Learn the Secret to Amazing Phone Trick! | Jay Sankey Magic Tutorial

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[Music] in just a moment i'm going to perform and then share the secrets to a trick that many of you are going to immediately start to perform okay you're going to have a blast with it you're going to immediately start to perform it because it's easy to do because it uses a borrowed object in fact the spectator's borrowed phone i know you're thinking that just looks like a piece of cardboard j not a phone but it's gonna be gotta use your imagination this is the spectator's borrowed phone okay and also it leaves them with a souvenir of the impossible event on their phone and the deck can be borrowed that can be shuffled it's just super commercial it's the kind of trick that makes it a real as the magician say a real worker all right uh here's how you start first the deck can be shuffled that can be shuffled that can be borrowed whatever completely on prompt completely impromptu okay and you say look we are going to use a card because what i'm going to do is this i'm going to ask you to perform a psychic feat you're going to use your latent psychic abilities to find a particular card out of 52 cards but i think you're going to need a little help so we're going to take a photograph of the card with your phone and you ask them to get off their phone and set it on camera mode and all that kind of thing okay and then you say let's see let's see which card we're going to use and just to test everyone's psychic ability does any uh anybody have idea what card this is and nobody has any clue or they guess and hopefully they get it wrong or they get it right and it's an amazing trick you say we're going to use the oh queen of hearts going to use the queen of hearts and like i said to give you a little help here to find the card in just a moment i'm gonna take a photograph of the queen you borrow their phone you give a click of you holding uh the queen of hearts and then you have them take uh their own phone and hold it in their hands like this so i to help you do this i need you to concentrate on all the details of the queen okay think of the queen's face the heart color all those kinds of things they're doing all this while holding their phone in their own hand then you say look you're going to try to find the queen i'm going to give the cards a couple of cuts and i'm not going to have you select a card okay i'm going to actually have you just say now whenever you feel the urge they're holding the phone holding the photograph of the queen you go through like this and you go very fairly and anytime when they feel the urge all you do whenever they feel the urge you actually cut the cards exactly where they say which is so 100 free choice they can say now whenever they want and without any suspicious moves you show them the one card that they stopped at is the card they were thinking of queen of hearts so that's a very cool trick but at this point you say to them i know what you're thinking does that always work right i'll be honest the trick doesn't always work i mean you did a great job you had those psychic abilities okay and holding the phone i think to help but some people they miss the card and you might be what do i do if they miss the card well here's what i do i'm going to go through the cards here somebody and one of the spectators or the specter themselves again they can say now whenever they want they say now whenever they want they go now and you go find what do we got here two of clubs say two of clubs fair enough now if instead of the queen you had stopped at the two all i would have done is leaned over and even though i haven't touched your phone from the very beginning i snapped my fingers take a look at the photograph of the queen and when people take their hand off their own phone and find a photograph not of the queen but of the just freely selected card and there's no photograph of the queen anywhere in there like in their history like that when people find that it is a total killer if you are an experienced magician then you not only know how i perform that trick you also know you can do a lot of different variations on the handling depending on your techniques and slice that you know but the idea itself you also know is crazy commercial it builds so beautifully right because there's two moments of magic all the focus is on the spectator psychic abilities and you use their phone and you've got that time lapse and you're so so far ahead from the very beginning right and again the fact you can use a shuffle deck means you can do it anytime in your show so it is as i said before a real worker i'm going to reveal all the secrets in just a moment first let's ask the question of the week because this week uh well first on this video i'm going to be announcing the flesh and bone winners okay last video we had a flesh and bones contest flesh and bones is this cool trick you can find at sankeymagic.com on my website you should note too that most of the tricks i mention on my videos are only available in one place in the whole world they're only available at sankeymagic.com some my old tricks frankly some of the out of date stuff and really old stuff you can find on other sites and other stores but all my new stuff from the past four five six years has only found one place in the world sankeymagic.com okay so flesh and bone is this cool gimmick where you can pull it comes with a special ring that you can pull through your finger and then immediately have people examine very sweet cool kind of funky trick with a finger ring having said that uh we announced the winners of the flesh and bone contest a little bit later in this video for now let me ask you the question of the week because this week i'm giving away one of my all-time best-selling card magic projects it's called revolutionary card magic it's a monster length there are dozens of tricks really a real range of stuff from total beginners to really advanced card magic okay so uh heads up on that so this is your chance to win i'm gonna give away 12 of them okay next week on the video announce the winners here's my question of the week uh speaking of photographs on phones if you could snap your fingers and on your own phone you could have a photograph of anything in the universe authentic 100 legitimate photograph of absolutely anything in the universe and let's jump it let's even throw it in more it could be at any place in any time so it could be from the future from the past okay you could have a photograph on your phone of absolutely anything what would it be leave a comment down below you'll be automatically entered into the revolutionary card magic contest okay so let's jump into this trick so um because i drew this here the two of clubs to represent the photo that will be on their phone i did have to some of you experts might have noticed i did have to control the two of clubs which is on top of the deck to start here okay but normally you wouldn't have to do that like i said so we're going to come back to this in a second but the trick starts with a shuffled pack which is so nice okay and the premise that the spectator is going to perform a psychic feat as soon as you say that people are interested okay so the focus isn't on blabotron anymore mr magic it's not on him or her thank god uh it's on the spectator and you turn to a spectator and hopefully it's a friendly fun spectator and you go you're going to perform the psychic feat right there you're in the land of fun okay all of a sudden people are going to be saying things and if you're on your toes and you're you know got some wit you can respond to them and all of a sudden the magic trick has been brought to life right because the premise is you're going to do a psychic feat but we're going to give you a little help along with taking a photograph on your own phone fine that's the premise all important to establish the premise shuffle the pack okay uh after the pack is shuffled someone can cut the cards if they want to say okay this is gonna be our prediction does anybody know what the card is now as i'm saying this and holding this out here what am i doing i'm getting ready my left hand for the old double lift okay i'm pushing off the top card whatever it is getting a pinky break underneath it hoping they're not like two four black fours clubs and spades or too close but even then it'll it'll fly so you're here like this okay anybody know what it is they don't know you put it back on then you turn over the two cards as one and showing everybody ten of clubs and that's a little tip rather than trying to show everyone down here turn the hand over and hold it up and everybody what's nice about this is everybody can see the tent but it also suggests you have no control so often magicians hold things down here and there's a sense it's a stage it works but it also suggests control whereas if you do this it's got a real casual so everyone sees the ten of clubs okay to help you we're gonna take a photograph for the ten i turn the double over i don't even know what the cards are i take off the top card in this case it's the seven of hearts now notice you can either put it like this seven and they remember they think it's the ten you can put it here pick up their phone you've asked them set it on photograph whatever and with one hand you can go click or click like this so you can have it like that or if you want it you can put the deck down if it's a little easier for it and click like this the key to this is to not do it so quickly that it looks especially with a click you don't want to spark suspicion but not take too much time either it's casual this is all pre-trick you're presenting it as we're just warming up for something you're going to do in a moment you don't want too much focus on this right but let's assume that you're doing the double lift on the deck so you don't have to take it off okay you guys sort you got the double you've shown the 10. you turn it over turn this up like this okay it's actually the seven you've got their phone here like this you take a photograph of whatever the card is and you immediately give it to them to hold between their two hands okay this is turned down right up on top here okay like this now everybody knows where the card is you're gonna try to find it by concentrating and i like this notion of i want you to think about when we said the ten of clubs think about the real say it it's great so that nobody is gets confused about what's happening focus on the details of the ten of clubs i want you to see in your mind's eye all those black clubs the num the one the zero really focus that paints a picture for everybody okay really nails in the image to a point where people will almost say we saw the photo or we saw we were able to see him take the photo that kind of vestige memory stuff is really powerful okay so we've done that now what i'm going to do is get a break under the top card okay in this case it's under the seven right and i'm gonna from the bottom cut a small packet of cards on top while keeping the break another small packet two or three packets so what it means is i end up with a break in the middle of the pack between the seven and the ten okay now when i told you on camera i'm going to dribble the cards down or drop them and the speculator can say stop or my card or now anytime i meant it this is a 100 free choice but the key is you need to respond this is an old idea that before people say now okay if you really look not in people's eyes or at the cards look at their mouth you'll see just as they're saying now you'll have a just a hair of a beat prior to so what i'm doing is i'm dropping a one card a couple of cards very few cards waiting for them and you can go you drop and as soon as you see their lips move you drop everything above the break down boom right there you say okay i think you'll be that was super fair cutting the pack okay like this putting the seven at the bottom now and the ten the card they're focusing on on top like that boom okay you say fine say you focused the whole time let's see drumroll please did he get it and boom he or she just got the ten of clubs that's a good trick you could have just left it like that with the phone as a theatrical prop but you're so far ahead so now comes the second part of the trick that is gonna just destroy people's sense of what is real in this world but before i jump in there okay we're here we're here let me announce the winners from last week flesh and bone winners okay you guys won uh flesh and bone it's mario figuri figueroa figueroa mario fioroa jay jayden clark donovan vasquez william hichman harold west charlie morrison keith tyron john or john john hurst vlad ouch yes it's vlad ouch uh yeah yes vlad ouch alfie turner uh peter funt not quite fun but front and miles of magic miles of magic miles that match she all won as i always say contact my team first i hope i just said your name that would be awesome because you're gonna love the flesh and bone gimmick it's very cool one of the more popular things on my website for sure um but you send an email to my team the address is contact sankeymagic.com please don't miles of fun i'm talking to you don't just say my name's miles of fun here's my address uh they need your first and last actual name so the mail can get to you okay so you let them know your real name your youtube name is different and your mailing address and they'll ship out the uh the gimmick to you okay so let's get back to this now so we're here this second part that's so cool oh and i'm not a gemini i am not a capricorn uh the best everyone knows the caps are the best uh but this is from a uh macklemore concert for a couple of years several years ago um so i'm here so we just did first part what's the second part well because the way we cut the cards and things the one you now want to force is on the bottom the seven of hearts so you know this is and and the the bridging idea here is you got it and then you say you know they don't always get it i got to be you did really well which all of a sudden raises what they did even higher right it's nice to make them the star they don't always get it you know and you might be thinking what do i do i mean put all this faith in a spectator or something from the audience what do i do if they don't get it well that's when i have to use a bit of magic you know i have to use a bit of magic or that's what i have so for example let's say they stopped out of here i'm gonna go through the cards you just say stop it's nice to give them so this is on the bottom and i'm gonna do the hindu card force where i'm pulling cards off the top real casually okay and then as soon as they say now or stop or yes or that's my card or let's go there i stop and i show this now here on youtube and if you know you've watched card tricks a bit or if you're an amateur magician or professional you know that that card was on the bottom the whole time so it's not a totally legitimate and they say stop you really should be showing them maybe this card on top but this flies every single time i've been using this for 30 years okay you take it right off the seven of hearts like this drop that there say seven hearts so if you would guess if you got the wrong card and chosen seven of hearts i just would have taken the seven of hearts and use it like a magic wand and just tap the back of your hand and you pause you'll find in a group of five or six people somebody will get ahead not everyone will it's like tap but if you have to but give them a chance to create the effect right i tap it like this or uh if you get the wrong card if you want to be more on the nose you say all i do is take the card and can you lift your hand yeah i just tap your phone yeah that automatically and impossibly magically and mind-blowingly change the photograph in your own phone right you can unpack it that way but whatever it is when they lift up their hand and they look uh and they tap on the screen to bring the screen back to life and they find the card whatever the card is everything can be examined there's no duplicates you did it with a shuffled pack and they've got this souvenir of the impossible magic don't forget to leave a comment down below okay if you could have a photograph of anything in the world on your phone i want you to have a chance to win my revolutionary card magic project okay any photograph on your phone you could possibly have from any point in history and anywhere in the universe leave a comment down below thank you so much for watching as always um and hey before you go and i'll do one last suggestion is i'm going to leave a link around here to my new psychology channel on youtube i don't know a year year and a half ago i have a channel called sankey says and it's all about psychology relationships and business creativity so i'll leave a link give it a click check it out watch a few videos i think you're going to find what i'm finding is a whole bunch of my magic fans are going over there checking out and really enjoying those psychology videos as well so check that out and i hope you have a great day thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: SankeyMagic
Views: 12,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sankey, jay, magic, tricks, learn, easy, exposed, card, cards, coins, beginner, tutorial
Id: cLY-zJUhHAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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