Almost 100 Hours To Discover You Can Do This in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (Spider Man 2 PS5 Secrets)

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so I really enjoy games that even after 50 or 100 hours still offer amazing things to discover and there are quite a lot left in Spider-Man 2o that's why today we're going to take a look at some really awesome ways to go pretty much up into the stratosphere ways to change the weather as well as the time of day and many more secrets like these so let's Jump Right In but to start things off you can actually already change the time of day as well as the weathers by just following a very simple step-by-step solution and I'm going to show you first how to do it and then some of the locations that you can use to change the specific times or weather effects so first things first you're going to make use of some of these mysterium around New York you're just going to have to head over to one and enter inside as that area around you is still loading and you see the green swirling effect just still continuing immediately open up the map menu from this point on hover over your current mysterium hold triangle to replay the challenge this is then going to bring you right inside of it and the countdown timer will startop start point at which you're going to want to immediately pause the game as the countdown timer is still going and then immediately abandon the mission if you did this the proper way you're going to immediately see the weather slash the time of day around New York changing to the exact same one that was present inside of that mysterium that is why only a handful of mysterium around New York actually do work in changing the weather or the times of day so here are some of the best so for example this one right here in Chinatown will change the time of day to their beautiful yellow warm color Morning Sun that you can go ahead and immediately just enjoy it's one of my favorites in fact in the entire game gives you some really nice contrast between lights and shadows and it's one of the best in my opinion when it comes to screenshots another one is right here in Midtown I know that a lot of you really prefer midnight so this is going to be the place you can change it to I know a lot of players actually do want to go back at playing during night time so this is by far the best to pull this off no other weather effects unfortunately so don't expect any rain during this but if you do want rain you do have an option which is right here in the Upper East Side right by the bridge if you change at the mysterium you're going to immediately get this overcast kind of very um cloudy but also rainy weather it's still going to be during the day but in my opinion it's by far one of the most realistic times the game looks at its best so for example you're going to see a lot of reflection C and wet surfaces which contribute to just making everything a lot more realistic also really great for those types of screenshots by the way and finally if you want to go almost during the like evening when the Sun is setting you can head over right here in the Central Park and this is going to bring you that really nice beautiful sky that's slowly fading tonight so you will see that color pallet transition that's absolutely stunning again for screenshots if you want to take them from the sky they definitely look amazing but did you ever want to like just go up into the stratosphere or fly by all the passing by planes well there's actually a very easy trick to pull this off you will need some of the upgrades however including the spider Dash and the jump as well as the aerial escapades as we will want to just replenish these ASAP plus it's also good to have active spider as this is going to give you some more jump distance and height for these abilities so for the first part of the trick you're going to want to m holding down square and spamming triangle while you're holding down Square essentially holding Square lets you do the air tricks and if you spam triangle during those you can essentially break the animation and replenish those dashes and jumps way way faster once the cool down is up follow up with an L1 plus triangle and immediately an L1 plus X so always do the dash first and then the jump later as this gives you a lot more altitude plus it seems that playing a speeder instead of miles is a lot better as its animations are more like vertical especially on the jump but this is actually pretty funny because for the first time you can actually fly by some of these airplanes so I did pull off a few tricks you can check out right now um yeah they do tend to fly over very fast but you can still pull off the slow motion effect and kind of get these really cinematic kind of yeah just scenes going on now unfortunately they aren't solid object so you will clip through them if you want to crash into one you're just going to pass through them like some of the other boats in the distance when you break the map limit um another thing about them is that I don't even think they are actually their own objects but in fact just helicopters with an airplane skin so yeah if you go past them you're going to hear some of these helicopter rotors instead of jet engines and I guess it makes sense it's easier to pull that off you can even see some of the animation points at the top and the bottom of the cockpit or well close to the cockpit area in which I guess insomnia kind of put on some reference points to animate these before throwing them very high up into the sky you can of course reach the upper limits of the atmosphere I only went as far as some of these upper area clouds I'm not sure if you can push any forward than that but it's going to take quite a bit of time however you will see the map limits it's actually a absolutely massive map all things considered so Props to Insomniac for for giving us so much World space to enjoy you can probably push a little bit higher than this but I believe these should be the upper limits now moving on to number three one of my favorite aspects of the story when playing aser with the symbiot suit was the fact that his whole dialogue and the meanor changed to a lot more coel one so his dialogues changed the way he reacted to things was a lot more brutal and a lot more mean than anything and if you actually check some of the interactions in the game you will notice that they changed depending if you wear the black suit or not for example if you go at on maze grave right here up north south side you're going to have different dialogues for Peter if he has the black suit on or any of the other non symbiote suits Parker lucks back with a vengeance no more helping one at a time not with this suit but an even bigger one is an option to just change his entire dialogue and reactions during crime activities or when taking down enemies back to when he wore the symbiot during the main story because he was at his most brutal during these moments so here have a listen there he is okay robots where's your kill switch talk about weak they might lose the cops but they can't lose me it's the spider get him off our tail you guys want to go fast let's go fast that felt good now since we were on the subject of attention to detail one of the biggest you probably didn't pay attention to is the sound itself there are many sound effects that actually depend on the weather as well as the suit that you currently have equipped so for example if you're using your wing suit during the rainy days you're going to hear water droplets hitting that almost as if it was hitting some kind of umbrella fabric so here go ahead and have another listen even cooler is that suits like for example this one the wakanda forever for Miles whenever you're moving around your footsteps will not produce any sounds when you have this one equipped compared to all the others that do generate a lot of [Music] sounds so this is in fact very low accurate this is exactly how how it is supposed to be it's not a glitch and it's a nice attention to detail that Insomniac add it so totally worth it but it's not going to be completely that silent for example going through bushes is still going to produce some of those Leaf sound effects but let's keep on going because I think I found the missing crowds in Marvel Spider-Man and if you head over right here to this area of the map in downtown Brooklyn you're probably going to find all the missing NPCs and big crowds that were present in the previous games so initially it doesn't really look suspicious you just have a bunch NPCs sitting in front of buildings and you will occasionally see others coming outside of these doors however if you linger around and St for like 10 15 minutes you will see that they constantly pop out of the building constantly spawning up until the point that there's going to be a huge crowd of people over here just Gathering by now the thing about them is that they don't really do anything else they just stare blankly at well the wall in front of them and they will occasionally react to Spider-Man as most other civilians will do I think that out of all the glitches I've seen up until now this is by far the most strange but at the same time all of these NPCs did not seem to affect my FPS in any way so it's totally possible for the PlayStation 5 to at least hold bigger crowds here's me hoping that in the future Insomniac will add bigger NPC density around New York and not just keep it for cars and the traffic and the last but definitely not the least it seems that there's a very strange interactions when changing to or from our symbiot suits which completely finish off any challenge in an instant so to give you an example in the case of the symbiot nest if you head over there and start the challenge by placing down the bomb if you immediately change to a symbiote suit or from a symbiote suit to a different one doesn't matter as long as you trigger that one two second black loading screen this is going to immediately jump over that 2 minute countdown timer and essentially immediately finish off the entire challenge which I guess is pretty handy if you want to just complete these ASAP but there's a very strange interaction here that I think it has to do with the fact that the game also loads some extra animations and different things behind the scenes that's because when you equip some of these symbiote suits you also get some of the tendril effects on the jump and the dash animations plus the wings and the webs they also change so I think it relates to that so it definitely seems that there's a slight time skip that happens which also triggers those specific yeah timers to immediately jump and finish off the entire quest for you I'm not sure if it works for anything else but it seems that at least for the sild nest it's by far the best if you want to instantly finish them but this is it with the video thanks so much for watching we're going to get very close to 500k Subs by the end of the year so if you wanted to be part of the process and also this would help me out toon totally make sure you subscribe down below and of course I'm going to see you guys in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 160,978
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Keywords: khraze gaming, khraze, khrazegaming
Id: wuYZn1c454g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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