Aluminium car parts melt with oil Burner simple furnace

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good a viewers had all the devil are you well today I thought I'd have another run of the old scrapping furnace and I'd try doing a throttle body and maybe a rock a gearbox an intermediate maybe a bumper bar let's see how it goes now for those of you who haven't watched all my other 70 odd videos on burners and things this is pretty much my standard setup I've got the jumping castle blower that I bought for 20 bucks from ebay attached to the 600 kilowatt burner and I've just got a little elbow on that and that's blowing it into the 44 gallon drum which has got a few bricks which I use as a scrapping furnace the malt Nelly will run out the bottom me into that frying pan and then when that's full I'll try and change it over and fill something else up it's not there's gonna be molten Le and concrete exploding everywhere all part of the fun the basic idea of melting this stuff down is that it does have a lot of ferrous metal in it which is basically steel now if you take this to a scrapyard unless it's you know about 95% clean they will only pay your steel price which is worth next to nothing at the moment as anybody but does any scrapping wood know so the quick and easy way to separate the aluminium without spending hours pulling things out of these pieces which a lot of it you have a really hard time doing anyway is just to simply melt it down I'll be left with a lot of steel parts in the furnace which I can easily clean out later and then the molten Ally will just drip into the pans and then I can remelt back down to do other things with it or sell it whatever I ultimately decide later on the main thing is to get the steel and the aluminium separated so then you have something that is worth money rather than something that's worth nothing ultimately I'd like to do an engine I've been trying to do that for about twelve months now but it hasn't quite worked out but one day I'll get to it and then it'll really be profitable now for reasons that always have escaped me some people find these things hard to find also I'm going to do to start this good amount of scrunched up newspaper in it that's what the local rag is best for actually peppery pretty well and then I'm just going to add some deezen to it it doesn't matter how you put this stuff in it has a pretty good amount some of that I've scrunch stuff a lot tighter than others so it'll burn a bit slower but then I'll regulate the air to get it going there really isn't much to doing this plenty of paper there's a 400 can a gram can read cat food in it which in American terms 400 grams is ah who the hell would know so I'm just going to keep that in let that soak the paper a little bit and then fire it up I'll regulate the air in the blower with a bit of cardboard and once again we'll be off and running okay so I've got the papers in the burner lit so prata lit up gently just the snow ever each other block the inlet of the blower a bit of oil as well and off we go so I'll just let it heat up but there you can probably hear some cracking that's the moisture burning off the outside of the burner where it gets a bit trapped due to the rust I'll let it go at that give it some oil and we'll go from there that's the burner heats up give it a little bit more air you can hear the louder flame and that will help it pee it up and we can start feeding in a bit more oil once we see the flames starting to grow pretty straightforward and simple really okay so it's been probably here that's burning quite well I haven't got a flat out but it's hot enough so put the elbow on it and we'll start eating the furnace now I probably won't need to give this some Full Tilt on me on the air in the fuel it will I have a power so I'll just wait a little bit to cut up in a rubbish dump in it and then we'll go from me you might be able to see already the nozzle is getting pretty hot terney be running about three minutes and the rest of the burners getting some red in it too so where will and truly up the temperature on that and we're ready to start loading in some of our early and melt it down now I could do this a bit at a time but what the helps are funny man let's go for it see what this thing really do but I reckon we should have some of that disappearing in maybe a minute or less there's the first drop of aluminium of that manifold there's an element of rain storm in there already now that's what I quote cooking with oil they smoke manifolds give up spaces and all sorts of things and already the LEDs running out Alemany of Ryan but I think it's gonna take long to fill up that wok better get the other bones and things at the ready hospitality is running in there going like that gangbusters I think that's the ABC coding burning off that pain you can see smoky furniture is pouring in there and a good right it's kind of big hole in that already you can see it move around so I'll just push some of it back into the flame front yep he sure is going to be spectacular for the new neighbors when they move in I mean how lucky are they gonna be to get a bird's-eye view of all this entertainment some people just lucky I guess now I haven't been timing this but you've pretty much been seeing it as it happens I've only stopped the camera to move it and it probably hasn't been filming for less than 30 seconds so it's pretty much about as real time as it's gonna get and miss Ellie's just gettin demolish it start going through it at a real good rate and this was in a continuous sort of process you could get through a lot of material very quickly I'm throttling it back a bit because if I overpower it you won't see anything but the flame and I want to give you a bit of an idea of what the alley looks like as it goes I'm getting quite an aluminium cupcake they're gonna be fun changing that over might have to just start try and turn the burner right down and slow the flow a bit till I can get to it for once I actually do want to wear a pair of gloves then I will go around here but bit of a worry anyhow Radio back up the speed let's put a bit a grunt in this thing I might try sampling the medium with my little whatever it is here ladle ready I killed that often solidifying it let's see of wit that now so dry it up and do another one all that Ellie's gone I did me manage to move that frypan out although of course having aluminium rivets they they melt it off but I've got another pain let's try that bumper reinforcement the sinner Oh little quite nicely run it right along the link with me but I think that'll take long to go now Weaver as you can see plenty of heat in there a lot of people make a big fuss about having refractory and everything else but you can always just do this just with sheer oil burning power you won't get that out of gas or electricity let me tell you there you go don't know if you can see it or not but already that tap that Rios camp just like animate that didn't take much at all we're gonna find something that's more of a challenge plenty of room in that that pot that I've replaced so just wish you'd single sweater we throw in another manifold as well I'll find one of the bigger heavier ones I'll just touch on one thing that people keep asking me in the comments and that's how much fuel to these burners use the answer is they use as much as you want it all depends on the heat output they aren't like an internal combustion engine in a car where there are efficiencies they just basically put out the heat compared to what the fuel they burn is now as you can see I've got this dial there I'm pretty low but I'll show you how you can throttle and mark now all I'm doing there is turning the tap on the fuel so just by leaving the air the way it is and regulating the fuel you can get that variance in output I can go up or down whatever I like so hopefully people will actually watch that and it will give them an idea that these things are variable both in fuel usage and output again it all just depends on what you want now unfortunate for all of us people that were born with some of the good intelligence the Lord gave us is today safety tip when you see things blowing red-hot do not I repeat do not pick them up with your bare hands in and also a very core idea to urinate on them that will create a stink that no safety CC or anyone elses go away also please don't try this with your oven at home in the kitchen you cannot just put a burner in it and melt aluminium it will upset your wife as willins the neighbors when your house catches fire and burns down please try to think these things through because nobody else really cares what you do that didn't take long at all the the furnace is hot now and so this is bloody camera actually can't get it far enough away but I'll throw in another manifold crank it up see how we go with this one from memory I seem to recall that those manifolds weigh about five kilos in American terms which are the times God who knows my consistent bloody hard work it out that's what online calculators are for any rate let's see how this baby goes I'll do another aluminium sample wallet so there's the results of today's meltdown I've made three of these ladle size cupcakes I've got this rather large wok which is pretty full as you can see and that aluminium bowl there as well with a bit of spillage thrown in I would reckon must be getting close to about 20 kilos or in American terms that's about it doesn't matter what I say somebody will tell me I'm wrong you work it out it's 20 kilos or there abouts here's another safety tip for all the not too well-endowed in the brain Department viewers when something does this and hisses then Steve comes off it's hot don't touch it like just don't touch all right because it's bloody hot so yeah I mean that's it don't touch my there you go viewers there's a new way to boil water just use some aluminium I mean this stuff must have been poured 20 minutes ago both being hosing it with water and guessing off underneath the whole thing looks like we're about there we've at least got it down under a hundred you know we're gonna do is this one man Froy do so after hosing and dunking this slot in water for about half an hour it sure took some cooling down the missus is gone out so luckily for me I can flog the bathroom scales and bring them out for the official weigh-in hopefully this thing doesn't crack them they're a glass type thing it if they get cracked my head will be the next thing that we cracked let me tell your viewers anyway oh if this up reset it and see what we got put over there there we go twenty four point eight kilos is the official weigh-in and in American terms well I believe that's probably 50 pounds 55 somebody all chiming in the comment section no two ways about it so quite a substantial milk if you were doing this for scrapping you've got yourself a good amount of money I believe here in Oz that's about $100 worth of Ally at the moment or if you're into doing metal casting them that would do a few different melts for you and give you the material for some real nice setup so there we go once again very successful well there you go and it wasn't a bad bolt sort of milk either I don't know how many pillars of Ellie I got but I reckon it's quite a few hopefully you why you like that if you did please don't forget to click the like button below subscribe if you haven't already because I do have lots and lots of other videos on the sword of being so have a look through the channel please comment and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Oil Burner
Views: 57,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aluminum melting, Casting, scrapping, waste oil burner, furnace, foundary, Subaru, Metal melting, aluminum scrapping, recycling, Soda can melt, Metal casting, Scrap metal, WVO, WMO, oil burner, waste oil burning, Melting aluminum, Fire, Burning, Flame
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2015
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