Make a Chemical Fire Starter for Urban Survival!

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today we're going to be doing some weird science let's go hey guys welcome back to ranger survival and field craft i'm andrew and what i have for you guys today is how to make your own chemical fire starters household materials let's go [Music] so [Music] yes so today what we're going to do i'm going to show you how to take household materials and turn them into chemical fire starters for the purposes of survival now the chemical fire starter that we're most familiar with at least in the survival world is potassium permanganate potassium permanganate combined with glycerin creates an exothermic reaction beginning with smoke and then eventually flame for survival fire lighting but today what we're going to create is potassium chlorate potassium chlorate combined with household sugar and then sulfuric acid in the form of drano or drain cleaner will create an exothermic reaction similar to that of potassium permanganate we can use that as a fire starter so a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away i ran a military working dog platoon and we were single purpose in that we only did detection work we went out to go find bombs in afghanistan and help save paratroopers lives during the course of our study and our training you pick up things about detection work with explosives and understanding explosives and how dogs work in detection but you also learn a lot about the components that can go into homemade explosive devices and what to look for during searches and then if you're a curious guy like myself you want to learn how to make your own chemical fire starters for survival purposes [Music] all right should go without saying that this is a dangerous process and can't be harmful we need to have a well ventilated area and then protection for our eyes and our face in our mouth and then our hands when dealing with any type of chemicals we're going to produce a small amount of potassium chlorate today and then ignite it into flame with sulfuric acid it's going to be a very small amount and this is only for the purposes of survival and instruction for you to see that there are chemicals household chemicals that we can use to start a fire especially in an urban survival scenario all right now that we have the safety reef out of the way we're ready to go well ventilated area garage door is open i've got a fan going in the background please excuse the sounds today all right so the first item we're going to need is household bleach this is concentrated bleach and it's got a percentage label down here at the bottom we want a percent of sodium hypochloride that is near eight percent or better if we can get it the higher the percentage of sodium hypochlorite in bleach the better yield of potassium chlorate we're going to have at the end of this process second item that we need is fake salt this is just potassium chloride and then there's a few other additives in fake salt but potassium chloride is the main compound we need to create this reaction and then while you're drinking your coffee go ahead and grab some of the household sugar you have in the cabinet because we're going to need this as well next item we're going to need is sulfuric acid in the form of drain cleaner so get underneath that sink grab that drain cleaner this has a very high percentage of sulfuric acid inside and it came in a plastic bag so you know it's good now we're going to need some containers for actually processing this we're going to be doing boiling and putting bleach over a flame so we're going to need something to put that bleach in and then measuring instruments to make sure we get the appropriate quantity of all liquids and compounds together so we can get a correct yield on the back end so measuring instruments and then cooking implements and then we're going to need some way to heat the bleach as part of this process it'll be the only cooking we really do everything else is going to be mixing and then freezing on the back end but i've got a camp stove got my little propane tank here and we're going to use the camp stove to heat our bleach as part of this process okay and then safety gear to protect our eyes and mouth and then hands and skin from any chemical reactions or adverse conditions in here all right time for step number one boiling some bleach safety equipment is on we're in a well-ventilated area this is the most dangerous part of the entire process now we're going to take 500 milliliters of our highly concentrated bleach near eight percent sodium hypochlorite and place it into our container place it over a flame on our stove and then bring that bleach to a boil now as part of the process of bringing bleach to a boil the sodium hypochlorite is changing into sodium chloride and then sodium chlorate also as a byproduct we're evaporating a lot of the water out of the bleach and then one of those by-products that is part of the evaporation process is chlorine so we have chlorine gas in the air which is why safety is very important it was used as a weapon of war now we bring that to a boil and as soon as we see crystal start to form in our container we stop turn off the heat and remove the container from the heat source and let that bleach cool what's going to happen is we're going to see a precipitate of crystals inside that bleach as it cools even more and that's what we're looking for for that bleach now for step two we're going to take our fake salt and we're going to put it into water creating a potassium chloride solution we're going to add as much of the salt as we can until the salt fails to dissolve in that water once the salt stops dissolving in that water we notice that we keep adding and it won't dissolve anymore inside the water our solution is complete and we're done with that step all right now we're on to step three overall for this process and we're going to need that second container put a strainer and a filter into that container and we want to mix our solutions together the bleach and the salt solution so we're going to take the bleach dump it into our filter and strainer to strain all the solids out and we're left only with that liquid [Music] once we have that liquid left we're going to mix equal amounts of our salt solution into that liquid so taking note of how much liquid is at the base add that much liquid through another filtered strainer into that bleach solution and then we have our mixture ready to go alright step four we're gonna take that solution we just mixed and we're gonna place it inside a freezer now placing it inside a freezer is going to increase the yield rate for potassium chlorate crystals to form and then what we're left with once we maximize that freezing process is potassium chlorate crystals and then just plain old salt water all right guys welcome back so it's been about five hours since we put our solution in the freezer and just want to give you guys a brief glimpse of what that looks like so here we have crystals forming at the top and then some at the bottom a good haul of crystals at least from what i've made in the past before so we must have done something right but this is after five hours now the liquid in here just simple salt water so we're gonna leave it for a few more hours we're gonna come back and then we'll decant off the liquid that's fancy speak for just pour it out and then keep the solid material in there the potassium chlorate and then we'll dry out the crystals as best as possible before we store them before we use them but we're going to use those crystals once they're completely dry for fire starting so back in the freezer and we'll see in a few all right good morning got enough beauty rest obviously the money maker is still fresh now we can check on our potassium chlorate crystals i went ahead last night and decanted the liquid off of the crystals and then dried out the crystals and i'm going to show you what we ended up with so here is our end product potassium chlorate crystals now there are some shiny diamonds in there and then there are a lot of snowflakes now the shiny diamonds is what we want to go for when creating potassium chlorate crystals those are pure with the snowflake looking items in there a lot of it that means that there are some impurities either with the components we use the cooking process or containers and then how we processed it but this is our end product so we're gonna have one or two things happen with this we're gonna add sugar to it for every gram of potassium chlorate we'll add half a gram of sugar so it's a two to one ratio and then we'll add a few drops of sulfuric acid from our drain cleaner and we're either gonna get a smoky ball of slime or we're gonna get some flame so we're gonna go ahead and do a few tests with this and see what we can come up with yes all right it worked outstanding outstanding work okay we ended up getting both of the two predictions that i made a smoking ball and slime but then it grew into a flame see it was just kind of bubbling there for a few minutes we had to work it around just a little bit that's because of the impurities in this process this process is not terribly efficient for getting a pure end product but it's fast for when we need it all right it's basically something we can do inside our own garage and then make our own chemical fire starter especially for an urban survival scenario so i hope you guys like this video if you did like this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button leave me a comment in the comment section i always appreciate your feedback i want to thank you guys for everything you do for me and for the channel for your likes reviews your subscriptions your comments your feedback and your shares and back another video as soon as i can guys thanks [Music]
Channel: Ranger Survival and Field Craft
Views: 7,273
Rating: 4.96281 out of 5
Id: IZmz3ejt8VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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