able to touch and it sort of cut to the exact one that you were thinking of your own star sign so let's try it again but let's do something a little differently i'm just going to spread out the cards literally just spread them out and i want you to touch anyone you're drawn to and you don't have to change your mind okay you go ahead touch one they touch one you say that's the one are you sure you can change your mind though if you want and they decide to change their mind you say fine well get rid of touch they touch one's lower down the bottom the point is they have a 100 free choice to touch any one of the 12 and inevitably when you turn it over amazingly they have freely chosen their own star sign again you say look you still might think that that's some sort of fluke there twice in a row whatever so let's do this look i'm gonna shuffle the cards one more time here okay and now do you remember at the very beginning i said to you of a number between 1 and 12. i said just think of it right just think of it and you even change your mind twice what was the last number you were actually thinking of in the variant say it aloud for the very first time they say it was 5. five say look i'm not gonna arrange i'm not gonna shuffle the cards again i'm gonna give you the cards and i want you to count down your own hands okay one two three four five just like that you give them the cards with trembling hands they deal down one two three four five and yet again impossibly they found their own star sign i think there's a lot to be said for just getting some file cards uh and uh with a marker writing these on now the one thing i'll say is these are this is cards these are doubles double blank playing cards so you can't see through the cards you can't see and that is important you really to keep the drama you don't want people to know what card is which until you turn them over you could use a simple uh file cards and pencil writing with a light pencil that'll be fine or get uh file cards and glue them in groups of two double you know cut them out glue them and that way they're totally opaque there's another way to go with it okay but whatever you want i'm only using the 12 that's what's so cool about this is there's no doubles there's no forcing in this regard there's just the 12 to start okay you give them a mix get my shuffle and it's important to start with this shuffle you don't have to use this shuffle okay but it really adds so much this is an overhand uh it's where i retain one card i've taught this on other videos and i'll just touch on this briefly if you're shuffling the cards i mean you'd agree that this looks like i'm giving them an absolutely fair shuffle couldn't be more fair however what i'm doing is squeezing i taught this on a recent video just with my fingertips a little bit of pressure with the tips and what that'll do is it'll keep that bottom card okay you're actually squeezing the top card and the bottom card together they both are staying there as you're pulling everything out and then shut what's called shuffling them off pulling everything out from between the middle of the two cards and shuffling them off that changes up the top card but the bottom card always stays the same keep that in mind so first thing you do think of any number between 1 and 12 change your mind sometimes i say to people think of a number now i want you to change your mind think of another one it's so fair and by doing something at the beginning of the trick that's crazy fair think of any number the fairness of that bleeds on to everything else in the performance all right so the thinking of a number one and 12. now you don't go any deeper into talking about star signs or anything and here's why i then say i want you to hold your finger and i want you to touch whichever star sign you are you're eventually going to want it on top so let's assume what you do is this you spread the cards they touch a card there virgo and you unfold you casually cut virgo to the top okay it's a boom like this as you're saying okay so you're a virgo do you and now you might say do you believe anything about star signs and this looks like i'm just shuffling the cards but i'm keeping their card with that false shuffle i'm keeping it on top now i'm shuffling i'm shuffling totally convincing i put them down and the first force i use is the crisscross force probably very familiar if you're not you're gonna love this because i have them lift off some cards any amount they're gonna lift off two three four five but usually you say about half the cards you'll see why they lift them off you say put them down on the side there now i pick these up i turn them and i do this now the idea is when i come back to this and i show them the card they cut to they're gonna forget that that card that was actually on top the whole time okay remember they lifted off cards that's the top card i turn this like this and that's going to be the top card is right there which is the top card of the bottom half is going to be right there now you need a little misdirectional time instructions so here's where i say do you even believe in the stuff now you it was easier for you to find it when they were face up right but whether when they're face down and cutting do you believe on some level you know where your star sign was where your card was and they often say they don't so i plant a little bit of conversation and after a little bit of that or maybe i've talked about being a capricorn and frankly a lot of the traits of a capricorn i find really apply to me a little bit of information about myself okay having said that now i come back to this and i say because you know you might doubt but look and i lift these up very carefully pick this up in a very slow dramatic way drop these on there and show boom impossibly they've cut to theirs now you can stop right there that is a good trick but the fact that you're going to do this two more times make it this trick an absolute mind blower people freak out because people assume if you do something once well fast hands they didn't catch you that's why you don't repeat the trick right but here you do in fact you repeat twice more and you fool them very badly twice more okay so it really builds you could use this as a closer it's a crazy strong trick so that's the first one i drop it on top pick these up and they think it's over and i'm shuffling now everything looks legit but i'm using that false slip shuffle again keeping their card here now if you're familiar with my channel you know full well when they spread out the cards and they touch anyone right and then that one i simply turn over and it's there's again if you're familiar with my channel you know it's a double lift i'm using my favorite easy double lift okay and what that is is i've got the virgo card on top they spread out any card or they touch any card i what's called out junk and i stick it out a little bit there now i'm going to come over and i'm going to grab hit the edge and spin this card it's going to spin no fancy move here just around my first finger and basically back on top here it's not a fancy move it's not a flourish but as my hand comes over i'm going to push the top card just a little bit forward and get a break under it this is getting ready for something called a double lift and it looks like this here turn turning over two cards is one there's the second time all right so clean so so clean when again you can stop there you did something in par actually they did something impossible once then they do it again great but the fact that now you take it and what i do is you can either uh just slip off the top card or you can double undercut the top card you basically want to get this indifferent card off the top and the easy thing to do way like i said you can just slip it to the bottom like openly slip it to the bottom drop this and shuffle we're back to our false shuffle keeping virgo on top for the last one this whole time the i think the impossibility is growing because the first one they cut kind of a larger action you know cut the next one they pick much more precise and they found it again this last one they count down using a number which number the number from the very beginning the one number they were thinking of even before you started the trick they were thinking of three or nine whatever you're going to use the countdown force to end totally self-working you'll love this okay let me do it with the card face up for a bit so you can see it okay so they say five and you say fine now this card is actually face down they don't know what's on top but for now because i want you to see what i'm doing it's face up so i say to them fine what i want i'm gonna give you the cards i want you to count down one two three four five i scoop these up cash drop on top and hand them what i've done in counting and showing the example of what i want them to do is i position when they count down one two three four five they're always going to find their card now this works even let's say there's a three so again if the card's gonna be face down but just so you can see i say in a moment i want you to go one two three okay and i give them the cards and they count down one two it's always in the position you want because your demonstration automatically puts it in the right position all right so to finish they say four you say great and because your shuffle kept it on top say four okay in a moment i'm gonna ask you to count down one two three four go ahead you hand the cards and when they deal down one two three four you go wait a second i think everyone agree he said three chances to prove that there's nothing to this psychic connection there's nothing to the star sign and sometimes i'll even okay sometimes i'll even ask him to put it aside or put it under her hands or whatever and in dealing through these to show now sagittarius libra pisces the idea is that with everyone i turn over and reveal okay everyone that it's not there i'm building the drama of don't tell me no way i can't believe he did it again he counted down the cards he was thinking of any number and then boom thanks for watching and don't forget you only have a very short period of time to save 25 on my brand new trick heavy metal it's so easy to do it astounds people it's unlike any other magic trick you know click the link go to thank youmatic.com and order this amazing trick at this special price today [Music] you
Channel: SankeyMagic
Views: 12,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sankey, jay, magic, tricks, card, trick, coin, beginner, easy, tutorial
Id: IiFHp5Kio28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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