$800 Off-Road Tires vs. $1500 Off-Road Tires

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(blowtorch flame hissing) (man shrieking loudly) (tires skidding mud) (beep) - $800 all-terrain tires! - Versus $1,500 all-terrain tires! - Does more expensive really mean more better? - Let's find out. (upbeat music) - Huge thanks to eBay Motors for sponsoring this season of HiLow. - The whole season! - With their help, we've been able to find all kinds of parts, to turn 'Low Truck' into America's favorite off-roader. - But, they've also been a huge help with 'Hi Truck' too! eBay Motors provides all the tools to buy or sell your vehicle safely and securely online. They even, can send out licensed third party inspectors to verify the vehicle that you are buying, isn't just some turd (fart noise). It's what we actually use to make sure we got a Tacoma good enough to be called 'Hi Truck', America's favorite off-roader! - You can't just steal my slogan like that. - Never heard you say that before. eBay is invested in making the automotive sales cycle honest, trustworthy, and downright secure. So, you don't have to worry about thieves and scammers when you're ordering parts. - And we ordered a ton of parts off eBay, everything from wheels and tires, suspension, whether you're spending high or spending low, eBay Motors has something in your budget. - So be sure to check out eBay Motors and download the app for all your automotive sale needs. Now let's get back to America's favorite off-roader. - Low truck. - Hi truck. (both scoff smugly) - Low truck. - Hi truck, dude. - Low truck. - Hi truck! - Look at Low truck! - Look at Hi truck! - This is- - Do you even have one of these? - I do not, but I do have very nice paint. (tires bouncing successively) - Yours sounds like (beep). - We bought two nearly identical Toyota Tacomas, and we've been modifying them to be fun daily drivers that you can take literally anywhere, (metal grinding)- - Except for the ocean. - One Tacoma gets expensive parts. Mine. And one of them gets cheap parts. - Then, we test them to see which components are worth spending your hard earned money on. - The primary goal of new off-road tires is obviously to increase traction, but there are a bunch of other factors affected by new tires like handling, vibration, noise, clearance, and of course, steez. Hi truck is getting a set of Nitto Ridge grappler. That's right, Ridge grappler All-Terrains, at $342 per tire. - And Low truck is getting these Kenda Klever All-Terrains, which are less than half the price at $147 per tire. - Frugal! Right off the bat, I think yours look like they're from World War II and mine look like they're from The Terminator war. (vocal pistol noises) - Since we're upgrading to beefier tires, we need to upgrade our wheels as well. - Hi truck is getting these 17-inch KMC Tank Beadlock Wheels - And Low truck is getting a set of 17-inch Vision Wheels. - Each of these KMCs are almost $500 a pop. - The Visions are also $500, for the entire set. - For the entire set! So why do these costs four times as much money? First thing, these are lighter because they're made out of aluminum alloy and these are straight up steel. These wheels have Beadlocks, which means this outer rim comes off. It's held on with a bunch of bolts and we can sandwich the tire in between these two surfaces, which means we can get through a lot more stuff. - Cool. - So both of our wheel and tire setups are going to look really great. They're going to perform better than stock, but will Hi truck's wheel-and-tire-combo perform three times as well, because it does cost three times as much? (heavy trap music) (plastic crumpling) Yeah!! - Just like with everything in life, with wheels and tires it's important to establish some clear goals. - Now we're looking to improve traction, improve our reliability, maybe gain some clearance, and hopefully have a relatively decent on-road experience like on the highway. I hope these aren't too noisy. You've heard trucks on the highway chopping up from behind you. (both imitating truck engines) - It's enough to drive a man insane. - So we did some research online and it turns out that the Tacoma can basically take a 33-inch tire before you have to start modifying things like the firewall. That also takes into account our three-inch lift. You can't do it just on stock suspension, but once you lift, you get a little bit more room. We want to stuff the biggest tire we can under this truck so we get a bigger contact patch at the bottom of our tire, which will let us climb more stuff. Contact patch is the amount of tire touching the actual ground. - Cool thing about off-road tires that you can air them down so you can actually increase your contact patch, the less air that's in the tire. If you blow these things up or highway use, you know, like to 55 PSI, the only thing touching the road is going to be like a little section like this big but if you air them down, you're going to get a bigger contact patch. - [Zach] See all that contact? (dramatic upbeat music) With all that said, let's finally put wheels in tires! They individually wrapped the hardware, so we're going to spend a couple hours unwrapping hardware. One cool thing about having Beadlock wheels is that we don't need to go to a tire shop to get these things mounted. We don't need to use a tire machine. All we need is some soapy water, some patience, some friendship and some smarts. Okay, got that down all the way around. So now we just got to put our ring in place, by hand, manually. It's like 200 bolts probably in a star pattern, torquing them to different specs over and over and over. - So originally the plan was that we'd have to take these to a shop and just get them mounted like a bunch of chumps, but Eddie and Aaron think that we can do this ourselves in our parking lot. - Yo, straight up (beep) those guys. - Honestly though, I don't like either of those guys. - Hi team thinks we're going to a shop but really we're going to get sweaty out here and do it ourselves. They're going to be totally pranked! (chuckling) So stupid. - We're going to use this torch and some brake cleaner to inflate this tire. We don't advise you guys do this at home. It can actually be very dangerous, but I've done this quite a bit and we think we can get it done in a safe manner. So we would like you guys to see how that's done. - You guys know that I would never risk my health for entertainment purposes. - First things first, you want to put a valve stem in. I've actually made the mistake in the past where you install the tire, get the valve stem, and then you gotta redo it. After you install the valve stem, we're going to get some lubrication, which is just going to be some dish soap and we're going to push it on, give her a flop. - There we go. - You're going to use crowbars and pry until we get the inside diameter of the tire over this lip. - I just feel like we're going to damage our wheels. - Well, you've got it on the inside of the lip, so you want him to see it. - Oh okay. There we go. - There's a little bit, but- - Yeah, I know. - It's okay. - [Cameraman] How are you feeling Nolan? - I mean, these are brand new wheels and I can already tell if these are- if these were wheels I paid for, I'd take it to the shop. - But if you're on a budget and like- - A budget? It's like $100 to get your tires mounted. - [Cameraman] You sound like a Hi Team Boy right now. - Budget does not have an impact on doing things correctly or how like, making sure things aren't nice. - So, no tire shop? - Totally. - Why are you guys even doing it? Just for the video? - No... - (laughs) Okay. (air spraying) - All right. And then uh- make sure you're ready to- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - This is like one of those like F1 pit-stop things. - I'm ready, dude. Rock and roll. - Let's do it, dude. - Okay. - Break clean. 1, 2, 3. Leave a little trail, a break clean. Hit it with the torch. (man shrieks) (flame igniting) (tire squeaking) Come on, come on, come on! Yes, Nolan! Oh, no, no. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. It's not gonna explode. You're good. You're good. - I just, I've never seen a tire wall do that dude. - It's okay. Dude, that was, that was dope. - It was pretty cool. - [Cameraman] It was sick. - That was pretty sick and we get to do it four more times. (tire squeaking) - [Zach] All right, so now that both teams have their wheels and tires mounted up, let's take a good look at them and compare them to each other. - Gotta say, your guys' looking pretty tough, definitely the more expensive wheel. - These look like different counties. - Yeah, (laughs). Our tread depth looks very similar. - Yeah, very similar chonk. - The stock wheel and tire weighs 58 pounds. - Dang! - That's gnarly dude. - Ohh! - Oh my god! - 85.8 (laughs). - 85.8. - 85.8 on the Low truck. - Oh my God. 95.9. - Wow! - Hundred pounds a corner. - Holy crap, that is so weird. This is so weird. - This is so backwards. - Adding a lot of weight to that area will make things handle a little bit worse and make them feel an awful lot slower, but that's kind of okay for trucks. So even though we were both able to get our tires onto the wheels here by ourselves, which is cool. We still both have to go to a shop to have them balanced. - Kind of defeats the purpose, - But we did see how capable the trucks were with the stock wheel and tire. - Unreal, yeah unreal. So with these tires, I'm excited to see what they can do. - I was nervous. - They're going to be too good. Are we going to be too powerful gentlemen? Might be in over our heads. Never stop climbing? - And we are back at Gorman for yet another test. - We're doing a hill climb. Now this hill behind me, as you can see is not just a hill. It's full of all kinds of crags and crannies. - Cracks and grannies? - Make you lose traction, basically it's very hard to go up. The first try is with the stock tires that we're going to put our new wheels and tires on. Go back at it, find out for you guys, how much of a difference big-old all-terrains make. - And how much better our more expensive ones are! - Yeah. - Good Luck (revving engine) - Keep going buddy, keep going. (excited laughter) (Nolan screeching) - No way! (indistinct) (failure horn plays) - Well, it didn't make it. - Nope. Don't do this. (overlap talking) - It's in the car! It's in the car! Wow. We almost made it. - We both got our new tires, let's see if a little bit more traction helps them out. - [Nolan] Alright boys. - [Zach] Go get them. - [Nolan] Yep. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Aaron gun it. Gun it baby. Gun it. - [Zach] Stayed up. Stayed up. - [Nolan] See? - Would you like to drive up this hill with me? - I would love to. - Yes. - Let's go baby. - Yes. Let's go. - All right James, you know what to do. Just gotta goose a little harder at the end. - [Aaron] The approach is good. He's riding the spine. - [Zach] Yup, yup. All right. Now start hitting that gas. Yup. Yup. - He's crossing the hill. No problem. - [Zach] No big deal at all. - Correct. Mac and cheese, Easy Mac, food in the microwave, Mom's going to be home. She said, she's gonna be on a diet. (mumbling) - What is he talking about? - So both trucks made it up. Although there was a lot of slippage and it got kinda gnarly towards the top. Aaron seems to think that if we air down the tire pressure a little bit, we'll have an easier time of it. Zach and I kind of disagree but I don't know if we get a bigger contact patch, technically we might have more traction. So we're going to go ahead and give it a try. Last time we ran this, it was at 35 and now we're going to try it at around 15. Now that's one of the good things about Beadlock. These guys can't go as low as we can and if they do, there's a better chance that they might DB the tire leaving them stranded on a hill or a mountain. You know what happens on a mountain after dark. (dramatic music) - There you go! Dude, no wheel slippage at all! Are you kidding me? - Not even a problem. - This is amazing! (Cheering) Did someone order some lobster with a side of butter? - Dude, look at that. That's sick. That's what I'm talking about. - Oh yeah dude. - All right, baby. - No wheel spin. You don't hear the wheel spin. Dude, that was way easier aired down, are you kidding me. - Oh yeah, oh yeah. - Well as it turns out, that felt way better. - Yeah. We're mature enough to admit when we are wrong and that was way easier. - We felt like we had gobs of grit, it was like driving on tank tracks. - For our next challenge, we decided to take it back to the days of the Neanderthals with a classic game of Tug O' War! Loser washes the winners truck. Three, two, one, go! (intense rock music begins) - Keep going. - Just what I thought (indistinct). - Oh Jesus. Oh God, hold that up. (truck engines cut) - We're both stuck. - Yeah. I think we're going to have to do this on dry land. - (laughs) Wow, (beep). (tires grinding dirt) - [Zach] Find some grit! Find some grit! Wasted some rubber. - [Nolan] I don't know if we learned anything from that. - Well, we learned that we both got pretty equally good tires and you spent a lot less. - [Nolan] That is true. (upbeat music) - So we're back at the buff horseshoe with our new tires. We're going to come back to this obstacle every week, and our goal is to make it all the way around. We've already attempted this. Let's see who can get further today. Who wants to go first? Me, let's do it! (James screaming) You communicate. - I thought you were- - This is my good hand! - Here's where Pumphrey fell off last time! Right in this area, wheel came off, and that was all she wrote. Jesus. So really, we got to get past this to improve on our last attempt, but I'm not going to be happy unless we make it all the way around. - All right. Here comes the initial approach. - Looking good, nice and straight. Keep it straight. You're going to see how the tires flex, you know. - Wamp, wamp. - [Aaron] They legitimately grab the surface. - Yep. Yeah. - Moment of truth area. - Yeah, here we go! - Give it some beans. Okay, perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yes! - Okay, okay, okay. - Yes, James! (car engine rumbling) (inspirational music plays) - Okay, that's right. - Yeah, this is probably the hardest part. We've got a massive gap here. There are rocks, but they're not somewhere we can hit them. So gas time. (car parts clunking) - Yeah, sweet as it goes bro. Flawless execution! - Really nice, bro. - You know the difference between me and you? I make this look good. (tires screeching) - Hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard. - [Zach] The first tricky bit. - Hard left, hard left. - He's going to have to have a lot of grip with those tires. - [Nolan] I can't turn. - [Aaron] Gas, gas, gas. - And they fell off. - Did we least make it further than what the stock tires? - No. - No? Okay. - They're stuck in the same spot we got stuck before. I don't think it's the tires. I think it's a lack of communication. There's some sort of breakdown. Nolan gets very frustrated. Aaron's not the best communicator. - We're going to give him a second shot at the buff horseshoe because I really think that they can make it. - I need you to consistently throttle through this next section. More and more and more and more and more and more and more. - Stop. - That looks pretty good. - That's pretty good. - All right, we are past where I was before. So that's a good sign. - Hard right. (dramatic percussion music) Just a hair. Not that much! Great. Go, go, go. - And out with a flare, a little off the side. - If this were the Olympics, I think that would have been a DQ, but it's not. This is HiLow and we're all pals and we're proud of Nolan and Aaron. - This guy put in work right now. - We did it! - Good job bro. - So Nolan, does more expensive mean more better? - I'm not exactly sure James, the uphill articulation tests, both tires performed wonderfully. No real difference there. Then our final tasks, the buff horseshoe, both trucks made it through just fine. No need for the Beadlocks on low truck. I'm not convinced that you need to spend twice the cash for the tires. - Okay. So I agree with you on all of those points, but during the buff horseshoe Hi truck obviously had more traction. On the declines, I was able to stop halfway down the tubes. You just kind of slid down. - Yeah, there was some sliding. - We measured road noise with a decibel meter. We only gained maybe a decibel. - Same with Low truck, I was actually very surprised. - Yeah. Usually when upgrading anything on a car or truck, you expect some sort of compromise, but really with these tires on both trucks, there wasn't any. I have to say, I might prefer the look of Low truck. The tires on Hi truck are a little bro-ey like, I feel like I should get a flat-brimmed hat and a monster sticker for my truck. - Yeah. - So Nolan, which ones would you buy? - I think I would keep the Low setup. That package has proven itself to not DB at pretty low pressures. I think 15 is the limit, but for the price, the performance so worth it really. - I think I would go with Low truck's tires. - Okay. - But I would go with Hi truck's wheels so that I can have that sweet, sweet Beadlock. So the big takeaway is more expensive does mean more better, not that much better, and the budget option is still very, very good. You can have a lot of fun in a truck on a budget. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. We got another one coming up next week. We've been bashing these things into a bunch of rocks. So we're going to reinforce them with some really sick armor. Hi truck is getting some precut bumpers and skid plates with instructions. We do have to weld it all together. The Low truck, Aaron and Nolan are designing and fabricating their own stuff from scratch it's gonna be very, very exciting. - (Nolan grunting) Not looking forward to it. - Make sure you don't miss it. Hit the subscribe button. - Be kind. - I love you. - See you next time.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 1,255,776
Rating: 4.9678135 out of 5
Keywords: high low, hilow, cheap expensive, doughnut media, hilo, hi lo, tires, tyres, wheels and tires, offroad, off-roading, overland, camping truck, donut media, james pumphrey, james humphrey, zach jobe, nolan sykes, aaron parker
Id: Cdsf75RB3LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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