Ama motocross 2021 unadilla

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we are ready to go racing universe back we missed it in 2020 we missed it dearly so let's bring up the reds and let's go racing roxanne gonna lead them into the first turn oh ferandez did a beautiful move sneaking up the inside he was buried a little bit there he's going to come out maybe in the top three oh sex dead goes flying thought he was going to save that and that's been the problem for j6 and all season long he's had the speed he's got the talent you know he wants it bad but just those mistakes have really kept him out of this championship battle and he looks a little bit banged up there so again that is the rider that won the last race in this series all that momentum is gone yes ken roxin that's exactly what he needed he's got to put the pressure back on ferandes and the best way to do that is get a whole shot and if he starts running for the hills that might uh put a little urgency in the riders behind him aaron plessiger is second to the number seven and plessiger was second behind roxanne qualified today that is significant plessinger never shows you his best stuff in qualifying that's probably about as strong as we have seen him at any point this year on saturday morning and plasker has a good start so he's going to chase roxanne here yeah he's going to chase him but if he can stay with him he's not going to hang out behind him the roost here at unadilla really hurts you see a lot of guys will wear hand guards chest protectors anything they can to protect themselves so you give him an opportunity he'll he'll try and go for that gap but at the moment you can see kenny responding just pulled a couple bike lengths and blessing a little bit better line through that section closing back up now as we head into one of the tighter sections and then this big jump and you can hear the fans anticipating it since we didn't get this race last year here it comes the sky shot oh yeah always a big crowd turn out that part of the track let's check out the chase sexton crash first we'll show you the whole shot with our hole shot replay and this is roxanne controlling it and it was looking good almost a honda one two and the next turn we'll get the 23 of sexton yeah i think the back just gets out of the rut right there you see he's on on that loose dry stuff it comes around he almost saves it big fishtail throws him off yeah then you saw he was slow to get up could have hit his knee yeah it looked like his knee sort of quad thigh area yeah gets a good whack right there even the hip so we'll have to check on his progress see if he's even able to get back into this moto rock said i'm sure would have loved to have had a teammate there to try to get between himself and ferandes right now roxanne's doing the job himself getting away yeah a little mistake there from ap in the background blessing up saying almost a similar thing to what happened to the 23 just the the rear end came around on him but not quite as dramatic but surprisingly getting pretty spread out already for just the opening lap we haven't seen this all season usually we uh see like a 10 rider battle sometimes at the end of the first lap well there's two ways to look at this roxanne always is strong in the opening laps of a race but we have seen days at unidilla where he is at a completely different level and he not only pulls away the first few laps he just keeps pulling away all day long that's what he did the last time we were there or here in 2019 and you are not kidding fernandez is third but a pretty big distance back already and he's got a pretty good gap on fourth which will be justin bogle wow good ride for him yep talking to bogle yesterday he is not quite 100 physically dealing with some fatigue but he said all he can do is try to get a good start and hang on as long as he can that's what he's doing right now then you've got your monster energy supercross champion cooper webb waiting for him to catch fire waiting for him to even become a podium guy this season and then eli tomac the three-time champ on the number three the green monster kawasaki tomac still does not have a race win this year he's come close maybe today is the day he's got some work to do he's got quite a bit of work to do i mean normally if you were to say eli six at the end of the first lap you'd be like no big deal but it's a distant sixth at the moment and but we've seen eli be able to show some speed that if he has one of those eli type motors he can catch that leading group but he's got to make short work of cooper webb as he tries he's up the inside big uphill here little bit of a mistake tomac hit a rough spot coming out of that corner didn't matter gets the kawasaki in front of when yeah he needed that he didn't want to get involved cooper webb can uh be one of the hardest riders to get past oh eli got a wheelie drifted off the track temporarily there then didn't get in that rut almost opened the door back up for web or has it look at this yeah webb he'd be on the inside the next section you see tomak trying to edge over and it worked tomak able to hold webb off behind them you've got savachi buscan shout out to jace kessler a rider fresh out of the amateur ranks roast raced a couple of races with us this year just getting his pro feet underneath him and he is running ninth right now jeremy hand out of ohio another privateer is in 10th we watch moose scan here on the 25 who's also been very good at this racetrack through the years going to work on savachi yeah also a good start for savachi so that uh rocky mountain team gonna be pretty happy see the team members cheering the guys on i feel like they've been riddled with just things happening the last couple years whether it's uh you know losing black baggage or whether it's been injuries on the team we've seen promise from both bogle and sevaci but at times just not quite the results to back it up great to see these guys having a good motor yeah savachi really going after webb right now as he tries to fend off moose gan so you got the rocket out and ktm sandwich between the two red bull ktms although that rocky mountain team does have access to the factory parts as we go back to this look classical starting to close on roxanne so oh and it rocks a little mistake like you said ap has a better line through that turn and and uh the previous left you know you pointed that out and right there again roxanna that outside made the bobble and let's put ap right on him what a great race for aaron plessinger right now blessing are getting momentum he was third in the championship of the halfway point then a couple of bad motors including one at southwick where his bike let go not his fault he is finding his form again and i think we're about to have a battle for the lead here lesser hasn't led laps since redbud and he had a good battle with roxanne on that day they pulled away from ferranis see a six and a half second gap yeah this is great stuff you know the fans are pretty tall at this point kenny's a pretty popular guy but they're going to root for their all-american man aaron blessing in there in second place and they just want to see a good battle yeah as he said at red bud there july 4th weekend he's like i'm like are you the mascot for red buddies like i might be the mascot for america so he is running those colors proudly shout out to plessager's dad scott former grand national cross country racer just announced that he will be going into the ama american motorcyclist association hall of fame and plessager trying to build up his resume here he wants the lead from ruxin we've got a battle on our hands and that was my question was roxanne just going to be strong for the first couple laps or was it going to be a dominant day he's pulled away from everyone but won his plessager is right there the improvement from placing him on on that 450 this year has been something pretty to watch and every time i think maybe he's reached his peak level just picks it up a notch as well and uh obviously you on that the conference call talking to the team and and some of the things they change and one of the things that we were both pretty blown away about was how they were able to shave 10 pounds off this motorcycle some people might go is that a lot yeah that is a lot um rotational weight um it's easier on the ride it's easy to maneuver the motorcycle 10 pounds is a significant change and not only the fact that they saved 10 pounds but they did it while keeping this motorcycle reliable i think is the most impressive part yeah another thing we were talking to jeremy coker from that monster star team a lot of the 450 teams the general philosophy of these bikes are so fast we're trying to make it controllable they said the first thing we're going to do is try to develop the most horsepower we can and then we'll worry about the rideability parts so they had a different philosophy than some of the other teams out here they want to build the fastest 450 they can build and it has really turned around it's the first year that star racing has been in this 450 class and they have been good with foreigners leading the series you see what plesiger is capable of but this last lap roxanne has responded to the challenge i think it also gets tough to get that close and just get pelted by those rocks see right now it's what we call just just being out of the roost zone but that yet to your point um you know some people would go well obviously you're going to try and build the fastest motorcycle possible the reason that a lot of teams were toning it down was riders were saying they're so fast it's just the faster the motorcycle the the worse it handles because when you get on the gas it's like the front end comes up the rear squats it's all over the place you're hanging on for dear life but what they did was give the most amount of power and then move it around where riders wanted it or needed it it's working right now although again roxanne able to stretch the lead back out ferandez eight seconds back incredible the pace that the lead do have put on you just saw ferandes go by there for third and tomak is making tracks toward the front he's in fourth and yeah this ktm battle bogle muscan has gotten around savachi and webb and we expected mustang to be quick on this track and he has been it's just that the gaps are much longer as you mentioned than we're used to seeing in 2021 that's going to make it difficult to get near the front oh beautiful outside stays low through gravity cavity the lines come together oh made short work of that did moose get and now where the teammates are going to battle bogle and savachi and this team announced as savachi goes to the inside and makes the move on bogo bogo gonna try to fight back and these guys might be fighting for just more than position right here they have announced that shane mcelroth will these two are battling for two riders for one spot or maybe letting other teams know that hey i'm available you should hire me so there's some motivation right now for sovaci and vogel trying to show everybody what they're made of zavachi makes a quick pass on bogle now starting to get away yeah it looked like uh after bogle took a look over his shoulder and saw it was his teammate i think it seemed like he kind of just let the door open a little bit maybe thinking hey man you know teammate you're faster go through let me try and uh follow some of your lines but already vogel battling the keep the pace roxanne 1.3 seconds up on plexiger they got a big lead over ferandis who has a big lead over tomac but we know the ferranis and tomac do their best work late in the motor and marvin mooskan is flying right now he has gotten tomac in his sights the battles we're used to seeing this here in the 450 class they just may still materialize muscantomac faranus looking to move forward [Music] gonna be interesting to check the lap times last time around because there's no doubt that roxanne and plessinger have been the best two so far can they maintain that or are we going to see a charge from ferandes you're ken ross ken roxanne this is exactly what you needed couple weeks off reset go to one of your favorite tracks dominate qualifying oh oh he came off the pace yeah he got he got caught up on that rut at the exit of the turn and at one of the scariest points he was a little out of control just gathered it up in time but ap putting the pressure back on these guys been running 20s and 21s lost that roxanne was a 21-4 placing at 20.4 so a full second quicker but even with clear track ferandes can't keep up turmax in the 20 22. so that was uh eli's equals his best lap so and marv responded to 21. so they're now matching the leaders but the problem is the deficit yeah they've got a long way to go but these two might start slowing each other up if they get into battles plessager closed when roxanne made the mistake roxanne opens it back up as we head up hill haven't had this section of the track open in a long time i'm thinking more than 10 years since they went to the top and then jumped back down into this valley and as you mentioned this used to be a long arcing right hand corner now it's just straight into a more direct 90 degree right this is a bit of the calm before the storm when will plessinger really get into strike mode i also wonder if he's thinking in the back of his head hey he might get tired just stay here until the 20-minute mark we'll see how it plays off as they head uphill back here on mav tv you can check out american road racing via moda america mav tv brings you the super sports series that's the high revving mid-size sport bikes check out for the schedule for moto america right here on mav tv ken roxanne and aaron plessinger continue to lead the field here at the circle k una dilla national alapago roxa made a big mistake and her was able to close up but every time plensiger gets their rocks and pulls away grant langston you're theorizing it could just be the roost or blessing has to pick the spots it can't just camp out on the rear fender yeah i think it looks like on average he's just a little bit quicker than kenny and you know with the fact that there's still plenty of time left i think he's quite quite comfortable just sort of stalking him at the moment and at times just just staying just far enough back he doesn't get just nailed with all these sharp rocks they have around this track but he looks aggressive but also in control by doing it kenny always looks smooth and in control but ap using his style his length his technique looking really good at the moment i think the second half of this mode is going to be really interesting well they don't have to have a sense of urgency these riders are not catching them it's for anus in third tomac is 21 seconds back and forth and here comes marvin mooskan who has been inching up on tomac hard to believe we're already halfway through this one 15 minutes to go you'd say 15 or more on your insurance with a 15 minute phone call to geico so give them a call right now but by the time it's over what direction will this battle go muscad is catching tomah yeah we're gonna have to keep an eye on the uh lap times again last lap kenny at 220 so solid it was high 220 at a 228 220 sorry 0.8 plasting at 221 flat but even with clear track tormach at 23 musca and 23 so they're still losing ground to these front two they're on a level of their own absolutely and look at the crowd they're getting into it now plessig are putting another attack on roxanne will he go for the lead in earnest this time what i like is uh what what is nice to see if you watch ap he has a lot of lines where he's using alternate lines to what kenny is and the good thing with that is one he's not getting roosted but two that means there's passing opportunities and he's i think he's still figuring out our mistake there he's gonna lose a lot of time because you're going up that hill and then you have no momentum you you're slipping the clutch because otherwise you'll loop out with the power these things have and you're leaning forward and you're just trying to get up there so frustrating in that turn reminds me of the 125 days you made a mistake it took you a month to get to the top of the hill and roxanne taking advantage of that just what it looked like blessing or was maybe going to show him a wheel roxanne has about 10 bike legs on him this is a spectator bridge they go underneath and then through gravity cavity and that's really one of the cool things about this track there used to be a little kink in this section here but otherwise you can see photos of racing here in the 60s the 70s 80s 90s all the way through now and the best of the best of all raced this soil on this track and that's really a big story when you come to uni dilla the history as well as what is happening right now we have a great battle on our hands you can't get that feeling that an attack is coming from blessing at some point send it down to uh ashley maybe we'll understand a little bit of the strategy there for the number seven ashley well it's been pretty quiet over here in the mechanics area but i did get a chance to see the communication between aaron blessinger's mechanic and himself while he came by the mechanics area he said your race that's what it said because sometimes it's so easy when you're behind someone to race their race so he's just really trying to focus on his own race and get those get that pass on roxanne yeah riders talk about you get stuck in the pace exactly and that's what it is your race and what what ashley was alluding to is and i've been through this you catch up to someone and if you don't make the pass quickly sometimes you try this you try that you make a mistake you lose your rhythm and you kind of get caught up in his pace and maybe maybe some people who are joggers can relate you run with someone else at a certain pace and then you try and wick it up or they wick it up and i'll send you like my legs just don't want to go at that pace because i'm not used to it right now so same thing in motocross it's so hard to keep that intensity first time they were nearly side by side and we're headed toward lap traffic roxanne plessiger gonna slug it out here at unidilla they got a big lead over ferandis tomac and mustang jump downhill two horse race this turn is starting to get a little bit brutal at the bottom nice move there uh ap staying out of that hook but that exit is what's killing them right now they've got to try and figure out how to get that bike turn straight wait for it's almost like doing a start going up there you need to have your weight over the bars and feed that clutch yeah that's two laps in a row where the bottom there completely changed this battle plessager stays out of that rut on the entrance to that corner but it does not work and roxane able to pull away again the good thing for blessing is every time he loses those 10 bike lengths he's able to come right back which means he's got that pace he hasn't gotten sort of stuck in that that jogging pace 450s our first races today at unidilla will have 250 moto one coming your way the top of the next hour there's jeremy martin getting ready for his first moto and the rookie levi kitchen right behind him they'll be up at the top of the hour [Music] and that looks like a big one he is shaken up being attended to by the alpine stars medic team and just when things were looking great for the number seven it goes sideways and in a hurry geez that bike is you don't know that looks like a moto gp crash the away that bike's all mangled that's a pretty high speed part of the track and hopefully he's better than his motorcycle is at the moment we i believe do have a replay man i'm just going for the guy who's putting together such a good race uh and we'll have it for you in a second here it is so they come through the finish line gravity kick cavity there oh whoa what the i've that is what he hits that tailbone bad see this is what we're talking about how much power they have but look it bottoms out and then just rebounds and watches oh he gets nailed by the bike that is that hurt you never see a rider at this level loop out like that i don't know if that's a a mechanical or something that would have led to that yes you're right with these bikes they could conceivably loop out at any time any moment yeah but you don't see it yes but you don't see those mistakes at this level i don't know if it's something with the pike led to that unbelievable it was pretty strange and and i know he's in pain probably had the wind knocked out of him too but yeah when you get your tailbone like that i think the bike might have hit him in the chest when he was laying down yeah which just added more force yeah unbelievable okay well at this point obviously we're not worried about the race result we just hope aaron's okay be right back we are back and things have changed in a hurry it's a track where we have seen this happen before a bizarre crash for aaron plessinger who was pressuring your race leader ken roxan and then just like that he was down and in a very strange manner it's what they call looping out just wheeling completely over the back of the landing of this gravity cavity jump we'll show it to you here there you see kenny look at the background see ap lands and then also in the front just sort of pops up and like you said just oh and see the bike just gets mangled and he gets like you said the bike comes down on him like a body slam and he just gets here's another shot the tailbone section is obviously very tender and right and it's injured uphill with breaking bumps he really jams himself and you can see that that yamaha is pretty second-hand as well yeah you don't see motocross bikes get torn up like this very often and you don't see those types of crashes and here's aaron now at one point he was laying down on the track luckily as you saw when we came back from break he was standing up talking to the medics he's gonna take a ride back you know the hope is that he's battered and bruised but nothing is broken scary moment there well it really changes the complexion of this race we certainly hope that plessinger is okay now roxanne is giving a huge lead over dylan ferrandis 13.8 seconds and he probably has no idea what happened probably knows now he has a big lead yeah he would have got the pit board showing his gap so if nothing else he knows something happened to blessing uh and i'm sure when he came around he probably saw the medics and all that and put two and two together that is just so strange to see someone loop out like that as we watch fernandez here the number two spot on the number 14. uh yes it's obviously possible you see the horsepower these bikes have you can you can really over the back but we just don't see riders at this level do that so i'm not sure if that was just a mistake it almost looks like when he lands it the front comes up and i don't know if that caught him of fog because sometimes when you're falling back you accidentally basically grab a handful yeah and unintentionally make yourself flip well ferandez didn't have anything to challenge roxanne for the win in this moto bot i because of his teammate crashing out he's looking at second place points if it ends this way so there won't be too much damage in the series standings tough go of it for a couple of riders here so you had chase sexton who crashed right off the start he did get back into this race sexton is in the 15th position and blessing running what might have been his best motto of the year he crashes out and all that allows eli tomac to move up to the number three spot we don't normally see eli tomac 26 seconds behind a lead group for a while moose cannon was closing on tomak and putting the pressure on but now tomak has a pretty sizable advantage over muscat well it has all come undone for aaron plessinger and that is sad to see we were expecting a great battle for the lead now it's ken roxan's race to win or lose with miranda's tomak muskan and webb in the top five savachi craig and steve bogle brandon hart wrap rounding out your top ten well this is the moment that shook it up waiting for a late race attack from plessager and then it all goes wrong right here [Music] for the rider out of ohio ah big hit for aaron plessiger good to see him get back up [Music] oh obviously we'll do our best to get you updated on plessinger's status as the day goes forward there is a second 450 moto no troubles for ken roxen huge lead over ferandis uh i was thinking of other riders that really excelled this track we really need to start talking about ken robson's record here at unidilla because even though he won some races earlier this season this is another level of domination right now oh they're sexton still digging 14th right now after crashing on lap one i was gonna say i see something hanging but it's his side number plate i don't know i mean it's not gonna slow him down it might just be annoying in fact the other side is missing and that i took a beating well he has no number plate on the on this side look you don't see the you can actually see the hair filter and then on this side it's falling off wow we're going to blame it on the crash jake i'm gonna blame it on the crash yeah yeah the mechanic those bolts were tight when this moto began trust us so it's what we've seen too often really from sexton this year the first turn crashes first lap crashes and then putting together great rides but all in vain as far as getting to the podium or having a shot at overall wins it all came together at our last race at washougal but in too many races like this he's probably passed more riders this season than anyone in either class i think jet lawrence might be second to that step and sexton i don't know if that was a move for position yeah it is that's a ryan sarat so another position picked up the world's best motocross racing is right here all season long see the first photos of lucas oil promote across live every saturday check for the schedule we are watching chase sexton probably little battered and bruised as honda battered and bruised doesn't even have his left side number plate but he has come back he just made a move on ryan sarat to take over 13th place right side of the bike a little damaged as well here's the crash from about 28 minutes ago right off the start here of this first 450 moto he's on the outside and i think what happened is there was actually a little bit of a rough day but he was outside of that rut and uh yeah just lack of traction eli tomek says hello to the camera with his left boot and i thought it might be over for sexton at that point he was in 40th place last well behind the field we were just hoping he was okay because he got up slowly good enough to climb back to 13th place right now next rider on his list would be jace kessler young rider out of michigan cody shock is 11th heart raft 10th you can see the running order there the left side of your screen bogle knife ansky 8th craig seven savachi and webb sixth and fifth mustang had put in a put in a charge against tomac earlier he's still fourth tomac third miranda second and uh one of the rare motors this year without an epic battle up front it might have been brewing between roxanne and plessiger we'll never know klassiker went down landing on this jump right here and since then it has been all ken roxen what a ride i mean this is just domination when you roll away from ferandis and tomac by 13 and 16 seconds respectively doing something right and where kenny's so good is he's so smooth so he usually cuts out those big mistakes and you know obviously caught blessing her out but he's been uh just able to do this lap off the lap even you know his lap times have dropped off and i think for obvious reasons there's no pressure no need to push this is the type of track if you have no pressure behind you really want to back it down if you turn it down a second or two you really put yourself in a much safer position from not throwing it away as we're starting to see a little panel brewing here christian craig getting in the mix with savachi webb uh yeah webb cannot afford to back it down at all because he has two riders all over him savachi trying to make the move this would be for fifth there's webb at the number two then it's sevaci and christian craig who has been quietly very effective also the monster energy star racing yamaha team he's had a pretty solid summer running right around this type of position seventh with a shot at the top five craig says he likes this track a little bit more harder packed than some of the other rounds he's born and raised in southern california so he likes it and he has closed in on this ktm duo throughout this race savachi tries to figure out a way to get around webb these guys are old rivals from way back feels like decades ago kind of is in racing terms but going back about five years ago they were tooth and nail for the 250 national championship i don't think there's any residual from that here and there these guys were even doing some riding together during the week these days as safachi tries to get wet you go to the back part of the track i think for savachi you know he's talked about with injuries and that it's been hard at times to have people you know picking up the phone trying to hire you as a rider racer you know right now he would get a lot of personal satisfaction if he could pass the factory ktm rider as someone that's on the satellite team or feather feather in the cap oh absolutely and again we don't know what zivacy's plans are for next year yet so he is once again trying to show teams why they should hire him pretty good moto going right here webb trying to fight him off you can see um just gnarly those ruts are getting on the face of those jumps and those jumps are turning as well so really tough i see the riders really going towards the outside line on those jumps trying to stay out of the deep ruts they don't get kicked past the mechanics area we go two lap card is out roxanne cruising at home at one point tomac had actually closed on ferandis but uh no longer looks like the top three are pretty set in their positions so we'll keep watching this duel right here between webb sevaci craig shout out to matt sanski on the twisted t hep suzuki would be next there's the two-lap card for this group two to go it's gonna feel like a long two laps for these guys we've also got lap traffic to deal with so trying to figure out where they're going to go where you need to go get around the riders without losing too much ground [Music] savachi was a little bit closer the last time around and now there is a lap rider between savachi and webb so that's helping webb even a little further i think that's nathan laporte i think i saw the 139 who they were dealing with there so now savage has cleared him and he has a lot more work to do he wants to close back up on webb it's been an odd moto compared to what we've seen so far this year we've seen some knock down drag out duels but at this one it was really roxanne and plessager in a class of their own until placing her went down that opened the door for ferandis and let's give a shout out to max anstey there it is in yellow the rm army the suzuki i haven't seen much of max he's been effective kind of quietly effective depending on the track i was waiting to see you know there are motors and and track conditions where anstey the very likable rider out of england can run with the best in the business did that in his mx gp days the world championship over in europe and we saw a few glimpses last year this year he has just been rock solid consistent and putting in another solid moto here in eighth and max one of the great personalities of the sport there is not a topic you can bring up that he doesn't have something interesting to say on that and uh they've been working working working he said that our last race actually picked up some old parts from the now defunct jgr suzuki team and the bike's working a lot better it was telling me after our last race at washougal this bike obviously working well as well ken roxon just dialed in here at unidilla well big difference right there ken rockson's got the hrc factory behind him which is a huge help and then twisted t team they're still developing they get help from a variety of sources but not a full factory uh program so i'm sure that jgr parts helped out if you'll feel bad for those guys being out of business but i'm sure max was like you're not gonna use that are you okay cool don't mind if i do that's right so here is roxanne gonna bring it home checking on oh that was lap traffic here comes roxanne got a moto win two races ago at millville minnesota but that was a bad day overall uh because he crashed out of the first moto this time he's going to try to deliver what would be his first overall win since round two in colorado if he could follow this performance up and i'll tell you what he probably didn't have to spend that much energy in the second half of this one he's going to be fresh yeah he was able to back it down you could see the lap after blessing had gone down they went from roughly 21s to 24 almost [Music] so turning it down a couple seconds left and then with that ferranis has only called him up a few seconds that's got to be a nice feeling when you can back it down and still have pretty good control so roxane gonna bring it home here 50-plus years of racing at unidilla and kind of fitting this race really put itself on the map with the international runs the trans ama series and then eventually a round of the what is now called the mx gp championship the us 250 grand prix so a lot of the great european riders have come and raced this track roxanne of course lives in america full-time but the german rider is going to come out on top ken roxanne a dominant first moto win here at unidilla yeah that was a good that was exactly how he would have written that one up just nice smooth good start don't get out of control good line selection which is sort of kenny
Channel: Moto e cia
Views: 31,809
Rating: 4.8980894 out of 5
Keywords: ama motocross, ama motocross 2021, ama motocross rd10 unadilla moto1, ama motocross unadilla 2021, Ama motocross 2021, ama motocross 2021 rd10, PRO MOTOCROSS 2021 UNADILLA, AMA MOTOCROSS 2021 UNADILLA, motocross usa, ama motocross unadilla, unadilla 2021, motocross rd10 unadilla, AMA MOTOCROSS UNADILLA RD10 2021 450 MOTO1
Id: t0NCAgjPF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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