Alpine A110 GT review. Does the flyweight A110 still live up to the hype in 2024?

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[Music] well welcome to a new Harry's Garage video and today's car is the Alpine A10 GT can't believe it but it was back in 2018 when I first had the Alpine A110 in the garage back then there was just the one version and it just we couldn't believe how light it was how Nim it felt real breath fresh air since then they've introduced various other versions there was an S version and then this GT version and right at the top there's an R version for lots of money with lots of lovely carbon fiber bits and very track Focus but I wanted to test the sort of the ultimate road going version that's why I got this GT version of the A110 in it's a bit more money it's £ 65,0 on the road that's a lift of 11,00 ,000 over the standard A10 so what do you get for your X 11,000 let's go and have a closer look first thing to mention the color I it's a great color for Alpine this Alpine blue paint it's listed as as an extra 1,830 but is almost a must have and also how little the look of the car has changed you think it six years since I last had it it looks near identical even though it's the GT version s gets a bit bits at the front bit of Arrow and I've driven this car quite a lot at night great headlights really work well a real good bright white light from them if you come around the side well there's one change here we've got these 18in wheels in this rather nice way design and they with mixin Pilot Sport four tires one thing I notice is the standard car for 2024 also gets 18in wheels and that allows it to get the bigger brake discs that are on this car so 320 mil brake discs on here when it I think it was 296 previously keep coming around I love the way they put a little flash trickler on there such a nice design detail we'll see it inside as well the big Venturi single exhaust that's always been a design signature of this car mine A110 GT in Chrome if you get the S version that's in black and there's a little boot here if I just press this there it is tiny little aperture but there is sort of storage either side of it but this is where your safety pack and your you goof for blowing and manual and things is all there you can open the back it's a bit complicated but you don't ever get to see the engine on your A110 come around to here just want to show you the interior and also immediately I open that door it's the lightness this car is 96% aluminium and as soon as you touch the door and open it it feels like no other car You' been again a little trickle on there and you'll see on this car it has this chocolate brown interior together with blue stitching we'll have a look better look at the interior when we take it outside but yeah really refreshing the design in there up the front there you go you get a sort of boot you got to have a fairly shallow sort of carry-on bag or something to get it in there but it's a decent size eyes right what we're going to do now Take It Outside take it for a drive yeah yeah he certainly stepped down when you get in an A10 but good seats and well trimmed one thing I really like about this car is you don't feel as though it's a stripped out sort of lightweight car everything is looks normal nicely done this brown level this blue stitching on it on this GT I think is a feature has the carbon fiber little flashes of it over the binacle and things and just well done but there's a hint of how they've got this car liked if you look around there's there's no door bin for example and here you know the storage areas they don't have lids on or anything like that this thing is a bit weird this is a storage bin back here I noticed that was an extra 500 storage bin Louis V or something I don't know being French but uh yeah it it does look very smart but it should do doesn't it it's 65,000 in here paddles obviously gearbox controlled on here digital readouts yeah this has got some enhancements on the sort infotainment I'm going to press start there it goes into life oh I should have mentioned this is the key so you get one of these and a place to keep it in there I'm just going to turn the fan down below I don't yeah it hasn't got store um you can know there's no wireless charging as far as I can see uh but you can connect that and it does carplay and that sort of thing cruise control on here a sport button on the wheel paddles uh have I got yeah soury I can do just like all Rena have this audio radio control here and in front of me are two screens and if I press sport I get a different screen again and I can press and hold and I get sort of ASC track mode and the revs going across the middle and what RPM we're doing but I'm going to kick off in regular normal GT mode and uh go take it out side right get going I press drive here electric handbrake release and off we go still in normal mode pull out of here you're can hear it just flicking down the gears as you'd expect in a sort of GT mode there is a little bit of Turbo whistle there though not nearly as much as there was in at air I4 which was proper loud Turbo or not hear more of a hint of it and very easy going with the gear changes very very slick very well judged gearbox on it noisy bit of Road being up and down here I think it's quite noisy but my noise meter says it's 75 DB you would expect it to be slightly more noisy because of the aluminum construction which just transmit sound more than steel and the fact they're going for lightweight means they can't put much sort of sound insulation in it but it's very well D very easy to use I have used the stereo and things on this and it's yeah it all works well it's good sound system on it for the type of car it is really good layout as well on the dash very clear they're quite bright actually the the screener the only thing I don't like is the sort of analog clock in a digital form but I've got one there so there's plenty of ways of turning the time it's no great thing and yeah no switches in the door it's interesting the window switches in the door I think it's all part of the lightweight to try and keep the wiring loom to an absolute minimum now I'm going to uh press sport for this squirt up the hill I'm going to keep it in Auto all I have to do is press drive and then it'll go to manual and I've got a read out now horsepower newton meters right 24 horsepower Full Throttle yeah yeah much more aggressive in sport in its lazy mode the GT mode and I was looking at performance figures cuz it it feels quite muscular you think oh 300 horsepower that's not much but the fact it's so light they claim you 1,120 kilos I weighed it and it came out at 1,140 kilos and the we bridge I use has plus or minus 20 kilos so whatever proper light car at that sort level and yes it's got 300 horsepower 340 Newton M of torque 20 Mo than the standard car but that 300 with that lightness gives it a power to weight ratio of 263 horsepower per ton if you do the same maths on my am miror that weighs 1,480 kilos 400 horsepower and it's 270 horsepower per ton yeah this is is 340 kilos lighter than my Amira shows you how heavy that Lotus is or do it show you just how light they've managed to get this car I mean it's a huge achievement 1140 kilos and that's why it gets a you know it's pretty quick car this uh autocar tested it 10.9 seconds to 60 put that in context I see you remember when we were figuring a Porsche 996 turbo that did about the same time as this so yeah do not think it's a slow car in any way just because it's 300 [Applause] horsepower yeah one of the surprises just how aggressive it is in track mode here we are standing start really short gears yeah you got to get a move on on those paddle bing bing bing there's just that energy about it all thanks to that light weight now some of eagle eyes of you might notice I've got new glasses on today and there's a little bit of a backstory that links to this car and that I was contacted a few months ago by a company called Shamir and they make driver intelligence lenses they've been working on them they've just come out and they've been working on them with the LPN F1 team at endstone and I wandered over there in November got all measured up cuz I like the idea of a dedicated driving glasses so it's to look at the dashboard look at long distance cuz I don't never used to wear glasses but it's a close stuff that annoyed me and also with these they have a special coating on them that reduces glare at night and I have tried it and it does seem to work and peripheral vision they've been working with this ey tracking thing with the F1 boys all you know for 2 years apparently and they've just come out with these driving glasses I have to say they seem to work and uh I'm going to be just following this journey um I've put a link in the description if you want to know more but I just like this idea of a dedicated uh driving glasses for us sort of enthusiasm anyway back to the car got it in sport I'm going to go down to manual just by pressing Drive yeah try further around here pop it in here very slick gear change yeah we mention those those little pops on the exhaust you come off I just going to put it back into normal just see what the ride is down here here I said I use this bit of road cuz it's rubbish tarmac and yeah I think the move to 18in Wheels I need one back to back really but over the car I've seem to remember at 7 in there is a little bit of harness but there's a little bit more sharpness to the steering as well so you can't have everything but it did turn in there super flat cornering I Delight cuz it's the mask the lack of mask is telling from the moment you step in this car there's just an energy and ease the way it goes around and you dive it into Corner that you do really sense the lightweight down here fine absolutely fine unfazed by this sort of road it's then again it's sort of made for it fact AO over this bump very well controlled really well controlled and I can yeah it's interesting I'm driving the torque there oh it's just oh it's just a flick flick I mean a real fantastic lightweight sporting feel I mean that was Delight right now I feel like I just want to turn around and do it again there's just a yeah I want to say hello to us but it's what we remember it's least like rather than the mirror like the mirror is good around there but this just the Poise of it you think it's got 205 tires on the front 2 three5 on the rear yeah very clever right some likes and dislikes for this car then let's put it back into normal mode and take it out of manual um feels a bit har saying it but there is a unfortunately in the class of car it is where it's such an emotional product it's slightly characterless engine the four cylinder engine never gets going it hasn't got that turbo wish and popping that you get on the Amira that you know raises it into that sort of Enthusiast we like that sort of thing and also with a gearbox it's very clever it works very well but I would just like a little bit more power between the gears like that you know it's little bit lacking not quite as characterful as you could probably make it I don't want to go all the way to where they got WR in Aventador but just something that just energizes it a bit more then uh price uh yes it's quite a premium over the base car especially now that the A110 has the 18in wheels the you know £1,000 the provisor though is if you buy it on finance like 90% of people do then now have got a special deal and they are doing this car I think at $599 a month and the standard car $499 a month I would pay £100 a month extra to have the GT so I put that Proviso in but there are plenty of likes and just the my Corners approach and I'm just going to do all this as well before we start the likes and basically they're going to be demonstrated through this corner the lightweight just there on the brakes so much power cuz this hasn't got to stop any mass and out of there it's yeah I can use that torque the horsepower you don't notice the massive you know the 50 horsepower up but it just it just feels a delight through there so yes the performance and the handling and the way it engages you huge pluses on this [Music] car and it's the way that likeness just percolates through everything everything you do it's efficient it's great on fuel I'm actually staring at 26 MPG because I've been doing rather a lot of dynamic driving should we say since we had it so yeah summarizing it joyous that it exists I love the frenchness through it as well no single purpose of making this a light car all animated construction 11 40 kilos will we see a car like this again I don't think so LP going next to Electric that ain't going to be 1140 kilos I am sure I suppose it's the slight thing for me to make it a full-on five-star car is we want everything from our sports car now there's so much Choice there with Cayman out there I suppose the Amir has ruled itself out cuz it's that much more expensive but Cayman does sit there and the six-cylinder engine and the manual option just lift it above this but it's mighty close and I can quite understand people going for this and on that Finance deal yeah I would choose the GT over the standard car if I was buying out right I'll go for the standard car son Charlie has a great description of this car he calls it the palet cleanser and and I think that sort of sums it up there is nothing out there that is as light as this at this price point and this energy and just made for these sort of rows so yeah that's my summary on this car I hope you enjoyed this video if you did well keep watching keep subscribing more videos coming along very [Music] soon
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 225,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UD03RmC5UoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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