Aluminum fuel tank repair.

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hey guys welcome back today will be a very simple little quick easy repair see that crack right there on the fuel tank pretty common crack right there um basically we're just gonna grind it out weld it up gonna take an extra safety measure we are going to purge the tank with Argon there's a chance you can get away with not doing it but I'm not interested in having a tank that size explode while I'm on top of it welding so we'll Purge it out of argon I'll kind of go over how I do that and then we'll uh probably Purge it first and then grind it all right so we're going to start with cleaning up whatever kind of uh debris grease oil whatever we kind of can around the area we're going to work in we're gonna clean that up we're gonna take a line stick it in here we're going to put tape over all that this is closed off we're going to tape that off and then we're gonna use this as our vent so we have pressure coming in and basically argon is heavier than air so as the Argon pours into the tank it fills up the bottom and just just like water would slowly fills up and pushes all the oxygen out until it's pure Argon all right get to cleaning this stainless steel brush [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just out we're going to be using a dual flow regulator so basically it's just like a regular flow meter regulator except you have two outlets that you can set to whatever you want one goes to the back of the TIG welder and then the other one it's gonna go through this line to here so that'll just sit there and let that all fill up and then uh show you how to check to see if that's argon coming out you see the one going to the welder bounced up draw back down it's not being used this one's filling the tank we're at 35. probably doesn't need to be that high 25 more than enough in case there's a couple ways that you can tell that your Purge is successful you're purging with compressed gas so the gas coming out will be very cold and you can feel the cold gas it'll be noticeably colder than say the air that was previously in the tank especially since it's at like 80 degrees outside another way is you could test it with a flame it's not necessarily blowing the flame out it's just killed all of the oxygen around the flame which makes the flame go out so this is ready to go we can start grinding and Welding on it I turn the sense it's Purge it doesn't need massive amount of volume and there's no big holes in it it's at about 10 CFM so just that just enough to kind of keep all the Argon on there and so that no oxygen can come back through that hole all right we're gonna grind this and then weld it I'm gonna try I don't know if it's a good idea but we're gonna try this diamond cutoff wheel I was using it on some stainless and it seemed to work pretty well so before it gets too messed up I want to try it see if it works on that [Music] [Music] [Music] I actually worked pretty good shh I wanted to try that because my other option was gonna be a stone wheel a stone wheel could definitely leave imperfections in there and I feel like that diamond wheel is a lot stronger and less likely to leave any Trace behind so I like that so we ground out wait way past the crack tapered our ends now we're gonna probably wire brush it and then yeah should be good to go welder up to weld this we're going to use our our old Sinker wave 180 SD on AC probably use eighth inch rod 100 Argon [Music] foreign [Music] give her a quick brush all right that's it quick shot of the center unit back in there these turn to the correct orientation ready to go back to work all right thank you for watching stay tuned for the next one
Channel: On Fire Welding
Views: 49,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AZ0DB6HezYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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