Amazing 85" Sony X95L MiniLED TV

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what's up everyone be the installer here we have the 85 in Sony x95 L this is the first time I've gotten to look at this mini LED TV pretty excited got my man jolster G here to help out thanks for coming man what's up guys thank you for inviting me be so exciting yeah it's a pretty cool I don't think you've seen this one either have you it's only available in the 85 in so it makes it a little harder for us to get our hands on it but we're actually going to put it on the wall over there where a 55 in TV was in this living room so this is a huge upgrade going from 55 to 85 we know how fun that can be right oh yeah we have some like cords in the wall we're going to put in there he has a nice conduit it so we'll show you all that in a second connect it to the Sonos Arc and and kind of get it all set up so it's going to be exciting installation and of course at the end we'll show you how cool this TV looks because I really think it's going to be amazing and there was some alternative TVs he was thinking about getting so we'll talk about all that so why don't we unbox this thing first what do you think let's do this all right I'm going to just pop these open here be wary all right get these out of the way jer's back backing up he's like I don't want to get cuz I don't have a knife he doesn't want to get sliced sliced and diced you know we don't have Jen here today again she's working such a party pooper with her own work man she's always working jolster are you going to wear the tight spandex pans oh yeah okay so we got the feet here on the top we're going to set these aside because the client's not going to use them but nice metal feet here you can set them in a couple different positions on the TV so that's nice to have and uh just a setup guide remote all these things some plastic panels get this stuff out of the way cuz we mean business today this is not just an unboxing video this is an installation look at Jer just goes for it man he's not messing around today are you oh no where we going to put all this stuff okay well I think we need to take the top off of this cuz that's the only way we're getting this box off I don't know if we're going to be able to clear it this box doesn't like come apart does it come apart on your end or no no all right it's going to be close oh yeah clear look at that just barely and that is why companies that have 100 inch TVs open them up like this because that's an 8ft ceiling and it almost didn't come off we got couple more pieces of plastic here to cover the HDMI ports if needed I don't really like using these though but you know we'll let the client decide okay so I got to open this up because we need to know where the mount goes before you do an installation so we have a TV mount we actually have this sis Mount here fixed position we're going to put it on there and then that way we'll know where the TV will translate to the wall and I'll show you that in a second ooh pretty TV packaged well looks good I like how the the sign the back right here looks so nice it does it looks really nice and the actual OLED looks similar this year it's kind of kind of similar I like it uh pretty thin TV too it's you know it's still like an inch inch and a half thick for a mini LED but for an 85 in TV you can't make it a whole lot thinner or it's just going to break you know it's just not going to be sturdy that's the thing I like the design very cool design for this TV so we have these brackets they're interesting because you you can extend them and so we'll hit one on top this hole will hit on the bottom the exact distance and then the plate goes in right here so it's kind of cool because this a little lower which is going to help us cuz on the wall there's you know a power outlet and recess box in there that we're going to have to avoid so we'll see if we can avoid it but really you have no choice when it comes to these you got to put them where the the holes are so we'll do that first now all right so kind of annoying because these mounts don't always come with the proper screws but these little screws that are in the back of the TV can sometimes work to put a mount on but they're typically not that long and this Mount needs to sit there so I had to get these other screws that they gave in the TV mount but in order to do so I have to put these spacers on so so it's like a little bit of like you know what is it like Tetris or something to try to get all these pieces to fit because the ones that they give you in this box are an inch long it's just not all going to work so I have a whole kit of this from doing installation so now that I have all the pieces I can actually put this together there we go do you ever use one of those like power drills like a small one not not on this like cuz if you strip this out you're you're done you know if you scrip the bolt out of the back of the TV then you're going to have to like you can't mount it yeah so never use power tools on a TV like this good question jolster I like it it's so much easier to deal with if you don't have to take the TV out of the box because then you don't have to mess around never seen that type of the WMS before yeah yeah it's a little interesting I mean I kind of feel like s Santa always seems like they're trying to recreate the wheel you know it's like this piece used to just be one metal piece and it's like why make it plastic and movable but I don't think it's there's nothing wrong with the mount it's a good Mount it's just interesting to me and then they have this little thing here where you can raise and lower it to make the TV level so that's kind of a cool feature it's kind of hard to get down from the top though so it's good to kind of make them relatively the same because once you yeah once you mount in it's really hard to get to so that looks about good right there all right cool so let's move on to the wall all right so we got the brackets on the TV and I'm here with Charles the homeowner and we're discussing where this is going to go so how you doing Charles what's up good nice to see you I see you all right so pretty cool TV huh you excited I'm excited yes yeah so you were going to get either this x95 L 85 in or the 77in a95 L right that's correct yep and why did you go for this one um well as we're standing in a living space this is a pretty bright room as you can see so I don't have a dedicated home theater system so or home theater room so because this is going to be in a living space I I thought a brighter room might as well get the brighter the brighter TV from what I've heard it's a really bright TV I think it's a great choice one thing that I've noticed about these X Series TVs the x95 or the X9 you know whatever they are way cooler and better in people's houses than like reviewers give them credit for like I we'll review them like oh it might be this deficiency or that or it's not ol or whatever I think it's actually a great choice I think you're going to be extremely happy with it it does handle reflection better it is brighter and it's also 85 in where the 77 is probably just a little small for like you had said how big this room is right yeah and to add to add to that this is like a 14 foot viewing space so I said you know go big or go home I guess absolutely that's the greatest okay so then we came to this thing where we have a stand here and Charles was talking about maybe moving to a 30-in stand but we have a 24in stand currently but then we started doing the math on where everything's going to sit and the fact that they were smart enough to have this installed here ahead of time but it's a little bit too low for us to put it if we raised it up so I kind of convinced you to do just leave it where it is at 24 in so we're going to be good with that then yes sir all right I we don't I don't know if we have the boss's approval his wife but we're going to go for it and hopefully we don't get in trouble but yeah so we're going to go 2 it's like 25 in six more inches so that the Sonos Arc can sit here and then we'll have the TV which is going to be about 42 and2 in it's going to sit somewhere in that range which I think that's a pretty good height to be honest and by doing that the mount will sit right here and not obstruct this where we'd have to take this out and move it up or down which can be a real pain in the butt depending on this I think you said this is like LA and plaster back here correct yeah you don't want to be messing around with that plus there's probably like angled studs and all that in here so I don't know it's a good thing you have that finish so anyways all we really have to do is put the mount up here run a couple HDMI cords in there and throw the TV up and then show you guys how look so I'm pretty excited one other question we didn't determine where Center would be you know obviously you'd think you'd want to just Center on the wall but you know there's a door here there's the little thermostat there I think we're going to go Center but we talked about this and we considered moving it a little left but I think your your main viewing point right there is pretty much dead on isn't it right correct yeah and as as it goes it's your house so who cares what everyone else sees right you know it's like wherever you're going to watch football that's where the TV needs to be centered so I think we're just going to go dead center it'll give us a little Gap from the thermostat it'll give us the same amount of Gap from this wall and that slider door and I think that's going to be best so one other thing you definitely have to consider when putting it up and this TV mount is very long compared to where the brackets go so you can actually move it left or right almost a foot so you can get pretty much anything you want out of it but it's good to know where you want to go when when doing the install it's kind of important okay now we will put the bracket up all right what do you think Joel should we uh stud finder yeah stud finder right finds the studs get it yeah sure I don't know I think I do that joke in every video it's not funny is it really one right in the middle there's a bunch of different ways to find studs though too you can also just you know check on these little um boxes and figure out if there's a stud on either side of the box and in this instance there's one right there so now I know there's a stud there and then you just go 16 in and there's probably one here I don't know why I would be registering in the middle because that's where this tube is so it could be the tube itself uh and those tubes did someone put those in you said a contractor or you or yeah uh we had a contractor okay yeah I don't think they're going to be useful because they're kind of like loose in there and they're really small yeah so we're just going to probably just fish it up the wall I thought it was a good idea at the time well it is if you do like a if you do like a 3in uh tube in there and like you basically they just kind of like screw it into the stud and then it's like it doesn't move but this one's really thin and I don't know where it's going I'm just going to take this off and run our cords and then we'll put the bracket up this will also give me a visual into where the studs are so after we we took this out we did find that there is a fire block down there uh and the only thing that goes through it is this tube so we I think we're going to be able to stick the two HDMI cords down there and fit them and it'll come out here which is ideal this other HD cord goes to the Samsung frame TV in the other room so that he can split this and watch you know the same app on the Apple TV on two different TVs which is smart as we discussed before because otherwise you don't have your you know your two football games the same football game will be on in two different rooms like two seconds off and they'll know when there's a touchdown but you won't in this room so very smart so what we have to do is just run these HDMI cords real quickly then we're going to pull it out and then we're going to put the bracket up hang the TV show you what's up this tube's a little uh pretty flexible there it goes we're good all right we got to grab those HDMI cords couple of nice HDMI cords here courtesy of value Electronics I mean you paid for them it's not like they're free but you know they're good people over there so if you're going to going to buy nice TVs nice HDMI cords value Electronics definitely the spot say be the installer sent you we're going to just tape these on here probably should go one at a time but I like to live dangerously so I'm going to go for two we just have to fit this in a 1in pipe so it shouldn't be the end of the world but I am going to give it a little extra tape so I really don't want it to fall off inside the wall all right what do you think we going to do it jolster is it going to work yep success there we go could have been more difficult but I mean it was pretty straightforward but that doesn't mean it always is going to work yeah he wanted um they suggested that I fill up all the HDMI ports and then I thought about the comment that you made it's like yeah yeah I mean that was an old school principal like I I remember one of the first jobs I ever did I had my construction background but I wasn't as experienced at TVs yet and when I did this it was a fireplace install with a 5.1 system right the guy wanted the speakers up high on his wall and the TV was over a fireplace and he had four HDMI cords two composite videos um we had like a VGA connection and Optical I mean it was insane I had to cut so many holes in this wall and let's just say it didn't end up that great you know the this was like 20 years ago yeah it was a long time ago it was very challenging I spent 3 days at that house in the Attic doing all this stuff and it would have been okay if I had quoted him properly for the job but you know you live and you learn that's a long ways to say just don't put all kinds of things in the wall unless you definitely need them because it's very challenging to do that and it destroys your wall so I think two hdmis to this TV is perfect one from the Apple TV up one doing the sound out to the arc and then uh you know if you need something else you can always add some it's not the end of the world but I think this is going to look great I probably overshot it by telling you to get 15s but you did yes that's okay but it's still like it's still good cuz you know you need a little bit of move in this room up here so you never know 10 ft can be a little little short sometimes but I shed myself on that on the other cable I was like oh yeah 20 like 30 foot's fine toally ended up needing 45 so I had to like get the guy back again cuz you're going up and over and down and just you just lose space quicker than you think and especially in the Attic you have to go and over things and it can be challenging so cool well that worked out put this back together we're almost home okay let's see about this mountain now yeah I was going to Joel would you mind helping me yeah you want to help me you got to stand over here so I'm going to mark this stud right here we'll double check them once we're up but we just got to make sure it's somewhat close Okay so why don't we just go like we'll just split it in two there so okay we want to hold that up there Joel going to put this under perfect there we go all right good to go get the trusty dust pan here catch some of the Dust there we go you want you want to help me hold this without I don't want to chop your finger don't put your finger behind it because it'll hurt there we go thanks man nice you're a very trusty assistant my pleas my pleas okay so I always do the top first because then I can get it straightened out then we'll drill the second the bottom holes because there's not a lot of wiggle room with two holes and then if you put four in there there's no way you can move it and level it out so that's why I do two at a time let's see yeah it's pretty much dead on there cool that's going to work It's All Coming Back to Me Charles just I haven't done that many installs in the last couple [Music] years but it's like riding a bike you know you remember I hear you Charles was like I don't know about this guy no no it's fine birds do not like that so how long did it take for the TB to arrive here I got the tracking number on Tuesday and then it arrived on Friday oh that was pretty quick yeah it was quicker than I expected but didn't you you had to get it Freight though so it actually didn't arrive they kind of you you had to call them and ask them where it was yeah so there was a an issue a little mix up with the shipping so it actually arrived um locally on Thursday but um because the frey company didn't have my phone number they couldn't actually get a hold of me until Friday so they said okay the shipping date is now Friday and then and then the the TV arrived so so it arrived on the second and this is the third of January and we're here installing it so that's pretty good actually if you had gotten it Friday then you'd have it sitting there all weekend and you'd want to watch it I know and now see it didn't tempt you so there you go so now it's here and by the way our guy Steve is here what's up Steve what's up welcome welcome to the party come on in Jer yeah so Steve is the only one that actually has this TV so I figured we like you know better have a professional actually set this TV up that's seen it well I've been using it for about three months now do you like it it's fantastic I just really love this TV I have mine hooked up with an Apple TV he's got one of those too oh you do yeah okay great because you can do all the calibration all the good stuff but this TV is fantastic cool man man well welcome to the party I got to finish putting these bolts in and then we're going to throw the TV up and set it up and get on with it so all right okay I got to go grab this brush metal plate the one day in San Diego it's raining and of course we're at a job doing an install right um so I ran in here with this big box of uh it's a lunch I got lunch for everybody no I'm just kidding I don't know if we have any oh wait I got one left yeah actually have one of these plates left it's the brush metal part of it I'm going to take it apart but that way we'll get a nice clean look over the cords and these looks like these ones just barely fit through so look at that score or we can leave them on the other side and you know but either way this will be a nice finished look so let me I'm going to take this apart and then I'll use that with one of the other boxes and it'll it'll look nicer than it currently does there we go looks better huh I think it looks better and we're done on this end time to clean up all right so we have what we also have to do is plug these in and put the power cord in before we get it up otherwise it's going to be much more challenging to do after the fact so let me Bend these out of the way a little bit and Steve maybe that's what you could help with what's that you want to plug the power cord in and then plug the hdmis in sure while we're holding are you going to be able to hold it that long you think dude I've been working out you ready to go you ready to do this let's go hey where are you going to grab at where are you going to grab you got to grab inside here there's a little handle area right here there you go hold on there a yeah move that plastic so I'm probably just going to let this cord hang because I'm it's going to drag one two three professionals all right there you go guys all right Steve you ready to help yeah let's going get this plugged in all right you going to be okay Jo sir yeah you can actually um take it off that hook too hook the power cord over there on that one just because it's yeah like that it's perfect all right and then you got the HDMI so one into that arc Arc here there you go cool backwards nice work man this CA is a pretty good size that's what you said come on man get it in there F just put it in the hole Steve there you go I have a better angle I can see it right there yeah you can see it let me get out of here man I'm just messing with man okay we got to hang this up yeah you're going to come on in we got to go a little higher yeah your face isn't really going to fit in there it's so tight um nope neither one of us got to go a little higher flatten it out a little bit I got to take my hat off there you're on hold on before you let go I got let me double check here switch sides with me got to eyeball it up good to go man there you go look at that beautiful TV cardboard how does it look Steve what do you think I don't know I think it's a little bit can you move it to the left a little bit it's a little crooked no I'm just kidding get out of here get out of here okay now we got to get all this plastic and stuff off because nobody wants to look at a cardboard piece you want to help me you guys are welcome to help let's just it's kind of interesting how they do this I like that they have this on here yeah but unfortunately they don't have any plastic to peel the peeling of the plastic is the funnest part Charles you want to do the honors or am I good ah you're good that's really on there don't wrap me up Joel jeez let pulling off the uh oh it's my come on man can do it together I'm just kidding man you could have done it that is a cool looking TV looks pretty nice get this little guy off Steve you want to get that one off this right here yeah you want to get that one off we got it let's go let's go and peel this off that's why we have to have three of us oh look at added bonus like a bonus level Steve found the bonus level wait a second you got that in one piece yes you're going to make Jen jealous there that was pretty good nice work save this for next Christmas put this as a bowl all right I think that looks pretty good how do you like it so far Charles what do you think that's great yeah I think it looks pretty good yeah definitely could slide a little bit you want me to slide a little left and just kind of see how it looks yeah why not here Joel you want to just pull it I'll push it make it probably going to make a pretty awful noise but not not not too bad okay it's about that time it's time to hand over the remote to the client here we're turn it on and see how it goes you ready to do this Charles let's do this all right fire it up let's hope we let's hope it works right oh by the way you you do get the uh you get the nice smaller Sony remote here but you don't get the the metal bezel and uh the back lit of the a95 L I think that's a travesty this TV is beautiful and it should come with the back lit remote but still it's a cool remote and I love the operating system we're going to we're going to load this up but let's fire it up and get get ready to go here [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] okay we're back and we have the TV all set up I did notice that it sounded really cool we had it connected to the Sonos Arc and it you know went through that menu and said can you hear the volume and it's like not only can you hear the volume but it sounds fantastic wow it sounds cool off the wall there you get the good surround it's like bouncing are these working too oh yeah I think they are aren't they yeah should be should be everything oh I can hear it properly so it's going to be a pretty cool combination there was a couple video settings we changed went in and you know took off the power saving mode and the ambient light detection and increased the dimming zones or you know the algorithm so it was on high local dimming I think is what it is yeah and then that way it's going to have the most contrast and then we turn it on to Peak brightness onto high so overall I think it's going to be a great setup this is going to look really good it's got really good motion good anti-reflective capabilities for this very bright room and overall I think the size fits so what do you think I mean I basically just rattled on for about two minutes there but how do you like the TV looks great thank you that's a very simple answer see we should have him more in more of our videos what do you guys think you I know you like this TV too right you know like I was saying earlier I love this TV it is beautiful it's bright vivid but the colors themselves is just so natural I mean just looking at it right now it's just amazing but yeah what did you I mean you haven't seen it yet but what do you think Joel no I'm impressed how bright this is yeah and like what I like is like the black levels are similar to like an ol TV yeah we were watching a little demo before that typically looks great on oleds but sometimes you could say it's not quite as bright as it could be but this was like very dark on the outsides and then the the you know the little bottles and stuff in the middle were just like blinding bright yeah I didn't see any blooming like uh no likely like nothing it looks deep black levels it's pretty much I would venture to bet that this is the best LED TV of 2023 like I really think it is the qn 95c was really nice I'd have to admit but this I think Sony is finally caught up and this is just an absolute beautiful LED TV so I really like it why I named it my TV of 2023 hey that's right yeah absolutely you got it right Steve Steve got it right so awesome TV well cool well thanks for checking in guys I really appreciate it make sure to smash the like button subscribe and all that I want to thank you for having us over it a pleasure getting this TV set up and thanks to Joel and Steve for hooking us up and you know getting this all done so thanks guys see you guys on the next video
Channel: B The Installer
Views: 133,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nogpq-Tht64
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Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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